gcc 4.9 with -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wno-sign-compare
-> uninit : not reliable apparently.
-> sign compare : to be fixed later.
-> fix all, but parenthesis suggestion
- Add Fourier for lattice.
- Add regular_bz_mesh, cyclic_lattice, and their FFT.
- rm freq_infty.
- The gf can now be evaluated on a tail_view, which result in composing the tail.
- Fix the following issue :
g(om_) << g(om_ +1)
will recompose the tail correctly.
- Work on singularity for G(x, omega)
- Separate the factory for singularity from the data factory in gf.
- overload assign_from_functoin (renamed).
- Fix singularity_t and co in the gf (const issue).
- Clean tail, add tail_const_view
- add m_tail for x -> tail on any mesh
- test curry + fourier works on k
- Simplify group_indices
- Only for C ordered, remove complex compile time.
- Could be generalized to non C ordered, but no need.
- Fix slice for custom orders.
- Generalize the group_indices for the custom order.
- Add c_ordered_transposed_view (useful ?)
- Improve slice, special for ellipsis (quicker).
- Simplify TraversalOrder
- Assignement. Specialize one case for speed.
- use FORCEINLINE in foreach, according to speed test for clang
- add one speed test
- Modify iterators for better speed.
- along the lines decided for the foreach
- update doc.
- change the underlying data : do not flatten the linear indices of the
mesh into a single index, keep a higher dim array.
- easier for various places, and necessary for g(nu,nu').
- work on several 2 part. containers.
- add default target (may not be always matrix_valued)
- Implement the basic structure of the mpi lib
and specialization for arrays, basic types, std::vector
- adapted the array class for the lazy mpi mechanism
- pass tests on arrays :
- scatter, gather on array<long,2> array<complex,2>, etc...
- broadcast
- several files for readibility
- the std::vector coded but not tested.
- generic mecanism implemented and tested (mpi_generic test)
- added several tests for the mpi lib.
- TODO : more tests, doc...
- Cleaned of the eigensystems computations (worker is simpler, decision
at runtime, etc..).
- Fix#119 : When the matrix is in C order, the fortran lapack
sees in fact its conjugate, so we need to conjugate the eigenvectors at the end.
NB : not true if the storage order of the matrix is already fortran of course.
- For users : only change is :
H5::H5File in apps. to be replaced by triqs::h5::file, same API.
- using only the C API because :
- it is cleaner, better documented, more examples.
- it is the native hdf5 interface.
- simplify the installation e.g. on mac. Indeed, hdf5 is
usually installed without C++ interface, which is optional.
E.g. EPD et al., brew by default.
Also the infamous mpi+ hdf5_cpp bug, for which we have no clean solution.
- clean the notion of parent of a group. Not needed, better iterate function in C LT API.
- modified doc : no need for C++ bindings any more.
- modified cmake to avoid requiring CPP bindings.
- Use a new buffered_function to replace the complicated generator code from ALPS.
- Clean the implementation of the random_generator
- update the documentation
- update to the new python wrapper (could not be done with the previous
version, because of lack of move constructor).
- implement transposed_view for arrays.
- .transpose method for gf
- wrapped to python
- add call op. for GfImTime, using C++
- Added ChangeLog
- rm matrix_stack
- start cleaning old code
- an include missing on OS X
- change serialization in the general case where hdf5 can be used,
(version of hdf5 high enough) to use only one buffer,
not a buffer per field.
- put back the mpi_param example.
- new parameter class :
parameters are viewed as form, built in C++, and filled in C++/python.
Each field of the form as a precise C++ type (erased using standard techniques).
First tests ok, to be reread/checked.
TODO : serialization is commented. Lead to long compilation time & large code
due to boost::serialization. Use h5 when possible.
- wrapper :
- separated the converters of the wrapped type in the TRIQS library
- necessary for parameters (it used outside an .so) and potentially
other codes, outside an .so module
When constructing the last unit vector in 2D, the sanity check was wrong because of usage of abs instead of std::abs.
Added method energy_on_bz_path_2 that returns the energy *matrix* at each k point on a given path instead of the eigenvalues of this matrix. The name of the function should be changed (to energy_matrix_on_bz_path?)
Renaming energies_on_bz_path_2 to energy_matrix_on_bz_path
- h5/make_h5.... only used in parameters.
- old boost includes before C++11
- remove boost serialization, make macro TRIQS_MAKE_NVP temporarely
- remove boost::is_complex (can be written in 2 lines...)
- move some lib in cpp
- bool at_end() for a mesh point means AFTER the last point ,
as end in STL. It was not correct ( +1 missing).
- also the at_end was not computed in the mesh product.
- it slightly changes the test_fit_tail --> just changed the output.
--> did this bug affect other functions/codes ?
- correct previous commit (for scalar gf, the new check was not compiling)
- correct windowing of linear mesh (left point corrected as right point for rounding error
-> code was previously assuming mesh with only positive, fermionic matsubara freqs
-> changed wn_min to n_min (was misleading, since it was an index, not a frequency) / same for <-> max
-> changed doc accordingly