wrapper generator: add treatment of parameter class
- methods taking a parameter class are called by **kw
- the dict is passed to the C++
- the converters for the parameters are generated.
- Add Fourier for lattice.
- Add regular_bz_mesh, cyclic_lattice, and their FFT.
- rm freq_infty.
- The gf can now be evaluated on a tail_view, which result in composing the tail.
- Fix the following issue :
g(om_) << g(om_ +1)
will recompose the tail correctly.
- Work on singularity for G(x, omega)
- Separate the factory for singularity from the data factory in gf.
- overload assign_from_functoin (renamed).
- Fix singularity_t and co in the gf (const issue).
- Clean tail, add tail_const_view
- add m_tail for x -> tail on any mesh
- test curry + fourier works on k
- correct previous commit (for scalar gf, the new check was not compiling)
- correct windowing of linear mesh (left point corrected as right point for rounding error
-> code was previously assuming mesh with only positive, fermionic matsubara freqs
-> changed wn_min to n_min (was misleading, since it was an index, not a frequency) / same for <-> max
-> changed doc accordingly