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10 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Germán Blesio 9b1bbc1d9d
Merge 0e951639e6 into 7eee3d1c60 2024-04-10 22:43:03 +02:00
Sophie Beck 7eee3d1c60
This fixes a bug in the Wannier90 Converter when the disentanglement window isn't set by the user (#252) 2024-04-10 15:55:14 -04:00
Alexander Hampel 5aba02768b [doc] fix typo in doi id of DC function 2024-04-09 09:55:02 -04:00
Germán Blesio 0e951639e6
Allow calc_inverse_mass for both basis
2023-10-09 17:11:13 +02:00
Germán Blesio 8d29fb77fb
Raman conductivity in atomic units.
2023-10-05 14:35:19 +02:00
Germán Blesio 57863d6529
Add optic_kappa to conductivity_and_seebeck
2023-10-05 11:15:51 +02:00
Germán Blesio 29212fc973
Implement Raman in conductivity_and_seebeck function.
2023-10-04 14:50:04 +02:00
Germán Blesio 2c485ba89f
Include Raman in transport_distribution
2023-10-04 14:36:21 +02:00
Germán Blesio fafd7a2229
Add raman_vertex function
2023-10-04 14:12:51 +02:00
Germán Blesio 1bb376c7ed
inverse_mass as second derivative of Wannier Hamiltonian
2023-10-04 13:55:56 +02:00
3 changed files with 213 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -620,6 +620,23 @@ def read_wannier90_blochbasis_data(wannier_seed, n_wannier_spin):
assert ks_eigenvals_spin.shape[1] == num_ks_bands, '.eig and u_dis.mat data inconsistent'
if disentangle:
# In case the disentanglement window is not set by the user, change manually both limits to
# larger window to avoid possible counting error in next line
dis_tol = 1e-5
shift_dis_down = np.any(np.isclose(np.min(ks_eigenvals_spin, axis=1), dis_window_min, atol=dis_tol, rtol=0.) == True)
shift_dis_up = np.any(np.isclose(np.max(ks_eigenvals_spin, axis=1), dis_window_max, atol=dis_tol, rtol=0.) == True)
if shift_dis_down or shift_dis_up:
if shift_dis_down:'WARNING: dis_win_min too close to value in .eig, manually shifting it down by '
+ '{} to avoid counting error'.format(2*dis_tol))
dis_window_min -= 2*dis_tol
if shift_dis_up:'WARNING: dis_win_max too close to value in .eig, manually shifting it up by '
+ '{} to avoid counting error'.format(2*dis_tol))
dis_window_max += 2*dis_tol'This can happen when the user did not specify disentanglement windows in .win. '
+ 'Check if this is the case here.')
# Determine which bands are inside the band window
inside_window = np.logical_and(ks_eigenvals_spin >= dis_window_min,
ks_eigenvals_spin <= dis_window_max)
@ -1168,7 +1185,8 @@ def check_bloch_basis_hk(n_corr_shells, corr_shells, n_k, n_spin_blocks, n_bands
hks_are_equal = np.isclose(downfolded_ham, wannier_ham_corr, atol=1e-4, rtol=0)
if not np.all(hks_are_equal):
index_difference = np.nonzero(np.logical_not(np.all(hks_are_equal, axis=2)))
isp, ik = np.transpose(index_difference)[0]
isp = index_difference[0][0]
ik = index_difference[1][0]'WARNING: mismatch between downfolded Hamiltonian and Fourier transformed '
+ 'H(R). First occurred at kpt {} and spin {}:'.format(ik, isp))

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import scipy.constants as cst
import os.path
__all__ = ['transport_distribution', 'conductivity_and_seebeck', 'write_output_to_hdf',
'init_spectroscopy', 'transport_function']
'init_spectroscopy', 'transport_function', 'raman_vertex']
# ----------------- helper functions -----------------------
@ -340,13 +340,18 @@ def recompute_w90_input_on_different_mesh(sum_k, seedname, nk_optics, pathname='
velocities_k = (Hw_alpha + 1j * c_Hw_Aw_alpha) / HARTREETOEV / BOHRTOANG
if calc_inverse_mass:
V_dot_D = numpy.einsum('kmnab, knoab -> kmoab', dataK.Xbar('Ham', 1)
[:, :, :, :, None], dataK.D_H[:, :, :, None, :])
V_dot_D_dagger = V_dot_D.conj().transpose(0, 2, 1, 3, 4)
V_curly = numpy.einsum('knnab -> knab', V_dot_D + V_dot_D_dagger)
del2E_H_diag = numpy.einsum('knnab->knab', dataK.Xbar('Ham', 2)).real
inverse_mass = del2E_H_diag + V_curly
# in the band basis
if oc_basis == 'h':
inverse_mass = dataK.Xbar('Ham', 2)
# in the orbital basis
elif oc_basis == 'w':
Hw_alphabeta_R = dataK.Ham_R.copy()
for i in range(2):
shape_cR = numpy.shape(dataK.cRvec_wcc)
Hw_alphabeta_R = 1j * Hw_alphabeta_R.reshape((Hw_alphabeta_R.shape) + (1, )) * dataK.cRvec_wcc.reshape(
(shape_cR[0], shape_cR[1], dataK.system.nRvec) + (1, ) * len(Hw_alphabeta_R.shape[3:]) + (3, ))
inverse_mass = dataK.fft_R_to_k(Hw_alphabeta_R, hermitean=False)[dataK.select_K]
inverse_mass = inverse_mass / HARTREETOEV / BOHRTOANG**2
# read in rest from dataK
cell_volume = dataK.cell_volume / BOHRTOANG ** 3
kpts = dataK.kpoints_all
@ -400,6 +405,68 @@ def recompute_w90_input_on_different_mesh(sum_k, seedname, nk_optics, pathname='
# ----------------- transport -----------------------
def raman_vertex(sumk,ik,direction,code,isp, options=None):
Reads all necessary quantities for transport calculations from transport subgroup of the hdf5 archive.
Performs checks on input. Uses interpolation if code=wannier90.
sum_k : sum_k object
triqs SumkDFT object
ik : integer
the ik index in which will be calculate the raman vertex
direction : string
direction to calculate the Raman vertex.
code : string
DFT code from which velocities are being read. Options: 'wien2k', 'wannier90'
isp : integer
spin index
options : dictionary, optional
additional keywords necessary in case a new direction wants to be implemented
raman_vertex : 2D array
numpy array size [n_orb, n_orb] of complex type
if code in ('wien2k'):
assert 0, 'Raman for wien2k not yet implemented'
dir_array=[ [[1.,0.,0.],[0.,0.,0.],[0.,0.,0.]],
[[0.,0.,1.],[0.,0.,0.],[0.,0.,0.]] ]
# Load custom directions
if "custom_dir" in options:
assert isinstance(options["custom_dir"],dict), "raman_vertex: in options, custom_dir must be a dictionary"
for dire in options["custom_dir"]:
assert numpy.shape(numpy.array(options["custom_dir"][dire]))==(3,3), "raman_vertex: custom_dir must have shape 3x3 (a numpy array or a nested list)"
if dire in dir_names:
if direction==dire and ik==0: #reports only when ik==0"Warning: the direction %s was already loaded and will be replace with the one provided in custom_dir"%dire)
idir = dir_names.index(dire)
dir_array=[numpy.array(el,dtype=numpy.float_) for el in dir_array] # convert list to numpy array
if direction in dir_names:
idir = dir_names.index(direction)
assert 0,'raman_vertex: direction %s is not supported by default. Try to add it by raman_vertex options custom_dir.'%direction
n_bands = sumk.n_orbitals[ik][isp]
ram_vert = numpy.zeros( (n_bands, n_bands), dtype=numpy.complex_)
for i in range(n_bands):
for j in range(n_bands):
return ram_vert
def init_spectroscopy(sum_k, code='wien2k', w90_params={}):
@ -473,7 +540,6 @@ def init_spectroscopy(sum_k, code='wien2k', w90_params={}):
oc_select = 'both'
# further checks for calc_inverse_mass
if calc_inverse_mass:
assert oc_basis == 'h', '"calc_inverse_mass" only implemented for "oc_basis" == "h"'
assert oc_select == 'both', '"oc_select" not implemented for "calc_inverse_mass"'
# print some information'{"Basis choice [h (Hamiltonian), w (Wannier)]:":<60s} {oc_basis}')
@ -493,7 +559,7 @@ def init_spectroscopy(sum_k, code='wien2k', w90_params={}):
# Uses .data of only GfReFreq objects.
def transport_distribution(sum_k, beta, directions=['xx'], energy_window=None, Om_mesh=[0.0], with_Sigma=False, n_om=None, broadening=0.0, code='wien2k'):
def transport_distribution(sum_k, beta, directions=['xx'], energy_window=None, Om_mesh=[0.0], with_Sigma=False, n_om=None, broadening=0.0, code='wien2k', mode='optics', raman_options={}):
Calculates the transport distribution
@ -526,6 +592,10 @@ def transport_distribution(sum_k, beta, directions=['xx'], energy_window=None, O
Lorentzian broadening. It is necessary to specify the boradening if with_Sigma = False, otherwise this parameter can be set to 0.0.
code : string
DFT code from which velocities are being read. Options: 'wien2k', 'wannier90'
mode : string
Choose between optical ('optics') or Raman ('raman') transport distribution.
raman_options : dictionary
additional keywords necessary in case mode == 'raman'. Depending on the situation, the allow keys could be 'custom_dir'.
@ -650,28 +720,47 @@ def transport_distribution(sum_k, beta, directions=['xx'], energy_window=None, O
v_i = slice(b_min - sum_k.band_window_optics[isp][
ik, 0], b_max - sum_k.band_window_optics[isp][ik, 0] + 1)
# loop over all symmetries
for R in sum_k.rot_symmetries:
# get transformed velocity under symmetry R
if code in ('wien2k'):
vel_R = copy.deepcopy(sum_k.velocities_k[isp][ik])
elif code in ('wannier90'):
vel_R = copy.deepcopy(sum_k.velocities_k[ik])
for nu1 in range(sum_k.band_window_optics[isp][ik, 1] - sum_k.band_window_optics[isp][ik, 0] + 1):
for nu2 in range(sum_k.band_window_optics[isp][ik, 1] - sum_k.band_window_optics[isp][ik, 0] + 1):
vel_R[nu1][nu2][:] =
R, vel_R[nu1][nu2][:])
if mode in ('optics'):
# loop over all symmetries
for R in sum_k.rot_symmetries:
# get transformed velocity under symmetry R
if code in ('wien2k'):
vel_R = copy.deepcopy(sum_k.velocities_k[isp][ik])
elif code in ('wannier90'):
vel_R = copy.deepcopy(sum_k.velocities_k[ik])
for nu1 in range(sum_k.band_window_optics[isp][ik, 1] - sum_k.band_window_optics[isp][ik, 0] + 1):
for nu2 in range(sum_k.band_window_optics[isp][ik, 1] - sum_k.band_window_optics[isp][ik, 0] + 1):
vel_R[nu1][nu2][:] =
R, vel_R[nu1][nu2][:])
# calculate Gamma_w for each direction from the velocities
# vel_R and the spectral function A_kw
for direction in directions:
for iw in range(n_om):
for iq in range(len(temp_Om_mesh)):
if (iw + iOm_mesh[iq] >= n_om or omega[iw] < -temp_Om_mesh[iq] + energy_window[0] or omega[iw] > temp_Om_mesh[iq] + energy_window[1]):
# calculate Gamma_w for each direction from the velocities
# vel_R and the spectral function A_kw
for direction in directions:
for iw in range(n_om):
for iq in range(len(temp_Om_mesh)):
if (iw + iOm_mesh[iq] >= n_om or omega[iw] < -temp_Om_mesh[iq] + energy_window[0] or omega[iw] > temp_Om_mesh[iq] + energy_window[1]):
Gamma_w[direction][iq, iw] += ([v_i, v_i, dir_to_int[direction[0]]], A_kw[isp][A_i, A_i, int(iw + iOm_mesh[iq])]),
vel_R[v_i, v_i, dir_to_int[direction[1]]]), A_kw[isp][A_i, A_i, iw]).trace().real * sum_k.bz_weights[ik])
Gamma_w[direction][iq, iw] += ([v_i, v_i, dir_to_int[direction[0]]], A_kw[isp][A_i, A_i, int(iw + iOm_mesh[iq])]),
vel_R[v_i, v_i, dir_to_int[direction[1]]]), A_kw[isp][A_i, A_i, iw]).trace().real * sum_k.bz_weights[ik])
elif mode in ('raman'):
if code in ('wannier90'):
assert hasattr(sum_k,"inverse_mass"), 'inverse_mass not available in sum_k. Set calc_inverse_mass=True in w90_params.'
elif code in ('wien2k'):
assert 0, 'Raman for wien2k not yet implemented'
# loop over all symmetries
for R in sum_k.rot_symmetries:
for direction in directions:
# calculate the raman vertex for each direction
vert = raman_vertex(sum_k, ik, direction, code, isp, raman_options)
for iw in range(n_om):
for iq in range(len(Om_mesh)):
if (iw + iOm_mesh[iq] >= n_om or omega[iw] < -Om_mesh[iq] + energy_window[0] or omega[iw] > Om_mesh[iq] + energy_window[1]):
Gamma_w[direction][iq, iw] += ([v_i, v_i], A_kw[isp][A_i, A_i, int(iw + iOm_mesh[iq])]),
vert[v_i, v_i]), A_kw[isp][A_i, A_i, iw]).trace().real * sum_k.bz_weights[ik])
for direction in directions:
Gamma_w[direction] = (mpi.all_reduce(Gamma_w[direction]) / sum_k.cell_vol / sum_k.n_symmetries)
@ -813,7 +902,7 @@ def transport_coefficient(Gamma_w, omega, Om_mesh, spin_polarization, direction,
return A
def conductivity_and_seebeck(Gamma_w, omega, Om_mesh, SP, directions, beta, method=None):
def conductivity_and_seebeck(Gamma_w, omega, Om_mesh, SP, directions, beta, method=None, mode='optics', optic_kappa=False):
Calculates the Seebeck coefficient and the optical conductivity by calling
:meth:`transport_coefficient <dft.sumk_dft_tools.SumkDFTTools.transport_coefficient>`.
@ -837,7 +926,11 @@ def conductivity_and_seebeck(Gamma_w, omega, Om_mesh, SP, directions, beta, meth
method : string
Integration method: cubic spline and scipy.integrate.quad ('quad'), simpson rule ('simps'), trapezoidal rule ('trapz'), rectangular integration (otherwise)
Note that the sampling points of the the self-energy are used!
mode : string
Choose between optical conductivity/seebeck/Kappa ('optics') or Raman conductivity ('raman')
optic_kappa : bool
If calculates $\kappa(\omega)$ or not. Only if mode is 'optics'.
optic_cond : dictionary of double vectors
@ -847,7 +940,8 @@ def conductivity_and_seebeck(Gamma_w, omega, Om_mesh, SP, directions, beta, meth
Seebeck coefficient in each direction. If zero is not present in Om_mesh the Seebeck coefficient is set to NaN.
kappa : dictionary of double.
thermal conductivity in each direction. If zero is not present in Om_mesh the thermal conductivity is set to NaN
thermal conductivity in each direction. If zero is not present in Om_mesh the thermal conductivity is set to NaN.
If optic_kappa is True, then returns the kappa for all frequencies.
"""'Computing optical conductivity and kinetic coefficients...')
@ -859,45 +953,66 @@ def conductivity_and_seebeck(Gamma_w, omega, Om_mesh, SP, directions, beta, meth
# initialization
A0 = {direction: numpy.full((n_q,), numpy.nan) for direction in directions}
A1 = {direction: numpy.full((n_q,), numpy.nan) for direction in directions}
A2 = {direction: numpy.full((n_q,), numpy.nan) for direction in directions}
optic_cond = {direction: numpy.full((n_q,), numpy.nan) for direction in directions}
seebeck = {direction: numpy.nan for direction in directions}
kappa = {direction: numpy.nan for direction in directions}
if mode in ('optics'):
A1 = {direction: numpy.full((n_q,), numpy.nan) for direction in directions}
A2 = {direction: numpy.full((n_q,), numpy.nan) for direction in directions}
optic_cond = {direction: numpy.full((n_q,), numpy.nan) for direction in directions}
seebeck = {direction: numpy.nan for direction in directions}
kappa = {direction: numpy.nan for direction in directions}
if optic_kappa: optic_kappa = {direction: numpy.full((n_q,), numpy.nan) for direction in directions}
for direction in directions:
for iq in range(n_q):
A0[direction][iq] = transport_coefficient(
Gamma_w, omega, Om_mesh, SP, direction, iq=iq, n=0, beta=beta, method=method)
A1[direction][iq] = transport_coefficient(
Gamma_w, omega, Om_mesh, SP, direction, iq=iq, n=1, beta=beta, method=method)
A2[direction][iq] = transport_coefficient(
Gamma_w, omega, Om_mesh, SP, direction, iq=iq, n=2, beta=beta, method=method)
print("A_0 in direction %s for Omega = %.2f %e a.u." %
(direction, Om_mesh[iq], A0[direction][iq]))
print("A_1 in direction %s for Omega = %.2f %e a.u." %
(direction, Om_mesh[iq], A1[direction][iq]))
print("A_2 in direction %s for Omega = %.2f %e a.u." %
(direction, Om_mesh[iq], A2[direction][iq]))
if ~numpy.isnan(A1[direction][iq]):
# Seebeck and kappa are overwritten if there is more than one Omega =
# 0 in Om_mesh
seebeck[direction] = - A1[direction][iq] / A0[direction][iq] * 86.17
kappa[direction] = A2[direction][iq] - \
kappa[direction] *= 293178.0
for direction in directions:
for iq in range(n_q):
A0[direction][iq] = transport_coefficient(
Gamma_w, omega, Om_mesh, SP, direction, iq=iq, n=0, beta=beta, method=method)
A1[direction][iq] = transport_coefficient(
Gamma_w, omega, Om_mesh, SP, direction, iq=iq, n=1, beta=beta, method=method)
A2[direction][iq] = transport_coefficient(
Gamma_w, omega, Om_mesh, SP, direction, iq=iq, n=2, beta=beta, method=method)
print("A_0 in direction %s for Omega = %.2f %e a.u." %
(direction, Om_mesh[iq], A0[direction][iq]))
print("A_1 in direction %s for Omega = %.2f %e a.u." %
(direction, Om_mesh[iq], A1[direction][iq]))
print("A_2 in direction %s for Omega = %.2f %e a.u." %
(direction, Om_mesh[iq], A2[direction][iq]))
if ~numpy.isnan(A1[direction][iq]):
# Seebeck and kappa are overwritten if there is more than one Omega =
# 0 in Om_mesh
seebeck[direction] = - A1[direction][iq] / A0[direction][iq] * 86.17
kappa[direction] = A2[direction][iq] - \
kappa[direction] *= 293178.0
# factor for optical conductivity: hbar * velocity_Hartree_to_SI * volume_Hartree_to_SI * m_to_cm * 10^-4 final unit
convert_to_SI = cst.hbar * (cst.c * cst.fine_structure) ** 2 * \
(1/cst.physical_constants['Bohr radius'][0]) ** 3 * 1e-6
optic_cond[direction] = beta * convert_to_SI * A0[direction]
for iq in range(n_q):
print("Conductivity in direction %s for Omega = %.2f %f x 10^4 Ohm^-1 cm^-1" %
(direction, Om_mesh[iq], optic_cond[direction][iq]))
if not (numpy.isnan(A1[direction][iq])):
print("Seebeck in direction %s for Omega = 0.00 %f x 10^(-6) V/K" %
(direction, seebeck[direction]))
print("kappa in direction %s for Omega = 0.00 %f W/(m * K)" %
(direction, kappa[direction]))
# factor for optical conductivity: hbar * velocity_Hartree_to_SI * volume_Hartree_to_SI * m_to_cm * 10^-4 final unit
convert_to_SI = cst.hbar * (cst.c * cst.fine_structure) ** 2 * \
(1/cst.physical_constants['Bohr radius'][0]) ** 3 * 1e-6
optic_cond[direction] = beta * convert_to_SI * A0[direction]
if optic_kappa: optic_kappa[direction] = (A2[direction] - A1[direction]*A1[direction]/A0[direction])*293178.0
for iq in range(n_q):
print("Conductivity in direction %s for Omega = %.2f %f x 10^4 Ohm^-1 cm^-1" %
(direction, Om_mesh[iq], optic_cond[direction][iq]))
if optic_kappa:
print("kappa(Omega) in direction %s for Omega = %.2f %f W/(m * K)" %
(direction, Om_mesh[iq], optic_kappa[direction][iq]))
if not (numpy.isnan(A1[direction][iq])):
print("Seebeck in direction %s for Omega = 0.00 %f x 10^(-6) V/K" %
(direction, seebeck[direction]))
print("kappa in direction %s for Omega = 0.00 %f W/(m * K)" %
(direction, kappa[direction]))
if optic_kappa:
return optic_cond, seebeck, optic_kappa
return optic_cond, seebeck, kappa
elif mode in ('raman'):
# TODO: express in SI units
raman_cond = {direction: numpy.full((n_q,), numpy.nan) for direction in directions}
return optic_cond, seebeck, kappa
for direction in directions:
for iq in range(n_q):
A0[direction][iq] = transport_coefficient(Gamma_w, omega, Om_mesh, SP, direction, iq=iq, n=0, beta=beta, method=method)
print("A_0 in direction %s for Omega = %.2f %e atomic units" % (direction, Om_mesh[iq], A0[direction][iq]))
raman_cond[direction] = beta * A0[direction]
for iq in range(n_q):
print("Raman conductivity in direction %s for Omega = %.4f %f atomic units" % (direction, Om_mesh[iq], raman_cond[direction][iq]))
return raman_cond

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@ -34,25 +34,25 @@ def compute_DC_from_density(N_tot, U, J, N_spin=None, n_orbitals=5, method='sF
N_tot : float
N_tot : float
Total density of the impurity
N_spin : float , default = None
Spin density, defaults to N_tot*0.5 if not specified
U : float
U : float
U value
J : float
J : float
J value
n_orbitals : int, default = 5
Total number of orbitals
method : string, default = 'cFLL'
method : string, default = 'cFLL'
- cFLL: DC potential from Ryee for spin unpolarized DFT: (DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-27731-4)
- sFLL: same as above for spin polarized DFT
- cAMF: around mean field
- sAMF: spin polarized around mean field
- cHeld: unpolarized Held's formula as reported in (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.03308)
- cHeld: unpolarized Held's formula as reported in (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.033088)
List of floats:
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ def compute_DC_from_density(N_tot, U, J, N_spin=None, n_orbitals=5, method='sF
- E_val: double counting energy
- See whether to move this to TRIQS directly instead of dft_tools
- allow as input full density matrix to allow orbital dependent DC