########################################################################## # # TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems # # Copyright (C) 2019 by A. D. N. James, M. Zingl and M. Aichhorn # # TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # TRIQS. If not, see . # ########################################################################## from types import * import numpy from triqs_dft_tools.converters.converter_tools import * import os.path from locale import atof class readElkfiles: """ Read in the Elk output files for the elk_converter.py routines. """ def __init__(self): self.dft_file = 'PROJ.OUT' self.band_file = 'BAND.OUT' self.eval_file = 'EIGVAL.OUT' self.efermi_file = 'EFERMI.OUT' self.kp_file = 'KPOINTS.OUT' self.geom_file='GEOMETRY.OUT' def read_elk_file(self, filename, to_replace): #this function is almost identical to read_fortran_file, but it removes words after ':' """ Returns a generator that yields all numbers in the Fortran file as float, with possible replacements. Parameters ---------- filename : string Name of Fortran-produced file. to_replace : dict of str:str Dictionary defining old_char:new_char. Returns ------- string The next number in file. """ #import os.path #import string import locale from locale import atof if not(os.path.exists(filename)): raise IOError("File %s does not exist." % filename) for line in open(filename, 'r'): for old, new in to_replace.items(): line = line.replace(old, new) # removes the substring after ':' character - if it exists if ":" in line: line = self.split_string(line) if "(" in line: line = self.split_string3(line) for x in line.split(): yield atof(x) def read_elk_file2(self, filename, to_replace): #this function is almost identical to read_fortran_file, but it removes words after '(' """ Returns a generator that yields all numbers in the Fortran file as float, with possible replacements. Parameters ---------- filename : string Name of Fortran-produced file. to_replace : dict of str:str Dictionary defining old_char:new_char. Returns ------- string The next number in file. """ import os.path import string if not(os.path.exists(filename)): raise IOError("File %s does not exist." % filename) for line in open(filename, 'r'): for old, new in to_replace.items(): line = line.replace(old, new) # removes the substring after '(' character - if it exists if "(" in line: line = self.split_string2(line,'(') # removes the substring after '+' character - if it exists if "+" in line: line = self.split_string2(line,'+') # removes the substring after '|' character - if it exists if "|" in line: line = self.split_string2(line,'|') #only include lines which have multiple characters if(len(line)>1): yield line.split() def split_string(self,line): """ This removes the excess information after ':' of the string read in from the file """ temp = line.split(':') line = temp[0] return line def split_string2(self,line,str): """ This removes the excess information after 'str' of the string read in from the file """ temp = line.split(str) line = temp[0] return line def split_string3(self,line): """ This removes the excess information after '(' of the string read in from the file """ temp = line.split('(') line = temp[0] return line def read_proj(self,dft_file):#,things_to_set): """ This function reads the contents of PROJ.OUT and returns them for general use. """ #read in PROJ.OUT file R = self.read_elk_file( dft_file, self.fortran_to_replace) try: #arrays of entry names gen_info_entries = ['nproj', 'n_k', 'spinpol', 'SO','natm'] proj_entries = ['sort', 'natom', 'l', 'dim'] at_entries = ['spatom','atom'] #Read in the No. of projectors, no. of k-points, spin and spinorb info gen_info = {name: int(val) for name, val in zip(gen_info_entries, R)} #mpi.report(gen_info) #read in the information of all the projectors #initialized variables icorr=0 lmax=3 #maximum l value that will be used n_shells=0 n_inequiv_shells=0 #local arrays neqatom=[]#numpy.zeros([n_shells], int) proj=[] shells=[]#numpy.zeros([n_shells], int) corr_shells=[]#numpy.zeros([n_shells], int) prjtype=[] wan=[] proj_info=[]#numpy.zeros([n_shells], int) T=[] basis=[] inequiv_to_corr=[] corr_to_inequiv=[] ind=[] proj_idx=[] at=[] idxlm=[] #assign global variables n_k=gen_info['n_k'] SO=gen_info['SO'] #loop over projector flags for ip in range(gen_info['nproj']): #projector index proj_idx.append(int(next(R))) proj.append({name: int(val) for name, val in zip(proj_entries, R)}) na=proj[ip]['natom'] # integer which reduces when reading in atom info while(na>0): neqatom.append(int(next(R))) na-=neqatom[n_inequiv_shells] #appends the mapping array to index of inequivalent atom in shells inequiv_to_corr.append(icorr) for ia in range(neqatom[n_inequiv_shells]): corr_to_inequiv.append(n_inequiv_shells) at.append({name: int(val) for name, val in zip(at_entries, R)}) shells.append(proj[ip].copy()) shells[n_shells].update({'atom':at[n_shells]['atom'], 'spatom':at[n_shells]['spatom']}) corr_shells.append(shells[n_shells].copy()) n_orb=2*shells[n_shells]['l']+1 #lm submatrix indices idxlm.append(numpy.zeros(2*lmax+1, dtype=int)) nrep=proj[ip]['dim'] for i in range(nrep): idxlm[n_shells][i]=next(R)-1 ind.append(idxlm[n_shells][0:nrep]) #determine basis type and transformation matrix basis.append(int(next(R))) #determine whether which basis the projectors where generated in #spherical harmonics T.append(numpy.zeros([n_orb, n_orb], dtype=complex)) #Elk generated unitary basis if (basis[n_shells]==2): #reads the transformation matrix for i in range(n_orb): for j in range(n_orb): T[n_shells][i, j] = next(R) for i in range(n_orb): for j in range(n_orb): T[n_shells][i, j] += 1j * next(R) #transformation matrix from spherical harmonics to cubic basis elif (basis[n_shells]==1): T[n_shells]=self.determine_T(shells[n_shells]['l']) else: for i in range(n_orb): T[n_shells][i,i] = 1.0 #index for the next inequivalent atom (+1 to index is not needed as this is incorporated in #neqatom[ish] n_shells+=1 #increase the inequiv_to_corr value icorr+=neqatom[n_inequiv_shells] #increase the numer of inequivalent atoms n_inequiv_shells+=1 #end reading the file if read the last projector if (ip+1==gen_info['nproj']): break #determine the irreducible representation dim_reps=[] n_reps=[] irep=[] for ish in range(n_inequiv_shells): isheq=inequiv_to_corr[ish] [n_reps,dim_reps,irep] = self.determine_rep(isheq,ish,corr_shells,basis,ind,n_reps,dim_reps,irep) for ish in range(n_shells): ishin=corr_to_inequiv[ish] corr_shells[ish].update({'SO':SO, 'irep':irep[ishin]}) except StopIteration: # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted. #raise "Elk_converter : reading PROJ.OUT file failed!" raise IOError("Elk_converter : reading PROJ.OUT file failed!") R.close() #output desired information return (gen_info,n_shells,n_inequiv_shells,corr_to_inequiv,inequiv_to_corr,corr_shells,n_reps,dim_reps,ind,basis,T) def determine_T(self,l): """ Current version calculates the transformation matrix T to convert the inputs from spherical harmonics to the cubic basis (as used in TRIQS and Wien2k). This routine is currently very similar to spherical_to_cubic in the TRIQS library. This routine can be extended to include other unitary rotation matrices """ from math import sqrt size=2*l+1 T = numpy.zeros((size,size),dtype=complex) if(l == 0): T[0,0]= 1.0 elif(l == 1): T[0,0] = 1.0/sqrt(2); T[0,2] = -1.0/sqrt(2) T[1,0] = 1j/sqrt(2); T[1,2] = 1j/sqrt(2) T[2,1] = 1.0 elif l == 2: T[0,2] = 1.0 T[1,0] = 1.0/sqrt(2); T[1,4] = 1.0/sqrt(2) T[2,0] =-1.0/sqrt(2); T[2,4] = 1.0/sqrt(2) T[3,1] = 1.0/sqrt(2); T[3,3] =-1.0/sqrt(2) T[4,1] = 1.0/sqrt(2); T[4,3] = 1.0/sqrt(2) elif l == 3: #This needs to be checked T[0,0] = 1.0/sqrt(2); T[0,6] = -1.0/sqrt(2) T[1,1] = 1.0/sqrt(2); T[1,5] = 1.0/sqrt(2) T[2,2] = 1.0/sqrt(2); T[2,4] = -1.0/sqrt(2) T[3,3] = 1.0 T[4,2] = 1j/sqrt(2); T[4,4] = 1j/sqrt(2) T[5,1] = 1j/sqrt(2); T[5,5] = -1j/sqrt(2) T[6,0] = 1j/sqrt(2); T[6,6] = 1j/sqrt(2) else: raise ValueError("determine: implemented only for l=0,1,2,3") return numpy.matrix(T) def determine_rep(self,ish,ishin,corr_shells,basis,ind,n_reps,dim_reps,irep): """ Determines the irreducible representation used for projection calculation. Only for Cubic harmonics at the moment """ #if all of the orbitals were used to construct the projectors rep=corr_shells[ish]['dim'] if(rep==2*corr_shells[ish]['l']+1): n_reps.append(1) dim_reps.append([corr_shells[ish]['dim']]) irep.append(1) #if a subset of obitals were used for generating the projectors (l>1) #if Elk generated T matrix is used elif((basis[ish]==2)&(corr_shells[ish]['l']>1)): if (corr_shells[ish]['l']==2): n_reps.append(2) dim_reps.append([3, 2]) irep.append(dim_reps[ishin].index(rep)+1) elif (corr_shells[ish]['l']==3): n_reps.append(3) dim_reps.append([1, 3, 3]) #cubic T matrix elif((basis[ish]==1)&(corr_shells[ish]['l']>1)): if (corr_shells[ish]['l']==2): n_reps.append(2) dim_reps.append([2, 3]) irep.append(dim_reps[ishin].index(rep)+1) elif (corr_shells[ish]['l']==3): n_reps.append(3) dim_reps.append([2, 2, 3]) #determine the dim_reps from the lm indices in ind if(rep==3): irep.append(3) else: for i in range(2): #look for ind[i]==0 if(ind[i]==0): irep.append(1) break #default to irep=2 elif(i==1): irep.append(2) else: raise ValueError("Elk_converter (determine_rep) : irreducible representations were not found!") return (n_reps,dim_reps,irep) def read_projector(self,shell,n_spin_blocks,ish,proj_mat,ind,T,basis,filext): """ This function reads the contents of WANPROJ_L**_S**_A****.OUT """ import string l = str(shell[ish]['l']).zfill(2) s = str(shell[ish]['sort']).zfill(2) a = str(shell[ish]['spatom']).zfill(4) #construct file name from atoms info wan_shells_file = 'WANPROJ_L'+l+'_S'+s+'_A'+a+filext R = self.read_elk_file(wan_shells_file, self.fortran_to_replace) try: #no. of kpts and number of orbital gen_entries = ['n_k', 'lmmax','dim_rep'] gen = {name: int(val) for name, val in zip(gen_entries, R)} #projector lm size dim=gen['lmmax'] #no. of lm used to construct projector dim_rep=gen['dim_rep'] lat=[] n_k=gen['n_k'] n_orbitals = numpy.zeros([n_k, n_spin_blocks], int) band_window = [None for isp in range(n_spin_blocks)] for isp in range(n_spin_blocks): band_window[isp] = numpy.zeros([n_k, 2], dtype=int) for ik in range(0,n_k): #k-point index and correlated band window indices lat_entries = ['ik','vklx','vkly','vklz'] lat.append({name: int(val) for name, val in zip(lat_entries, R)}) #loop over each spin for isp in range(0,n_spin_blocks): #band window indices proj_entries = ['isp', 'ist_min','ist_max'] proj_dim={name: int(val) for name, val in zip(proj_entries, R)} if(isp+1!=proj_dim['isp']): raise IOError("Elk_converter (",wan_shells_file,") : reading spin projecotrs failed!") return #setting band window arrays n_orbitals[ik,isp]=proj_dim['ist_max']-proj_dim['ist_min']+1 band_window[isp][ik, 0] = proj_dim['ist_min'] band_window[isp][ik, 1] = proj_dim['ist_max'] #define temporary matrix for reading in the projectors mat = numpy.zeros([dim, n_orbitals[ik,isp]], complex) # Real part for j in range(dim): for i in range(n_orbitals[ik,isp]): mat[j, i] = next(R) # Imag part: for j in range(dim): for i in range(n_orbitals[ik,isp]): mat[j, i] += 1j * next(R) #rotate projectors into basis T if(basis[ish]!=0): mat[:,:]=numpy.matmul(T[ish],mat[:,:]) #put desired projector subset into master array proj_mat[ik,isp,ish,0:dim_rep,0:n_orbitals[ik,isp]]=mat[ind[ish],0:n_orbitals[ik,isp]] #delete temporary index del mat #resize array length of band indices to maximum number used proj_mat=proj_mat[:,:,:,:,:numpy.max(n_orbitals)] except StopIteration: # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted. raise IOError("Elk_converter (read projectors): reading file failed!") R.close() return(n_orbitals,band_window,dim_rep,proj_mat) def read_eig(self,filext=".OUT"): """ This function reads the contents of EIGVAL.OUT and EFERMI.OUT """ import string #construct file name from atoms info R = self.read_elk_file( self.efermi_file, self.fortran_to_replace) try: efermi=next(R) except StopIteration: # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted. raise IOError("Elk_converter (EFERMI.OUT): reading file failed!") eval_file = 'EIGVAL'+filext R = self.read_elk_file( eval_file, self.fortran_to_replace) try: #no. of kpts n_k=int(next(R)) #no. second variation states (no. bands) nstsv=int(next(R)) en=[] occ=[] kp2=[] for ik in range(0,n_k): #k index and corresponing lattice coordinates k_entries = ['ik', 'vklx','vkly','vklz'] kp2.append([{name: val for name, val in zip(k_entries, R)}]) en.append([]) occ.append([]) for ist in range(0,nstsv): #stores the band index, energy eigenvalues and occupancies en_entries = ['ist', 'hopping','occ'] read_en={name: val for name, val in zip(en_entries, R)} #Energy eigenvalues and occupations en[ik].append(read_en['hopping']-efermi) occ[ik].append(read_en['occ']) except StopIteration: # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted. raise IOError("Elk_converter (EIGVAL.OUT): reading file failed!") R.close() return(en,occ,nstsv) def read_kpoints(self,filext=".OUT"): """ This function reads the contents of KPOINTS.OUT """ import string kp_file = 'KPOINTS'+filext R = self.read_elk_file( kp_file, self.fortran_to_replace) try: #no. of kpts n_k=int(next(R)) kp=[] #reads in the k index, lattice vectors, weights and nmat for each kpt #array for bz weights bz_weights = numpy.ones([n_k], float) / float(n_k) #array for lattice vectors vkl = numpy.ones([n_k,3], float) for ik in range(n_k): #k-grid info k_entries = ['ik', 'vklx','vkly','vklz', 'bz_weights', 'nmat'] kp.append({name: val for name, val in zip(k_entries, R)}) #convert to integers kp[ik]['ik']=int(kp[ik]['ik']) #read in BZ weights bz_weights[ik]=kp[ik]['bz_weights'] j=0 for i in range(1,4): vkl[ik,j]=kp[ik][k_entries[i]] j=j+1 except StopIteration: # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted. raise IOError("Elk_converter (KPOINTS.OUT): reading file failed!") R.close() return(bz_weights,vkl) def readsym(self): """ Read in the (crystal) symmetries in lattice coordinates """ dft_file='SYMCRYS.OUT' R = self.read_elk_file2( dft_file, self.fortran_to_replace) try: symmat=[] spinmat=[] tr=[] #read the number of crystal symmetries x = next(R) nsym = int(atof(x[0])) #set up symmetry matrices for isym in range(nsym): symmat.append(numpy.zeros([3, 3], float)) spinmat.append(numpy.zeros([3, 3], float)) tr.append(numpy.zeros([3], float)) #read each symmetry for isym in range(nsym): #read the symmetry index and check it x = next(R) isymm = int(x[3]) if(isym+1!=isymm): raise IOError("Elk_converter : reading symmetries failed!") #next read has no useful infomation x = next(R) #read in the translation vector used for symmetries x = next(R) for i in range(3): tr[isym][i]=atof(x[i]) #read in the spatial symmetries #string with no useful information x = next(R) #read in the spatial symmetry for i in range(3): x = next(R) for j in range(3): symmat[isym][i,j]=int(atof(x[j])) #string with no useful information x = next(R) #read in the spin symmetries for i in range(3): x = next(R) for j in range(3): spinmat[isym][i,j]=int(atof(x[j])) except StopIteration: # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted. raise IOError("Elk_converter : reading SYMCRYS.OUT file failed!") R.close() return nsym,spinmat,symmat,tr def readlat(self): """ Read in information about the lattice. """ dft_file='LATTICE.OUT' R = self.read_elk_file2( dft_file, self.fortran_to_replace) try: amat = numpy.zeros([3, 3], float) amatinv = numpy.zeros([3, 3], float) bmat = numpy.zeros([3, 3], float) bmatinv = numpy.zeros([3, 3], float) #real space lattice matrices #cycling through information which is not needed for i in range(4): x = next(R) #reading in the lattice vectors as matrix for i in range(3): x = next(R) for j in range(3): amat[i,j] = atof(x[j]) #cycling through information which is not needed x = next(R) #reading in the inverse lattice matrix for i in range(3): x = next(R) for j in range(3): amatinv[i,j] = atof(x[j]) #read in cell volume (for transport) x = next(R) cell_vol = atof(x[-1]) #cycling through information which is not needed for i in range(4): x = next(R) #reading in the reciprocal lattice vectors as matrix for i in range(3): x = next(R) for j in range(3): bmat[i,j] = atof(x[j]) #cycling through information which is not needed x = next(R) #reading in the inverse reciprocal lattice matrix for i in range(3): x = next(R) for j in range(3): bmatinv[i,j] = atof(x[j]) except StopIteration: # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted. raise IOError("Elk_converter : reading PROJ.OUT file failed!") R.close() return amat,amatinv,bmat,bmatinv,cell_vol def read_geometry(self): """ This function reads the contents of GEOMETRY.OUT """ import string #read in the Geometery file dft_file='GEOMETRY.OUT' #atom positions in lattice coordinates R = self.read_elk_file2( dft_file, self.fortran_to_replace) nspecies=0 na=[] atpos_entries = ['kx', 'ky','kz','Bkx', 'Bky', 'Bkz'] atpos=[] try: i=0 #cycle through file until "atoms" is found while(i<1000): x = next(R) if "atoms" in x: break elif(i==1000): raise IOError("Elk_converter : Could not find 'atoms' in GEOMETRY.OUT!") i+=1 #read in the number of species x = next(R) ns = int(atof(x[0])) #loop over species for js in range(ns): #Skip species name x = next(R) #read in the number of atoms per species x = next(R) na.append(int(atof(x[0]))) #loop over atomss pre species atpos.append([]) for ia in range(na[js]): atpos[js].append(numpy.zeros(6, float)) x = next(R) for j in range(6): atpos[js][ia][j]=atof(x[j]) except StopIteration: # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted. raise IOError("Elk_converter : Could not open GEOMETRY.OUT!") R.close() return ns, na, atpos #commented out for now - unsure this will produce DFT+DMFT PDOS ##band character dependent calculations # def read_bc(self,fileext): # """ # Read in the ELK generated band characters from BC.OUT # """ # #import string # file = 'BC'+fileext # R = self.read_elk_file(file, self.fortran_to_replace) # try: # #no. of kpts and number of orbital # gen_entries = ['maxlm', 'nspinor','natmtot','nstsv','nkpt','irep'] # gen = {name: int(val) for name, val in zip(gen_entries, R)} # #projector lm size # #check the read in information complies with previous read in data # nspinor=self.SP+1 # if(gen['nspinor'] != nspinor): # mpi.report('HDF file nspinor = %s'%nspinor) # mpi.report('BC.OUT nspinor = %s'%gen['nspinor']) # raise IOError("Elk_converter (",file,") : reading nspinor failed!") # return # if(gen['natmtot'] != self.n_atoms): # raise IOError("Elk_converter (",file,") : reading no. of atoms failed!") # return # if(gen['nstsv'] != self.nstsv): # raise IOError("Elk_converter (",file,") : reading all states failed!") # return # if(gen['nkpt'] != self.n_k): # raise IOError("Elk_converter (",file,") : reading kpoints failed failed!") # return # if(gen['irep'] == 0): # raise IOError("Elk_converter (",file,") : Band characters are in spherical hamonics, may have issues with the PDOS!") # return # dim=gen['maxlm'] # lmax=numpy.sqrt(dim)-1 # bc = numpy.zeros([dim,nspinor,self.n_atoms,self.nstsv,self.n_k], float) # for ik in range(0,self.n_k): # for iatom in range(0,self.n_atoms): # for ispn in range(0,nspinor): # entry = ['ispn','ias','is','ia','ik'] # ent = {name: int(val) for name, val in zip(entry, R)} # #k-point index and correlated band window indices # #check read in values # if(ent['ispn'] != ispn+1): # raise IOError("Elk_converter (",file,") : reading ispn failed!") # return # if(ent['ias'] != iatom+1): # raise IOError("Elk_converter (",file,") : reading iatom failed!") # return # if(ent['ik'] != ik+1): # raise IOError("Elk_converter (",file,") : reading ik failed!") # return # for ist in range(self.nstsv): # for lm in range(dim): # bc[lm,ispn,iatom,ist,ik] = next(R) # except StopIteration: # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted. # raise IOError("Elk_converter (read BC.OUT): reading file failed!") # R.close() # return(bc,dim)