substantial speed-up using MPI for Fourier transform
option to add a local spin-orbit term to t2g local Hamiltonian.
writing dft_fermi_energy to group 'dft_misc_input'
writing kpt_basis to group 'dft_input' if bloch_basis=True
writing kpts_cart to group 'dft_misc_input' if bloch_basis=True
Minor bugfixes:
bug can be caused by rounding of outer window limits if bloch_basis and disentangle =True, made error message clearer
Default behavior unchanged. If parameter kpts_to_write is given and if dm_type=='vasp', only the selected k points are written to the density correction GAMMA file.
Can be used for running Vasp with symmetries, where Vasp requires only the density correction from the irreducible Brillouin zone.
* For density correction in vasp, added option to select kpoints
* Made docstring of calc_density_correction clearer
1) write the Hamiltonian in Bloch space for charge self-consistent calculations, and 2) spin-orbit coupling
if bloch_basis = True:
* if "seedname_u.dat" (and in case of disentanglement "seedname_u_dis.dat")
present, write hopping in Bloch basis
* "proj_mat" transforming from Bloch to orbital space
* diagonal hoppings are directly read from "seedname.eig"
* fermi weights and band_window of Wannier Hamiltonian are read from DFT
output and "seedname.nnkp", written into new subgroup "dft_misc_input"
* automatic calculation of "density_required"
* implemented for Quantum Espresso (read from "seedname.nscf.out" if
verbosity = 'high') and VASP (read from "OUTCAR"/"LOCPROJ")
* spin-orbit coupling SO = 1 implemented
* substitute k_mesh and bz_weights with kpts and kpt_weights,
respectively (previous names kept for compatibility)
* updated tests
for charge self-consistent calculations, and 2) spin-orbit coupling
if bloch_basis = True:
* if "seedname_u.dat" (and in case of disentanglement "seedname_u_dis.dat")
present, write hopping in Bloch basis
* "proj_mat" transforming from Bloch to orbital space
* diagonal hoppings are directly read from "seedname.eig"
* fermi weights and band_window of Wannier Hamiltonian are read from DFT
output and "seedname.nnkp", written into new subgroup "dft_misc_input"
* automatic calculation of "density_required"
* implemented for Quantum Espresso (read from "seedname.nscf.out" if
verbosity = 'high') and VASP (read from "OUTCAR"/"LOCPROJ")
* spin-orbit coupling SO = 1 implemented
* substitute k_mesh and bz_weights with kpts and kpt_weights,
respectively (previous names kept for compatibility)
* updated tests
The variable name is not `orb`, but `ish` at the current version
symm_deg_gf var name change
`symm_deg_gf` variable change
method `symm_deg_gf` have changed its variable `orb` to `ish`, that's fooling this method change
Adding Elk-TRIQS interface (first iteration)
This interface reads in Elk's ground-state files / projectors generated by a specific Elk interface code version ( The interface can perform charge-self consistent DFT+DMFT calculations using the aforementioned Elk code version, including spin orbit-coupling. Hence, this is the first open source interfaced DFT code to triqs with FCSC support.
The commit includes detailed documentation and tutorials on how to use this interface. Moreover, further new post-processing routines are added for Fermi surface plots and spectral functions (A(w)) from the elk inputs.
The interface was tested by A. James and A. Hampel. However, this is the first iteration of the interface and should be used with care. Please report all bugs.
List of changes:
- added cacluation of charge density correction for elk (dm_type='elk').
- added new post-processing functions to calculate the Fermi surface and A(w) from the Elk inputs.
- documentation and tutorial files amended for this interface.
- added python tests for the Elk converter.