! -*- f90 -*- ! Note: the context of this file is case sensitive. python module vertex ! in interface ! in :vertex subroutine u4ind(u_out,rcl,l,n,tm) ! in :vertex:vertex.f90 complex*16 dimension(n,n,n,n),intent(out),depend(n,n,n,n) :: u_out double precision dimension(l + 1),intent(in) :: rcl integer optional,intent(in),check((len(rcl)-1)>=l),depend(rcl) :: l=(len(rcl)-1) integer optional,intent(in),check(shape(tm,0)==n),depend(tm) :: n=shape(tm,0) complex*16 dimension(n,n),intent(in) :: tm end subroutine u4ind end interface end python module vertex ! This file was auto-generated with f2py (version:1). ! See http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/