I added a version.hpp and updated the version.py so that
one can find the version of the library either from the
c++ or the python (if there is python support).
modified: CMakeLists.txt
modified: cmake/TRIQSConfig.cmake.in
modified: pytriqs/version.py.in
modified: triqs/CMakeLists.txt
new file: triqs/version.hpp.in
gcc has a pb because the template mesh<Variable,Opt>
has the name same as the gf mesh method (!).
Clang is fine however on this...
Solution : rename the template mesh<...> to gf_mesh...
Not very elegant, but ok.
- has_view_type_tag mechanism was replaced by a decltype long ago.
Cleaning since it seems to work on all supported compiler now.
- removed add_views : not used any more.
- Apparently there is a bug in release 3.3 of clang
(? on kondo cluster ?) that crash the compiler in compiling
a test. Pb not present in clang from svn.
Changed a little bit the libs as a workaround.
new policy : for non standard conforming compilers,
we can skip the tests using new features using recent c++ features.
I.e. compilers below gcc 4.8.1, clang 3.3.
- All access to grid is now using the [] operator.
() always returns const, and is an evaluation over the domain.
- Now :
* () is always a call to evaluator (or a lazy expression).
* mesh_pt accepted by [] , both const and non const,
and not by ().
- Ported the libs (fourier et al.) but this break API.
- necessary otherwise the class gf and the namespace have
the same name, leading to some confusion, and need to qualify
some functions (specially on gcc).
Same naming conventions as arrays.
- A()(0) = 1
will not work any more if A is const, as it should be.
- Introduced the notion of const_view, simply done by a flag
(flag 0, for easy debug)
- changed the slice of ISP to use it (only on C++11 compliant compiler)
- Move BoundCheck Flags to 5.
- improve the mem_block and shared_block.
- the reference counting is now done in the mem_block and shared_block, removing the need of shared_ptr.
- speed tests shows that shared_ptr is very slow (due to thread safety?)
the new version is much better, though not perfect.
- Hence introducing weak views.
- also :
-- clean the guard mechanism for python (to allow returning from python without any python ref left).
-- clean code, add documentation for mem_block
-- remove nan init, which was not working, and corresponding test
-- serialisation of view still unchanged (need to forbid serialization of view ??).
- tests ok, incl. valgrind tests.