.. index:: full charge self consistency Full charge self consistency ============================ .. warning:: Before using this tool, you should be familiar with the band-structure package :program:`Wien2k`, since the calculation is controlled by the :program:`Wien2k` scripts! See also the :download:`dmftproj tutorial`. In order to do charge self-consistent calculations, we have to tell the band structure program about the changes in the charge density due to correlation effects. In the following, we discuss how to use the :program:`TRIQS` tools in combination with the :program:`Wien2k` program, although an extension to other codes is also possible. We can use the DMFT script as introduced in sections :ref:`LDADMFTmain` and :ref:`advanced`, with a few simple modifications. First, in order to be compatible with the :program:`Wien2k` standards, the DMFT script has to be named ``case.py``, where `case` is the name of the :program:`Wien2k` calculation, see the section :ref:`interfacetowien` for details. We can then set the variable `lda_filename` dynamically:: import os lda_filename = os.getcwd().rpartition('/')[2] This sets the `lda_filename` to the name of the current directory. The remainder of the script is identical to that for one-shot calculations. Only at the very end do we have to calculate the modified charge density, and store it in a format such that :program:`Wien2k` can read it. Therefore, after the DMFT loop that we saw in the previous section, we symmetrise the self energy, and recalculate the impurity Green function:: SK.symm_deg_gf(S.Sigma,orb=0) S.G << inverse(S.G0) - S.Sigma S.G.invert() These steps are not necessary, but can help to reduce fluctuations in the total energy. Now we calculate the modified charge density:: # find exact chemical potential SK.put_Sigma(Sigma_imp = [ S.Sigma ]) chemical_potential = SK.find_mu( precision = 0.000001 ) dN, d = SK.calc_density_correction(filename = lda_filename+'.qdmft') SK.save() First we find the chemical potential with high precision, and after that the routine ``SK.calc_density_correction(filename)`` calculates the density matrix including correlation effects. The result is stored in the file `lda_filename.qdmft`, which is later read by the :program:`Wien2k` program. The last statement saves the chemical potential into the hdf5 archive. We need also the correlation energy, which we evaluate by the Migdal formula:: correnerg = 0.5 * (S.G * S.Sigma).total_density() From this value, we substract the double counting energy:: correnerg -= SK.dc_energ[0] and save this value too:: if (mpi.is_master_node()): f=open(lda_filename+'.qdmft','a') f.write("%.16f\n"%correnerg) f.close() The above steps are valid for a calculation with only one correlated atom in the unit cell, the most likely case where you will apply this method. That is the reason why we give the index `0` in the list `SK.dc_energ`. If you have more than one correlated atom in the unit cell, but all of them are equivalent atoms, you have to multiply the `correnerg` by their multiplicity before writing it to the file. The multiplicity is easily found in the main input file of the :program:`Wien2k` package, i.e. `case.struct`. In case of non-equivalent atoms, the correlation energy has to be calculated for all of them separately (FOR EXPERTS ONLY). As mentioned above, the calculation is controlled by the :program:`Wien2k` scripts and not by :program:`python` routines. Therefore, at the command line, you start your calculation for instance by:: me@home $ run -qdmft -i 10 The flag `-qdmft` tells the script that the density matrix including correlation effects is to be read in from the `case.qdmft` file and that 10 self-consistency iterations are to be done. If you run the code on a parallel machine, you can specify the number of nodes to be used with the `-np` flag:: me@home $ run -qdmft -np 64 -i 10 In that case, you have to give the proper `MPI` execution statement, e.g. `mpiexec`, in the `run_lapw` script (see the corresponding :program:`Wien2k` documentation). In many cases it is advisable to start from a converged one-shot calculation. For practical purposes, you keep the number of DMFT loops within one DFT cycle low, or even to `loops=1`. If you encouter unstable convergence, you have to adjust the parameters such as `loops`, `mix`, or `Delta_mix` to improve the convergence. In the next section, :ref:`LDADMFTtutorial`, we will see in a detailed example how such a self consistent calculation is performed.