# This module defines the function parse that # call libclang to parse a C++ file, and retrieve # from the clang AST the classes, functions, methods, members (including # template). # This module is use e..g by the wrapper desc generator. import sys,re,os import clang.cindex import itertools from mako.template import Template import textwrap def get_annotations(node): return [c.displayname for c in node.get_children() if c.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.ANNOTATE_ATTR] def process_doc (doc) : if not doc : return "" for p in ["/\*","\*/","^\s*\*", "///", "//", r"\\brief"] : doc = re.sub(p,"",doc,flags = re.MULTILINE) return doc.strip() file_locations = set(()) class member_(object): def __init__(self, cursor,ns=()): loc = cursor.location.file.name if loc : file_locations.add(loc) self.doc = process_doc(cursor.raw_comment) self.ns = ns self.name = cursor.spelling self.access = cursor.access_specifier self.ctype = cursor.type.spelling def namespace(self) : return "::".join(self.ns) class type_(object): def __init__(self, cursor): self.name, self.canonical_name = cursor.spelling, cursor.get_canonical().spelling class Function(object): def __init__(self, cursor, is_constructor = False, ns=() ): #, template_list =()): loc = cursor.location.file.name if loc : file_locations.add(loc) self.doc = process_doc(cursor.raw_comment) self.brief_doc = self.doc.split('\n')[0].strip() # improve ... self.ns = ns self.name = cursor.spelling self.annotations = get_annotations(cursor) self.access = cursor.access_specifier self.params = [] # a list of tuple (type, name, default_value or None). self.template_list = [] #template_list self.is_constructor = is_constructor self.is_static = cursor.is_static_method() for c in cursor.get_children(): if c.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.TEMPLATE_TYPE_PARAMETER : self.template_list.append(c.spelling) elif (c.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.PARM_DECL) : default_value = None for ch in c.get_children() : # TODO : string literal do not work.. needs to use location ? useful ? if ch.kind in [clang.cindex.CursorKind.INTEGER_LITERAL, clang.cindex.CursorKind.FLOATING_LITERAL, clang.cindex.CursorKind.CHARACTER_LITERAL, clang.cindex.CursorKind.STRING_LITERAL] : default_value = ch.get_tokens().next().spelling t = type_(c.type) self.params.append ( (t, c.spelling, default_value )) #else : # print " node in fun ", c.kind self.rtype = type_(cursor.result_type) if not is_constructor else None def namespace(self) : return "::".join(self.ns) def signature_cpp(self) : s = "{name} ({args})" if not self.is_constructor else "{rtype} {name} ({args})" s = s.format(args = ', '.join( ["%s %s"%(t.name,n) + "="%d if d else "" for t,n,d in self.params]), **self.__dict__) if self.template_list : s = "template<" + ', '.join(['typename ' + x for x in self.template_list]) + "> " + s if self.is_static : s = "static " + s return s.strip() @property def is_template(self) : return len(self.template_list)>0 def __str__(self) : return "%s\n%s\n"%(self.signature_cpp(),self.doc) class Class(object): def __init__(self, cursor,ns): loc = cursor.location.file.name if loc : file_locations.add(loc) self.doc = process_doc(cursor.raw_comment) self.brief_doc = self.doc.split('\n')[0].strip() # improve ... self.ns = ns self.name = cursor.spelling self.functions = [] self.constructors = [] self.methods = [] self.members = [] self.proplist = [] self.annotations = get_annotations(cursor) self.file = cursor.location.file.name # MISSING : constructors template not recognized for c in cursor.get_children(): # Only public nodes if c.access_specifier != clang.cindex.AccessSpecifier.PUBLIC : continue if (c.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.FIELD_DECL): m = member_(c) self.members.append(m) elif (c.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.CXX_METHOD): f = Function(c) self.methods.append(f) elif (c.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR): f = Function(c, is_constructor = True) self.constructors.append(f) elif (c.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.FUNCTION_DECL): f = Function(c) self.functions.append(f) elif (c.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.FUNCTION_TEMPLATE): f = Function(c) self.methods.append(f) def namespace(self) : return "::".join(self.ns) def __str__(self) : s,s2 = "class {name}:\n {doc}\n\n".format(**self.__dict__),[] for m in self.members : s2 += ["%s %s"%(m.ctype,m.name)] for m in self.methods : s2 += str(m).split('\n') for m in self.functions : s2 += ("friend " + str(m)).split('\n') s2 = '\n'.join( [ " " + l.strip() + '\n' for l in s2 if l.strip()]) return s + s2 def build_functions_and_classes(cursor, namespaces=[]): classes,functions = [],[] for c in cursor.get_children(): if (c.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.FUNCTION_DECL and c.location.file.name == sys.argv[1]): functions.append( Function(c,namespaces)) elif (c.kind in [clang.cindex.CursorKind.CLASS_DECL, clang.cindex.CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL] and c.location.file.name == sys.argv[1]): classes.append( Class(c,namespaces)) elif c.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.NAMESPACE: child_fnt, child_classes = build_functions_and_classes(c, namespaces +[c.spelling]) functions.extend(child_fnt) classes.extend(child_classes) return functions,classes def parse(filename, debug, compiler_options, where_is_libclang): compiler_options = [ '-std=c++11', '-stdlib=libc++', '-D__CODE_GENERATOR__'] + compiler_options clang.cindex.Config.set_library_file(where_is_libclang) index = clang.cindex.Index.create() translation_unit = index.parse(filename, ['-x', 'c++'] + compiler_options) print "Parsing done. \nExtracting ..." # If clang encounters errors, we report and stop errors = [d for d in translation_unit.diagnostics if d.severity >= 3] if errors : s = "Clang reports the following errors in parsing\n" for err in errors : loc = err.location s += '\n'.join(["file %s line %s col %s"%(loc.file, loc.line, loc.column), err.spelling]) raise RuntimeError, s + "\n... Your code must compile before making the wrapper !" # Analyze the AST to extract classes and functions functions, classes = build_functions_and_classes(translation_unit.cursor) print "... done" global file_locations if len(file_locations) != 1 : print file_locations raise RuntimeError, "Multiple file location not implemented" file_locations = list(file_locations) if debug : print "functions" for f in functions : print f print "classes" for c in classes : print c return functions, classes