<% import re def deduce_normalized_python_class_name(s) : return ''.join([x.capitalize() for x in s.split('_')]) def decay(s) : for tok in ['const', '&&', '&'] : s = re.sub(tok,'',s) return s.strip() # compute used_module_list recognized_namespace_for_using = { 'triqs::gfs::' : 'gf', 'triqs::params::' : 'parameters', 'triqs::utility::many_body_operator' : 'operators2', } used_module_list = [] def analyse(t) : #global used_module_list for ns, mod in recognized_namespace_for_using.items() : if decay(t.canonical_name).startswith(ns) : used_module_list.append(mod) for c in classes : for m in c.constructors : for t,n,d in m.params : analyse(t) for m in c.methods : for t,n,d in m.params : analyse(t) analyse(m.rtype) for f in functions : for t,n,d in f.params : analyse(t) analyse(f.rtype) used_module_list = set(used_module_list) # makes unique def cls(t) : tname = decay(t.name) if 'gf' in used_module_list: tname = re.sub('triqs::gfs::','',tname) if 'parameters' in used_module_list: tname = re.sub('triqs::params::','',tname) return tname def make_signature(m) : assert not m.template_list, "template functions can not be wrapped to Python" s = "({args})" if not m.is_constructor : s = cls(m.rtype) + " {name} " + s s = s.format(args = ', '.join( ["%s %s"%(cls(t),n) + (" = %s"%d if d else "") for t,n,d in m.params]), **m.__dict__) return s.strip() %> ## ## # Generated automatically using libclang from wrap_generator import * # The module module = module_(full_name = "${modulename}", doc = " ") # All the triqs C++/Python modules %for mod in used_module_list : module.use_module('${mod}') %endfor # Add here all includes beyond what is automatically included by the triqs modules module.add_include("${args.filename}") # Add here anything to add in the C++ code at the start, e.g. namespace using module.add_preamble(""" // using namespace XXX; """) ## ## %for c in classes : # The class ${c.name} g = class_( py_type = "${deduce_normalized_python_class_name(c.name)}", # name of the python class c_type = "${c.name}", # name of the C++ class # #Hereafter several options to be selected by hand. Cf doc #has_iterator = True, #boost_serializable= True, #is_printable= True, #arithmetic = ("algebra","double") ) %for m in c.members : g.add_member(c_name = "${m.name}", c_type = "${m.ctype}", read_only= False, doc = """${m.doc} """) %endfor ## %for m in [m for m in c.constructors if not m.is_template]: g.add_constructor("${make_signature(m)}", doc = """${m.doc} """) %endfor ## ## %for m in [m for m in c.methods]: g.add_method("${make_signature(m)}", %if m.is_static : is_static = True, %endif doc = """${m.doc} """) %endfor ## %for p in [p for p in c.proplist]: g.add_property(name = "${p.name}", getter = cfunction("${make_signature(p.getter)}"), %if p.setter : setter = cfunction("${make_signature(p.setter)}"), %endif doc = """${p.doc} """) %endfor ## module.add_class(g) %endfor ## %for f in functions : module.add_function ("${make_signature(f)}", doc = "${f.doc}") %endfor ## module.generate_code()