Compare commits
5 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
e382b0a357 | ||
a56872c277 | ||
7d1b16136f | ||
750651283f | ||
4a2ee146aa |
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Checks: '-*,modernize-*,cppcoreguidelines-*,-modernize-use-trailing-return-type'
HeaderFilterRegex: 'triqs_dft_tools'
@ -1,5 +1,2 @@
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Please provide the application version that you used.
You can get this information from copy and pasting the output of
python -c "from triqs_dft_tools.version import *; show_version(); show_git_hash();"
python -c "from app4triqs.version import *; show_version(); show_git_hash();"
from the command line. Also, please include the OS you are running and its version.
@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
name: build
branches: [ unstable ]
branches: [ unstable ]
fail-fast: false
- {os: ubuntu-20.04, cc: gcc-10, cxx: g++-10}
- {os: ubuntu-20.04, cc: clang-13, cxx: clang++-13}
- {os: macos-11, cc: gcc-11, cxx: g++-11}
- {os: macos-11, cc: /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang, cxx: /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang++}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install ubuntu dependencies
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-20.04'
run: >
sudo apt-get update &&
sudo apt-get install lsb-release wget software-properties-common &&
wget -O /tmp/ && sudo chmod +x /tmp/ && sudo /tmp/ 13 &&
sudo apt-get install
- name: Install homebrew dependencies
if: matrix.os == 'macos-11'
run: |
brew install gcc@11 llvm boost fftw hdf5 open-mpi openblas
pip3 install mako numpy scipy mpi4py
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- name: Build & Install TRIQS
CC: ${{ }}
CXX: ${{ matrix.cxx }}
run: |
git clone --branch unstable
mkdir triqs/build && cd triqs/build
cmake .. -DBuild_Tests=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/install
make -j1 install VERBOSE=1
cd ../
- name: Build dft_tools
CC: ${{ }}
CXX: ${{ matrix.cxx }}
FC: gfortran-10
LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/local/opt/llvm/lib
run: |
source $HOME/install/share/triqs/
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
make -j2 || make -j1 VERBOSE=1
- name: Test app4triqs
DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/local/opt/llvm/lib
run: |
source $HOME/install/share/triqs/
cd build
ctest -j2 --output-on-failure
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
language: cpp
sudo: required
dist: trusty
- gcc
# - clang
- sudo add-apt-repository 'deb llvm-toolchain-trusty-5.0 main' -y
- wget -O -|sudo apt-key add -
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated g++-7 clang-5.0
- export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/llvm-5.0/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH
- sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-7 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-7
- sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/bin/clang-5.0 60 --slave /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/bin/clang++-5.0
- sudo apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated libboost-all-dev cmake git libgfortran3 gfortran openmpi-bin openmpi-common openmpi-doc libopenmpi-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev libfftw3-dev libgmp-dev hdf5-tools libhdf5-serial-dev python-h5py python-dev python-numpy python-scipy python-jinja2 python-virtualenv python-matplotlib python-tornado python-zmq python-mpi4py python-mako clang-format-5.0 libclang-5.0-dev python-clang-5.0 python-sphinx libjs-mathjax valgrind libnfft3-dev
install: true
# ===== Set up Cpp2Py
- git clone
- mkdir cpp2py/build && cd cpp2py/build
- git checkout master
- make -j8 install
- source root_install/share/
# ===== Set up TRIQS
- git clone --branch $TRAVIS_BRANCH
- mkdir triqs/build && cd triqs/build
- make -j8 install
- source root_install/share/
# ===== Set up dft_tools and Test using fsanitize=address
- mkdir build && cd build
- cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/${CXX} -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS='-fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fuse-ld=gold'
- make -j8
- export ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=/usr/lib/llvm-5.0/bin/llvm-symbolizer
- export ASAN_OPTIONS=symbolize=1:detect_leaks=0
- if [ "$CXX" = g++ ]; then export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/; elif [ "$CXX" = clang++ ]; then export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/llvm-5.0/lib/clang/5.0.1/lib/linux/; fi
- cd test && ctest
@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
Markus Aichhorn
Sophie Beck
Michel Ferrero
Alexander Hampel
Alyn James
Jonathan Karp
Gernot Kraberger
Max Merkel
Olivier Parcollet
Oleg Peil
Leonid Poyurovskiy
Hermann Schnait
Malte Schueler
Dylan Simon
Nils Wentzell
Manuel Zingl
@ -1,178 +1,105 @@
# ##############################################################################
# triqs_dft_tools - An example application using triqs and cpp2py
# Copyright (C) ...
# triqs_dft_tools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# triqs_dft_tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# triqs_dft_tools (in the file COPYING.txt in this directory). If not, see
# <>.
# ##############################################################################
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12.4 FATAL_ERROR)
cmake_policy(VERSION 3.12.4)
if(POLICY CMP0077)
cmake_policy(SET CMP0077 NEW)
# Start configuration
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.2 FATAL_ERROR)
project(triqs_dft_tools C CXX Fortran)
if(POLICY CMP0074)
cmake_policy(SET CMP0074 NEW)
# ############
# Define Project
project(triqs_dft_tools VERSION 3.1.0 LANGUAGES C CXX Fortran)
get_directory_property(IS_SUBPROJECT PARENT_DIRECTORY)
# ############
# Load TRIQS and CPP2PY
find_package(TRIQS 3.1 REQUIRED)
# Get the git hash & print status
message(STATUS "${PROJECT_NAME} version : ${PROJECT_VERSION}")
# Enforce Consistent Versioning
message(FATAL_ERROR "The ${PROJECT_NAME} version ${PROJECT_VERSION} is not compatible with TRIQS version ${TRIQS_VERSION}.")
# Default Install directory to TRIQS_ROOT if not given or invalid.
message(STATUS "No install prefix given (or invalid). Defaulting to TRIQS_ROOT")
# Make additional Find Modules available
# ############
# CMake Options
# Default to Release build type
set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release CACHE STRING "Type of build" FORCE)
message(STATUS "-------- BUILD-TYPE: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} --------")
message( STATUS "-------- BUILD-TYPE: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} --------")
# Use shared libraries
# Load TRIQS and Cpp2Py
find_package(TRIQS 2.2 REQUIRED)
find_package(Cpp2Py 1.6 REQUIRED)
MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "dft_tools require Python support in TRIQS")
# Python Support
option(PythonSupport "Build with Python support" ON)
message(FATAL_ERROR "TRIQS was installed without Python support. Cannot build the Python Interface. Disable the build with -DPythonSupport=OFF")
# Default Install directory to TRIQS_ROOT if not given. Checks an absolute name is given.
message(STATUS " No install prefix given (or invalid). Defaulting to TRIQS_ROOT")
message(STATUS "-------- CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} -------------")
# Documentation
option(Build_Documentation "Build documentation" OFF)
if(Build_Documentation AND NOT PythonSupport)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Build_Documentation=ON requires PythonSupport to be enabled")
# Define the dft_tools version numbers and get the git hash
message(STATUS "Dft_tools version : ${DFT_TOOLS_VERSION}")
message(STATUS "Git hash: ${DFT_TOOLS_GIT_HASH}")
# Testing
option(Build_Tests "Build tests" ON)
# Build static libraries by default
option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Enable compilation of shared libraries" OFF)
# ############
# Global Compilation Settings
# Export the list of compile-commands into compile_commands.json
# Disable compiler extensions
# Provide additional debugging information for Debug builds
# Create an Interface target for compiler warnings
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME}_warnings INTERFACE)
# #############
# Build Project
# Find / Build dependencies
# Build and install the library
# add here stuff for the Fortran part in DFTTools
# Tests
# Add the compiling options (-D... ) for C++
message(STATUS "TRIQS : Adding compilation flags detected by the library (C++11/14, libc++, etc...) ")
add_subdirectory(python python/triqs_dft_tools)
# tests
option(TEST_COVERAGE "Analyze the coverage of tests" OFF)
# perform tests with coverage info
# we try to locate the coverage program
find_program(PYTHON_COVERAGE python-coverage)
find_program(PYTHON_COVERAGE coverage)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Program coverage (or python-coverage) not found.\nEither set PYTHON_COVERAGE explicitly or disable TEST_COVERAGE!\nYou need to install the python package coverage, e.g. with\n pip install coverage\nor with\n apt install python-coverage")
message(STATUS "Setting up test coverage")
add_custom_target(coverage ${PYTHON_COVERAGE} combine --append .coverage plovasp/.coverage || true COMMAND ${PYTHON_COVERAGE} html COMMAND echo "Open ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/test/htmlcov/index.html in browser!" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/test)
# Python
option(Build_Tests "Build the tests of the library " ON)
if (Build_Tests)
message(STATUS "-------- Preparing tests -------------")
# Docs
# Documentation
option(Build_Documentation "Build documentation" OFF)
message("Error: TRIQS library has not been compiled with its documentation")
# dfttols vasp interface bash scripts
# Additional configuration files
# #############
# Debian Package
# Packaging
option(BUILD_DEBIAN_PACKAGE "Build a deb package" OFF)
message(FATAL_ERROR "CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX must be /usr for packaging")
set(CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DEPENDS "triqs (>= 3.1)")
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
# See ../triqs/packaging for other options
FROM flatironinstitute/triqs:unstable-ubuntu-clang
ARG APPNAME=triqs_dft_tools
FROM flatironinstitute/triqs:master-ubuntu-clang
COPY requirements.txt /src/$APPNAME/requirements.txt
RUN pip3 install -r /src/$APPNAME/requirements.txt
COPY --chown=build . $SRC/$APPNAME
RUN chown build .
USER build
RUN cmake $SRC/$APPNAME -DTRIQS_ROOT=${INSTALL} $CMAKE_ARGS && make -j4 || make -j1 VERBOSE=1
RUN cmake $SRC/$APPNAME -DTRIQS_ROOT=${INSTALL} -DBuild_Documentation=${BUILD_DOC} && make -j2 && make test CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1
USER root
RUN make install
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
def projectName = "dft_tools" /* set to app/repo name */
def dockerName = projectName.toLowerCase();
/* which platform to build documentation on */
def documentationPlatform = "ubuntu-clang"
/* depend on triqs upstream branch/project */
@ -25,12 +24,12 @@ def platforms = [:]
/****************** linux builds (in docker) */
/* Each platform must have a cooresponding Dockerfile.PLATFORM in triqs/packaging */
def dockerPlatforms = ["ubuntu-clang", "ubuntu-gcc", "sanitize"]
def dockerPlatforms = ["ubuntu-clang", "ubuntu-gcc", "centos-gcc"]
/* .each is currently broken in jenkins */
for (int i = 0; i < dockerPlatforms.size(); i++) {
def platform = dockerPlatforms[i]
platforms[platform] = { -> node('linux && docker && triqs') {
stage(platform) { timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') { ansiColor('xterm') {
platforms[platform] = { -> node('docker') {
stage(platform) { timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') {
checkout scm
/* construct a Dockerfile for this base */
sh """
@ -38,98 +37,73 @@ for (int i = 0; i < dockerPlatforms.size(); i++) {
mv -f Dockerfile.jenkins Dockerfile
/* build and tag */
def args = ''
if (platform == documentationPlatform)
args = '-DBuild_Documentation=1'
else if (platform == "sanitize")
def img ="flatironinstitute/${dockerName}:${env.BRANCH_NAME}-${env.STAGE_NAME}", "--build-arg APPNAME=${projectName} --build-arg BUILD_ID=${env.BUILD_TAG} --build-arg CMAKE_ARGS='${args}' .")
catchError(buildResult: 'UNSTABLE', stageResult: 'UNSTABLE') {
img.inside() {
sh "make -C \$BUILD/${projectName} test CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1"
def img ="flatironinstitute/${projectName}:${env.BRANCH_NAME}-${env.STAGE_NAME}", "--build-arg APPNAME=${projectName} --build-arg BUILD_DOC=${platform==documentationPlatform} .")
if (!keepInstall) {
sh "docker rmi --no-prune ${img.imageName()}"
} } }
} }
} }
/****************** osx builds (on host) */
def osxPlatforms = [
["gcc", ['CC=gcc-11', 'CXX=g++-11', 'FC=gfortran-11']],
["clang", ['CC=$BREW/opt/llvm/bin/clang', 'CXX=$BREW/opt/llvm/bin/clang++', 'FC=gfortran-11', 'CXXFLAGS=-I$BREW/opt/llvm/include', 'LDFLAGS=-L$BREW/opt/llvm/lib']]
["gcc", ['CC=gcc-7', 'CXX=g++-7']],
["clang", ['CC=$BREW/opt/llvm/bin/clang', 'CXX=$BREW/opt/llvm/bin/clang++', 'CXXFLAGS=-I$BREW/opt/llvm/include', 'LDFLAGS=-L$BREW/opt/llvm/lib']]
for (int i = 0; i < osxPlatforms.size(); i++) {
def platformEnv = osxPlatforms[i]
def platform = platformEnv[0]
platforms["osx-$platform"] = { -> node('osx && triqs') {
stage("osx-$platform") { timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') { ansiColor('xterm') {
stage("osx-$platform") { timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') {
def srcDir = pwd()
def tmpDir = pwd(tmp:true)
def buildDir = "$tmpDir/build"
/* install real branches in a fixed predictable place so apps can find them */
def installDir = keepInstall ? "${env.HOME}/install/${projectName}/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${platform}" : "$tmpDir/install"
def triqsDir = "${env.HOME}/install/triqs/${triqsBranch}/${platform}"
def venv = triqsDir
dir(installDir) {
checkout scm
def hdf5 = "${env.BREW}/opt/hdf5@1.10"
dir(buildDir) { withEnv(platformEnv[1].collect { it.replace('\$BREW', env.BREW) } + [
"CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$triqsDir/lib/cmake/triqs"]) {
/* note: this is installing into the parent (triqs) venv (install dir), which is thus shared among apps and so not be completely safe */
sh "pip3 install -U -r $srcDir/requirements.txt"
sh "cmake $srcDir -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$installDir -DTRIQS_ROOT=$triqsDir -DBuild_Deps=Always"
sh "make -j2 || make -j1 VERBOSE=1"
catchError(buildResult: 'UNSTABLE', stageResult: 'UNSTABLE') { try {
sh "pip install -r $srcDir/requirements.txt"
sh "cmake $srcDir -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$installDir -DTRIQS_ROOT=$triqsDir"
sh "make -j3"
try {
sh "make test CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1"
} catch (exc) {
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log')
throw exc
} }
sh "make install"
} }
} } }
} }
} }
/****************** wrap-up */
def error = null
try {
parallel platforms
if (keepInstall) { node('linux && docker && triqs') {
if (keepInstall) { node("docker") {
/* Publish results */
stage("publish") { timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') {
def commit = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git rev-parse HEAD").trim()
def release = env.BRANCH_NAME == "master" || env.BRANCH_NAME == "unstable" || sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git describe --exact-match HEAD || true").trim()
def workDir = pwd(tmp:true)
def workDir = pwd()
lock('triqs_publish') {
/* Update documention on gh-pages branch */
dir("$workDir/gh-pages") {
def subdir = "${projectName}/${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
git(url: "ssh://", branch: "master", credentialsId: "ssh", changelog: false)
sh "rm -rf ${subdir}"
docker.image("flatironinstitute/${dockerName}:${env.BRANCH_NAME}-${documentationPlatform}").inside() {
sh """#!/bin/bash -ex
[[ -d \$base/triqs_\$dir ]] && dir=triqs_\$dir || [[ -d \$base/\$dir ]]
cp -rp \$base/\$dir ${subdir}
docker.image("flatironinstitute/${projectName}:${env.BRANCH_NAME}-${documentationPlatform}").inside() {
sh "cp -rp \$INSTALL/share/doc/triqs_${projectName} ${subdir}"
sh "git add -A ${subdir}"
sh """
@ -157,13 +131,13 @@ try {
} }
} }
} catch (err) {
error = err
} finally {
/* send email on build failure (declarative pipeline's post section would work better) */
if ((error != null || currentBuild.currentResult != 'SUCCESS') && env.BRANCH_NAME != "jenkins") emailext(
if (env.BRANCH_NAME != "jenkins") emailext(
subject: "\$PROJECT_NAME - Build # \$BUILD_NUMBER - FAILED",
Check console output at \$BUILD_URL to view full results.
Building \$BRANCH_NAME for \$CAUSE
@ -175,11 +149,11 @@ Changes:
End of build log:
to: ',,',
to: ',,,',
recipientProviders: [
[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'],
if (error != null) throw error
throw err
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
DFT_Tools - A TRIQS application for ab initio calculations
Copyright (C) 2011-2019: M. Aichhorn, L. Pourovskii, V. Vildosola and C. Martins
Copyright (C) 2020-2022: The Simons Foundation
Wien2TRIQS interface to Wien2k
Copyright (C) 2011-2013, M. Aichhorn, L. Pourovskii, V. Vildosola and C. Martins
1. Documentation
You will find the documentation of this application under [](
You will find the documentation of this application under
2. Installation
The installation steps are described in [](
The installation steps are described in
3. Version
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import glob, sys, os
from numpy import array
def write_indmftpr():
Usage: init_dmftpr
**case.struct file is required for this script.**
An interactive script to generate the input file (case.indmftpr) for
the dmftproj program.
orbitals = {"s" : [1, 0, 0, 0],
"p" : [0, 1, 0, 0],
"d" : [0, 0, 1, 0],
"f" : [0, 0, 0, 1]}
corr_orbitals = {"s" : [2, 0, 0, 0],
"p" : [0, 2, 0, 0],
"d" : [0, 0, 2, 0],
"f" : [0, 0, 0, 2]}
dirname = os.getcwd().rpartition('/')[2]
if os.path.isfile(dirname + ".indmftpr"):
found = input("Previous {}.indmftpr detected! Continue? (y/n)\n".format(dirname))
if found == "n": sys.exit(0)
with open(dirname + ".indmftpr", "w") as out:
print("Preparing dmftproj input file : {}\n".format(dirname + ".indmftpr"))
if not os.path.isfile(dirname + ".struct"): print("Could not identify a case.struct file!"); sys.exit(-1);
struct = open(glob.glob("*.struct")[0], "r").readlines()
species = [line.split()[0] for line in struct if "NPT" in line]
num_atoms = len(species)
print("number of atoms = {} ({})\n".format(str(num_atoms), " ".join(species)))
mult = [line.split("=")[1].split()[0] for line in struct if "MULT" in line ]
out.write(" ".join(mult)+"\n")
for atom in range(num_atoms):
while True: # input choice of spherical harmonics for atom
sph_harm=input("What flavor of spherical harmonics do you want to use for ATOM {} ({})? (cubic/complex/fromfile)\n".format(atom+1, species[atom]))
if sph_harm in ["cubic", "complex", "fromfile"]:
if sph_harm == "fromfile":
filename=input("name of file defining the basis?\n")
if len(filename) < 25: # name of file must be less than 25 characters
print("{} is too long!".format(filename))
rename=input("Rename the file to: \n")
if os.path.isfile(filename):
os.rename(filename, rename)
print("{} could not be found in the current directory!".format(filename))
print("Did not recognize that input. Try again.")
corr=input("Do you want to treat ATOM {} ({}) as correlated (y/n)?\n".format(atom+1, species[atom]))
if corr == "y":
proj=input("Specify the correlated orbital? (d,f)\n")
while True:
non_corr=input("projectors for non-correlated orbitals? (type h for help)\n")
if non_corr == "h":
print("indicate orbital projectors using (s, p, d, or f). For multiple, combine them (sp, pd, spd, etc.)")
elif len(non_corr) > 0 and proj in non_corr:
print("Error: User can not choose orbital {} as both correlated and uncorrelated!".format(proj))
projectors=array([0, 0, 0, 0])
projectors += array(corr_orbitals[proj])
if len(non_corr) > 0:
for p in non_corr: projectors += array(orbitals[p])
out.write(" ".join(list(map(str, projectors)))+"\n")
to_write = "0 0 0 0\n"
if proj == "d":
irrep=input("Split this orbital into it's irreps? (t2g/eg/n)\n")
if irrep == "t2g":
to_write = "0 0 2 0\n01\n"
elif irrep == "eg":
to_write = "0 0 2 0\n10\n"
soc=input("Do you want to include soc? (y/n)\n")
if soc == "y":
if proj=="d" and ( irrep == "t2g" or irrep == "eg" ):
print("Warning: For SOC, dmftproj will use the entire d-shell. Using entire d-shell!")
out.write("0 0 0 0\n")
else: # still identify the projectors
while True:
proj=input("Specify the projectors that you would like to include? (type h for help)\n")
if proj == "h":
print("indicate orbital projectors using (s, p, d, or f). For multiple, combine them (sp, pd, spd, etc.)")
projectors = array([0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=int)
for p in proj: projectors += array(orbitals[p], dtype=int)
out.write(" ".join(list(map(str, projectors)))+"\n")
out.write("0 0 0 0\n")
while True:
window=input("Specify the projection window around eF (default unit is Ry, specify eV with -X.XX X.XX eV)\n")
if float(window.split()[0]) < 0 and float(window.split()[1]) > 0:
if window.split()[2] == "ev" or window.split()[2] == "eV" or window.split()[2] == "Ev":
out.write("{0:0.2f} {1:0.2f}".format(float(window.split()[0])*eV2Ry, float(window.split()[1])*eV2Ry))
print("The energy window ({}) does not contain the Fermi energy!".format(window))
print("initialize {} file ok!".format(dirname + ".indmftpr"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
@TRIQS_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE@ -m triqs_dft_tools.converters.plovasp.converter $@
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
echo "
Usage: vasp_dmft [-n <number of cores>] -i <number of iterations> -j <number of VASP iterations with fixed charge density> [-v <VASP version>] [-p <path to VASP directory>] [<>]
If the number of cores is not specified it is set to 1 by default.
Set the number of times the dmft solver is called with -i <number of iterations>
Set the number of VASP iteration with a fixed charge density update
inbetween the dmft runs with -j <number of VASP iterations with fixed charge density>
Set the version of VASP by -v standard(default)/no_gamma_write to
specify if VASP writes the GAMMA file or not.
If the path to VASP directory is not specified it must be provided by a
variable VASP_DIR.
<> must provide an importable function 'dmft_cycle()'
which is invoked once per DFT+DMFT iteration. If the script name is
omitted the default name '' is used.
while getopts ":n:i:j:v:p:h" opt; do
case $opt in
# echo "Option: Ncpu, argument: $OPTARG"
if [ -n "$OPTARG" ]; then
# echo "Number of cores: $NPROC"
# echo "Option: Niter"
if [ -n "$OPTARG" ]; then
# echo "Number of iterations: $NITER"
# echo "Option: Ndftiter"
if [ -n "$OPTARG" ]; then
# echo "Number of iterations with fixed density: $NDFTITER"
if [ -n "$OPTARG" ]; then
if [ -n "$OPTARG" ]; then
# echo "Version of VASP (writing GAMMA file (standard) or not (no_gamma_write): $VASP_VERSION"
exit 1
echo " Error: Option -$OPTARG requires an argument" >&2
exit 1
echo " Error: Invalid option -$OPTARG" >&2
if [ -z "$NITER" ]; then
echo " Error: Number of iterations must be specified with option -i" >&2
exit 1
if [ -z "$VASP_DIR" ]; then
echo " Error: A path to VASP directory must be given either with option -p or by setting variable VASP_DIR" >&2
exit 1
if [ -z "$NPROC" ]; then
echo " Number of cores not specified, setting to 1"
if [ -z "$NDFTITER" ]; then
echo " Number of VASP iterations without updating density not specified, setting to 1"
if [ -z "$VASP_VERSION" ]; then
echo " VASP version not specified, setting to standard"
shift $((OPTIND-1))
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo " Number of cores: $NPROC"
echo " Number of iterations: $NITER"
echo " Number of iterations with fixed density: $NDFTITER"
echo " VASP version: $VASP_VERSION"
echo " Script name: $DMFT_SCRIPT"
rm -f vasp.lock
stdbuf -o 0 $MPIRUN_CMD -np $NPROC "$VASP_DIR" &
$MPIRUN_CMD -np $NPROC @TRIQS_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE@ -m triqs_dft_tools.converters.plovasp.sc_dmft $(jobs -p) $NITER $NDFTITER $DMFT_SCRIPT 'plo.cfg' $VASP_VERSION || kill %1
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
add_library(atm_c dos_tetra3d.hpp dos_tetra3d.cpp argsort.hpp argsort.cpp)
target_link_libraries(atm_c triqs)
target_compile_options(atm_c PRIVATE -std=c++17)
install(TARGETS atm_c DESTINATION lib)
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
* TRIQS. If not, see <>.
#include <nda/nda.hpp>
#include <triqs/arrays.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
//#define __TETRA_DEBUG
using nda::array;
using nda::array_view;
using triqs::arrays::array;
using triqs::arrays::array_view;
@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ array<double, 2> dos_tetra_weights_3d(array<double, 1> eigk, double en, array<lo
int ntet; /// Number of tetrahedra
// Auxiliary variables and loop indices
if (itt.shape()[0] != NUM_TET_CORNERS + 1)
if (first_dim(itt) != NUM_TET_CORNERS + 1)
NDA_RUNTIME_ERROR << " The first dimension of 'itt' must be equal to 5";
TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << " The first dimension of 'itt' must be equal to 5";
ntet = itt.shape()[1];
ntet = second_dim(itt);
array<double, 2> cti(NUM_TET_CORNERS, ntet); // Corner weights to be returned
@ -20,16 +20,18 @@
#pragma once
#include <nda/nda.hpp>
#include <triqs/arrays.hpp>
using triqs::arrays::array;
using triqs::arrays::array_view;
/// DOS of a band by analytical tetrahedron method
/// Returns corner weights for all tetrahedra for a given band and real energy.
nda::array<double, 2>
dos_tetra_weights_3d(nda::array_view<double, 1> eigk, /// Band energies for each k-point
array<double, 2>
dos_tetra_weights_3d(array_view<double, 1> eigk, /// Band energies for each k-point
double en, /// Energy at which DOS weights are to be calculated
nda::array_view<long, 2> itt /// Tetrahedra defined by k-point indices
array_view<long, 2> itt /// Tetrahedra defined by k-point indices
//array<double, 2>
//dos_tetra_weights_3d(array<double, 1> eigk, /// Band energies for each k-point
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
FOREACH( TestName1 ${TestList} )
STRING(REPLACE ".cpp" "" TestName ${TestName1})
add_executable( ${TestName} ${TestName}.cpp )
target_link_libraries( ${TestName} atm_c triqs)
triqs_set_rpath_for_target( ${TestName} )
ENDFOREACH( TestName1 ${TestList} )
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
file(GLOB_RECURSE sources *.cpp)
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME}_c ${sources})
# Link against triqs and enable warnings
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}_c PUBLIC triqs PRIVATE $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${PROJECT_NAME}_warnings>)
# Configure target and compilation
set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME}_c PROPERTIES
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME}_c PUBLIC $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/c++>)
target_compile_definitions(${PROJECT_NAME}_c PUBLIC
# Install library and headers
# ========= Static Analyzer Checks ==========
option(ANALYZE_SOURCES OFF "Run static analyzer checks if found (clang-tidy, cppcheck)")
# Locate static analyzer tools
# Run clang-tidy if found
message(STATUS "clang-tidy found: ${CLANG_TIDY_EXECUTABLE}")
message(STATUS "clang-tidy not found in $PATH. Please consider installing clang-tidy for additional checks!")
# Run cppcheck if found
message(STATUS "cppcheck found: ${CPPCHECK_EXECUTABLE}")
message(STATUS "cppcheck not found in $PATH. Please consider installing cppcheck for additional checks!")
# ========= Dynamic Analyzer Checks ==========
option(ASAN OFF "Compile library and executables with LLVM Address Sanitizer")
option(UBSAN OFF "Compile library and executables with LLVM Undefined Behavior Sanitizer")
if(NOT TARGET asan)
find_package(sanitizer REQUIRED "asan")
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}_c PUBLIC $<BUILD_INTERFACE:asan>)
if(NOT TARGET ubsan)
find_package(sanitizer REQUIRED "ubsan")
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}_c PUBLIC $<BUILD_INTERFACE:ubsan>)
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "./vasp/argsort.hpp"
#include "./vasp/dos_tetra3d.hpp"
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "./converters/vasp.hpp"
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
def application_pytriqs_import(name,*args,**kwargs):
if name.startswith('@package_name@'):
name = name[len('@package_name@')+1:]
return builtin_import(name,*args,**kwargs)
import __builtin__
__builtin__.__import__, builtin_import = application_pytriqs_import, __builtin__.__import__
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
# Add your dependencies with the function
# external_dependency(name
# [VERSION <version-number>]
# [GIT_REPO <url>]
# [GIT_TAG <tag>]
# )
# Resolve the dependency using the following steps in order.
# If a step was successful, skip the remaining ones.
# 1. Use find_package(name [<version-number>])
# to locate the package in the system.
# Skip this step if Build_Deps option is set.
# 2. Try to find a directory containing the sources
# ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/deps/name. If found
# build it as a cmake sub-project.
# 3. If GIT_REPO is provided, git clone the sources,
# and build them as a cmake sub-project.
# Addtional options:
# GIT_TAG - Use this keyword to specify the git-tag, branch or commit hash
# BUILD_ALWAYS - If set, this dependency will always be built from source
# and will never be searched in the system.
# EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL - If set, targets of the dependency cmake subproject
# will not be included in the ALL target of the project.
# In particular the dependency will not be installed.
if(NOT DEFINED Build_Deps)
set(Build_Deps "Always" CACHE STRING "Do we build dependencies from source? [Never/Always/IfNotFound]")
set(Build_Deps_Opts "Never" "Always" "IfNotFound")
if(NOT ${Build_Deps} IN_LIST Build_Deps_Opts)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Build_Deps option should be either 'Never', 'Always' or 'IfNotFound'")
set(Build_Deps ${Build_Deps} CACHE STRING "Do we build dependencies from source? [Never/Always/IfNotFound]")
message(WARNING "For builds with llvm sanitizers (ASAN/UBSAN) it is recommended to use -DBuild_Deps=Always to avoid false positives.")
# -- Cpp2Py --
if(PythonSupport OR Build_Documentation)
GIT_TAG master
# -- GTest --
GIT_TAG main
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) 2020 Simons Foundation
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Consider ROOT env variables in find_package
if(POLICY CMP0074)
cmake_policy(SET CMP0074 NEW)
# Make sure that imported targets are always global
set(_args ${ARGN})
if ("${_args}" MATCHES ";IMPORTED")
list(APPEND _args GLOBAL)
# Define External Dependency Function
# -- Was dependency already found?
message(STATUS "Dependency ${ARGV0} was already resolved.")
# -- Try to find package in system.
message(STATUS "Found dependency ${ARGV0} in system ${${ARGV0}_ROOT}")
elseif(Build_Deps STREQUAL "Never")
message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find dependency ${ARGV0} in system. Please install the dependency manually or use -DBuild_Deps=IfNotFound during cmake configuration to automatically build all dependencies that are not found.")
# -- Build package from source
message(STATUS " =============== Configuring Dependency ${ARGV0} =============== ")
set(subdir_opts EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
set(Build_Tests OFF)
set(Build_Documentation OFF)
message(STATUS "Found sources for dependency ${ARGV0} at ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${ARGV0}")
add_subdirectory(${ARGV0} ${subdir_opts})
message(STATUS "Found sources for dependency ${ARGV0} at ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/deps/${ARGV0}")
add_subdirectory(${ARGV0} ${subdir_opts})
set(src_dir ${bin_dir}_src)
if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${src_dir})
set(clone_opts --branch ${ARG_GIT_TAG} -c advice.detachedHead=false)
find_package(Git REQUIRED)
execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} clone ${ARG_GIT_REPO} --depth 1 ${clone_opts} ${src_dir}
RESULT_VARIABLE clone_failed
ERROR_VARIABLE clone_error
message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to clone sources for dependency ${ARGV0}.\n ${clone_error}")
add_subdirectory(${src_dir} ${bin_dir} ${subdir_opts})
message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find or build dependency ${ARGV0}")
message(STATUS " =============== End ${ARGV0} Configuration =============== ")
@ -1,81 +1,23 @@
# Generate the sphinx config file
# generate the
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create an optional target that allows us to regenerate the C++ doc with c++2rst
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
macro(generate_docs header_file)
TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME}_docs_cpp2rst
COMMAND rm -rf ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cpp2rst_generated
--output_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cpp2rst_generated
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Build & Run the C++ doc examples and capture the output
# --------------------------------------------------------
foreach(example ${ExampleList})
get_filename_component(f ${example} NAME_WE)
get_filename_component(d ${example} DIRECTORY)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME}_doc_${f} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${example})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}_doc_${f} triqs)
add_custom_command(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME}_doc_${f}
COMMAND ${PROJECT_NAME}_doc_${f} > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${d}/${f}.output 2>/dev/null
add_dependencies(${PROJECT_NAME}_docs_example_output ${PROJECT_NAME}_doc_${f})
# ---------------------------------
# Top Sphinx target
# ---------------------------------
# Sources
file(GLOB_RECURSE sources *.rst)
# Sphinx has internal caching, always run it
add_custom_target(${PROJECT_NAME}_docs_sphinx ALL)
TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME}_docs_sphinx
option(Sphinx_Only "When building the documentation, skip the Python Modules and the generation of C++ Api and example outputs" OFF)
if(NOT Sphinx_Only)
# Autodoc usage requires the python modules to be built first
add_dependencies(${PROJECT_NAME}_docs_sphinx ${CPP2PY_MODULES_LIST})
# Generation of C++ Api and Example Outputs
add_dependencies(${PROJECT_NAME}_docs_sphinx ${PROJECT_NAME}_docs_cpp2rst ${PROJECT_NAME}_docs_example_output)
# create documentation target
set(sphinx_top ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/html/index.html)
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${sphinx_top} DEPENDS ${sources}
add_custom_target(doc_sphinx ALL DEPENDS ${sphinx_top} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
# ---------------------------------
# Install
# ---------------------------------
REGEX "\\.(html|pdf|png|gif|jpg|svg|js|xsl|css|py|txt|inv|bib|ttf|woff2|eot)$"
install(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/html/ COMPONENT documentation DESTINATION share/doc/triqs_dft_tools
REGEX "\\.(html|pdf|png|gif|jpg|js|xsl|css|py|txt|inv|bib)$"
@ -1,131 +1,5 @@
# Changelog
## Version 3.1.0
DFTTools Version 3.1.0 is a release that
* is compatible with TRIQS 3.1.x
* includes a major update for the Wannier90 converter (see below for details)
* updates sumk_dft to allow for charge self-consistent DFT+DMFT calculations with Quantum Espresso (dm_type = 'qe')
* adds a indmftpr helper script to prepare the case.indmftpr file for the dmftproj program
* uses the latest [app4triqs/3.1.x]( skeleton
### Wannier90 Converter
* allow for charge self-consistent DFT+DMFT calculations
* spin-orbit coupling implemented
* option to add a local spin-orbit term to t2g local Hamiltonian (for now just for a single impurity. Fixed in next version)
* additional choices and added checks for different bases (rot_mat): hloc_diag, wannier (already implemented previously), none
* code restructured, more tests
* MPI speedup of the Fourier transform
* added new test in for rot_mat_type='hloc_diag'
* update documentation of W90 Converter
* bugfix: This fix makes the function find_rot_mat() safer to use in case there are errors in finding the correct mapping. The converter will now abort if the agreement in mapping is below a user-definable threshold.
### Change in gf_struct
* In line with TRIQS 3.1.x, the form of the Green's function's structure (`gf_struct`) has been modified (see [triqs changelog]( for more information)
* Instead of `gf_struct = [("up", [0, 1]), ("down", [0, 1])]`, the new convention uses `gf_struct = [("up", 2), ("down", 2)]`
* This modifies the form of `gf_struct_solver` (and `sumk`) in `block_structure` and `SumkDFT` as well.
* Backwards-compatibility with old, stored `block_structure` objects is given, however a warning is issued.
* A helper-function `` is provided in triqs to manually bring `gf_struct`s to the new form.
### Documentation
* change to read the docs sphinx theme
* clean up various doc files
* use autosummary to build reference documentation
* update Vasp tutorials
* update Wannier90 documentation to reflect new features
### Cmake
* require triqs3.1+ in debian package dependencies
* bump required TRIQS Version to 3.1
### Other changes
* bugfix for analyse_block_structure in sumk_dft
* bugfix in blockstructure module for the case of #corr_shells != #ineq_shells
* fix float comparison tolerances and few minor things in tests
* Vasp Converter: fixed normalization of kwghts to allow symmetries
* bugfix in Elk converter when creating the symmetry matrices of low symmetry systems with multiple equivalent atoms
* vectorize various loops in dfttools
* fix various from_L_G_R calls that require now data layed out in C-order
* use nda over TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR in dos_tetra3d
* changed fermi weights from np array complex to float in accordance with h5 structure
* expose parameter max_loops in sum_k.calc_mu dichotomy
Thanks to all commit-contributors (in alphabetical order): Sophie Beck, Alexander Hampel, Alyn James, Jonathan Karp, Harry LaBollita, Max Merkel, H. L. Nourse, Hermann Schnait, Nils Wentzell, @70akaline
## Version 3.0.0
DFTTools Version 3.0.0 is a major release that
* is compatible with TRIQS versions 3.0.x
* introduces compatibility with Python 3 (Python 2 is no longer supported)
* is now aligned with the general [app4triqs]( application skeleton
* brings a major rework of the VASP interface, including thorough documentation, tutorials, a new Hamiltonian mode, the option to select bands instead of an energy window, and many small bugfixes.
* brings a major update of the block structure functionalities especially for SOC calculations, with detailed documentation and tutorials. Allows more control over the block structure coming from DFT, cutting out certain orbitals or throwing away off-diagonal elements when preparing input for the solver.
* New option in dmftproj to select the projection window using band indices instead of energie
### Restructuring
To be aligned with other applications for TRIQS, various files and folders had to be moved to new locations. The c++, fortran and python parts all are now in separate folders. The converter files have been more logically split into their own folders and name spaces. For example the Vasp converter is now located under `python/triqs_dft_tools/converters/`. Especially the test folder structure was adapted to fit to the app4triqs skeleton, which separate folders for C++ and python tests.
### Dependency Management
We are managing the interdependencies of the various library components of triqs now using cmake.
Per default cmake will pull those dependencies from their corresponding
GitHub repositories, build them, and install these components together
with TRIQS, unless they are found in your system.
This behavior can be altered using the additional cmake options
* `-DBuild_Deps="Always"` - Always build dependencies, do not try to find them
* `-DBuild_Deps="Never"` - Never build dependencies, but find them instead
during the configuration step. See also the TRIQS documentation for more detailed instructions.
### Other Changes:
* Run port_to_triqs3 script
* Port py files to python3
* Update triqs python module name
* synchronize dfttools with app4triqs structure
* rename all h5 test archives according to test_name.ref.h5
* Changed 'orb' parameter to 'ish' for consistency in function summ_deg_gf in file
* small fix to read_inp_from_h5 function of Sumk
* renamed converters from to
* look at the mesh of each shell of Sigma_imp, not just the first shell
* add function to find min and max of band energy, and add warning to set_Sigma if its mesh is smaller than the energy bounds
* warning for set_Sigma if ReFreqMesh is too small
* fixed a index bug that produced empty projectors for a unit cells with multiple shells in the VASP converter
* fixed a slicing bug for the calculation of the target density in the VASP converter, which selected 1 band less in the correlated window than required.
* added printout of complex part of local Hamiltonian in the Vasp converter
* doc on automatic basis rotations
* Bugfix in calculate_density_matrix for purely imaginary off-diagonals
* revamping the VASP interface documentation. Rewrote the interface with VASP guide. Removed the unused in doc/vasp. Start for SVO VASP tutorial as ipynb
* changed ref file for block structure test, since the order in dicts is not guaranteed the test failed as the order in py3 changed
* Vasp Converter: efermi is now read from LOCPROJ if DOSCAR does not contain it yet
* E-Fermi is read from DOSCAR not from LOCPROJ
* Added Tutorial for basis rotations: Sr2MgOsO6 w/o SOC
* Vasp converter add kpts and kpts_basis to h5
* many adjustments to Block structure and rotations including option to throw away certain parts of BlockGf
* implemented multiple ncsf VASP cycles
* Ignore imaginary part of the density when calculating mu
* Adjust hdf5 usage to changes in triqs
* Calculate diagonalization in solver blocks
* Do not use deprecated set_from_inverse_fourier
* add SOC tutorial
* add Block structure tutorial
* adding detailed Vasp tutorial
* Vasp converter now supports Hamiltonian mode
* Move setup files into separate bash scripts and adjust README
* Update README file with more detailed instructions
Thanks to all commit-contributors (in alphabetical order):
Markus Aichhorn, Alexander Hampel, Gernot Kraberger, Oleg Peil, Hermann Schnait, Malte Schueler, Nils Wentzell, Manuel Zingl
## Version 2.2.1
Version 2.2.1
DFTTools Version 2.2.1 makes the application available
through the Anaconda package manager. We adjust
@ -136,7 +10,8 @@ We provide a more detailed description of the changes below.
* Add a LICENSE and AUTHORS file to the repository
## Version 2.2.0
Version 2.2.0
* Ensure that the chemical potential calculations results in a real number
* Fix a bug in reading Wien2k optics files in SO/SP cases
@ -146,12 +21,13 @@ We provide a more detailed description of the changes below.
This is to a large extend a compatibility release against TRIQS version 2.2.0
Thanks to all commit-contributors (in alphabetical order):
Markus Aichhorn, Dylan Simon, Erik van Loon, Nils Wentzell, Manuel Zingl
Markus Aichhorn, Dylan Simon, Erik van Loon, Nils Wentzell, Manuel Zingl
## Version 2.1.x (changes since 1.4)
Version 2.1.x (changes since 1.4)
* Added Debian Packaging
* Added Debian Packaging
* Compatibility changes for TRIQS 2.1.x
* Jenkins adjustments
* Add option to measure python test coverage
@ -166,4 +42,4 @@ Markus Aichhorn, Dylan Simon, Erik van Loon, Nils Wentzell, Manuel Zingl
Thanks to all commit-contributors (in alphabetical order):
Markus Aichhorn, Gernot J. Kraberger, Olivier Parcollet, Oleg Peil, Hiroshi Shinaoka, Dylan Simon, Hugo U. R. Strand, Nils Wentzell, Manuel Zingl
Thanks to all user for reporting issues and suggesting improvements.
Thanks to all user for reporting issues and suggesting improvements.
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
@import url("theme.css");
.wy-nav-content {
max-width: 70em;
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 31 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 16 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 13 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 65 KiB |
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
{{ fullname | escape | underline }}
.. currentmodule:: {{ module }}
.. autoclass:: {{ objname }}
{% block methods %}
{% if methods %}
.. rubric:: {{ _('Methods') }}
.. autosummary::
{% for item in methods %}
~{{ name }}.{{ item }}
{%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block attributes %}
{% if attributes %}
.. rubric:: {{ _('Attributes') }}
.. autosummary::
{% for item in attributes %}
~{{ name }}.{{ item }}
{%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
{{ name | escape | underline}}
.. automodule:: {{ fullname }}
{% block functions %}
{% if functions %}
.. rubric:: Functions
.. autosummary::
{% for item in functions %}
{{ item }}
{%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block attributes %}
{% if attributes %}
.. rubric:: Module Attributes
.. autosummary::
{% for item in attributes %}
{{ item }}
{%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block classes %}
{% if classes %}
.. rubric:: {{ _('Classes') }}
.. autosummary::
:template: autosummary_class_template.rst
{% for item in classes %}
{{ item }}
{%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block exceptions %}
{% if exceptions %}
.. rubric:: {{ _('Exceptions') }}
.. autosummary::
{% for item in exceptions %}
{{ item }}
{%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block modules %}
{% if modules %}
.. rubric:: Modules
.. autosummary::
:template: autosummary_module_template.rst
{% for item in modules %}
{{ item }}
{%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
.. _about:
@ -22,7 +17,7 @@ of full charge self-consistency [#dft_tools2]_, necessary for total energy
calculations. The package at hand is fully implemented as an application
based on the TRIQS library [#dft_tools3]_.
**Developers**: M. Aichhorn, L. Pourovskii, A. Hampel, P.Seth, V. Vildosola, M. Zingl, O. E. Peil, X. Deng, J. Mravlje, G. Kraberger, A. James, C. Martins, M. Ferrero, O. Parcollet
**Developers**: M. Aichhorn, L. Pourovskii, P.Seth, V. Vildosola, M. Zingl, O. E. Peil, X. Deng, J. Mravlje, G. Kraberger, C. Martins, M. Ferrero, O. Parcollet
**Related papers**:
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
.. _changelog:
This document describes the main changes in DFTTools.
.. include::
@ -3,134 +3,41 @@
# TRIQS documentation build configuration file
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "@CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@/sphinxext")
sys.path.insert(0, "@CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@/sphinxext/numpydoc")
sys.path.insert(0, "@TRIQS_SPHINXEXT_PATH@/numpydoc")
sys.path.insert(0, "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/python")
# exclude these folders from scanning by sphinx
exclude_patterns = ['_templates']
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc',
myst_enable_extensions = [
# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
pygments_style = 'sphinx'
source_suffix = '.rst'
# Turn on sphinx.ext.autosummary
autosummary_generate = True
project = u'TRIQS DFTTools'
copyright = u'2011-2019'
version = '@DFT_TOOLS_VERSION@'
project = 'TRIQS DFTTools'
version = '@PROJECT_VERSION@'
copyright = '2011-2021'
mathjax_path = ""
templates_path = ['@CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@/_templates']
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html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
# this loads the custom css file to change the page width
html_style = 'css/custom.css'
#html_favicon = '@CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@/logos/favicon.ico'
#html_logo = '@CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@/logos/logo.png'
# options for the the rtd theme
html_theme_options = {
'logo_only': False,
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mathjax_path = "@TRIQS_MATHJAX_PATH@/MathJax.js?config=default"
templates_path = ['@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/doc/_templates']
html_theme = 'triqs'
html_theme_path = ['@TRIQS_THEMES_PATH@']
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html_static_path = ['@CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@/_static']
html_context = {'header_title': 'dft tools',
'header_subtitle': 'connecting <a class="triqs" style="font-size: 12px" href="">TRIQS</a> to DFT packages',
'header_links': [['Install', 'install'],
['Documentation', 'documentation'],
['Tutorials', 'tutorials'],
['Issues', 'issues'],
['About DFTTools', 'about']]}
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Table of contents
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Basic notions
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:maxdepth: 2
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ Construction of local orbitals from DFT
:maxdepth: 2
@ -35,21 +34,11 @@ DFT+DMFT
Advanced Topics
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:maxdepth: 2
@ -60,18 +49,16 @@ Reference manual
This is the reference manual for the python routines.
.. autosummary::
:toctree: _python_api
:template: autosummary_module_template.rst
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
.. _basisrotation:
Automatic basis rotations in DFT+DMFT
When performing calculations with off-diagonal terms in the hybridisation function or in the local Hamiltonian, one is
often limited by the fermionic sign-problem slowing down the QMC calculations significantly. This can occur for instance if the crystal shows locally rotated or distorted cages, or when spin-orbit coupling is included. The examples for this are included in the :ref:`tutorials` of this documentation.
However, as the fermonic sign in the QMC calculation is no
physical observable, one can try to improve the calculation by rotating
to another basis. While this basis can in principle be chosen arbitrarily,
two choices which have shown good results; name the basis sets that diagonalize the local Hamiltonian or the local density matrix of the
As outlined in section :ref:`blockstructure`, the :class:`BlockStructure` includes all necessary functionalities. While it is possible to manually transform each Green's functions and self energies between the *sumk* and the *solver* basis, this leads to cumbersum code and is discouraged. Instead, in order to facilitate the block-structure manipulations for an actual DFT+DMFT calculation, some of the necessary steps are automatically included automatically. As soon as the
transformation matrix is stored in the :class:`BlockStructure`, the
transformation is automatically performed when using :class:`SumkDFT`'s :meth:`extract_G_loc`,
:meth:`put_Sigma`, and :meth:`calc_dc` (see below).
Setting up the initial solver structure from DFT
Before the actual calculation one has to specify the *solver* basis structure, in which the impurity problem will be tackled. The different available approximation were introduced in section :ref:`blockstructure`. An important feature of DFTTools is that there is an automatic way to determine the entries of the Green's function matrix that are zero by symmetry, when initialising the class::
from triqs_dft_tools.sumk_dft import *
SK = SumkDFT(hdf_file,use_dft_blocks='True')
The flag *use_dft_blocks=True* analysis the local density matrix, determines the zero entries, and sets up a minimal *solver* structure. Alternatively, this step can be achieved by (see the reference manual for options)::
Finding the transformation matrix
The SumkDFT class offers a method that can determine transformation matrices to certain new basis. It is called as follows::
Possible option for *prop_to_be_diagonal* are *eal* (diagonalises the local hamiltonian) or *dm* (diagonalises the local density matrix). This routine stores the transformation matrix in the :class:`SK.block_structure` class, such that it can be used to rotate the basis.
Automatic transformation during the DMFT loop
During a DMFT loop one is often switching back and forth between the unrotated basis (Sumk-Space) and the rotated basis that is used by the QMC Solver.
Once the SK.block_structure.transformation property is set as shown above, this is
done automatically, meaning that :class:`SumkDFT`'s :meth:`extract_G_loc`, :meth:`put_Sigma`, and :meth:`calc_dc` are doing the transformations by default::
for it in range(iteration_offset, iteration_offset + n_iterations):
# every GF is in solver space here
S.G0_iw << inverse(S.Sigma_iw + inverse(S.G_iw))
# solve the impurity in solver space -> hopefully better sign
S.solve(h_int = H, **p)
# calc_dc(..., transform = True) by default
SK.calc_dc(S.G_iw.density(), U_interact=U, J_hund=J, orb=0, use_dc_formula=DC_type)
# put_Sigma(..., transform_to_sumk_blocks = True) by default
# extract_G_loc(..., transform_to_solver_blocks = True) by default
S.G_iw << SK.extract_G_loc()[0]
.. warning::
Before doing the DMFT self-consistency loop, one must not forget to also transform the
interaction Hamiltonian to the diagonal basis!
This can be also be done with a method of the :class:`BlockStructure` class,
namely the :meth:`convert_operator` method. Having set up a Hamiltonian in the *sumk* structure, it can easily
be transformed to the *solver* structure (including rotations of basis, picking of orbitals,
making matrices diagonal, etc) by::
H_solver = SK.block_structure.convert_operator(H_sumk)
We refer to the tutorials on how to set up the Hamiltonian H_sumk in selected cases.
Note that this transformation might generally lead to complex values in the
interaction Hamiltonian. Unless you know better and can make everything real,
you should take care of using the correct version of the TRIQS CTQMC solver.
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
5 ! Nsort
2 1 1 4 2 ! Mult(Nsort)
3 ! lmax
complex ! choice of angular harmonics
0 0 0 0 ! l included for each sort
0 0 0 0 ! If split into ireps, gives number of ireps. for a given orbital (otherwise 0)
cubic ! choice of angular harmonics
0 0 2 0 ! l included for each sort
0 0 0 0 ! If split into ireps, gives number of ireps. for a given orbital (otherwise 0)
0 ! SO flag
complex ! choice of angular harmonics
0 0 0 0 ! l included for each sort
0 0 0 0 ! If split into ireps, gives number of ireps. for a given orbital (otherwise 0)
complex ! choice of angular harmonics
0 0 0 0 ! l included for each sort
0 0 0 0 ! If split into ireps, gives number of ireps. for a given orbital (otherwise 0)
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
-0.088 0.43 ! 0.40 gives warnings, 0.043 gives occ 1.996
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
Sr2MgOsO6 s-o calc. M|| 0.00 0.00 1.00
B 5 87
10.507954 10.507954 14.968880 90.000000 90.000000 90.000000
ATOM -1: X=0.00000000 Y=0.50000000 Z=0.75000000
-1: X=0.50000000 Y=0.00000000 Z=0.75000000
Sr 2+ NPT= 781 R0=.000010000 RMT= 2.50000 Z: 38.00000
LOCAL ROT MATRIX: 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000
ATOM -2: X=0.00000000 Y=0.00000000 Z=0.00000000
Os 6+ NPT= 781 R0=.000005000 RMT= 1.94 Z: 76.00000
LOCAL ROT MATRIX: 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000
ATOM -3: X=0.00000000 Y=0.00000000 Z=0.50000000
Mg 2+ NPT= 781 R0=.000100000 RMT= 1.89 Z: 12.00000
LOCAL ROT MATRIX: 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000
ATOM -4: X=0.74270000 Y=0.21790000 Z=0.00000000
-4: X=0.25730000 Y=0.78210000 Z=0.00000000
-4: X=0.21790000 Y=0.25730000 Z=0.00000000
-4: X=0.78210000 Y=0.74270000 Z=0.00000000
O 2- NPT= 781 R0=.000100000 RMT= 1.58 Z: 8.00000
LOCAL ROT MATRIX: 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000
ATOM -5: X=0.00000000 Y=0.00000000 Z=0.75390000
-5: X=0.00000000 Y=0.00000000 Z=0.24610000
O 2- NPT= 781 R0=.000100000 RMT= 1.58 Z: 8.00000
LOCAL ROT MATRIX: 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000
0-1 0 0.00000000
1 0 0 0.00000000
0 0-1 0.00000000
-1 0 0 0.00000000
0-1 0 0.00000000
0 0-1 0.00000000
1 0 0 0.00000000
0 1 0 0.00000000
0 0-1 0.00000000
0-1 0 0.00000000
1 0 0 0.00000000
0 0 1 0.00000000
0 1 0 0.00000000
-1 0 0 0.00000000
0 0-1 0.00000000
-1 0 0 0.00000000
0-1 0 0.00000000
0 0 1 0.00000000
1 0 0 0.00000000
0 1 0 0.00000000
0 0 1 0.00000000
0 1 0 0.00000000
-1 0 0 0.00000000
0 0 1 0.00000000
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
5 ! Nsort
2 1 1 4 2 ! Mult(Nsort)
3 ! lmax
complex ! choice of angular harmonics
0 0 0 0 ! l included for each sort
0 0 0 0 ! If split into ireps, gives number of ireps. for a given orbital (otherwise 0)
cubic ! choice of angular harmonics
0 0 2 0 ! l included for each sort
0 0 0 0 ! If split into ireps, gives number of ireps. for a given orbital (otherwise 0)
1 ! SO flag
complex ! choice of angular harmonics
0 0 0 0 ! l included for each sort
0 0 0 0 ! If split into ireps, gives number of ireps. for a given orbital (otherwise 0)
complex ! choice of angular harmonics
0 0 0 0 ! l included for each sort
0 0 0 0 ! If split into ireps, gives number of ireps. for a given orbital (otherwise 0)
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
-0.088 0.43 ! 0.40 gives warnings, 0.043 gives occ 1.996
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
4 ! Nsort
2 1 2 2 ! Multiplicities
3 ! lmax
complex ! Sr
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
cubic ! Ru
0 0 2 0 ! include d-shell as correlated
0 0 0 0 ! there are no irreps with SO
1 ! SO-flag
complex ! O1
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
complex ! O2
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
-0.7 1.4 ! energy window (Ry)
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
Sr2RuO4 s-o calc. M|| 0.00 0.00 1.00
B 4 39_I
7.300012 7.300012 24.044875 90.000000 90.000000 90.000000
ATOM -1: X=0.00000000 Y=0.00000000 Z=0.35240000
-1: X=0.00000000 Y=0.00000000 Z=0.64760000
Sr2+ NPT= 781 R0=.000010000 RMT= 2.26000 Z: 38.00000
LOCAL ROT MATRIX: 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000
ATOM -2: X=0.00000000 Y=0.00000000 Z=0.00000000
Ru4+ NPT= 781 R0=.000010000 RMT= 1.95000 Z: 44.00000
LOCAL ROT MATRIX: 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000
ATOM -3: X=0.50000000 Y=0.00000000 Z=0.00000000
-3: X=0.00000000 Y=0.50000000 Z=0.00000000
O 2- NPT= 781 R0=.000100000 RMT= 1.68000 Z: 8.00000
LOCAL ROT MATRIX: 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000
ATOM -4: X=0.00000000 Y=0.00000000 Z=0.16350000
-4: X=0.00000000 Y=0.00000000 Z=0.83650000
O 2- NPT= 781 R0=.000100000 RMT= 1.68000 Z: 8.00000
LOCAL ROT MATRIX: 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000
0-1 0 0.00000000
1 0 0 0.00000000
0 0-1 0.00000000
1 A 2 so. oper. type orig. index
-1 0 0 0.00000000
0-1 0 0.00000000
0 0-1 0.00000000
2 A 3
1 0 0 0.00000000
0 1 0 0.00000000
0 0-1 0.00000000
3 A 6
0-1 0 0.00000000
1 0 0 0.00000000
0 0 1 0.00000000
4 A 8
0 1 0 0.00000000
-1 0 0 0.00000000
0 0-1 0.00000000
5 A 9
-1 0 0 0.00000000
0-1 0 0.00000000
0 0 1 0.00000000
6 A 11
1 0 0 0.00000000
0 1 0 0.00000000
0 0 1 0.00000000
7 A 14
0 1 0 0.00000000
-1 0 0 0.00000000
0 0 1 0.00000000
8 A 15
1 0 0 0.00000000
0-1 0 0.00000000
0 0-1 0.00000000
9 B 1
0 1 0 0.00000000
1 0 0 0.00000000
0 0-1 0.00000000
10 B 4
0-1 0 0.00000000
-1 0 0 0.00000000
0 0-1 0.00000000
11 B 5
1 0 0 0.00000000
0-1 0 0.00000000
0 0 1 0.00000000
12 B 7
-1 0 0 0.00000000
0 1 0 0.00000000
0 0-1 0.00000000
13 B 10
0 1 0 0.00000000
1 0 0 0.00000000
0 0 1 0.00000000
14 B 12
0-1 0 0.00000000
-1 0 0 0.00000000
0 0 1 0.00000000
15 B 13
-1 0 0 0.00000000
0 1 0 0.00000000
0 0 1 0.00000000
16 B 16
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
from triqs_dft_tools.converters.wien2k import Wien2kConverter
from triqs_dft_tools import SumkDFTTools
filename = 'Sr2RuO4'
conv = Wien2kConverter(filename = filename,hdf_filename=filename+'.h5')
SK = SumkDFTTools(filename+'.h5')
mesh = (-10.0,10.0,500)
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class::
Note that all routines available in :class:`SumkDFT <dft.sumk_dft.SumkDFT>` are also available here.
If required, we have to load and initialise the real-frequency self energy. Most conveniently,
you have your self energy already stored as a real-frequency :class:`BlockGf <>` object
you have your self energy already stored as a real-frequency :class:`BlockGf <>` object
in a hdf5 file::
with HDFArchive('case.h5', 'r') as ar:
@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ in a hdf5 file::
You may also have your self energy stored in text files. For this case the :ref:`TRIQS <triqslibs:welcome>` library offers
the function :meth:`read_gf_from_txt`, which is able to load the data from text files of one Green function block
into a real-frequency :class:`ReFreqGf <>` object. Loading each block separately and
building up a :class:´BlockGf <>´ is done with::
into a real-frequency :class:`ReFreqGf <>` object. Loading each block separately and
building up a :class:´BlockGf <>´ is done with::
from import *
from import *
# get block names
n_list = [n for n,nl in SK.gf_struct_solver[0].iteritems()]
# load sigma for each block - in this example sigma is composed of 1x1 blocks
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ Momentum resolved spectral function (with real-frequency self energy)
Another quantity of interest is the momentum-resolved spectral function, which can directly be compared to ARPES
experiments. First we have to execute `lapw1`, `lapw2 -almd` and :program:`dmftproj` with the `-band`
option and use the :meth:`convert_bands_input <dft.converters.wien2k.Wien2kConverter.convert_bands_input>`
option and use the :meth:`convert_bands_input <dft.converters.wien2k_converter.Wien2kConverter.convert_bands_input>`
routine, which converts the required files (for a more detailed description see :ref:`conversion`). The spectral function is then calculated by typing::
@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
.. _blockstructure:
Manipulating the Green's functions block structure
The DFTTools package includes the general :class:`BlockStructure <dft.block_structure.BlockStructure>` class for manipulating the blocks of Green's functions (see also the TRIQS documentation on BlockGF). In the following, we will introduce its basic and most commonly used functionalities that might show up in an actual DFT+DMFT calculation, and will illustrate them on a very basic fictitious problem.
The main idea is to have two structures for the Greens functions available. The first one is used in the procedures of the :class:`SumkDFT <dft.sumk_dft.SumkDFT>` to calculate Dysons equations, lattice Greens functions, and so on, and is normally a full matrix. For instance, in a calculation using :math:`t_{2g}` orbitals without spin-orbit-coupling, you have an spin-up block of size 3x3 and a spin-down block of the same size. In the following, wee will refer to this structure as *sumk* structure.
The second structure, called *solver* structure, is the one which is used for the solution of the Anderson impurity problem. As a matter of fact, in particular in combination with quantum Monte Carlo techniques, it is advisable to use as small blocks as possible in order to run into numerical problems. In particular, it should contain information about the symmetry of the local problem.
Creating a block structure and Green's function
For the purpose of this documentation, we focus on an example of a 3x3 Green's function, consisting of a 1x1 block and a 2x2 block (with off-diagonal coupling). This is reminiscent of a :math:`t_{2g}` manifold. Note that this initialisation is normally done automatically by DFTTools, we do it here manually for demonstration purposes only.
We can create a simple :class:`BlockStructure <dft.block_structure.BlockStructure>` object as follows::
from triqs_dft_tools import BlockStructure
BS = BlockStructure.full_structure([{'up':[0,1,2]}], None)
This creates a block structure with one 3x3 block named *up*. Note that we have not created any Green's function yet; this is just the structure of those objects. If you want to create a Green's function with this structure, you can do (we will if with some content also)::
from import *
GF_sumk = BS.create_gf(space='sumk', beta = 40, n_points = 1000)
GF_sumk['up'][0,0] << iOmega_n - 2.0
GF_sumk['up'][1,1] << iOmega_n + 0.5
GF_sumk['up'][2,2] << iOmega_n + 0.5
GF_sumk['up'][1,2] << 0.1
GF_sumk['up'][2,1] << 0.1
GF_sumk['up'] << inverse(GF_sumk['up'])
Technically, we use the *sumk* block structure for this Green's function. However, at this point, sumk and solver structure are still the same.
A plot of this structure looks like this. Note that there are off-diagonal elements which are exactly zero by construction.
.. image:: images_scripts/BS_GFsumk.png
:width: 600
:align: center
The *solver* structure
The method:`BlockStructure.full_structure()` method, as we used it above to create our BlockStructure object, yields - as the name suggests - a full structure, where *sumk* and *solver* structure are identical. Now we want to take advantage of the symmetries of the problem to reduce the *solver* block structure to the relevant matrix elements only. In our case the [0,0] matrix element of the Green's function is completely decoupled from the 2x2 matrix of [1:2,1:2] elements. We simplify the *solver* structure by setting the mapping of each orbital to its target block and orbital::
BS.map_gf_struct_solver([{('up',0):('up_0',0), ('up',1):('up_1',0), ('up',2):('up_1',1)}])
This creates a *solver* structure different from the *sumk* structure. To see the result, let us look at the Green's function in the *solver* structure now::
GF_solver = BS.convert_gf(GF_sumk, space_from='sumk', space_to='solver')
This converts the GF_sumk into GF_solver, which looks like this.
.. image:: images_scripts/BS_GF_up_0.png
:width: 200
:align: center
.. image:: images_scripts/BS_GF_up_1.png
:width: 400
:align: center
As you can see, the Green's function in the *solver* structure now consists of two blocks: one 1x1 block (called *up_0*) and one 2x2 block (called *up_1*). This is no approximation, as the off-diagonal elements between these blocks are exactly zero anyway.
Picking orbitals
In some cases it might happen that for the projection to localised orbitals a full *d* or *f*-shell has to be used. However, for the Anderson impurity problem, just a subset of the orbitals are needed. This is the case, e.g., when the projection leads to completely empty or full orbitals that you don't want to include in the AIM.
For the example here, the local energy of the *up_0* block (2 eV) is higher than that of the *up_1* block (0.4 and 0.6 eV). Assuming that the chemical potential lies somewhere in the range of the *up_1* block, we might restrict our calculation to only this *up_1* block. The :class:`BlockStructure <dft.block_structure.BlockStructure>` class includes methods to pick a subset or orbitals::
GF2 = BS.convert_gf(GF_sumk, space_from='sumk', space_to='solver')
Now the Green's function GF2 consists of only one 2x2 block, called *up_1*, as we have left out the *up_0* block.
Basis rotations
In cases where the Greens function or the local Hamiltonian shows off diagonal entries in the chosen basis, it is often beneficial to rotate to a different basis. This is of particular interest when using a QMC solver, since off-diagonal contributions lead to a famous fermionic sign problem. The :class:`BlockStructure <dft.block_structure.BlockStructure>` class includes methods to perform such basis rotations.
In our example, the local Hamiltonian is given by
.. math::
\varepsilon_{mm'} = \begin{pmatrix} 2.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 \\0.0 & -0.5 & -0.1\\0.0 & -0.1 & -0.5 \end{pmatrix}
It is easy to check that the following matrix diagonalises this local Hamiltonian:
.. math::
T_{mm'} = \begin{pmatrix} 1.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 \\0.0 & 1/\sqrt{2} & -1/\sqrt{2}\\0.0 & 1/\sqrt{2} & 1/\sqrt{2} \end{pmatrix}
With this unitary matrix, we can do a basis rotation to reduce the size of the off-diagonal matrix elements. Note that the transformation matrix has to be given in the *sumk* basis form (a 3x3 matrix in this case)::
import numpy as np
# Unitary transformation matrix
T = np.array([[1,0,0],[0,1./np.sqrt(2),-1./np.sqrt(2)],[0,1./np.sqrt(2),1./np.sqrt(2)]])
BS.transformation = [T]
GF3 = BS.convert_gf(GF_sumk, space_from='sumk', space_to='solver')
.. image:: images_scripts/BS_GF_up_1_rotated.png
:width: 400
:align: center
As you can see, the offdiagonal elements are reduced to 1e-16 in this basis. Please note that our example is not the most generic case. Normally, due to non-local hybridisation, the off-diagonals can be made smaller, but not exactly zero.
Diagonal approximation
As said above, off diagonal contributions lead to some troubles. However,
when you are exactly sure that you know what you are doing, there is functionality to take only the diagonal parts into account in the block structure. Be careful, there is no automatic check whether this approximation is justified or not!
Starting from the rotated basis as done above, we can get rid of the off-diagonals as follows::
GF4 = BS.convert_gf(GF_sumk, space_from='sumk', space_to='solver')
The Green's function GF4 consists now only of two 1x1 blocks, where *up_1* was the [0,0] element of the former 2x2 block, and *up_2* was the [1,1] element:
.. image:: images_scripts/BS_GF_up_1_rotated_diag.png
:width: 200
:align: center
.. image:: images_scripts/BS_GF_up_2_rotated_diag.png
:width: 200
:align: center
In summary, we started with a full 3x3 matrix in the very beginning, and ended with two 1x1 blocks containing the relevant matrix elements for the calculation.
@ -1,36 +1,30 @@
.. _convW90:
Interface with Wannier90
Wannier90 Converter
This interface allows to convert the output of `wannier90 <>`_
Maximally Localized Wannier Functions (MLWF) and create a HDF5 archive suitable for DMFT calculations with the
:class:`SumkDFT <dft.sumk_dft.SumkDFT>` class. The tasks are parallelized with MPI.
Using this converter it is possible to convert the output of
`wannier90 <>`_
Maximally Localized Wannier Functions (MLWF) and create a HDF5 archive
suitable for one-shot DMFT calculations with the
:class:`SumkDFT <dft.sumk_dft.SumkDFT>` class.
The converter can be run in two different modes, which are specified with the keyword ``bloch_basis`` in the call::
from triqs_dft_tools.converters import Wannier90Converter
Converter = Wannier90Converter(seedname='seedname', bloch_basis=False, rot_mat_type='hloc_diag', add_lambda=None)
Here and in the following, the keyword ``seedname`` should always be intended
as a placeholder for the actual prefix chosen by the user when creating the
input for :program:`wannier90`.
Orbital mode
In the default mode (``bloch_basis = False``), the Converter writes the Hamiltonian in orbital basis, in which case
the projector functions are trivial identity matrices. The user must supply two files:
The user must supply two files in order to run the Wannier90 Converter:
#. The file :file:`seedname_hr.dat`, which contains the DFT Hamiltonian
in the MLWF basis calculated through :program:`wannier90` with ``write_hr = true``
in the MLWF basis calculated through :program:`wannier90` with ``hr_plot = true``
(please refer to the :program:`wannier90` documentation).
#. A file named :file:`seedname.inp`, which contains the required
information about the :math:`\mathbf{k}`-point mesh, the electron density,
the correlated shell structure, ... (see below).
Here and in the following, the keyword ``seedname`` should always be intended
as a placeholder for the actual prefix chosen by the user when creating the
input for :program:`wannier90`.
Once these two files are available, one can use the converter as follows::
from triqs_dft_tools.converters import Wannier90Converter
Converter = Wannier90Converter(seedname='seedname')
The converter input :file:`seedname.inp` is a simple text file with
@ -90,57 +84,13 @@ In our `Pnma`-LaVO\ :sub:`3` example, for instance, we could use::
where the ``x=-1,1,0`` option indicates that the V--O bonds in the octahedra are
rotated by (approximatively) 45 degrees with respect to the axes of the `Pbnm` cell.
The last line of :file:`seedname.inp` is the DFT Fermi energy (in eV), which is subtracted from the onsite
terms in the :file:`seedname_hr.dat` file. This is recommended since some functions in DFTTools implicitly
assume a Fermi energy of 0 eV.
In the orbital mode the Converter supports the addition of a local spin-orbit term, if the Wannier Hamiltonian
describes a t\ :sub:`2g` manifold. Currently, the correct interaction term is only implemented if the default
orbital order of :program:`wannier90` is maintained, i.e. it is assumed to be
:math:`d_{xz,\uparrow}, d_{yz,\uparrow}, d_{xy,\uparrow}, d_{xz,\downarrow}, d_{yz,\downarrow}, d_{xy,\downarrow}`.
The coupling strength can be specified as ``add_lambda = [lambda_x, lambda_y, lambda_z]``,
representative of the orbital coupling terms perpendicular to :math:`[x, y, z]` i.e. :math:`[d_{yz}, d_{xz}, d_{xy}]`,
respectively. Note that it is required to have ``SO=0`` and ``SP=1``.
Band mode
If ``bloch_basis = True``, the Converter writes the Hamiltonian in the Kohn-Sham basis that was used to construct
the Wannier functions. The projector functions are then given by the transformation from Kohn-Sham to orbital basis.
Note that to do so :program:`wannier90` must be run with ``write_u_matrices = true``. Additionally to the files
described above, the Converter will require the following files:
#. :file:`seedname_u.mat` (and :file:`seedname_u_dis.mat` if disentanglement was used to construct the Wannier functions.) is read to construct the projector functions.
#. :file:`seedname.eig` is read to get the Kohn-Sham band eigenvalues
#. :file:`seedname.nnkp` is read to obtain the band indices of the orbitals selected for the Wannier Hamiltonian
#. :file:`seedname.wout` is read to get the outer energy window to ensure the correct mapping of the disentanglement
Note that in case of disentanglement the user must set the outer energy window (``dis_win_min`` and ``dis_win_max``) explicitly in :program:`wannier90` with an energy
separation of at least :math:`10^{-4}` to the band energies. This means in particular that one should not use the default energy window to avoid subtle bugs.
Additionally, to keep the dimension of the lattice Green's function reasonable, it is recommendable to use the exclude_bands tag for bands completely outside of the energy window.
The Converter currently works with Quantum Espresso and VASP. Additional files are required for each case to obtain
the Fermi weights:
#. :file:`seedname.nscf.out` for Quantum Espresso (the NSCF run must contain the flag ``verbosity = 'high'``)
#. :file:`OUTCAR` and :file:`LOCPROJ` for VASP
Note that in the band mode the user input of the :math:`k`-mesh and the Fermi energy in :file:`seedname.inp` are ignored, since both quantities
are automatically read from the :program:`wannier90` and DFT output. However, the :math:`k`-mesh parameter still has to be specified to comply with the file format.
Rotation matrix
The converter will analyse the matrix elements of the local Hamiltonian
to find the symmetry matrices `rot_mat` needed for the global-to-local
transformation of the basis set for correlated orbitals
(see section :ref:`hdfstructure`).
If ``rot_mat_type='hloc_diag'``, the matrices are obtained by finding the unitary transformations that diagonalize
The matrices are obtained by finding the unitary transformations that diagonalize
:math:`\langle w_i | H_I(\mathbf{R}=0,0,0) | w_j \rangle`, where :math:`I` runs
over the correlated shells and `i,j` belong to the same shell (more details elsewhere...).
If ``rot_mat_type='wannier'``, the matrix for the first correlated shell per impurity will be identity, defining the reference frame,
while the rotation matrices of all other equivalent shells contain the correct mapping into this reference frame.
If two correlated shells are defined as equivalent in :file:`seedname.inp`,
then the corresponding eigenvalues have to match within a threshold of 10\ :sup:`-5`,
otherwise the converter will produce an error/warning.
@ -148,17 +98,20 @@ If this happens, please carefully check your data in :file:`seedname_hr.dat`.
This method might fail in non-trivial cases (i.e., more than one correlated
shell is present) when there are some degenerate eigenvalues:
so far tests have not shown any issue, but one must be careful in those cases
(the converter will print a warning message and turns off the use of rotation matrices,
which leads to an incorrect mapping between equivalent correlated shells).
Current limitations
(the converter will print a warning message).
The current implementation of the Wannier90 Converter has some limitations:
* Since :program:`wannier90` does not make use of symmetries (symmetry-reduction
of the :math:`\mathbf{k}`-point grid is not possible), the converter always
sets ``symm_op=0`` (see the :ref:`hdfstructure` section).
* No charge self-consistency possible at the moment.
* Calculations with spin-orbit (``SO=1``) are not supported.
* The spin-polarized case (``SP=1``) is not yet tested.
* The post-processing routines in the module
:class:`SumkDFTTools <dft.sumk_dft_tools.SumkDFTTools>`
were not tested with this converter.
* ``proj_mat_all`` are not used, so there are no projectors onto the
uncorrelated orbitals for now.
@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
.. _convElk:
Interface with Elk
This is the first iteration of the Elk-TRIQS interface, so certain inputs may change in later updates. The Elk part of the interface is not currently in the main distribution, but it can be found `here <>`_.
We assume that the user has obtained a self-consistent solution of the
Kohn-Sham equations with Elk (a full tutorial can be found here :ref:`Elk SVO tutorial <SrVO3_elk>`). Also, the user needs to be familiar with the main in/output files of Elk, and how to run
the DFT code. Further information about Elk can be found on the `official Elk website <>`_.
Conversion for the DMFT self-consistency cycle
Once the user has obtained the groundstate calculation, they will have to rerun Elk but with some small changes to the inputs in the file which will be explained below. The Elk part of the interface calculates and outputs the Wannier projectors. All downfolding related flags are set in the elk input file, and Elk determines automatically by symmetry equivalent sites. The TRIQS Elk converter then reads in these projectors along with the other Elk ascii files which would have been generated in the Elk ground state calculation. This information is then packed into the HDF5 file.
In the following, we use SrVO3 as an example to explain the flags required in the input file. An example of SrVO3 is available in the :ref:`SrVO3 tutorial <SrVO3_elk>`:
.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/svo_elk/
The projectors are generated in Elk using these alterations in the file::
1 !1) number of projector species
2 2 3 !2) species number, l value and lm submatrix size
7 8 9 !3) cubic harmonic lm indices
-0.055 0.07 !4) Correlated energy window in Hartrees (this is [-1.5, 1.9] in eV)
The first flag "task" specifies Elk to do the Wannier projector calculation in the Elk input convention. The "wanproj" flag specifies the information needed to generate the desired projectors (the exclamation marks are comment flags in Fortran). Below gives the meaning of each line:
#. The number of different species to generate the projectors for. If the material has multiple atoms of the same species, then the projectors will be generated for all of these atoms. Information about whether these atoms are symmetrically equivalent is written to the PROJ.OUT file. Generating projectors for multiple species requires lines 2) and 3) to be repeated for each projector species.
#. The desired species index (relative to the order of the "atoms" input in, the l value and the number of wanted lm orbitals for the projectors.
#. The lm indices (in the cubic harmonics by default) where lm = 1 refers to the s orbital, lm = 2,3,4 refers to the p orbitals, lm = 5,6,7,8,9 refers to the d orbitals and finally lm = 10,11,12,13,14,15,16 refers to the f orbitals. In the example above, this specifies that we want the t2g orbitals which has size 3 [last number in line 2)] and the lm indices are 7, 8 and 9 as specified in line 3). If, on the other hand, the user wishes to use all of the d-orbitals then all 5 orbital indices need to be included along with specifying that all 5 orbitals will be used [at the end of line 2)].
#. The correlated energy window (in Hartree) to generate the projectors within.
It should be noted that the indices in line 3) will change if another lm basis is used.
The default is the cubic harmonic basis. The flags in required to change the spherical harmonic basis are::
Above are the default inputs. If both of these flags are set to .false., the projectors will be generated in the complex spherical harmonic basis. It is possible to generate the projectors in Elk's irreducible basis by setting cubic to .false., but this is experimental and the TRIQS side of the interface is
currently unable to convert the projectors in that basis. Finally, these projectors are written to file in the complex spherical harmonic basis.
Also, the input flag called "wanind", when set to .true. in, enables the user to input the lower and upper band indices (respectively) in line 4) of "wanproj" instead of the correlated energy window energies. An example of the inputs in the file::
1 !No. of projector species
2 2 3 !species, l, lm submatrix size
7 8 9 !lm indices
21 25 !correlated energy window band indices.
Note that for magnetic systems (spin uncoupled calculations), only the indices of the majority spin bands are used as inputs. The code calculates the indices for the minority spin automatically.
.. _Elk_files:
The rest of the file can remain unchanged. This 805 task calculates the projectors which are written into the WANPROJ_L**_S**_A****.OUT file(s). Note that the projectors will be written in the complex spherical harmonic basis. Along with this, the other written file (PROJ.OUT) specficies some information about the projectors (like atom equivalency, lm indices and so on) needed for reading the files into the TRIQS library. The PROJ.OUT file contains comments about its outputs. Here's a list of all of the input files needed for this part of the TRIQS converter:
#. WANPROJ_L**_S**_A****.OUT - file containing the projectors and band window indices.
#. PROJ.OUT - specficies some information about the projectors.
(like atom equivalency, lm indices and so on) needed for reading into the TRIQS library.
#. EIGVAL.OUT - contains the energies and latice vector coordinates for each k-point.
#. EFERMI.OUT - contains the Fermi energy.
#. KPOINTS.OUT - contains the k-point weights and lattice vectors.
#. SYMCRYS.OUT - has the crystal symmetries used for symmetries observables.
#. LATTICE.OUT - has lattice-Cartesian basis transformation matrices.
#. GEOMETRY.OUT - file with the lattice positions of every atom of each species.
Moreover, the Wannier charge density matrix (in WANCHARGE.OUT) and the Wannier spectral function (in WANSF_L**_S**_A****_0*.OUT) are calculated. These files are not used in the interface.
As a side note, there are two other tasks which also generate the Wannier projectors. Task 804 generates the same outputs as 805 except it doesn't calculate the Wannier charge and spectral function. Task 806 outputs the same information as 805, but it generates the projectors (and other k-dependent variables) on a different user defined ngridk mesh. These tasks are parallelized with both OpenMP and MPI.
The Elk outputs are read into the TRIQS library using the following lines::
from triqs_dft_tools.converters.elk import *
Converter = ElkConverter(filename=filename, repacking=True)
The first two lines import and load the Elk converter module and the last line executes the conversion into the filename.h5 HDF5 file.
Data for post-processing - Correlated Spectral functions
In case you want to do post-processing of your data using the module :class:`SumkDFTTools <dft.sumk_dft_tools.SumkDFTTools>`, some more files have to be converted to the HDF5 archive. Some of this has been laid out in :ref:`analysis`, but the Elk specific functions are described in the following sections. Below, we will discuss how to input the information for correlated spectral functions (band structures) and which is then calculated using "spaghettis" in :ref:`analysis`. However, band character band structure plots have not yet been implemented.
In Elk, the requires the altered flag::
As well as the wanproj flag (which has be discussed previously) and the plot1d flag (refer to the Elk manual). The new output files of this task required for the interface are:
#. BAND.OUT - the energy eigenvalues along the user specified path.
#. PROJ_WANBAND.OUT - same as PROJ.OUT but for band structure projectors
#. WANPROJ_L**_S**_A****_WANBAND.OUT - same as WANPROJ_L**_S**_A****.OUT
but for band structure projectors.
(The ascii output files which have the new extension of _WANBAND.OUT are specific for this post processing calculation.)
The band structure information is converted into TRIQS by using::
Spectral function from Elk inputs
Elk does not calculate the theta projectors for partial DOS calculations. Instead, Elk outputs the band characters into the file BC.OUT when using the task::
The contents of BC.OUT need to be converted into the HDF5 file by using the Elk Converter module::
from triqs_dft_tools.converters.elk import *
Converter = ElkConverter(filename=filename, repacking=True)
Once these have been saved to the HDF5 file (called "filename" here), the spectral function can be calculated with::
SK.elk_dos(broadening=0.0, with_Sigma=True, with_dc=True, pdos=False, nk=None)
This outputs the total spectral function and the partial spectral function if enabled. Most of the user inputs are similar to the "SK.dos_parproj_basis()" module in :ref:`analysis`. The "pdos" flag when "True" enables the partial dos of each lm value to be calculated. It should be noted that these band characters are in Elk's irreducible lm basis and as such, the user has to check the irreducible representation used in Elk. This information can be found in the file ELMIREP.OUT after running task 10 (the DOS calculating task). The "nk" flag enables the calculation of the occupied spectral funciton. Here, nk needs to be the occupation density matrix (calculated from integrating the Green's function on the Matsubara axis) in the Bloch basis. This input needs to be in the same format as the occupation density matrix "deltaN" calculated in the sumk_DFT.calc_density_correction(dm_type='elk') module.
Spectral function Contour Plots (Fermi Surfaces) from Elk inputs
Here, we will discuss how to plot the Fermi surface contour or any other non-zero omega spectral function contour plot. This is currently tailored for the Elk inputs. From this point, we will refer to these contours as Fermi surfaces. The energy eigenvalues, projectors and so on required for the Fermi surface plot needs to be outputed from Elk. This is done by using::
in Elk, but unlike the previous Elk interface tasks, the k-mesh grid needs to be specified. This is done like using the same inputs as the Fermi surface calculations in Elk. In Elk, The user needs to specify the "plot3d" input flag used to generate the k-mesh which the interface variables are evaluated on. A simple example is for SrVO3 where plot3d would look something like::
0.0 0.0 0.0 !1) origin
1.0 0.0 0.0 !2) vertex 1
0.0 1.0 0.0 !3) vertex 2
0.0 0.0 1.0 !4) vertex 3
32 32 32 !5) k-mesh grid size
Lines 1) to 4) specifies the corners (in lattice coordinates) of the k-grid box and line 5) is the grid size in each direction (see the Elk manual). If the user desires to plot a 2D plane, then the user should define the plane using lines 2) and 3) [relative to line 1)] and define line 4) to be the cross-product of lines 2) and 3) [i.e. the vector in line 4) is normal to the 2D plane]. The outputs will be in terms of the k-dependent quantities in the irreducible Brillouin zone (IBZ). The files needed for the interface are:
#. EIGVAL_FS.OUT - same as EIGVAL.OUT but the output is of the Fermi surface calculation.
#. KPOINT_FS.OUT - same as KPOINT.OUT but the output is of the Fermi surface calculation.
#. PROJ_FS.OUT - same as PROJ.OUT but the output is of the Fermi surface calculation.
#. WANPROJ_L**_S**_A****_FS.OUT - same as WANPROJ_L**_S**_A****.OUT but the output is of the Fermi surface calculation.
#. EFERMI.OUT - contains the Fermi energy.
#. SYMCRYS.OUT - has the crystal symmetries used for symmetries observables.
#. LATTICE.OUT - has lattice-Cartesian basis transformation matrices.
(The ascii output files which have the extension of _FS.OUT are specific for this post processing calculation.)
These outputs are converted to the HDF5 file by::
from triqs_dft_tools.converters.elk import *
Converter = ElkConverter(filename=filename, repacking=True)
The spectral function for the Fermi surface plots are calculated with::
SK.fs_plot(broadening=0.0, mesh=None, FS=True, plane=True, sym=True, orthvec=None, with_Sigma=True, with_dc=True)
The new flags specify the following:
#. "FS" - determines whether the output will be the Fermi surface and uses the closest omega value to 0.0 in the mesh.
#. "plane" - required to specify whether the Elk input parameters were generated on a k-mesh plane.
#. "sym" - needed if the IBZ will be folded out by using symmetry operations.
#. "orthvec" - (numpy array of length 3) needs to be specified if using "plane" as this input is the orthonormal vector to the 2D plane required for the folding out process.
To give the user a range of output capabilities, This routine can be used in the following ways:
#. If using "with_Sigma", the mesh will be the same as the self-energy. However, by setting FS=False, the user can input a mesh option if they desire the "Fermi surface" plots for each omega value (commensurate with the self-energy mesh) within the input range.
#. If the user is generating the DFT Spectral function plot (i.e. with_Sigma and with_dc both set to False), a mesh needs to be specified if FS=False. This function will output the spectral functions for the input mesh. Otherwise if FS is True, this would return the spectral function at omega=0.0.
The output files will have the form of "Akw_FS_X.dat" (X being either up, down or ud) if FS=True or "Akw_X_omega_Y.dat" (Y being the omega mesh index) otherwise. The latter file will have the omega values within the file (the fourth column). The first three columns of both output file types specifies the cartesian lattice vector (kx, ky, kz) and the last column is the spectral function values.
DFT+DMFT wavefunction dependent quantities
The DFT+DMFT wavefunctions and occupations are generated in Elk by diagonalizing the full DFT+DMFT density matrix at each k-point during task 808. These are used to update the electron density which is then used to solve the Kohn-Sham equations once to complete a FCSC DFT+DMFT cycle. It is possible to calculate quantities which are solely dependent on the wavefunctions and occupations by using the aforementioned diagonalized set. After generating the DMATDMFT.OUT file, these diagonalized wavefunctions and occupations are calculated by amending with the new task::
This will write the new second variational eigenvectors and occupations in the EVECSV.OUT and OCCSV.OUT binary files respectively. Then the wavefunction dependent quantities implemented within Elk can be calculated using these DFT+DMFT wavefunctions and occupations. Note that this only works for energy independent quantities. Also, the user has to ensure that the second variational eigenvectors will be used in determining the wavefunction dependent quantities. This is done by looking for the variable "tevecsv" in init0.f90 of Elk's source code and making sure that this is set to .true. for the task number the user wishes to use.
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ matrix of the imaginary part, and then move on to the next :math:`\mathbf{k}`-po
The converter itself is used as::
from import *
from triqs_dft_tools.converters.hk_converter import *
Converter = HkConverter(filename = hkinputfile)
@ -95,6 +95,6 @@ where :file:`hkinputfile` is the name of the input file described
above. This produces the hdf file that you need for a DMFT calculation.
For more options of this converter, have a look at the
:py:mod:`Converters <triqs_dft_tools.converters>` section of the reference manual.
:ref:`refconverters` section of the reference manual.
@ -1,67 +1,50 @@
.. _convVASP:
Interface with VASP
The VASP interface relies on new options introduced since version 5.4.x In
particular, a new INCAR-option `LOCPROJ
<>`_, the new `LORBIT` modes
13 and 14 have been added, and the new `ICHARG` mode 5 for charge
self-consistent DFT+DMFT calculations have been added.
.. warning::
The VASP interface is in the alpha-version and the VASP part of it is not
yet publicly released. The documentation may, thus, be subject to changes
before the final release.
The VASP interface methodologically builds on the so called projection on
localized orbitals (PLO) scheme, where the resulting KS states from DFT are
projected on localized orbitals, which defines a basis for setting up a
Hubbard-like model Hamiltonian. Resulting in lattice object stored in `SumkDFT`.
The implementation is presented in `M. Schüler et al. 2018 J. Phys.: Condens.
Matter 30 475901 <>`_.
*Limitations of the alpha-version:*
The interface consists of two parts, :py:mod:`PLOVASP<triqs_dft_tools.converters.plovasp>`, a collection of
python classes and functions converting the raw VASP output to proper projector
functions, and the python based :py:mod:`VaspConverter<triqs_dft_tools.converters.vasp>`, which
creates a h5 archive from the :py:mod:`PLOVASP<triqs_dft_tools.converters.plovasp>` output readable by
`SumkDFT`. Therefore, the conversion consist always of two steps.
* The interface works correctly only if the k-point symmetries
are turned off during the VASP run (ISYM=-1).
Here, we will present a guide how the interface `can` be used to create input for a DMFT calculation, using SrVO3 as an example. Full examples can be found in the :ref:`tutorial section of DFTTools<tutorials>`.
* Generation of projectors for k-point lines (option `Lines` in KPOINTS)
needed for Bloch spectral function calculations is not possible at the moment.
Limitations of the interface
* The interface currently supports only collinear-magnetism calculation
(this implis no spin-orbit coupling) and
spin-polarized projectors have not been tested.
* The interface works correctly only if the k-point symmetries
are turned off during the VASP run (ISYM=-1).
* Generation of projectors for k-point lines (option `Lines` in KPOINTS)
needed for Bloch spectral function calculations is not possible at the moment.
* The interface currently supports only collinear-magnetism calculation
(this implies no spin-orbit coupling) and spin-polarized projectors have not
been tested.
* The converter needs the correct Fermi energy from VASP, which is read from
the LOCPROJ file. However, VASP by default does not output this information.
Please see `Remarks on the VASP version`_.
A detailed description of the VASP converter tool PLOVasp can be found
in the :ref:`PLOVasp User's Guide <plovasp>`. Here, a quick-start guide is presented.
VASP: generating raw projectors
The VASP interface relies on new options introduced since version
5.4.x. In particular, a new INCAR-option `LOCPROJ`
and new `LORBIT` modes 13 and 14 have been added.
The VASP **INCAR** option `LOCPROJ` selects a set of localized projectors that
will be written to the file **LOCPROJ** after a successful VASP run. A projector set is specified by site indices, labels of the target local states, and projector type:
Option `LOCPROJ` selects a set of localized projectors that will
be written to file `LOCPROJ` after a successful VASP run.
A projector set is specified by site indices,
labels of the target local states, and projector type:
| `LOCPROJ = <sites> : <shells> : <projector type>`
where `<sites>` represents a list of site indices separated by spaces, with the
indices corresponding to the site position in the **POSCAR** file; `<shells>`
specifies local states (see below); `<projector type>` chooses a particular type
of the local basis function. The recommended projector type is `Pr 2`. This will
perform a projection of the Kohn-Sham states onto the VASP PAW projector
functions. The number specified behind `Pr` is selecting a specific PAW channel,
see the `VASP wiki page <>`_
for more information. The formalism for this type of projectors is presented in
`M. Schüler et al. 2018 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 30 475901
<>`_. For further details on the
`LOCPROJ` flag also have a look in the `VASP wiki
where `<sites>` represents a list of site indices separated by spaces,
with the indices corresponding to the site position in the POSCAR file;
`<shells>` specifies local states (see below);
`<projector type>` chooses a particular type of the local basis function.
The recommended projector type is `Pr 2`. The formalism for this type
of projectors is presented in
`M. Schüler et al. 2018 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 30 475901 <>`_.
The allowed labels of the local states defined in terms of cubic
harmonics are (mind the order):
harmonics are:
* Entire shells: `s`, `p`, `d`, `f`
@ -72,25 +55,16 @@ harmonics are (mind the order):
* `f`-states: `fy(3x2-y2)`, `fxyz`, `fyz2`, `fz3`,
`fxz2`, `fz(x2-y2)`, `fx(x2-3y2)`.
For projector type `Pr`, one should ideally also set `LORBIT = 14` in the
INCAR file and provide parameters `EMIN`, `EMAX`, defining, in this case, an
energy range (energy window) corresponding to the valence states. Note that,
as in the case of a DOS calculation, the position of the valence states
depends on the Fermi level, which can usually be found at the end of the
OUTCAR file. Setting `LORBIT=14` will perform an automatic optimization of
the PAW projector channel as described in `M. Schüler et al. 2018 J. Phys.:
Condens. Matter 30 475901 <>`_, by
using a linear combination of the PAW channels, to maximize the overlap in
the chosen energy window between the projector and the Kohn-Sham state.
Therefore, setting `LORBIT=14` will let VASP ignore the channel specified
after `Pr`. This optimization is only performed for the projector type `Pr`,
not for `Ps` and obviously not for `Hy`. We recommend to specify the PAW
channel anyway, in case one forgets to set `LORBIT=14`.
For projector type `Pr 2`, one should also set `LORBIT = 14` in the INCAR file
and provide parameters `EMIN`, `EMAX`, defining, in this case, an
energy range (energy window) corresponding to the valence states.
Note that, as in the case
of a DOS calculation, the position of the valence states depends on the
Fermi level, which can usually be found at the end of the OUTCAR file.
In case of SrVO3 one may first want to perform a self-consistent
calculation to know the Fermi level and the rough position of the target states.
In the next step one sets `ICHARG = 1` and adds the following additional lines
into INCAR (provided that V is the second ion in POSCAR):
For example, in case of SrVO3 one may first want to perform a self-consistent
calculation, then set `ICHARGE = 1` and add the following additional
lines into INCAR (provided that V is the second ion in POSCAR):
| `EMIN = 3.0`
| `EMAX = 8.0`
@ -98,347 +72,73 @@ into INCAR (provided that V is the second ion in POSCAR):
| `LOCPROJ = 2 : d : Pr 2`
The energy range does not have to be precise. Important is that it has a large
overlap with valence bands and no overlap with semi-core or high unoccupied
states. This **INCAR** will calculate and write-out projections for all five d-orbitals.
VASP input-output
The calculated projections :math:`\langle \chi_L | \Psi_\mu \rangle` are written
into files **PROJCAR** and **LOCPROJ**. The difference between these two files
is that **LOCPROJ** contains raw matrices without any reference to
sites/orbitals, while **PROJCAR** is more detailed. In particular, the
information that can be obtained for each projector from **PROJCAR** is the
* site (and species) index
* for each `k`-point and band: a set of complex numbers for labeled orbitals
At the same time, **LOCPROJ** contains the total number of projectors (as well
as the number of `k`-points, bands, and spin channels) in the first line, which
can be used to allocate the arrays before parsing.
overlap with valence bands and no overlap with semi-core or high unoccupied states.
Conversion for the DMFT self-consistency cycle
The projectors generated by VASP require certain post-processing before they can
be used for DMFT calculations. The most important step is to (ortho-)normalize
The projectors generated by VASP require certain post-processing before
they can be used for DMFT calculations. The most important step is to normalize
them within an energy window that selects band states relevant for the impurity
problem. This will create proper Wannier functions of the initial projections
produced by VASP. Note that this energy window is different from the one
described above and it must be chosen independently of the energy range given by
`EMIN, EMAX` in the **INCAR** VASP input file. This part is done in `PLOVASP`.
problem. Note that this energy window is different from the one described above
and it must be chosen independently of the energy
range given by `EMIN, EMAX` in INCAR.
Post-processing of `LOCPROJ` data is generally done as follows:
PLOVASP: converting VASP output
#. Prepare an input file `<name>.cfg` (e.g., `plo.cfg`) that describes the definition
of your impurity problem (more details below).
:py:mod:`PLOVASP<triqs_dft_tools.converters.plovasp>` is a collection of python functions and classes, post-processing the raw VASP `LOCPROJ` output creating proper projector functions.
#. Extract the value of the Fermi level from OUTCAR and paste it at the end of
the first line of LOCPROJ.
The following VASP files are used by PLOVASP:
* PROJCAR, LOCPROJ: raw projectors generated by VASP-PLO interface
* EIGENVAL: Kohn-Sham eigenvalues as well as `k`-points with weights and Fermi weights
* IBZKPT: `k`-point data (:math:`\Gamma`)
* POSCAR: crystal structure data
#. Run :program:`plovasp` with the input file as an argument, e.g.:
To run `PLOVASP`, one first prepares an input file `<name>.cfg` (default name `plo.cfg`) that describes the definition of the correlated subspace. For SrVO3 this input file would look like this:
| `plovasp plo.cfg`
.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/svo_vasp/plo.cfg
This requires that the TRIQS paths are set correctly (see Installation
of TRIQS).
In the [section] general, the `DOSMESH` defines an energy window and number of
data points, which lets the converter calculate the density of states of the
created projector functions in a given energy window. Each projector shell is
defined by a section `[Shell 1]` where the number can be arbitrary and used only
for user convenience. Several parameters are required
If everything goes right one gets files `<name>.ctrl` and `<name>.pg1`.
These files are needed for the converter that will be invoked in your
DMFT script.
- **IONS**: list of site indices which must be a subset of indices given earlier
in the VASP INCAR `LOCPROJ` flag. Note: If projections are performed for
multiple sites one can specify symmetry equivalent sites with brackets: `[2
3]`. Here the projector are generated for ions 2 and 3, but they will be
marked as symmetry equivalent later in 'SumkDFT'.
The format of input file `<name>.cfg` is described in details in
the :ref:`User's Guide <plovasp>`. Here we just consider a simple example for the case
of SrVO3:
.. literalinclude:: images_scripts/srvo3.cfg
A projector shell is defined by a section `[Shell 1]` where the number
can be arbitrary and used only for user convenience. Several
parameters are required
- **IONS**: list of site indices which must be a subset of indices
given earlier in `LOCPROJ`.
- **LSHELL**: :math:`l`-quantum number of the projector shell; the corresponding
orbitals must be present in `LOCPROJ`.
- **EWINDOW**: energy window in which the projectors are normalized;
note that the energies are defined with respect to the Fermi level.
The Option **TRANSFORM** is optional here, and it is specified to extract
only the three :math:`t_{2g}` orbitals out of the five `d` orbitals given by
:math:`l = 2`. A detailed explanation of all input parameters can be found
further below `PLOVASP detailed guide`_.
Option **TRANSFORM** is optional but here, it is specified to extract
only three :math:`t_{2g}` orbitals out of five `d` orbitals given by
:math:`l = 2`.
Next, the converter is executed. This can be done by calling :program:`PLOVASP` directly in the command line with the input file as an argument, e.g.:
| `plovasp plo.cfg`
The conversion to a h5-file is performed in the same way as for Wien2TRIQS::
or embedded in a python script as::
import triqs_dft_tools.converters.plovasp.converter as plo_converter
# Generate and store PLOs
plo_converter.generate_and_output_as_text('plo.cfg', vasp_dir='./')
This will create the xml files `vasp.ctrl` and `vasp.pg1` containing the orthonormalized projector functions readable by the :py:mod:`VaspConverter<triqs_dft_tools.converters.vasp>`. Moreover, :py:mod:`PLOVASP<triqs_dft_tools.converters.plovasp>` will output important information of the orthonormalization process, such as the density matrix of the correlated shell and the local Hamiltonian.
Running the VASP converter
The actual conversion to a h5-file is performed with the orthonormalized projector functions readable by the :py:mod:`VaspConverter<triqs_dft_tools.converters.vasp>` in the same fashion as with the other `DFTTools` converters::
from triqs_dft_tools.converters.vasp import *
Converter = VaspConverter(filename = 'vasp')
from triqs_dft_tools.converters.vasp_converter import *
Converter = VaspConverter(filename = filename)
As usual, the resulting h5-file can then be used with the SumkDFT class::
sk = SumkDFTTools(hdf_file='vasp.h5')
As usual, the resulting h5-file can then be used with the SumkDFT class.
Note that the automatic detection of the correct block structure might fail for
VASP inputs. This can be circumvented by setting a bigger value of the threshold
in :class:`SumkDFT <dft.sumk_dft.SumkDFT>`, e.g.::
Note that the automatic detection of the correct block structure might
fail for VASP inputs.
This can be circumvented by setting a bigger value of the threshold in
:class:`SumkDFT <dft.sumk_dft.SumkDFT>`, e.g.::
SK.analyse_block_structure(threshold = 1e-4)
However, this should only be done after a careful study of the density matrix and the projected DOS in the localized basis. For the complete process for SrVO3 see the tutorial for the VASP interface `here <../tutorials/svo_vasp/svo_notebook.html>`_.
However, do this only after a careful study of the density matrix and
the projected DOS in the localized basis.
PLOVASP detailed guide
The general purpose of the PLOVASP tool is to transform raw, non-normalized
projectors generated by VASP into normalized projectors corresponding to
user-defined projected localized orbitals (PLO). To enhance the performance
parsing the raw VASP output files, the parser is implemented in plain C. The
idea is that the python part of the parser first reads the first line of
**LOCPROJ** and then calls the C-routine with necessary parameters to parse
**PROJCAR**. The resulting PLOs can then be used for DFT+DMFT calculations with
or without charge self-consistency. PLOVASP also provides some utilities for
basic analysis of the generated projectors, such as outputting density matrices,
local Hamiltonians, and projected density of states.
PLOs are determined by the energy window in which the raw projectors are
normalized. This allows to define either atomic-like strongly localized Wannier
functions (large energy window) or extended Wannier functions focusing on
selected low-energy states (small energy window).
In PLOVASP, all projectors sharing the same energy window are combined into a
`projector group`. This allows one in principal to define several groups with
different energy windows for the same set of raw projectors. Note: multiple groups are not yet implemented.
A set of projectors defined on sites related to each other either by symmetry
or by an atomic sort, along with a set of :math:`l`, :math:`m` quantum numbers,
forms a `projector shell`. There could be several projectors shells in a
projector group, implying that they will be normalized within the same energy
Projector shells and groups are specified by a user-defined input file whose
format is described below. Additionally, each shell can be marked correlated or non-correlated, to tell `SumkDFT` whether or not these should be treated in the DMFT impurity problem.
Input file format
The input file is written in the standard config-file format.
Parameters (or 'options') are grouped into sections specified as
`[Section name]`. All parameters must be defined inside some section.
A PLOVASP input file can contain three types of sections:
#. **[General]**: includes parameters that are independent
of a particular projector set, such as the Fermi level, additional
output (e.g. the density of states), etc.
#. **[Group <Ng>]**: describes projector groups, i.e. a set of
projectors sharing the same energy window and normalization type.
At the moment, DFTtools support only one projector group, therefore
there should be no more than one projector group.
#. **[Shell <Ns>]**: contains parameters of a projector shell labelled
with `<Ns>`. If there is only one group section and one shell section,
the group section can be omitted but in this case, the group required
parameters must be provided inside the shell section.
Section [General]
The entire section is optional and it contains four parameters:
* **BASENAME** (string): provides a base name for output files.
Default filenames are :file:`vasp.*`.
* **DOSMESH** ([float float] integer): if this parameter is given,
the projected density of states for each projected orbital will be
evaluated and stored to files :file:`pdos_<s>_<n>.dat`, where `s` is the
shell index and `n` the ion index. The energy mesh is defined by three
numbers: `EMIN` `EMAX` `NPOINTS`. The first two
can be omitted in which case they are taken to be equal to the projector
energy window. **Important note**: at the moment this option works
only if the tetrahedron integration method (`ISMEAR = -4` or `-5`)
is used in VASP to produce `LOCPROJ`.
* **EFERMI** (float): provides the Fermi level. This value overrides
the one extracted from VASP output files.
* **HK** (True/False): If True, the projectors are applied the the Kohn-Sham
eigenvalues which results in a Hamitlonian H(k) in orbital basis. The H(k)
is written for each group to a file :file:`<Ng>`. It is recommended
to also set `COMPLEMENT = True` (see below). Default is False.
There are no required parameters in this section.
Section [Shell]
This section specifies a projector shell. Each `[Shell]` section must be
labeled by an index, e.g. `[Shell 1]`. These indices can then be referenced
in a `[Group]` section.
In each `[Shell]` section two parameters are required:
* **IONS** (list of integer): indices of sites included in the shell.
The sites can be given either by a list of integers `IONS = 5 6 7 8`
or by a range `IONS = 5..8`. The site indices must be compatible with
the POSCAR file. Morever, sites can be marked to be identical by
grouping them with brackets, i.e. `IONS = [5 6] [7 8]` will mark the
sites 5 and 6 in the POSCAR (and of course also 7 and 8) to be idential.
This will mark these correlated site as equivalent, and only one
impurity problem per bracket group is generated.
* **LSHELL** (integer): :math:`l` quantum number of the desired local states.
It is important that a given combination of site indices and local states
given by `LSHELL` must be present in the LOCPROJ file.
There are additional optional parameters that allow one to transform
the local states:
* **CORR** (True/False): Determines if shell is correlated or not. At least one
shell has to be correlated. Default is True.
* **SORT** (integer): Overrides the default detection of ion sorts by supplying
an integer. Default is `None`, for which the default behavior is retained.
* **TRANSFORM** (matrix): local transformation matrix applied to all states
in the projector shell. The matrix is defined by a (multiline) block
of floats, with each line corresponding to a row. The number of columns
must be equal to :math:`2 l + 1`, with :math:`l` given by `LSHELL`. Only real matrices
are allowed. This parameter can be useful to select certain subset of
orbitals or perform a simple global rotation.
* **TRANSFILE** (string): name of the file containing transformation
matrices for each site. This option allows for a full-fledged functionality
when it comes to local state transformations. The format of this file
is described :ref:`below <transformation_file>`.
Section [Group]
Each defined projector shell must be part of a projector group. In the current
implementation of DFTtools only a single group (labelled by any integer, e.g. `[Group 1]`)
is supported. This implies that all projector shells
must be included in this group.
Required parameters for any group are the following:
* **SHELLS** (list of integers): indices of projector shells included in the group.
All defined shells must be grouped.
* **EWINDOW** (float float): the energy window specified by two floats: bottom
and top. All projectors in the current group are going to be normalized within
this window. *Note*: This option must be specified inside the `[Shell]` section
if only one shell is defined and the `[Group]` section is omitted.
Optional group parameters:
* **NORMALIZE** (True/False): specifies whether projectors in the group are
to be normalized. The default value is **True**.
* **NORMION** (True/False): specifies whether projectors are normalized on
a per-site (per-ion) basis. That is, if `NORMION = True`, the orthogonality
condition will be enforced on each site separately but the Wannier functions
on different sites will not be orthogonal. If `NORMION = False`, the Wannier functions
on different sites included in the group will be orthogonal to each other. The default value is **True**
* **BANDS** (int int): the energy window specified by two ints: band index of
lowest band and band index of highest band. Using this overrides the selection
* **COMPLEMENT** (True/False). If True, the orthogonal complement is calculated
resulting in unitary (quadratic) projectors, i.e., the same number of orbitals
as bands. It is required to have an equal number of bands in the energy window
at each k-point. Default is False.
.. _transformation_file:
File of transformation matrices
.. warning::
The description below applies only to collinear cases (i.e., without spin-orbit
coupling). In this case, the matrices are spin-independent.
The file specified by option `TRANSFILE` contains transformation matrices
for each ion. Each line must contain a series of floats whose number is either equal to
the number of orbitals :math:`N_{orb}` (in this case the transformation matrices
are assumed to be real) or to :math:`2 N_{orb}` (for the complex transformation matrices).
The total number of lines :math:`N` must be a multiple of the number of ions :math:`N_{ion}`
and the ratio :math:`N / N_{ion}`, then, gives the dimension of the transformed
orbital space. The lines with floats can be separated by any number of empty or
comment lines (starting from `#`), which are ignored.
A very simple example is a transformation matrix that selects the :math:`t_{2g}` manifold.
For two correlated sites, one can define the file as follows:
# Site 1
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
# Site 2
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
Remarks on the VASP version
In the current version of the interface the Fermi energy is extracted from the
DOSCAR. However, if one pursues to do charge self-consistent calculations one
needs to write the Fermi energy to the projectors (`LOCPROJ` file), as the DOSCAR
is only updated after a full SCF/NSCF run. The file should contain the Fermi energy
in the header. One can either copy the Fermi energy manually there after a successful
VASP run, or modify the VASP source code slightly, by replacing the following line in
`locproj.F` (around line 695):
< WRITE(99,'(4I6," # of spin, # of k-points, # of bands, # of proj" )') NS,NK,NB,NF
> WRITE(99,'(4I6,F12.7," # of spin, # of k-points, # of bands, # of proj, Efermi" )') W%WDES%NCDIJ,NK,NB,NF,EFERMI
Now one needs to pass additionally the variable `EFERMI` to the function, by changing (at arount line 560):
Next, we need to pass this option when calling from `electron.F` and `main.F`
(just search for LPRJ_WRITE in the files) and change all occurences as follows:
Now Vasp should print in the header of the `LOCPROJ` file additionally the Fermi energy.
Another critical point for CSC calculations is the function call of
`LPRJ_LDApU` in VASP. This function is not needed, and was left there for debug
purposes, but is called every iteration. Removing the call to this function in `electron.F` in line 644 speeds up the calculation significantly in the `ICHARG=5` mode. Moreover, this prevents VASP from generating the `GAMMA` file, which should ideally only be done by the DMFT code after a successful DMFT step, and then be read by VASP.
Furthermore, there is a bug in `fileio.F` around line 1710 where VASP tries to
print "reading the density matrix from Gamma". This should be done only by the
master node, and VASP gets stuck sometimes. Adding a
statement resolves this issue. A similar problem occurs, when VASP writes the
`OSZICAR` file and a buffer is stuck. Adding a `flush` to the buffer in
`electron.F` around line 580 after
print *, ' '
resolves this issue. Otherwise the OSZICAR file is not written properly.
@ -68,33 +68,10 @@ is given by the following 3 to 5 lines:
These lines have to be repeated for each inequivalent atom.
The last line gives the lower and upper limit of the energy window,
relative to the Fermi energy, which is used for the projective Wannier functions.
Note that, in accordance with Wien2k, we give energies in Rydberg units!
The last line gives the energy window, relative to the Fermi energy,
that is used for the projective Wannier functions. Note that, in
accordance with Wien2k, we give energies in Rydberg units!
The third number is an optional flag to switch between different modes:
#. 0: The projectors are constructed for the given energy window. The number
of bands within the window is usually different at each k-point which
will be reflected by the projectors, too. This is the default mode
which is also used if no mode flag is provided.
#. 1: The lowest and highest band indices within the given energy window
are calculated. The resulting indices are used at all k-points.
Bands which fall within the window only in some parts of the Brillouin zone
are fully taken into account. Keep in mind that a different set of k-points
or the -band option can change the lower or upper index. This can be avoided
by using mode 2.
#. 2: In this mode the first two values of the line are interpreted as lower
and upper band indices to be included in the projective subspace. For example,
if the line reads `21 23 2`, bands number 21, 22 and 23 are included at all
k-points. For SrVO3 this corresponds to the t2g bands around the Fermi energy.
The lowest possible index is 1. Note that the indices need to be provided as integer.
In all modes the used energy range, i.e. band range, is printed to the
:program:`dmftproj` output.
We also provide a simple python script `init_dmftpr` that creates the input file
interactively with user input in the shell, when executed in the wien2k run dir.
After setting up the :file:`case.indmftpr` input file, you run:
@ -117,9 +94,9 @@ directory name):
Now we convert these files into an hdf5 file that can be used for the
DMFT calculations. For this purpose we
use the python module :class:`Wien2kConverter <dft.converters.wien2k.Wien2kConverter>`. It is initialized as::
use the python module :class:`Wien2kConverter <dft.converters.wien2k_converter.Wien2kConverter>`. It is initialized as::
from triqs_dft_tools.converters.wien2k import *
from triqs_dft_tools.converters.wien2k_converter import *
Converter = Wien2kConverter(filename = case)
The only necessary parameter to this construction is the parameter `filename`.
@ -128,7 +105,7 @@ example, the :program:`Wien2k` naming convention is that all files have the
same name, but different extensions, :file:`case.*`. The constructor opens
an hdf5 archive, named :file:`case.h5`, where all relevant data will be
stored. For other parameters of the constructor please visit the
:py:mod:`Converters <triqs_dft_tools.converters>` section of the reference manual.
:ref:`refconverters` section of the reference manual.
After initializing the interface module, we can now convert the input
text files to the hdf5 archive by::
@ -181,7 +158,7 @@ and convert the input for :class:`SumkDFTTools <dft.sumk_dft_tools.SumkDFTTools>
After having converted this input, you can further proceed with the
:ref:`analysis`. For more options on the converter module, please have
a look at the :py:mod:`Converters <triqs_dft_tools.converters>` section of the reference manual.
a look at the :ref:`refconverters` section of the reference manual.
Data for transport calculations
@ -1,23 +1,22 @@
.. _conversion:
Supported interfaces
Supported interfaces
The first step for a DMFT calculation is to provide the necessary
input based on a DFT calculation. We will not review how to do the DFT
calculation here in this documentation, but refer the user to the
documentation and tutorials that come with the actual DFT
package. At the moment, there are three full charge self consistent interfaces, for the
Wien2k, VASP and Elk DFT packages, resp. In addition, there is an interface to Wannier90, as well
as a light-weight general-purpose interface. In the following, we will describe the usage of these
package. At the moment, there are two full charge self consistent interfaces, for the
Wien2k and the VASP DFT packages, resp. In addition, there is an interface to Wannier90, as well
as a light-weight general-purpose interface. In the following, we will describe the usage of these
conversion tools.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3
:maxdepth: 2
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ that for one-shot calculations. Only at the very end we have to calculate the mo
and store it in a format such that Wien2k can read it. Therefore, after the DMFT loop that we saw in the
previous section, we symmetrise the self energy, and recalculate the impurity Green function::
S.G_iw << inverse(S.G0_iw) - S.Sigma_iw
@ -124,96 +124,28 @@ example how such a self-consistent calculation is performed from scratch.
Unlike Wien2k implementation the charge self-consistent DMFT cycle in the
framework of PLOVasp interface is controlled by an external script. Because of
the specific way the DFT self-consistency is implemented in VASP the latter has
to run parallel to the DMFT script, with the synchronisation being ensured by a
lock file.
.. warning::
This is a preliminary documentation valid for the alpha-version of the interface.
Modifications to the implementation might be introduced before the final release.
Once VASP reaches the point where the projectors are generated
it creates a lock file `vasp.lock` and waits until the lock file is
removed. The shell script, in turn, waits for the VASP process and once
the lock file is created it starts a DMFT iteration. The DMFT iteration
must finish by generating a Kohn-Sham (KS) density matrix (file `GAMMA`)
and removing the lock file. The VASP process then reads in `GAMMA`
and proceeds with the next iteration. PLOVasp interface provides a shell-script :program:`vasp_dmft` (in the triqs bin directory):
vasp_dmft [-n <number of cores>] -i <number of iterations> -j <number of VASP iterations with fixed charge density> [-v <VASP version>] [-p <path to VASP directory>] [<>]
If the number of cores is not specified it is set to 1 by default.
Set the number of times the dmft solver is called with -i <number of iterations>
Set the number of VASP iteration with a fixed charge density update
inbetween the dmft runs with -j <number of VASP iterations with fixed charge density>
Set the version of VASP by -v standard(default)/no_gamma_write to
specify if VASP writes the GAMMA file or not.
If the path to VASP directory is not specified it must be provided by a
variable VASP_DIR.
<> must provide an importable function 'dmft_cycle()'
which is invoked once per DFT+DMFT iteration. If the script name is
omitted the default name '' is used.
which takes care of the process management. The user must, however, specify a path to VASP code and provide the DMFT Python-script. See for an example :ref:`NiO CSC tutorial<nio_csc>`.
Unlike Wien2k implementation the charge self-consistent DMFT cycle
in the framework of PLOVasp interface is controlled by an external script.
Because of the specific way the DFT self-consistency is implemented in VASP
the latter has to run parallel to the DMFT script, with the synchronisation being
ensured by a lock file. PLOVasp interface provides a shell-script :program:``
which takes care of the process management. The user must, however, specify a path
to VASP code and provide the DMFT Python-script.
The user-provided script is almost the same as for Wien2k charge self-consistent
calculations with the main difference that its functionality (apart from the
lines importing other modules) should be placed inside a function `dmft_cycle()`
which will be called every DMFT cycle.
VASP has a special INCAR `ICHARG=5` mode, that has to be switched on to make VASP wait for the `vasp.lock` file, and read the updated charge density after each step. One should add the following lines to the `INCAR` file::
NELM = 1000
NELMIN = 1000
Technically, VASP runs with `ICHARG=5` in a SCF mode, and adding the DMFT
changes to the DFT density in each step, so that the full DFT+DMFT charge
density is constructed in every step. This is only done in VASP because only the
changes to the DFT density are read by VASP not the full DFT+DMFT density.
Moreover, one should always start with a converged `WAVECAR` file, or make sure,
that the KS states are well converged before the first projectors are created!
To understand the difference please make sure to read `ISTART flag VASP wiki
<>`_. Furthermore, the flags `NELM` and
`NELMIN` ensure that VASP does not terminate after the default number of
iterations of 60.
The Elk CSC implementation is fairly similar to the Wien2k implementation. At the end of the :ref:`DMFT python script <SrVO3_elk>`, the density matrix in Bloch space needs to be calculated along with the correlation energy. This is written to DMATDMFT.OUT. An example of this (using the Migdal correlation energy formula) is given below::
#output the density matrix for Elk interface
dN, d = SK.calc_density_correction(dm_type='elk')
#correlation energy via the Migdal formula
correnerg = 0.5 * (S.G_iw * S.Sigma_iw).total_density()
#subtract the double counting energy
correnerg -= SK.dc_energ[0]
#convert to Hartree
correnerg = correnerg/SK.energy_unit
#save the correction to energy
if (mpi.is_master_node()):
To read this into Elk and update the electron density, run task 808. So is amended with the following::
This solves the Kohn-Sham equations once with the updated electron density and outputs the new set of energy eigenvalues and wavefunctions. To start the next fully charge self-consistent DFT+DMFT cycle (FCSC), a new set of projectors need to be generated (using task 805) and the whole procedure continues until convergence. The Elk potential rms value for each FCSC DFT+DMFT cycle is given in DMFT_INFO.OUT. An extensive example for SrVO:math:`_3` can be found here: :ref:`Elk SVO tutorial <SrVO3_elk>`.
This FCSC method should be universal irrespective to what type of ground state calculation performed. However, not all types of ground state calculations have been tested.
calculations with the main difference that its functionality (apart from
the lines importing other modules) should be placed inside a function `dmft_cycle()`
which will be called every DMFT cycle. Another difference is the way
function `calc_density_correction()` works.
Other DFT codes
The extension to other DFT codes is straightforward. As described
The extension to other DFT codes is straight forward. As described
here, one needs to implement the correlated density matrix to be used
for the calculation of the charge density. This implementation will of
course depend on the DFT package, and might be easy to do or a quite
@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ for :emphasis:`use_dc_formula` are:
At the end of the calculation, we can save the Green function and self energy into a file::
from h5 import HDFArchive
import triqs.utility.mpi as mpi
from pytriqs.archive import HDFArchive
import pytriqs.utility.mpi as mpi
if mpi.is_master_node():
ar = HDFArchive("YourDFTDMFTcalculation.h5",'w')
ar["G"] = S.G_iw
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 10 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 28 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 32 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 8.3 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 9.5 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 44 KiB |
@ -5,4 +5,3 @@
1 0 2 3 0 0 # atom, sort, l, dim, SO, irep
2 0 2 3 0 0 # atom, sort, l, dim, SO, irep
3 0 2 3 0 0 # atom, sort, l, dim, SO, irep
0.0 # DFT Fermi Energy (optional)
@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
DOSMESH = -3.0 3.0 2001
[Shell 1]
IONS = 2
EWINDOW = -1.4 2.0
EWINDOW = -1.45 1.8
TRANSFORM = 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
.. _plovasp:
The general purpose of the PLOVasp tool is to transform raw, non-normalized
projectors generated by VASP into normalized projectors corresponding to
user-defined projected localized orbitals (PLO). The PLOs can then be used for
DFT+DMFT calculations with or without charge self-consistency. PLOVasp also
provides some utilities for basic analysis of the generated projectors, such as
outputting density matrices, local Hamiltonians, and projected density of
PLOs are determined by the energy window in which the raw projectors are
normalized. This allows to define either atomic-like strongly localized Wannier
functions (large energy window) or extended Wannier functions focusing on
selected low-energy states (small energy window).
In PLOVasp, all projectors sharing the same energy window are combined into a
`projector group`. Technically, this allows one to define several groups with
different energy windows for the same set of raw projectors. Note, however,
that DFTtools does not support projector groups at the moment but this feature
might appear in future releases.
A set of projectors defined on sites related to each other either by symmetry
or by an atomic sort, along with a set of :math:`l`, :math:`m` quantum numbers,
forms a `projector shell`. There could be several projectors shells in a
projector group, implying that they will be normalized within the same energy
Projector shells and groups are specified by a user-defined input file whose
format is described below.
Input file format
The input file is written in the standard config-file format.
Parameters (or 'options') are grouped into sections specified as
`[Section name]`. All parameters must be defined inside some section.
A PLOVasp input file can contain three types of sections:
#. **[General]**: includes parameters that are independent
of a particular projector set, such as the Fermi level, additional
output (e.g. the density of states), etc.
#. **[Group <Ng>]**: describes projector groups, i.e. a set of
projectors sharing the same energy window and normalization type.
At the moment, DFTtools support only one projector group, therefore
there should be no more than one projector group.
#. **[Shell <Ns>]**: contains parameters of a projector shell labelled
with `<Ns>`. If there is only one group section and one shell section,
the group section can be omitted but in this case, the group required
parameters must be provided inside the shell section.
Section [General]
The entire section is optional and it contains three parameters:
* **BASENAME** (string): provides a base name for output files.
Default filenames are :file:`vasp.*`.
* **DOSMESH** ([float float] integer): if this parameter is given,
the projected density of states for each projected orbital will be
evaluated and stored to files :file:`pdos_<n>.dat`, where `n` is the
orbital index. The energy
mesh is defined by three numbers: `EMIN` `EMAX` `NPOINTS`. The first two
can be omitted in which case they are taken to be equal to the projector
energy window. **Important note**: at the moment this option works
only if the tetrahedron integration method (`ISMEAR = -4` or `-5`)
is used in VASP to produce `LOCPROJ`.
* **EFERMI** (float): provides the Fermi level. This value overrides
the one extracted from VASP output files.
There are no required parameters in this section.
Section [Shell]
This section specifies a projector shell. Each `[Shell]` section must be
labeled by an index, e.g. `[Shell 1]`. These indices can then be referenced
in a `[Group]` section.
In each `[Shell]` section two parameters are required:
* **IONS** (list of integer): indices of sites included in the shell.
The sites can be given either by a list of integers `IONS = 5 6 7 8`
or by a range `IONS = 5..8`. The site indices must be compatible with
the POSCAR file.
* **LSHELL** (integer): :math:`l` quantum number of the desired local states.
It is important that a given combination of site indices and local states
given by `LSHELL` must be present in the LOCPROJ file.
There are additional optional parameters that allow one to transform
the local states:
* **TRANSFORM** (matrix): local transformation matrix applied to all states
in the projector shell. The matrix is defined by a (multiline) block
of floats, with each line corresponding to a row. The number of columns
must be equal to :math:`2 l + 1`, with :math:`l` given by `LSHELL`. Only real matrices
are allowed. This parameter can be useful to select certain subset of
orbitals or perform a simple global rotation.
* **TRANSFILE** (string): name of the file containing transformation
matrices for each site. This option allows for a full-fledged functionality
when it comes to local state transformations. The format of this file
is described :ref:`below <transformation_file>`.
Section [Group]
Each defined projector shell must be part of a projector group. In the current
implementation of DFTtools only a single group (labelled by any integer, e.g. `[Group 1]`)
is supported. This implies that all projector shells
must be included in this group.
Required parameters for any group are the following:
* **SHELLS** (list of integers): indices of projector shells included in the group.
All defined shells must be grouped.
* **EWINDOW** (float float): the energy window specified by two floats: bottom
and top. All projectors in the current group are going to be normalized within
this window. *Note*: This option must be specified inside the `[Shell]` section
if only one shell is defined and the `[Group]` section is omitted.
Optional group parameters:
* **NORMALIZE** (True/False): specifies whether projectors in the group are
to be normalized. The default value is **True**.
* **NORMION** (True/False): specifies whether projectors are normalized on
a per-site (per-ion) basis. That is, if `NORMION = True`, the orthogonality
condition will be enforced on each site separately but the Wannier functions
on different sites will not be orthogonal. If `NORMION = False`, the Wannier functions
on different sites included in the group will be orthogonal to each other.
.. _transformation_file:
File of transformation matrices
.. warning::
The description below applies only to collinear cases (i.e., without spin-orbit
coupling). In this case, the matrices are spin-independent.
The file specified by option `TRANSFILE` contains transformation matrices
for each ion. Each line must contain a series of floats whose number is either equal to
the number of orbitals :math:`N_{orb}` (in this case the transformation matrices
are assumed to be real) or to :math:`2 N_{orb}` (for the complex transformation matrices).
The total number of lines :math:`N` must be a multiple of the number of ions :math:`N_{ion}`
and the ratio :math:`N / N_{ion}`, then, gives the dimension of the transformed
orbital space. The lines with floats can be separated by any number of empty or
comment lines (starting from `#`), which are ignored.
A very simple example is a transformation matrix that selects the :math:`t_{2g}` manifold.
For two correlated sites, one can define the file as follows:
# Site 1
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
# Site 2
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
.. _soc:
Spin-orbit coupled calculations (single-shot)
There are two main ways of including the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) term into
DFT+DMFT calculations:
- by performing a DFT calculation including SOC and then doing a DMFT calculation on top, or
- by performing a DFT calculation without SOC and then adding the SOC term on the model level.
The second variant is a bit more involved and needs quite some expertise, so this guide will cover only the first variant with SOC included in the DFT calculations.
Treatment of SOC in DFT
For now, TRIQS/DFTTools does only work with Wien2k and Elk when performing calculations with SO.
The treatment of SOC in the VASP package is fundamentally different to the way Wien2k treats it, and the interface does not handle that at the moment.
Therefore, this guide describes how to do an SOC calculation using the Wien2k and Elk DFT packages.
Treatment of SOC in Wien2k
First, a Wien2k calculation including SOC has to be performed.
For details, we refer the reader to the `documentation of Wien2k <>`_ . As a matter of fact, we need the output for the DFT band structure for both spin directions explicitly. That means that one needs to do a spin-polarised DFT calculation with SOC, but, however, with magnetic moment set to zero. In the Wien2k initialisation procedure, one can choose for the option -nom when ``lstart`` is called. This means that the charge densities are initialised without magnetic splitting. The SOC calculation is then performed in a standard way as described in the Wien2k manual.
Performing the projection in Wien2k
Note that the final ``x lapw2 -almd -so -up`` and ``x lapw2 -almd -so -dn`` have to be run *on a single core*, which implies that, before, ``x lapw2 -up``, ``x lapw2 -dn``, and ``x lapwso -up`` have to be run in single-core mode (at least once).
In the ``case.indmftpr`` file, the spin-orbit flag has to be set to ``1`` for the correlated atoms.
For example, for the compound Sr\ :sub:`2`\ MgOsO\ :sub:`6`, with the struct file :download:`Sr2MgOsO6.struct <Sr2MgOsO6/Sr2MgOsO6.struct>`, we would, e.g., use the ``indmftpr`` file :download:`found here <Sr2MgOsO6/Sr2MgOsO6_SOC.indmftpr>`.
Then, ``dmftproj -sp -so`` has to be called.
As usual, it is important to check for warnings (e.g., about eigenvalues of the overlap matrix) in the output of ``dmftproj`` and adapt the window until these warnings disappear.
Note that in presence of SOC, it is not possible to project only onto the :math:`t_{2g}` subshell because it is not an irreducible representation.
Treatment of SOC in Elk
First, a Elk calculation including SOC has to be performed. For details, we refer the reader to the SOC Elk examples in Elk's example directory and `Elk manual <https//>`_ for further information about the input flags. Then the projectors can be generated using the ``wanproj`` input flag in the same format as in :ref:`convElk`. Like in Wien2k, you cannot project only onto the :math:`t_{2g}` subshell because it is not an irreducible representation in SOC calculations.
After generating the projectors
We strongly suggest using the :py:meth:`.dos_wannier_basis` functionality of the :py:class:`.SumkDFTTools` class (see :download:` <Sr2RuO4/>`) and compare the Wannier-projected orbitals to the original DFT DOS (they should be more or less equal).
Note that, with SOC, there are usually off-diagonal elements of the spectral function, which can also be imaginary.
The imaginary part can be found in the third column of the files ``DOS_wann_...``.
After the projection, one can proceed with the DMFT calculation. However, two things need to be noted here. First, since the spin is not a good quantum number any more, there are off-diagonal elements in the hybridisation function and the local Hamiltonian coupling the two spin directions. This will eventually lead to a fermonic sign problem when QMC is used as a impurity solver. Second, although the :math:`e_{g}` subshell needs to be included in the projection, it can in many cases be neglected in the solution of the Anderson impurity model, after a transformation to a rotated local basis is done. This basis, diagonalising the local Hamiltonian in the presence of SOC, is often called the numerical j-basis. How rotations are performed is described in :ref:`basisrotation`, and the cutting of the orbitals in :ref:`blockstructure`.
A DMFT calculation including SOC for Sr2MgOsO6 using Wien2k is included in the :ref:`tutorials`.
@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ real-frequency self energy.
it is crucial to perform the analytic continuation in such a way that the real-frequency self energy
is accurate around the Fermi energy as low-energy features strongly influence the final results.
Besides the self energy the Wien2k files read by the transport converter (:meth:`convert_transport_input <dft.converters.wien2k.Wien2kConverter.convert_transport_input>`) are:
Besides the self energy the Wien2k files read by the transport converter (:meth:`convert_transport_input <dft.converters.wien2k_converter.Wien2kConverter.convert_transport_input>`) are:
* :file:`.struct`: The lattice constants specified in the struct file are used to calculate the unit cell volume.
* :file:`.outputs`: In this file the k-point symmetries are given.
* :file:`.oubwin`: Contains the indices of the bands within the projected subspace (written by :program:`dmftproj`) for each k-point.
* :file:`.pmat`: This file is the output of the Wien2k optics package and contains the velocity (momentum) matrix elements between all bands in the desired energy
window for each k-point. How to use the optics package is described below.
* :file:`.h5`: The hdf5 archive has to be present and should contain the dft_input subgroup. Otherwise :meth:`convert_dft_input <dft.converters.wien2k.Wien2kConverter.convert_dft_input>` needs to be called before :meth:`convert_transport_input <dft.converters.wien2k.Wien2kConverter.convert_transport_input>`.
* :file:`.h5`: The hdf5 archive has to be present and should contain the dft_input subgroup. Otherwise :meth:`convert_dft_input <dft.converters.wien2k_converter.Wien2kConverter.convert_dft_input>` needs to be called before :meth:`convert_transport_input <dft.converters.wien2k_converter.Wien2kConverter.convert_transport_input>`.
Wien2k optics package
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Using the transport code
First we have to read the Wien2k files and store the relevant information in the hdf5 archive::
from triqs_dft_tools.converters.wien2k import *
from triqs_dft_tools.converters.wien2k_converter import *
from triqs_dft_tools.sumk_dft_tools import *
Converter = Wien2kConverter(filename='case', repacking=True)
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ First we have to read the Wien2k files and store the relevant information in the
SK = SumkDFTTools(hdf_file='case.h5', use_dft_blocks=True)
The converter :meth:`convert_transport_input <dft.converters.wien2k.Wien2kConverter.convert_transport_input>`
The converter :meth:`convert_transport_input <dft.converters.wien2k_converter.Wien2kConverter.convert_transport_input>`
reads the required data of the Wien2k output and stores it in the `dft_transp_input` subgroup of your hdf file.
Additionally we need to read and set the self energy, the chemical potential and the double counting::
@ -1,68 +1,31 @@
.. _welcome:
.. index:: DFTTools
.. module:: triqs_dft_tools
.. _dft:
.. sidebar:: DFTTools 3.0.0
This is the homepage of DFTTools v3.0.0.
For changes see the :ref:`changelog page <changelog>`.
.. image:: _static/logo_github.png
:width: 75%
:align: center
.. sidebar:: DFTTools 2.2
This is the homepage DFTTools Version 2.2
For the changes in DFTTools, Cf :ref:`changelog page <changelog>`
This :ref:`TRIQS-based <triqslibs:welcome>`-based application is aimed
at ab-initio calculations for
correlated materials, combining realistic DFT band-structure
calculations with the dynamical mean-field theory. Together with the
necessary tools to perform the DMFT self-consistency loop for
realistic multi-band problems. The package provides a full-fledged
realistic multi-band problems, the package provides a full-fledged
charge self-consistent interface to the `Wien2K package
<>`_, and `VASP package <>`_.
In addition, it provides a generic interface for one-shot DFT+DMFT
calculations, where only the single-particle Hamiltonian in
orbital space has to be provided. The Hamiltonian can be
generated from the above mentioned DFT codes,
`wannier90 <>`_ output files, or with the
built-in generic H(k) converter.
<>`_. In addition, if Wien2k is not available, it
provides a generic interface for one-shot DFT+DMFT calculations, where
only the single-particle Hamiltonian in orbital space has to be
Learn how to use this package in the :ref:`documentation` and the :ref:`tutorials`.
.. image:: _static/logo_cea.png
:width: 14%
.. image:: _static/logo_x.png
:width: 14%
:target: "
.. image:: _static/logo_cnrs.png
:width: 14%
.. image:: _static/logo_erc.jpg
:width: 14%
.. image:: _static/logo_flatiron.png
:width: 20%
.. image:: _static/logo_simons.jpg
:width: 20%
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
.. _install:
Packaged Versions of DFTTools
@ -12,7 +10,7 @@ Packaged Versions of DFTTools
Ubuntu Debian packages
We provide a Debian package for the Ubuntu LTS Versions 18.04 (bionic) and 20.04 (focal), which can be installed by following the steps outlined :ref:`here <triqslibs:ubuntu_debian>`, and the subsequent command::
We provide a Debian package for the Ubuntu LTS Versions 16.04 (xenial) and 18.04 (bionic), which can be installed by following the steps outlined :ref:`here <triqslibs:triqs_debian>`, and the subsequent command::
sudo apt-get install -y triqs_dft_tools
@ -39,40 +37,34 @@ Compiling DFTTools from source
#. The :ref:`TRIQS <triqslibs:welcome>` library, see :ref:`TRIQS installation instruction <triqslibs:triqs_install>`.
In the following, we assume that TRIQS is installed in the directory ``path_to_triqs``.
#. Likely, you will also need at least one impurity solver, e.g. the `CTHYB solver <>`_.
#. The :ref:`TRIQS <triqslibs:welcome>` toolbox.
Installation steps
#. Likely, you will also need at least one impurity solver, e.g. the :ref:`CTHYB solver <triqscthyb:welcome>`.
Installation steps
#. Download the source code of the latest stable version by cloning the ``TRIQS/dft_tools`` repository from GitHub::
$ git clone dft_tools.src
#. Download the source code by cloning the ``TRIQS/dft_tools`` repository from GitHub::
$ git clone dft_tools.src
#. Create and move to a new directory where you will compile the code::
$ mkdir && cd
#. Ensure that your shell contains the TRIQS environment variables by sourcing the ```` file from your TRIQS installation::
$ source path_to_triqs/share/triqs/
$ source path_to_triqs/share/
#. In the build directory call cmake, including any additional custom CMake options, see below::
$ cmake ../dft_tools.src
#. Compile the code, run the tests and install the application::
$ make
$ make test
$ make install
Important note for FCSC DFT+DMFT calculations
To use dft_tools together with any of the supported DFT codes (Wien2k, Vasp, or Elk) in a full charge self-consistent manner, please make sure to compile both triqs and the designated DFT code with the same compiler / library setup for best compatibility. For example, if Vasp is compiled with the intel compiler suite, it will not be possible to use it together with a GNU compiled triqs and vice versa during a FCSC calculation, as both codes need to run at the same time. Hence, it is highly advisable to not use the intel compilers (linking againt intel mkl libraries is of course fine) to compile any of the interfaced DFT codes.
#. Compile the code, run the tests and install the application::
$ make
$ make test
$ make install
Installation steps for the use with WIEN2K version 14.2 and older
@ -122,41 +114,37 @@ Finally, you will have to change the calls to :program:`python_with_DMFT` to
your :program:`python` installation in the Wien2k :file:`path_to_Wien2k/run*` files.
Version compatibility
Version compatibility
Keep in mind that the version of ``dft_tools`` must be compatible with your TRIQS library version,
see :ref:`TRIQS website <triqslibs:versions>`.
In particular the Major and Minor Version numbers have to be the same.
To use a particular version, go into the directory with the sources, and look at all available versions::
$ cd dft_tools.src && git tag
Checkout the version of the code that you want::
$ git checkout 2.1.0
and follow steps 2 to 4 above to compile the code.
Be careful that the version of the TRIQS library and of the :program:`DFTTools` must be
compatible (more information on the :ref:`TRIQS website <triqslibs:welcome>`.
If you want to use a version of the :program:`DFTTools` that is not the latest one, go
into the directory with the sources and look at all available versions::
$ cd src && git tag
Checkout the version of the code that you want, for instance::
$ git co 2.1
Then follow the steps 2 to 5 described above to compile the code.
Custom CMake options
The compilation of ``dft_tools`` can be configured using CMake-options::
Functionality of ``dft_tools`` can be tweaked using extra compile-time options passed to CMake::
cmake ../dft_tools.src -DOPTION1=value1 -DOPTION2=value2 ...
cmake -DOPTION1=value1 -DOPTION2=value2 ... ../dft_tools.src
| Options | Syntax |
| Specify an installation path other than path_to_triqs | -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path_to_dft_tools |
| Build in Debugging Mode | -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug |
| Disable testing (not recommended) | -DBuild_Tests=OFF |
| Build the documentation | -DBuild_Documentation=ON |
| Check test coverage when testing | -DTEST_COVERAGE=ON |
| (run ``make coverage`` to show the results; requires the | |
| python ``coverage`` package) | |
| Options | Syntax |
| Disable testing (not recommended) | -DBuild_Tests=OFF |
| Build the documentation locally | -DBuild_Documentation=ON |
| Check test coverage when testing | -DTEST_COVERAGE=ON |
| (run ``make coverage`` to show the results; requires the | |
| python ``coverage`` package) | |
@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
.. _issues:
Reporting issues
Please report all problems and bugs directly at the github issue page
`<>`_. In order to make it easier for us
to solve the issue please follow these guidelines:
`<>`_. In order to make it easier
for us to solve the issue please follow these guidelines:
#. In all cases specify which version of the application you are using. You can
find the version number in the file :file:`CMakeLists.txt` at the root of the
find the version number in the file :file:`README.txt` at the root of the
application sources.
#. If you have a problem during the installation, give us information about
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Block Structure
The `BlockStructure` class allows to change and manipulate
Green functions structures and mappings from sumk to solver.
The block structure can also be written to and read from HDF files.
.. warning::
Do not write the individual elements of this class to a HDF file,
as they belong together and changing one without the other can
result in unexpected results. Always write the BlockStructure
object as a whole.
Writing the sumk_to_solver and solver_to_sumk elements
individually is not implemented.
.. autoclass:: triqs_dft_tools.block_structure.BlockStructure
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
.. _refconverters:
Wien2k Converter
.. autoclass:: triqs_dft_tools.converters.wien2k_converter.Wien2kConverter
H(k) Converter
.. autoclass:: triqs_dft_tools.converters.hk_converter.HkConverter
Wannier90 Converter
.. autoclass:: triqs_dft_tools.converters.wannier90_converter.Wannier90Converter
Converter Tools
.. autoclass:: triqs_dft_tools.converters.converter_tools.ConverterTools
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
.. _hdfstructure:
standardized hdf5 structure
hdf5 structure
All the DFT input data is stored using the hdf5 standard, as described also in the
All the data is stored using the hdf5 standard, as described also in the
documentation of the TRIQS package itself. In order to do a DMFT calculation,
using input from DFT applications, a converter is needed on order to provide
the necessary data in the hdf5 format.
the necessary data in the hdf5 format.
groups and their formats
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ DMFT calculations for all kinds of situations, e.g. d-p Hamiltonians, more than
one correlated atomic shell, or using symmetry operations for the k-summation.
We store all data in subgroups of the hdf5 archive:
Main data
Main data
There needs to be one subgroup for the main data of the
calculation. The default name of this group is `dft_input`. Its contents are
@ -31,94 +31,56 @@ k_dep_projection
0 otherwise.
SP 1 for spin-polarised Hamiltonian, 0 for paramagnetic Hamiltonian.
SO 1 if spin-orbit interaction is included, 0 otherwise.
charge_below numpy.float Number of electrons in the crystal below the correlated orbitals.
Note that this is for compatibility with dmftproj, otherwise set to 0
charge_below numpy.float Number of electrons in the crystal below the correlated orbitals.
Note that this is for compatibility with dmftproj.
density_required numpy.float Required total electron density. Needed to determine the chemical potential.
The density in the projection window is then `density_required`-`charge_below`.
symm_op 1 if symmetry operations are used for the BZ sums,
symm_op 1 if symmetry operations are used for the BZ sums,
0 if all k-points are directly included in the input.
n_shells Number of atomic shells for which post-processing is possible.
Note: this is `not` the number of correlated orbitals!
n_shells Number of atomic shells for which post-processing is possible.
Note: this is `not` the number of correlated orbitals!
If there are two equivalent atoms in the unit cell, `n_shells` is 2.
shells list of dict {string:int}, dim n_shells x 4 Atomic shell information.
For each shell, have a dict with keys ['atom', 'sort', 'l', 'dim'].
shells list of dict {string:int}, dim n_shells x 4 Atomic shell information.
For each shell, have a dict with keys ['atom', 'sort', 'l', 'dim'].
'atom' is the atom index, 'sort' defines the equivalency of the atoms,
'l' is the angular quantum number, 'dim' is the dimension of the atomic shell.
e.g. for two equivalent atoms in the unit cell, `atom` runs from 0 to 1,
e.g. for two equivalent atoms in the unit cell, `atom` runs from 0 to 1,
but `sort` can take only one value 0.
n_corr_shells Number of correlated atomic shells.
If there are two correlated equivalent atoms in the unit cell, `n_corr_shells` is 2.
n_inequiv_shells Number of inequivalent atomic shells. Needs to be smaller than `n_corr_shells`.
The up / downfolding routines mediate between all correlated shells and the
actual inequivalent shells, by using the self-energy etc. for all equal shells
belonging to the same class of inequivalent shells. The mapping is performed with
information stored in `corr_to_inequiv` and `inequiv_to_corr`.
corr_to_inequiv list of, dim `n_corr_shells` mapping from correlated shells to inequivalent correlated shells.
A list of length `n_corr_shells` containing integers, where same numbers mark
equivalent sites.
inequiv_to_corr list of, dim `n_inequiv_shells` A list of length `n_inequiv_shells` containing list indices as integers pointing
to the corresponding sites in `corr_to_inequiv`.
corr_shells list of dict {string:int}, dim n_corr_shells x 6 Correlated orbital information.
For each correlated shell, have a dict with keys
['atom', 'sort', 'l', 'dim', 'SO', 'irrep'].
n_corr_shells Number of correlated atomic shells.
If there are two correlated equivalent atoms in the unit cell, `n_corr_shells` is 2.
corr_shells list of dict {string:int}, dim n_corr_shells x 6 Correlated orbital information.
For each correlated shell, have a dict with keys
['atom', 'sort', 'l', 'dim', 'SO', 'irep'].
'atom' is the atom index, 'sort' defines the equivalency of the atoms,
'l' is the angular quantum number, 'dim' is the dimension of the atomic shell.
'SO' is one if spin-orbit is included, 0 otherwise, 'irep' is a dummy integer 0.
use_rotations 1 if local and global coordinate systems are used, 0 otherwise.
rot_mat list of numpy.array.complex, Rotation matrices for correlated shells, if `use_rotations`.
dim n_corr_shells x [corr_shells['dim'],corr_shells['dim']] These rotations are automatically applied for up / downfolding.
Set to the unity matrix if no rotations are used.
rot_mat list of numpy.array.complex, Rotation matrices for correlated shells, if `use_rotations`.
dim n_corr_shells x [corr_shells['dim'],corr_shells['dim']] Set to the unity matrix if no rotations are used.
rot_mat_time_inv list of, dim n_corr_shells If `SP` is 1, 1 if the coordinate transformation contains inversion, 0 otherwise.
If `use_rotations` or `SP` is 0, give a list of zeros.
n_reps Number of irreducible representations of the correlated shell.
n_reps Number of irreducible representations of the correlated shell.
e.g. 2 if eg/t2g splitting is used.
dim_reps list of, dim n_reps Dimension of the representations.
e.g. [2,3] for eg/t2g subsets.
T list of numpy.array.complex, Transformation matrix from the spherical harmonics to impurity problem basis
dim n_inequiv_corr_shell x normally the real cubic harmonics).
[max(corr_shell['dim']),max(corr_shell['dim'])] This matrix can be used to calculate the 4-index U matrix, not automatically done.
e.g. [2,3] for eg/t2g subsets.
T list of numpy.array.complex, Transformation matrix from the spherical harmonics to impurity problem basis
dim n_inequiv_corr_shell x normally the real cubic harmonics).
[max(corr_shell['dim']),max(corr_shell['dim'])] This matrix is used to calculate the 4-index U matrix.
n_orbitals, dim [n_k,SP+1-SO] Number of Bloch bands included in the projection window for each k-point.
If SP+1-SO=2, the number of included bands may depend on the spin projection up/down.
proj_mat numpy.array.complex, Projection matrices from Bloch bands to Wannier orbitals.
dim [n_k,SP+1-SO,n_corr_shells,max(corr_shell['dim']),max(n_orbitals)] For efficient storage reasons, all matrices must be of the same size
(given by last two indices).
dim [n_k,SP+1-SO,n_corr_shells,max(corr_shell['dim']),max(n_orbitals)] For efficient storage reasons, all matrices must be of the same size
(given by last two indices).
For k-points with fewer bands, only the first entries are used, the rest are zero.
e.g. if number of Bloch bands ranges from 4-6, all matrices are of size 6.
bz_weights numpy.array.float, dim n_k Weights of the k-points for the k summation. Soon be replaced by `kpt_weights`
hopping numpy.array.complex, Non-interacting Hamiltonian matrix for each k point.
dim [n_k,SP+1-SO,max(n_orbitals),max(n_orbitals)] As for `proj_mat`, all matrices have to be of the same size.
bz_weights numpy.array.float, dim n_k Weights of the k-points for the k summation.
hopping numpy.array.complex, Non-interacting Hamiltonian matrix for each k point.
dim [n_k,SP+1-SO,max(n_orbitals),max(n_orbitals)] As for `proj_mat`, all matrices have to be of the same size.
================= ====================================================================== =====================================================================================
Converter specific data
This data is specific to the different converters and stored in the `dft_input`
group as well.
For the Vasp converter:
================= ====================================================================== =====================================================================================
Name Type Meaning
================= ====================================================================== =====================================================================================
kpt_basis numpy.array.float, dim [3, 3] Basis for the k-point mesh, reciprocal lattice vectors.
kpts numpy.array.float, dim [n_k, 3] k-points given in reciprocal coordinates.
kpt_weights numpy.array.float, dim [n_k] Weights of the k-points for the k summation.
proj_or_hk string Switch determining whether the Vasp converter is running in projection mode `proj`, or
in Hamiltonian mode `hk`. In Hamiltonian mode, the hopping matrix is written in
orbital basis, whereas in projection mode hopping is written in band basis.
proj_mat_csc numpy.array.complex, Projection matrices from Bloch bands to Wannier orbitals for Hamiltonian based `hk`
dim approach. No site index is given, since hk is written in orbital basis. The last to
[n_k, SP+1-SO, n_corr_shells, max(corr_shell['dim']), max(n_orbitals)] indices are a square matrix rotating from orbital to band space.
dft_fermi_weights numpy.array.float, dim [n_k, SP+1-SO, max(n_orbitals)] DFT fermi weights (occupations) of KS eigenstates for each k-point for calculation
(stored in dft_misc_input) of density matrix correction.
band_window list of , dim [n_k, 2] Band windows as KS band indices in Vasp for each spin channel, and k-point. Needed for
(stored in dft_misc_input) writing out the GAMMA file.
================= ====================================================================== =====================================================================================
Symmetry operations
In this subgroup we store all the data for applying the symmetry operations in
the DMFT loop (in case you want to use symmetry operations). The default name
of this subgroup is `dft_symmcorr_input`. This information is needed only if symmetry
@ -165,8 +127,8 @@ It is furthermore assumed that all k-points have equal weight in the k-sum.
Note that the input file should contain only the numbers, not the comments
given in above example.
The Hamiltonian matrices can be taken, e.g., from Wannier90, which constructs
the Hamiltonian in a maximally localized Wannier basis.
The Hamiltonian matrices can be taken, e.g., from Wannier90, which contructs
the Hamiltonian in a maximally localised Wannier basis.
Note that with this simplified converter, no full charge self consistent
calculations are possible!
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
.. autoclass:: triqs_dft_tools.sumk_dft.SumkDFT
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
SumK DFT Tools
.. autoclass:: triqs_dft_tools.sumk_dft_tools.SumkDFTTools
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
.. autoclass:: triqs_dft_tools.Symmetry
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
.. autoclass:: triqs_dft_tools.trans_basis.TransBasis
@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
"""Attempt to generate templates for module reference with Sphinx
XXX - we exclude extension modules
To include extension modules, first identify them as valid in the
``_uri2path`` method, then handle them in the ``_parse_module`` script.
We get functions and classes by parsing the text of .py files.
Alternatively we could import the modules for discovery, and we'd have
to do that for extension modules. This would involve changing the
``_parse_module`` method to work via import and introspection, and
might involve changing ``discover_modules`` (which determines which
files are modules, and therefore which module URIs will be passed to
NOTE: this is a modified version of a script originally shipped with the
PyMVPA project, which we've adapted for NIPY use. PyMVPA is an MIT-licensed
# Stdlib imports
import os
import re
# Functions and classes
class ApiDocWriter:
''' Class for automatic detection and parsing of API docs
to Sphinx-parsable reST format'''
# only separating first two levels
rst_section_levels = ['*', '=', '-', '~', '^']
def __init__(self,
''' Initialize package for parsing
package_name : string
Name of the top-level package. *package_name* must be the
name of an importable package
rst_extension : string, optional
Extension for reST files, default '.rst'
package_skip_patterns : None or sequence of {strings, regexps}
Sequence of strings giving URIs of packages to be excluded
Operates on the package path, starting at (including) the
first dot in the package path, after *package_name* - so,
if *package_name* is ``sphinx``, then ``sphinx.util`` will
result in ``.util`` being passed for earching by these
regexps. If is None, gives default. Default is:
module_skip_patterns : None or sequence
Sequence of strings giving URIs of modules to be excluded
Operates on the module name including preceding URI path,
back to the first dot after *package_name*. For example
``sphinx.util.console`` results in the string to search of
If is None, gives default. Default is:
['\.setup$', '\._']
if package_skip_patterns is None:
package_skip_patterns = ['\\.tests$']
if module_skip_patterns is None:
module_skip_patterns = ['\\.setup$', '\\._']
self.package_name = package_name
self.rst_extension = rst_extension
self.package_skip_patterns = package_skip_patterns
self.module_skip_patterns = module_skip_patterns
def get_package_name(self):
return self._package_name
def set_package_name(self, package_name):
''' Set package_name
>>> docwriter = ApiDocWriter('sphinx')
>>> import sphinx
>>> docwriter.root_path == sphinx.__path__[0]
>>> docwriter.package_name = 'docutils'
>>> import docutils
>>> docwriter.root_path == docutils.__path__[0]
# It's also possible to imagine caching the module parsing here
self._package_name = package_name
self.root_module = __import__(package_name)
self.root_path = self.root_module.__path__[0]
self.written_modules = None
package_name = property(get_package_name, set_package_name, None,
'get/set package_name')
def _get_object_name(self, line):
''' Get second token in line
>>> docwriter = ApiDocWriter('sphinx')
>>> docwriter._get_object_name(" def func(): ")
>>> docwriter._get_object_name(" class Klass: ")
>>> docwriter._get_object_name(" class Klass: ")
name = line.split()[1].split('(')[0].strip()
# in case we have classes which are not derived from object
# ie. old style classes
return name.rstrip(':')
def _uri2path(self, uri):
''' Convert uri to absolute filepath
uri : string
URI of python module to return path for
path : None or string
Returns None if there is no valid path for this URI
Otherwise returns absolute file system path for URI
>>> docwriter = ApiDocWriter('sphinx')
>>> import sphinx
>>> modpath = sphinx.__path__[0]
>>> res = docwriter._uri2path('sphinx.builder')
>>> res == os.path.join(modpath, '')
>>> res = docwriter._uri2path('sphinx')
>>> res == os.path.join(modpath, '')
>>> docwriter._uri2path('sphinx.does_not_exist')
if uri == self.package_name:
return os.path.join(self.root_path, '')
path = uri.replace('.', os.path.sep)
path = path.replace(self.package_name + os.path.sep, '')
path = os.path.join(self.root_path, path)
# XXX maybe check for extensions as well?
if os.path.exists(path + '.py'): # file
path += '.py'
elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '')):
path = os.path.join(path, '')
return None
return path
def _path2uri(self, dirpath):
''' Convert directory path to uri '''
relpath = dirpath.replace(self.root_path, self.package_name)
if relpath.startswith(os.path.sep):
relpath = relpath[1:]
return relpath.replace(os.path.sep, '.')
def _parse_module(self, uri):
''' Parse module defined in *uri* '''
filename = self._uri2path(uri)
if filename is None:
# nothing that we could handle here.
return ([],[])
f = open(filename, 'rt')
functions, classes = self._parse_lines(f)
return functions, classes
def _parse_lines(self, linesource):
''' Parse lines of text for functions and classes '''
functions = []
classes = []
for line in linesource:
if line.startswith('def ') and line.count('('):
# exclude private stuff
name = self._get_object_name(line)
if not name.startswith('_'):
elif line.startswith('class '):
# exclude private stuff
name = self._get_object_name(line)
if not name.startswith('_'):
return functions, classes
def generate_api_doc(self, uri):
'''Make autodoc documentation template string for a module
uri : string
python location of module - e.g 'sphinx.builder'
S : string
Contents of API doc
# get the names of all classes and functions
functions, classes = self._parse_module(uri)
if not len(functions) and not len(classes):
print('WARNING: Empty -',uri) # dbg
return ''
# Make a shorter version of the uri that omits the package name for
# titles
uri_short = re.sub(r'^%s\.' % self.package_name,'',uri)
chap_title = uri_short
ad += (chap_title+'\n'+ self.rst_section_levels[1] * len(chap_title)
+ '\n\n')
# Set the chapter title to read 'module' for all modules except for the
# main packages
if '.' in uri:
title = 'Module: :mod:`' + uri_short + '`'
title = ':mod:`' + uri_short + '`'
ad += title + '\n' + self.rst_section_levels[2] * len(title)
if len(classes):
ad += '\nInheritance diagram for ``%s``:\n\n' % uri
ad += '.. inheritance-diagram:: %s \n' % uri
ad += ' :parts: 3\n'
ad += '\n.. automodule:: ' + uri + '\n'
ad += '\n.. currentmodule:: ' + uri + '\n'
multi_class = len(classes) > 1
multi_fx = len(functions) > 1
if multi_class:
ad += '\n' + 'Classes' + '\n' + \
self.rst_section_levels[2] * 7 + '\n'
elif len(classes) and multi_fx:
ad += '\n' + 'Class' + '\n' + \
self.rst_section_levels[2] * 5 + '\n'
for c in classes:
ad += '\n:class:`' + c + '`\n' \
+ self.rst_section_levels[multi_class + 2 ] * \
(len(c)+9) + '\n\n'
ad += '\n.. autoclass:: ' + c + '\n'
# must NOT exclude from index to keep cross-refs working
ad += ' :members:\n' \
' :undoc-members:\n' \
' :show-inheritance:\n' \
' :inherited-members:\n' \
'\n' \
' .. automethod:: __init__\n'
if multi_fx:
ad += '\n' + 'Functions' + '\n' + \
self.rst_section_levels[2] * 9 + '\n\n'
elif len(functions) and multi_class:
ad += '\n' + 'Function' + '\n' + \
self.rst_section_levels[2] * 8 + '\n\n'
for f in functions:
# must NOT exclude from index to keep cross-refs working
ad += '\n.. autofunction:: ' + uri + '.' + f + '\n\n'
return ad
def _survives_exclude(self, matchstr, match_type):
''' Returns True if *matchstr* does not match patterns
``self.package_name`` removed from front of string if present
>>> dw = ApiDocWriter('sphinx')
>>> dw._survives_exclude('sphinx.okpkg', 'package')
>>> dw.package_skip_patterns.append('^\\.badpkg$')
>>> dw._survives_exclude('sphinx.badpkg', 'package')
>>> dw._survives_exclude('sphinx.badpkg', 'module')
>>> dw._survives_exclude('sphinx.badmod', 'module')
>>> dw.module_skip_patterns.append('^\\.badmod$')
>>> dw._survives_exclude('sphinx.badmod', 'module')
if match_type == 'module':
patterns = self.module_skip_patterns
elif match_type == 'package':
patterns = self.package_skip_patterns
raise ValueError('Cannot interpret match type "%s"'
% match_type)
# Match to URI without package name
L = len(self.package_name)
if matchstr[:L] == self.package_name:
matchstr = matchstr[L:]
for pat in patterns:
except AttributeError:
pat = re.compile(pat)
return False
return True
def discover_modules(self):
''' Return module sequence discovered from ``self.package_name``
mods : sequence
Sequence of module names within ``self.package_name``
>>> dw = ApiDocWriter('sphinx')
>>> mods = dw.discover_modules()
>>> 'sphinx.util' in mods
>>> dw.package_skip_patterns.append('\.util$')
>>> 'sphinx.util' in dw.discover_modules()
modules = [self.package_name]
# raw directory parsing
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.root_path):
# Check directory names for packages
root_uri = self._path2uri(os.path.join(self.root_path,
for dirname in dirnames[:]: # copy list - we modify inplace
package_uri = '.'.join((root_uri, dirname))
if (self._uri2path(package_uri) and
self._survives_exclude(package_uri, 'package')):
# Check filenames for modules
for filename in filenames:
module_name = filename[:-3]
module_uri = '.'.join((root_uri, module_name))
if (self._uri2path(module_uri) and
self._survives_exclude(module_uri, 'module')):
return sorted(modules)
def write_modules_api(self, modules,outdir):
# write the list
written_modules = []
for m in modules:
api_str = self.generate_api_doc(m)
if not api_str:
# write out to file
outfile = os.path.join(outdir,
m + self.rst_extension)
fileobj = open(outfile, 'wt')
self.written_modules = written_modules
def write_api_docs(self, outdir):
"""Generate API reST files.
outdir : string
Directory name in which to store files
We create automatic filenames for each module
Sets self.written_modules to list of written modules
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
# compose list of modules
modules = self.discover_modules()
def write_index(self, outdir, froot='gen', relative_to=None):
"""Make a reST API index file from written files
path : string
Filename to write index to
outdir : string
Directory to which to write generated index file
froot : string, optional
root (filename without extension) of filename to write to
Defaults to 'gen'. We add ``self.rst_extension``.
relative_to : string
path to which written filenames are relative. This
component of the written file path will be removed from
outdir, in the generated index. Default is None, meaning,
leave path as it is.
if self.written_modules is None:
raise ValueError('No modules written')
# Get full filename path
path = os.path.join(outdir, froot+self.rst_extension)
# Path written into index is relative to rootpath
if relative_to is not None:
relpath = outdir.replace(relative_to + os.path.sep, '')
relpath = outdir
idx = open(path,'wt')
w = idx.write
w('.. toctree::\n\n')
for f in self.written_modules:
w(' %s\n' % os.path.join(relpath,f))
@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
"""Extract reference documentation from the NumPy source tree.
import inspect
import textwrap
import re
import pydoc
from io import StringIO
from warnings import warn
class Reader:
"""A line-based string reader.
def __init__(self, data):
data : str
String with lines separated by '\n'.
if isinstance(data,list):
self._str = data
self._str = data.split('\n') # store string as list of lines
def __getitem__(self, n):
return self._str[n]
def reset(self):
self._l = 0 # current line nr
def read(self):
if not self.eof():
out = self[self._l]
self._l += 1
return out
return ''
def seek_next_non_empty_line(self):
for l in self[self._l:]:
if l.strip():
self._l += 1
def eof(self):
return self._l >= len(self._str)
def read_to_condition(self, condition_func):
start = self._l
for line in self[start:]:
if condition_func(line):
return self[start:self._l]
self._l += 1
if self.eof():
return self[start:self._l+1]
return []
def read_to_next_empty_line(self):
def is_empty(line):
return not line.strip()
return self.read_to_condition(is_empty)
def read_to_next_unindented_line(self):
def is_unindented(line):
return (line.strip() and (len(line.lstrip()) == len(line)))
return self.read_to_condition(is_unindented)
def peek(self,n=0):
if self._l + n < len(self._str):
return self[self._l + n]
return ''
def is_empty(self):
return not ''.join(self._str).strip()
class NumpyDocString:
def __init__(self,docstring):
docstring = textwrap.dedent(docstring).split('\n')
self._doc = Reader(docstring)
self._parsed_data = {
'Signature': '',
'Summary': [''],
'Extended Summary': [],
'Parameters': [],
'Returns': [],
'Raises': [],
'Warns': [],
'Other Parameters': [],
'Attributes': [],
'Methods': [],
'See Also': [],
'Notes': [],
'Warnings': [],
'References': '',
'Examples': '',
'index': {}
def __getitem__(self,key):
return self._parsed_data[key]
def __setitem__(self,key,val):
if key not in self._parsed_data:
warn("Unknown section %s" % key)
self._parsed_data[key] = val
def _is_at_section(self):
if self._doc.eof():
return False
l1 = self._doc.peek().strip() # e.g. Parameters
if l1.startswith('.. index::'):
return True
l2 = self._doc.peek(1).strip() # ---------- or ==========
return l2.startswith('-'*len(l1)) or l2.startswith('='*len(l1))
def _strip(self,doc):
i = 0
j = 0
for i,line in enumerate(doc):
if line.strip(): break
for j,line in enumerate(doc[::-1]):
if line.strip(): break
return doc[i:len(doc)-j]
def _read_to_next_section(self):
section = self._doc.read_to_next_empty_line()
while not self._is_at_section() and not self._doc.eof():
if not self._doc.peek(-1).strip(): # previous line was empty
section += ['']
section += self._doc.read_to_next_empty_line()
return section
def _read_sections(self):
while not self._doc.eof():
data = self._read_to_next_section()
name = data[0].strip()
if name.startswith('..'): # index section
yield name, data[1:]
elif len(data) < 2:
yield StopIteration
yield name, self._strip(data[2:])
def _parse_param_list(self,content):
r = Reader(content)
params = []
while not r.eof():
header =
if ' : ' in header:
arg_name, arg_type = header.split(' : ')[:2]
arg_name, arg_type = header, ''
desc = r.read_to_next_unindented_line()
desc = dedent_lines(desc)
return params
_name_rgx = re.compile(r"^\s*(:(?P<role>\w+):`(?P<name>[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)`|"
r" (?P<name2>[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+))\s*", re.X)
def _parse_see_also(self, content):
func_name : Descriptive text
continued text
another_func_name : Descriptive text
func_name1, func_name2, :meth:`func_name`, func_name3
items = []
def parse_item_name(text):
"""Match ':role:`name`' or 'name'"""
m = self._name_rgx.match(text)
if m:
g = m.groups()
if g[1] is None:
return g[3], None
return g[2], g[1]
raise ValueError("%s is not a item name" % text)
def push_item(name, rest):
if not name:
name, role = parse_item_name(name)
items.append((name, list(rest), role))
del rest[:]
current_func = None
rest = []
for line in content:
if not line.strip(): continue
m = self._name_rgx.match(line)
if m and line[m.end():].strip().startswith(':'):
push_item(current_func, rest)
current_func, line = line[:m.end()], line[m.end():]
rest = [line.split(':', 1)[1].strip()]
if not rest[0]:
rest = []
elif not line.startswith(' '):
push_item(current_func, rest)
current_func = None
if ',' in line:
for func in line.split(','):
push_item(func, [])
elif line.strip():
current_func = line
elif current_func is not None:
push_item(current_func, rest)
return items
def _parse_index(self, section, content):
.. index: default
:refguide: something, else, and more
def strip_each_in(lst):
return [s.strip() for s in lst]
out = {}
section = section.split('::')
if len(section) > 1:
out['default'] = strip_each_in(section[1].split(','))[0]
for line in content:
line = line.split(':')
if len(line) > 2:
out[line[1]] = strip_each_in(line[2].split(','))
return out
def _parse_summary(self):
"""Grab signature (if given) and summary"""
if self._is_at_section():
summary = self._doc.read_to_next_empty_line()
summary_str = " ".join([s.strip() for s in summary]).strip()
if re.compile('^([\w., ]+=)?\s*[\w\.]+\(.*\)$').match(summary_str):
self['Signature'] = summary_str
if not self._is_at_section():
self['Summary'] = self._doc.read_to_next_empty_line()
self['Summary'] = summary
if not self._is_at_section():
self['Extended Summary'] = self._read_to_next_section()
def _parse(self):
for (section,content) in self._read_sections():
if not section.startswith('..'):
section = ' '.join([s.capitalize() for s in section.split(' ')])
if section in ('Parameters', 'Attributes', 'Methods',
'Returns', 'Raises', 'Warns'):
self[section] = self._parse_param_list(content)
elif section.startswith('.. index::'):
self['index'] = self._parse_index(section, content)
elif section == 'See Also':
self['See Also'] = self._parse_see_also(content)
self[section] = content
# string conversion routines
def _str_header(self, name, symbol='-'):
return [name, len(name)*symbol]
def _str_indent(self, doc, indent=4):
out = []
for line in doc:
out += [' '*indent + line]
return out
def _str_signature(self):
if self['Signature']:
return [self['Signature'].replace('*','\*')] + ['']
return ['']
def _str_summary(self):
if self['Summary']:
return self['Summary'] + ['']
return []
def _str_extended_summary(self):
if self['Extended Summary']:
return self['Extended Summary'] + ['']
return []
def _str_param_list(self, name):
out = []
if self[name]:
out += self._str_header(name)
for param,param_type,desc in self[name]:
out += ['%s : %s' % (param, param_type)]
out += self._str_indent(desc)
out += ['']
return out
def _str_section(self, name):
out = []
if self[name]:
out += self._str_header(name)
out += self[name]
out += ['']
return out
def _str_see_also(self, func_role):
if not self['See Also']: return []
out = []
out += self._str_header("See Also")
last_had_desc = True
for func, desc, role in self['See Also']:
if role:
link = ':%s:`%s`' % (role, func)
elif func_role:
link = ':%s:`%s`' % (func_role, func)
link = "`%s`_" % func
if desc or last_had_desc:
out += ['']
out += [link]
out[-1] += ", %s" % link
if desc:
out += self._str_indent([' '.join(desc)])
last_had_desc = True
last_had_desc = False
out += ['']
return out
def _str_index(self):
idx = self['index']
out = []
out += ['.. index:: %s' % idx.get('default','')]
for section, references in idx.items():
if section == 'default':
out += [' :%s: %s' % (section, ', '.join(references))]
return out
def __str__(self, func_role=''):
out = []
out += self._str_signature()
out += self._str_summary()
out += self._str_extended_summary()
for param_list in ('Parameters','Returns','Raises'):
out += self._str_param_list(param_list)
out += self._str_section('Warnings')
out += self._str_see_also(func_role)
for s in ('Notes','References','Examples'):
out += self._str_section(s)
out += self._str_index()
return '\n'.join(out)
def indent(str,indent=4):
indent_str = ' '*indent
if str is None:
return indent_str
lines = str.split('\n')
return '\n'.join(indent_str + l for l in lines)
def dedent_lines(lines):
"""Deindent a list of lines maximally"""
return textwrap.dedent("\n".join(lines)).split("\n")
def header(text, style='-'):
return text + '\n' + style*len(text) + '\n'
class FunctionDoc(NumpyDocString):
def __init__(self, func, role='func', doc=None):
self._f = func
self._role = role # e.g. "func" or "meth"
if doc is None:
doc = inspect.getdoc(func) or ''
NumpyDocString.__init__(self, doc)
except ValueError as e:
print("ERROR: '%s' while parsing `%s`" % (e, self._f))
#print "Docstring follows:"
#print doclines
#print '='*78
if not self['Signature']:
func, func_name = self.get_func()
# try to read signature
argspec = inspect.getargspec(func)
argspec = inspect.formatargspec(*argspec)
argspec = argspec.replace('*','\*')
signature = '%s%s' % (func_name, argspec)
except TypeError as e:
signature = '%s()' % func_name
self['Signature'] = signature
def get_func(self):
func_name = getattr(self._f, '__name__', self.__class__.__name__)
if inspect.isclass(self._f):
func = getattr(self._f, '__call__', self._f.__init__)
func = self._f
return func, func_name
def __str__(self):
out = ''
func, func_name = self.get_func()
signature = self['Signature'].replace('*', '\*')
roles = {'func': 'function',
'meth': 'method'}
if self._role:
if self._role not in roles:
print("Warning: invalid role %s" % self._role)
out += '.. %s:: %s\n \n\n' % (roles.get(self._role,''),
out += super(FunctionDoc, self).__str__(func_role=self._role)
return out
class ClassDoc(NumpyDocString):
def __init__(self,cls,modulename='',func_doc=FunctionDoc,doc=None):
if not inspect.isclass(cls):
raise ValueError("Initialise using a class. Got %r" % cls)
self._cls = cls
if modulename and not modulename.endswith('.'):
modulename += '.'
self._mod = modulename
self._name = cls.__name__
self._func_doc = func_doc
if doc is None:
doc = pydoc.getdoc(cls)
NumpyDocString.__init__(self, doc)
def methods(self):
return [name for name,func in inspect.getmembers(self._cls)
if not name.startswith('_') and callable(func)]
def __str__(self):
out = ''
out += super(ClassDoc, self).__str__()
out += "\n\n"
#for m in self.methods:
# print "Parsing `%s`" % m
# out += str(self._func_doc(getattr(self._cls,m), 'meth')) + '\n\n'
# out += '.. index::\n single: %s; %s\n\n' % (self._name, m)
return out
@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
import re, inspect, textwrap, pydoc
from docscrape import NumpyDocString, FunctionDoc, ClassDoc
class SphinxDocString(NumpyDocString):
# string conversion routines
def _str_header(self, name, symbol='`'):
return ['.. rubric:: ' + name, '']
def _str_field_list(self, name):
return [':' + name + ':']
def _str_indent(self, doc, indent=4):
out = []
for line in doc:
out += [' '*indent + line]
return out
def _str_signature(self):
return ['']
if self['Signature']:
return ['``%s``' % self['Signature']] + ['']
return ['']
def _str_summary(self):
return self['Summary'] + ['']
def _str_extended_summary(self):
return self['Extended Summary'] + ['']
def _str_param_list(self, name):
out = []
if self[name]:
out += self._str_field_list(name)
out += ['']
for param,param_type,desc in self[name]:
out += self._str_indent(['**%s** : %s' % (param.strip(),
out += ['']
out += self._str_indent(desc,8)
out += ['']
return out
def _str_section(self, name):
out = []
if self[name]:
out += self._str_header(name)
out += ['']
content = textwrap.dedent("\n".join(self[name])).split("\n")
out += content
out += ['']
return out
def _str_see_also(self, func_role):
out = []
if self['See Also']:
see_also = super(SphinxDocString, self)._str_see_also(func_role)
out = ['.. seealso::', '']
out += self._str_indent(see_also[2:])
return out
def _str_warnings(self):
out = []
if self['Warnings']:
out = ['.. warning::', '']
out += self._str_indent(self['Warnings'])
return out
def _str_index(self):
idx = self['index']
out = []
if len(idx) == 0:
return out
out += ['.. index:: %s' % idx.get('default','')]
for section, references in idx.items():
if section == 'default':
elif section == 'refguide':
out += [' single: %s' % (', '.join(references))]
out += [' %s: %s' % (section, ','.join(references))]
return out
def _str_references(self):
out = []
if self['References']:
out += self._str_header('References')
if isinstance(self['References'], str):
self['References'] = [self['References']]
out += ['']
return out
def __str__(self, indent=0, func_role="obj"):
out = []
out += self._str_signature()
out += self._str_index() + ['']
out += self._str_summary()
out += self._str_extended_summary()
for param_list in ('Parameters', 'Attributes', 'Methods',
out += self._str_param_list(param_list)
out += self._str_warnings()
out += self._str_see_also(func_role)
out += self._str_section('Notes')
out += self._str_references()
out += self._str_section('Examples')
out = self._str_indent(out,indent)
return '\n'.join(out)
class SphinxFunctionDoc(SphinxDocString, FunctionDoc):
class SphinxClassDoc(SphinxDocString, ClassDoc):
def get_doc_object(obj, what=None, doc=None):
if what is None:
if inspect.isclass(obj):
what = 'class'
elif inspect.ismodule(obj):
what = 'module'
elif callable(obj):
what = 'function'
what = 'object'
if what == 'class':
return SphinxClassDoc(obj, '', func_doc=SphinxFunctionDoc, doc=doc)
elif what in ('function', 'method'):
return SphinxFunctionDoc(obj, '', doc=doc)
if doc is None:
doc = pydoc.getdoc(obj)
return SphinxDocString(doc)
@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
Defines a docutils directive for inserting inheritance diagrams.
Provide the directive with one or more classes or modules (separated
by whitespace). For modules, all of the classes in that module will
be used.
Given the following classes:
class A: pass
class B(A): pass
class C(A): pass
class D(B, C): pass
class E(B): pass
.. inheritance-diagram: D E
Produces a graph like the following:
/ \
/ \ /
The graph is inserted as a PNG+image map into HTML and a PDF in
import inspect
import os
import re
import subprocess
from hashlib import md5
except ImportError:
from md5 import md5
from docutils.nodes import Body, Element
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from sphinx.roles import xfileref_role
def my_import(name):
"""Module importer - taken from the python documentation.
This function allows importing names with dots in them."""
mod = __import__(name)
components = name.split('.')
for comp in components[1:]:
mod = getattr(mod, comp)
return mod
class DotException(Exception):
class InheritanceGraph:
Given a list of classes, determines the set of classes that
they inherit from all the way to the root "object", and then
is able to generate a graphviz dot graph from them.
def __init__(self, class_names, show_builtins=False):
*class_names* is a list of child classes to show bases from.
If *show_builtins* is True, then Python builtins will be shown
in the graph.
self.class_names = class_names
self.classes = self._import_classes(class_names)
self.all_classes = self._all_classes(self.classes)
if len(self.all_classes) == 0:
raise ValueError("No classes found for inheritance diagram")
self.show_builtins = show_builtins
py_sig_re = re.compile(r'''^([\w.]*\.)? # class names
(\w+) \s* $ # optionally arguments
''', re.VERBOSE)
def _import_class_or_module(self, name):
Import a class using its fully-qualified *name*.
path, base = self.py_sig_re.match(name).groups()
raise ValueError(
"Invalid class or module '%s' specified for inheritance diagram" % name)
fullname = (path or '') + base
path = (path and path.rstrip('.'))
if not path:
path = base
module = __import__(path, None, None, [])
# We must do an import of the fully qualified name. Otherwise if a
# subpackage 'a.b' is requested where 'import a' does NOT provide
# 'a.b' automatically, then 'a.b' will not be found below. This
# second call will force the equivalent of 'import a.b' to happen
# after the top-level import above.
except ImportError:
raise ValueError(
"Could not import class or module '%s' specified for inheritance diagram" % name)
todoc = module
for comp in fullname.split('.')[1:]:
todoc = getattr(todoc, comp)
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(
"Could not find class or module '%s' specified for inheritance diagram" % name)
# If a class, just return it
if inspect.isclass(todoc):
return [todoc]
elif inspect.ismodule(todoc):
classes = []
for cls in list(todoc.__dict__.values()):
if inspect.isclass(cls) and cls.__module__ == todoc.__name__:
return classes
raise ValueError(
"'%s' does not resolve to a class or module" % name)
def _import_classes(self, class_names):
Import a list of classes.
classes = []
for name in class_names:
return classes
def _all_classes(self, classes):
Return a list of all classes that are ancestors of *classes*.
all_classes = {}
def recurse(cls):
all_classes[cls] = None
for c in cls.__bases__:
if c not in all_classes:
for cls in classes:
return list(all_classes.keys())
def class_name(self, cls, parts=0):
Given a class object, return a fully-qualified name. This
works for things I've tested in matplotlib so far, but may not
be completely general.
module = cls.__module__
if module == '__builtin__':
fullname = cls.__name__
fullname = "%s.%s" % (module, cls.__name__)
if parts == 0:
return fullname
name_parts = fullname.split('.')
return '.'.join(name_parts[-parts:])
def get_all_class_names(self):
Get all of the class names involved in the graph.
return [self.class_name(x) for x in self.all_classes]
# These are the default options for graphviz
default_graph_options = {
"rankdir": "LR",
"size": '"8.0, 12.0"'
default_node_options = {
"shape": "box",
"fontsize": 10,
"height": 0.25,
"fontname": "Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",
"style": '"setlinewidth(0.5)"'
default_edge_options = {
"arrowsize": 0.5,
"style": '"setlinewidth(0.5)"'
def _format_node_options(self, options):
return ','.join(["%s=%s" % x for x in list(options.items())])
def _format_graph_options(self, options):
return ''.join(["%s=%s;\n" % x for x in list(options.items())])
def generate_dot(self, fd, name, parts=0, urls={},
graph_options={}, node_options={},
Generate a graphviz dot graph from the classes that
were passed in to __init__.
*fd* is a Python file-like object to write to.
*name* is the name of the graph
*urls* is a dictionary mapping class names to http urls
*graph_options*, *node_options*, *edge_options* are
dictionaries containing key/value pairs to pass on as graphviz
g_options = self.default_graph_options.copy()
n_options = self.default_node_options.copy()
e_options = self.default_edge_options.copy()
fd.write('digraph %s {\n' % name)
for cls in self.all_classes:
if not self.show_builtins and cls in list(__builtins__.values()):
name = self.class_name(cls, parts)
# Write the node
this_node_options = n_options.copy()
url = urls.get(self.class_name(cls))
if url is not None:
this_node_options['URL'] = '"%s"' % url
fd.write(' "%s" [%s];\n' %
(name, self._format_node_options(this_node_options)))
# Write the edges
for base in cls.__bases__:
if not self.show_builtins and base in list(__builtins__.values()):
base_name = self.class_name(base, parts)
fd.write(' "%s" -> "%s" [%s];\n' %
(base_name, name,
def run_dot(self, args, name, parts=0, urls={},
graph_options={}, node_options={}, edge_options={}):
Run graphviz 'dot' over this graph, returning whatever 'dot'
writes to stdout.
*args* will be passed along as commandline arguments.
*name* is the name of the graph
*urls* is a dictionary mapping class names to http urls
Raises DotException for any of the many os and
installation-related errors that may occur.
dot = subprocess.Popen(['dot'] + list(args),
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
except OSError:
raise DotException("Could not execute 'dot'. Are you sure you have 'graphviz' installed?")
except ValueError:
raise DotException("'dot' called with invalid arguments")
raise DotException("Unexpected error calling 'dot'")
self.generate_dot(dot.stdin, name, parts, urls, graph_options,
node_options, edge_options)
result =
returncode = dot.wait()
if returncode != 0:
raise DotException("'dot' returned the errorcode %d" % returncode)
return result
class inheritance_diagram(Body, Element):
A docutils node to use as a placeholder for the inheritance
def inheritance_diagram_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
content_offset, block_text, state,
Run when the inheritance_diagram directive is first encountered.
node = inheritance_diagram()
class_names = arguments
# Create a graph starting with the list of classes
graph = InheritanceGraph(class_names)
# Create xref nodes for each target of the graph's image map and
# add them to the doc tree so that Sphinx can resolve the
# references to real URLs later. These nodes will eventually be
# removed from the doctree after we're done with them.
for name in graph.get_all_class_names():
refnodes, x = xfileref_role(
'class', ':class:`%s`' % name, name, 0, state)
# Store the graph object so we can use it to generate the
# dot file later
node['graph'] = graph
# Store the original content for use as a hash
node['parts'] = options.get('parts', 0)
node['content'] = " ".join(class_names)
return [node]
def get_graph_hash(node):
return md5(node['content'] + str(node['parts'])).hexdigest()[-10:]
def html_output_graph(self, node):
Output the graph for HTML. This will insert a PNG with clickable
image map.
graph = node['graph']
parts = node['parts']
graph_hash = get_graph_hash(node)
name = "inheritance%s" % graph_hash
path = '_images'
dest_path = os.path.join(, path)
if not os.path.exists(dest_path):
png_path = os.path.join(dest_path, name + ".png")
path =
# Create a mapping from fully-qualified class names to URLs.
urls = {}
for child in node:
if child.get('refuri') is not None:
urls[child['reftitle']] = child.get('refuri')
elif child.get('refid') is not None:
urls[child['reftitle']] = '#' + child.get('refid')
# These arguments to dot will save a PNG file to disk and write
# an HTML image map to stdout.
image_map = graph.run_dot(['-Tpng', '-o%s' % png_path, '-Tcmapx'],
name, parts, urls)
return ('<img src="%s/%s.png" usemap="#%s" class="inheritance"/>%s' %
(path, name, name, image_map))
def latex_output_graph(self, node):
Output the graph for LaTeX. This will insert a PDF.
graph = node['graph']
parts = node['parts']
graph_hash = get_graph_hash(node)
name = "inheritance%s" % graph_hash
dest_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(, '_images'))
if not os.path.exists(dest_path):
pdf_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dest_path, name + ".pdf"))
graph.run_dot(['-Tpdf', '-o%s' % pdf_path],
name, parts, graph_options={'size': '"6.0,6.0"'})
return '\n\\includegraphics{%s}\n\n' % pdf_path
def visit_inheritance_diagram(inner_func):
This is just a wrapper around html/latex_output_graph to make it
easier to handle errors and insert warnings.
def visitor(self, node):
content = inner_func(self, node)
except DotException as e:
# Insert the exception as a warning in the document
warning = self.document.reporter.warning(str(e), line=node.line)
warning.parent = node
node.children = [warning]
source = self.document.attributes['source']
node.children = []
return visitor
def do_nothing(self, node):
def setup(app):
|||| = app
setup.confdir = app.confdir
latex=(visit_inheritance_diagram(latex_output_graph), do_nothing),
html=(visit_inheritance_diagram(html_output_graph), do_nothing))
'inheritance-diagram', inheritance_diagram_directive,
False, (1, 100, 0), parts = directives.nonnegative_int)
@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
"""reST directive for syntax-highlighting ipython interactive sessions.
XXX - See what improvements can be made based on the new (as of Sept 2009)
'pycon' lexer for the python console. At the very least it will give better
highlighted tracebacks.
# Needed modules
# Standard library
import re
# Third party
from pygments.lexer import Lexer, do_insertions
from pygments.lexers.agile import (PythonConsoleLexer, PythonLexer,
from pygments.token import Comment, Generic
from sphinx import highlighting
# Global constants
line_re = re.compile('.*?\n')
# Code begins - classes and functions
class IPythonConsoleLexer(Lexer):
For IPython console output or doctests, such as:
.. sourcecode:: ipython
In [1]: a = 'foo'
In [2]: a
Out[2]: 'foo'
In [3]: print a
In [4]: 1 / 0
- Tracebacks are not currently supported.
- It assumes the default IPython prompts, not customized ones.
name = 'IPython console session'
aliases = ['ipython']
mimetypes = ['text/x-ipython-console']
input_prompt = re.compile("(In \[[0-9]+\]: )|( \.\.\.+:)")
output_prompt = re.compile("(Out\[[0-9]+\]: )|( \.\.\.+:)")
continue_prompt = re.compile(" \.\.\.+:")
tb_start = re.compile("\-+")
def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
pylexer = PythonLexer(**self.options)
tblexer = PythonTracebackLexer(**self.options)
curcode = ''
insertions = []
for match in line_re.finditer(text):
line =
input_prompt = self.input_prompt.match(line)
continue_prompt = self.continue_prompt.match(line.rstrip())
output_prompt = self.output_prompt.match(line)
if line.startswith("#"):
[(0, Comment, line)]))
elif input_prompt is not None:
[(0, Generic.Prompt,]))
curcode += line[input_prompt.end():]
elif continue_prompt is not None:
[(0, Generic.Prompt,]))
curcode += line[continue_prompt.end():]
elif output_prompt is not None:
# Use the 'error' token for output. We should probably make
# our own token, but error is typicaly in a bright color like
# red, so it works fine for our output prompts.
[(0, Generic.Error,]))
curcode += line[output_prompt.end():]
if curcode:
for item in do_insertions(insertions,
yield item
curcode = ''
insertions = []
yield match.start(), Generic.Output, line
if curcode:
for item in do_insertions(insertions,
yield item
def setup(app):
"""Setup as a sphinx extension."""
# This is only a lexer, so adding it below to pygments appears sufficient.
# But if somebody knows that the right API usage should be to do that via
# sphinx, by all means fix it here. At least having this
# suppresses the sphinx warning we'd get without it.
# Register the extension as a valid pygments lexer
highlighting.lexers['ipython'] = IPythonConsoleLexer()
@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
Sphinx extension that handles docstrings in the Numpy standard format. [1]
It will:
- Convert Parameters etc. sections to field lists.
- Convert See Also section to a See also entry.
- Renumber references.
- Extract the signature from the docstring, if it can't be determined otherwise.
.. [1]
import os, re, pydoc
from docscrape_sphinx import get_doc_object, SphinxDocString
import inspect
def mangle_docstrings(app, what, name, obj, options, lines,
if what == 'module':
# Strip top title
title_re = re.compile(r'^\s*[#*=]{4,}\n[a-z0-9 -]+\n[#*=]{4,}\s*',
lines[:] = title_re.sub('', "\n".join(lines)).split("\n")
doc = get_doc_object(obj, what, "\n".join(lines))
lines[:] = str(doc).split("\n")
if app.config.numpydoc_edit_link and hasattr(obj, '__name__') and \
if hasattr(obj, '__module__'):
v = dict(full_name="%s.%s" % (obj.__module__, obj.__name__))
v = dict(full_name=obj.__name__)
lines += ['', '.. htmlonly::', '']
lines += [' %s' % x for x in
(app.config.numpydoc_edit_link % v).split("\n")]
# replace reference numbers so that there are no duplicates
references = []
for l in lines:
l = l.strip()
if l.startswith('.. ['):
references.append(int(l[len('.. ['):l.index(']')]))
except ValueError:
print("WARNING: invalid reference in %s docstring" % name)
# Start renaming from the biggest number, otherwise we may
# overwrite references.
if references:
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
for r in references:
new_r = reference_offset[0] + r
lines[i] = lines[i].replace('[%d]_' % r,
'[%d]_' % new_r)
lines[i] = lines[i].replace('.. [%d]' % r,
'.. [%d]' % new_r)
reference_offset[0] += len(references)
def mangle_signature(app, what, name, obj, options, sig, retann):
# Do not try to inspect classes that don't define `__init__`
if (inspect.isclass(obj) and
'initializes x; see ' in pydoc.getdoc(obj.__init__)):
return '', ''
if not (callable(obj) or hasattr(obj, '__argspec_is_invalid_')): return
if not hasattr(obj, '__doc__'): return
doc = SphinxDocString(pydoc.getdoc(obj))
if doc['Signature']:
sig = re.sub("^[^(]*", "", doc['Signature'])
return sig, ''
def initialize(app):
app.connect('autodoc-process-signature', mangle_signature)
def setup(app, get_doc_object_=get_doc_object):
global get_doc_object
get_doc_object = get_doc_object_
app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', mangle_docstrings)
app.connect('builder-inited', initialize)
app.add_config_value('numpydoc_edit_link', None, True)
# Monkeypatch sphinx.ext.autodoc to accept argspecless autodocs (Sphinx < 0.5)
def monkeypatch_sphinx_ext_autodoc():
global _original_format_signature
import sphinx.ext.autodoc
if sphinx.ext.autodoc.format_signature is our_format_signature:
print("[numpydoc] Monkeypatching sphinx.ext.autodoc ...")
_original_format_signature = sphinx.ext.autodoc.format_signature
sphinx.ext.autodoc.format_signature = our_format_signature
def our_format_signature(what, obj):
r = mangle_signature(None, what, None, obj, None, None, None)
if r is not None:
return r[0]
return _original_format_signature(what, obj)
@ -1,773 +0,0 @@
A directive for including a matplotlib plot in a Sphinx document.
By default, in HTML output, `plot` will include a .png file with a
link to a high-res .png and .pdf. In LaTeX output, it will include a
The source code for the plot may be included in one of three ways:
1. **A path to a source file** as the argument to the directive::
.. plot:: path/to/
When a path to a source file is given, the content of the
directive may optionally contain a caption for the plot::
.. plot:: path/to/
This is the caption for the plot
Additionally, one my specify the name of a function to call (with
no arguments) immediately after importing the module::
.. plot:: path/to/ plot_function1
2. Included as **inline content** to the directive::
.. plot::
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import numpy as np
img = mpimg.imread('_static/stinkbug.png')
imgplot = plt.imshow(img)
3. Using **doctest** syntax::
.. plot::
A plotting example:
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.plot([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
The ``plot`` directive supports the following options:
format : {'python', 'doctest'}
Specify the format of the input
include-source : bool
Whether to display the source code. The default can be changed
using the `plot_include_source` variable in
encoding : str
If this source file is in a non-UTF8 or non-ASCII encoding,
the encoding must be specified using the `:encoding:` option.
The encoding will not be inferred using the ``-*- coding -*-``
context : bool
If provided, the code will be run in the context of all
previous plot directives for which the `:context:` option was
specified. This only applies to inline code plot directives,
not those run from files.
nofigs : bool
If specified, the code block will be run, but no figures will
be inserted. This is usually useful with the ``:context:``
Additionally, this directive supports all of the options of the
`image` directive, except for `target` (since plot will add its own
target). These include `alt`, `height`, `width`, `scale`, `align` and
Configuration options
The plot directive has the following configuration options:
Default value for the include-source option
Code that should be executed before each plot.
Base directory, to which ``plot::`` file names are relative
to. (If None or empty, file names are relative to the
directoly where the file containing the directive is.)
File formats to generate. List of tuples or strings::
[(suffix, dpi), suffix, ...]
that determine the file format and the DPI. For entries whose
DPI was omitted, sensible defaults are chosen.
Whether to show links to the files in HTML.
A dictionary containing any non-standard rcParams that should
be applied before each plot.
import sys, os, glob, shutil, imp, warnings, io, re, textwrap, \
traceback, exceptions
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst.directives.images import Image
align = Image.align
import sphinx
sphinx_version = sphinx.__version__.split(".")
# The split is necessary for sphinx beta versions where the string is
# '6b1'
sphinx_version = tuple([int(re.split('[a-z]', x)[0])
for x in sphinx_version[:2]])
# Sphinx depends on either Jinja or Jinja2
import jinja2
def format_template(template, **kw):
return jinja2.Template(template).render(**kw)
except ImportError:
import jinja
def format_template(template, **kw):
return jinja.from_string(template, **kw)
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import _pylab_helpers
__version__ = 2
# Relative pathnames
# os.path.relpath is new in Python 2.6
from os.path import relpath
except ImportError:
# Copied from Python 2.7
if 'posix' in sys.builtin_module_names:
def relpath(path, start=os.path.curdir):
"""Return a relative version of a path"""
from os.path import sep, curdir, join, abspath, commonprefix, \
if not path:
raise ValueError("no path specified")
start_list = abspath(start).split(sep)
path_list = abspath(path).split(sep)
# Work out how much of the filepath is shared by start and path.
i = len(commonprefix([start_list, path_list]))
rel_list = [pardir] * (len(start_list)-i) + path_list[i:]
if not rel_list:
return curdir
return join(*rel_list)
elif 'nt' in sys.builtin_module_names:
def relpath(path, start=os.path.curdir):
"""Return a relative version of a path"""
from os.path import sep, curdir, join, abspath, commonprefix, \
pardir, splitunc
if not path:
raise ValueError("no path specified")
start_list = abspath(start).split(sep)
path_list = abspath(path).split(sep)
if start_list[0].lower() != path_list[0].lower():
unc_path, rest = splitunc(path)
unc_start, rest = splitunc(start)
if bool(unc_path) ^ bool(unc_start):
raise ValueError("Cannot mix UNC and non-UNC paths (%s and %s)"
% (path, start))
raise ValueError("path is on drive %s, start on drive %s"
% (path_list[0], start_list[0]))
# Work out how much of the filepath is shared by start and path.
for i in range(min(len(start_list), len(path_list))):
if start_list[i].lower() != path_list[i].lower():
i += 1
rel_list = [pardir] * (len(start_list)-i) + path_list[i:]
if not rel_list:
return curdir
return join(*rel_list)
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported platform (no relpath available!)")
# Registration hook
def plot_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
return run(arguments, content, options, state_machine, state, lineno)
plot_directive.__doc__ = __doc__
def _option_boolean(arg):
if not arg or not arg.strip():
# no argument given, assume used as a flag
return True
elif arg.strip().lower() in ('no', '0', 'false'):
return False
elif arg.strip().lower() in ('yes', '1', 'true'):
return True
raise ValueError('"%s" unknown boolean' % arg)
def _option_format(arg):
return directives.choice(arg, ('python', 'doctest'))
def _option_align(arg):
return directives.choice(arg, ("top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "center",
def mark_plot_labels(app, document):
To make plots referenceable, we need to move the reference from
the "htmlonly" (or "latexonly") node to the actual figure node
for name, explicit in document.nametypes.items():
if not explicit:
labelid = document.nameids[name]
if labelid is None:
node = document.ids[labelid]
if node.tagname in ('html_only', 'latex_only'):
for n in node:
if n.tagname == 'figure':
sectname = name
for c in n:
if c.tagname == 'caption':
sectname = c.astext()
document.settings.env.labels[name] = \
document.settings.env.docname, labelid, sectname
def setup(app):
|||| = app
setup.config = app.config
setup.confdir = app.confdir
options = {'alt': directives.unchanged,
'height': directives.length_or_unitless,
'width': directives.length_or_percentage_or_unitless,
'scale': directives.nonnegative_int,
'align': _option_align,
'class': directives.class_option,
'include-source': _option_boolean,
'format': _option_format,
'context': directives.flag,
'nofigs': directives.flag,
'encoding': directives.encoding
app.add_directive('plot', plot_directive, True, (0, 2, False), **options)
app.add_config_value('plot_pre_code', None, True)
app.add_config_value('plot_include_source', False, True)
app.add_config_value('plot_formats', ['png', 'hires.png', 'pdf'], True)
app.add_config_value('plot_basedir', None, True)
app.add_config_value('plot_html_show_formats', True, True)
app.add_config_value('plot_rcparams', {}, True)
app.connect('doctree-read', mark_plot_labels)
# Doctest handling
def contains_doctest(text):
# check if it's valid Python as-is
compile(text, '<string>', 'exec')
return False
except SyntaxError:
r = re.compile(r'^\s*>>>', re.M)
m =
return bool(m)
def unescape_doctest(text):
Extract code from a piece of text, which contains either Python code
or doctests.
if not contains_doctest(text):
return text
code = ""
for line in text.split("\n"):
m = re.match(r'^\s*(>>>|\.\.\.) (.*)$', line)
if m:
code += + "\n"
elif line.strip():
code += "# " + line.strip() + "\n"
code += "\n"
return code
def split_code_at_show(text):
Split code at
parts = []
is_doctest = contains_doctest(text)
part = []
for line in text.split("\n"):
if (not is_doctest and line.strip() == '') or \
(is_doctest and line.strip() == '>>>'):
part = []
if "\n".join(part).strip():
return parts
# Template
{{ source_code }}
{{ only_html }}
{% if source_link or (html_show_formats and not multi_image) %}
{%- if source_link -%}
`Source code <{{ source_link }}>`__
{%- endif -%}
{%- if html_show_formats and not multi_image -%}
{%- for img in images -%}
{%- for fmt in img.formats -%}
{%- if source_link or not loop.first -%}, {% endif -%}
`{{ fmt }} <{{ dest_dir }}/{{ img.basename }}.{{ fmt }}>`__
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% endif %}
{% for img in images %}
.. figure:: {{ build_dir }}/{{ img.basename }}.png
{%- for option in options %}
{{ option }}
{% endfor %}
{% if html_show_formats and multi_image -%}
{%- for fmt in img.formats -%}
{%- if not loop.first -%}, {% endif -%}
`{{ fmt }} <{{ dest_dir }}/{{ img.basename }}.{{ fmt }}>`__
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{{ caption }}
{% endfor %}
{{ only_latex }}
{% for img in images %}
.. image:: {{ build_dir }}/{{ img.basename }}.pdf
{% endfor %}
exception_template = """
.. htmlonly::
[`source code <%(linkdir)s/%(basename)>`__]
Exception occurred rendering plot.
# the context of the plot for all directives specified with the
# :context: option
plot_context = dict()
class ImageFile:
def __init__(self, basename, dirname):
self.basename = basename
self.dirname = dirname
self.formats = []
def filename(self, format):
return os.path.join(self.dirname, "%s.%s" % (self.basename, format))
def filenames(self):
return [self.filename(fmt) for fmt in self.formats]
def out_of_date(original, derived):
Returns True if derivative is out-of-date wrt original,
both of which are full file paths.
return (not os.path.exists(derived) or
(os.path.exists(original) and
os.stat(derived).st_mtime < os.stat(original).st_mtime))
class PlotError(RuntimeError):
def run_code(code, code_path, ns=None, function_name=None):
Import a Python module from a path, and run the function given by
name, if function_name is not None.
# Change the working directory to the directory of the example, so
# it can get at its data files, if any. Add its path to sys.path
# so it can import any helper modules sitting beside it.
pwd = os.getcwd()
old_sys_path = list(sys.path)
if code_path is not None:
dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(code_path))
sys.path.insert(0, dirname)
# Redirect stdout
stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = io.StringIO()
# Reset sys.argv
old_sys_argv = sys.argv
sys.argv = [code_path]
code = unescape_doctest(code)
if ns is None:
ns = {}
if not ns:
if setup.config.plot_pre_code is None:
exec("import numpy as np\nfrom matplotlib import pyplot as plt\n", ns)
exec(setup.config.plot_pre_code, ns)
if "__main__" in code:
exec("__name__ = '__main__'", ns)
exec(code, ns)
if function_name is not None:
exec(function_name + "()", ns)
except (Exception, SystemExit) as err:
raise PlotError(traceback.format_exc())
sys.argv = old_sys_argv
sys.path[:] = old_sys_path
sys.stdout = stdout
return ns
def clear_state(plot_rcparams):
def render_figures(code, code_path, output_dir, output_base, context,
function_name, config):
Run a pyplot script and save the low and high res PNGs and a PDF
in outdir.
Save the images under *output_dir* with file names derived from
# -- Parse format list
default_dpi = {'png': 80, 'hires.png': 200, 'pdf': 200}
formats = []
plot_formats = config.plot_formats
if isinstance(plot_formats, str):
plot_formats = eval(plot_formats)
for fmt in plot_formats:
if isinstance(fmt, str):
formats.append((fmt, default_dpi.get(fmt, 80)))
elif type(fmt) in (tuple, list) and len(fmt)==2:
formats.append((str(fmt[0]), int(fmt[1])))
raise PlotError('invalid image format "%r" in plot_formats' % fmt)
# -- Try to determine if all images already exist
code_pieces = split_code_at_show(code)
# Look for single-figure output files first
# Look for single-figure output files first
all_exists = True
img = ImageFile(output_base, output_dir)
for format, dpi in formats:
if out_of_date(code_path, img.filename(format)):
all_exists = False
if all_exists:
return [(code, [img])]
# Then look for multi-figure output files
results = []
all_exists = True
for i, code_piece in enumerate(code_pieces):
images = []
for j in range(1000):
if len(code_pieces) > 1:
img = ImageFile('%s_%02d_%02d' % (output_base, i, j), output_dir)
img = ImageFile('%s_%02d' % (output_base, j), output_dir)
for format, dpi in formats:
if out_of_date(code_path, img.filename(format)):
all_exists = False
# assume that if we have one, we have them all
if not all_exists:
all_exists = (j > 0)
if not all_exists:
results.append((code_piece, images))
if all_exists:
return results
# We didn't find the files, so build them
results = []
if context:
ns = plot_context
ns = {}
for i, code_piece in enumerate(code_pieces):
if not context:
run_code(code_piece, code_path, ns, function_name)
images = []
fig_managers = _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_all_fig_managers()
for j, figman in enumerate(fig_managers):
if len(fig_managers) == 1 and len(code_pieces) == 1:
img = ImageFile(output_base, output_dir)
elif len(code_pieces) == 1:
img = ImageFile("%s_%02d" % (output_base, j), output_dir)
img = ImageFile("%s_%02d_%02d" % (output_base, i, j),
for format, dpi in formats:
figman.canvas.figure.savefig(img.filename(format), dpi=dpi)
except Exception as err:
raise PlotError(traceback.format_exc())
results.append((code_piece, images))
if not context:
return results
def run(arguments, content, options, state_machine, state, lineno):
# The user may provide a filename *or* Python code content, but not both
if arguments and content:
raise RuntimeError("plot:: directive can't have both args and content")
document = state_machine.document
config = document.settings.env.config
nofigs = 'nofigs' in options
options.setdefault('include-source', config.plot_include_source)
context = 'context' in options
rst_file = document.attributes['source']
rst_dir = os.path.dirname(rst_file)
if len(arguments):
if not config.plot_basedir:
source_file_name = os.path.join(,
source_file_name = os.path.join(, config.plot_basedir,
# If there is content, it will be passed as a caption.
caption = '\n'.join(content)
# If the optional function name is provided, use it
if len(arguments) == 2:
function_name = arguments[1]
function_name = None
fd = open(source_file_name, 'r')
code =
output_base = os.path.basename(source_file_name)
source_file_name = rst_file
code = textwrap.dedent("\n".join(map(str, content)))
counter = document.attributes.get('_plot_counter', 0) + 1
document.attributes['_plot_counter'] = counter
base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source_file_name))
output_base = '' % (base, counter)
function_name = None
caption = ''
base, source_ext = os.path.splitext(output_base)
if source_ext in ('.py', '.rst', '.txt'):
output_base = base
source_ext = ''
# ensure that LaTeX includegraphics doesn't choke in filenames
output_base = output_base.replace('.', '-')
# is it in doctest format?
is_doctest = contains_doctest(code)
if 'format' in options:
if options['format'] == 'python':
is_doctest = False
is_doctest = True
# determine output directory name fragment
source_rel_name = relpath(source_file_name,
source_rel_dir = os.path.dirname(source_rel_name)
while source_rel_dir.startswith(os.path.sep):
source_rel_dir = source_rel_dir[1:]
# build_dir: where to place output files (temporarily)
build_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(,
# get rid of .. in paths, also changes pathsep
# see note in Python docs for warning about symbolic links on Windows.
# need to compare source and dest paths at end
build_dir = os.path.normpath(build_dir)
if not os.path.exists(build_dir):
# output_dir: final location in the builder's directory
dest_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(,
if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
os.makedirs(dest_dir) # no problem here for me, but just use built-ins
# how to link to files from the RST file
dest_dir_link = os.path.join(relpath(, rst_dir),
source_rel_dir).replace(os.path.sep, '/')
build_dir_link = relpath(build_dir, rst_dir).replace(os.path.sep, '/')
source_link = dest_dir_link + '/' + output_base + source_ext
# make figures
results = render_figures(code, source_file_name, build_dir, output_base,
context, function_name, config)
errors = []
except PlotError as err:
reporter = state.memo.reporter
sm = reporter.system_message(
2, "Exception occurred in plotting %s\n from %s:\n%s" % (output_base,
source_file_name, err),
results = [(code, [])]
errors = [sm]
# Properly indent the caption
caption = '\n'.join(' ' + line.strip()
for line in caption.split('\n'))
# generate output restructuredtext
total_lines = []
for j, (code_piece, images) in enumerate(results):
if options['include-source']:
if is_doctest:
lines = ['']
lines += [row.rstrip() for row in code_piece.split('\n')]
lines = ['.. code-block:: python', '']
lines += [' %s' % row.rstrip()
for row in code_piece.split('\n')]
source_code = "\n".join(lines)
source_code = ""
if nofigs:
images = []
opts = [':%s: %s' % (key, val) for key, val in list(options.items())
if key in ('alt', 'height', 'width', 'scale', 'align', 'class')]
only_html = ".. only:: html"
only_latex = ".. only:: latex"
if j == 0:
src_link = source_link
src_link = None
result = format_template(
multi_image=len(images) > 1,
if total_lines:
state_machine.insert_input(total_lines, source=source_file_name)
# copy image files to builder's output directory, if necessary
if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
for code_piece, images in results:
for img in images:
for fn in img.filenames():
destimg = os.path.join(dest_dir, os.path.basename(fn))
if fn != destimg:
shutil.copyfile(fn, destimg)
# copy script (if necessary)
#if source_file_name == rst_file:
target_name = os.path.join(dest_dir, output_base + source_ext)
f = open(target_name, 'w')
return errors
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Run the code and insert stdout after the code block.
import os
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives
from sphinx.errors import SphinxError
from sphinx_autorun import version
__version__ = version.version
class RunBlockError(SphinxError):
category = 'runblock error'
class AutoRun(object):
here = os.path.abspath(__file__)
pycon = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(here), '')
config = {
'pycon': 'python ' + pycon,
'pycon_prefix_chars': 4,
'pycon_show_source': False,
'console': 'bash',
'console_prefix_chars': 1,
def builder_init(cls, app):
class RunBlock(Directive):
has_content = True
required_arguments = 1
optional_arguments = 0
final_argument_whitespace = False
option_spec = {
'linenos': directives.flag,
def run(self):
config = AutoRun.config
language = self.arguments[0]
if language not in config:
raise RunBlockError('Unknown language %s' % language)
# Get configuration values for the language
args = config[language].split()
input_encoding = config.get(language+'_input_encoding', 'utf8')
output_encoding = config.get(language+'_output_encoding', 'utf8')
prefix_chars = config.get(language+'_prefix_chars', 0)
show_source = config.get(language+'_show_source', True)
# Build the code text
proc = Popen(args, bufsize=1, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
codelines = (line[prefix_chars:] for line in self.content)
code = u'\n'.join(codelines).encode(input_encoding)
# Run the code
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(code)
# Process output
if stdout:
out = stdout.decode(output_encoding)
if stderr:
out = stderr.decode(output_encoding)
# Get the original code with prefixes
if show_source:
code = u'\n'.join(self.content)
code_out = u'\n'.join((code, out))
code_out = out
literal = nodes.literal_block(code_out, code_out)
literal['language'] = language
literal['linenos'] = 'linenos' in self.options
return [literal]
def setup(app):
app.add_directive('runblock', RunBlock)
app.connect('builder-inited', AutoRun.builder_init)
app.add_config_value('autorun_languages', AutoRun.config, 'env')
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
import sys
from code import InteractiveInterpreter
def main():
Print lines of input along with output.
source_lines = (line.rstrip() for line in sys.stdin)
console = InteractiveInterpreter()
source = ''
while True:
source = next(source_lines)
# Allow the user to ignore specific lines of output.
if not source.endswith('# ignore'):
print('>>>', source)
more = console.runsource(source)
while more:
next_line = next(source_lines)
print('...', next_line)
source += '\n' + next_line
more = console.runsource(source)
except StopIteration:
if more:
print('... ')
more = console.runsource(source + '\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
# file generated by setuptools_scm
# don't change, don't track in version control
version = '1.1.1'