- Add Fourier for lattice.
- Add regular_bz_mesh, cyclic_lattice, and their FFT.
- rm freq_infty.
- The gf can now be evaluated on a tail_view, which result in composing the tail.
- Fix the following issue :
g(om_) << g(om_ +1)
will recompose the tail correctly.
- Work on singularity for G(x, omega)
- Separate the factory for singularity from the data factory in gf.
- overload assign_from_functoin (renamed).
- Fix singularity_t and co in the gf (const issue).
- Clean tail, add tail_const_view
- add m_tail for x -> tail on any mesh
- test curry + fourier works on k
- little details : code cleaning, clang formatting, along
with documentation writing for c++ gf.
- separated the mesh in small class for better doc.
- work on documentation : reorganize specialisation, ...
- Make more general constructors for the gf.
gf( mesh, target_shape_t)
- remove the old make_gf for the basic gf.
- 2 var non generic gf removed.
- clean evaluator
- add tensor_valued
- add a simple vertex test.
- clean specialisation
- Fix bug introduced in 1906dc3
- forgot to resize the gf in new version of operator =
- Fix make_singularity in gf.hpp
- clean resize in operator =
- update h5 read/write for block gf
- changed a bit the general trait to save *all* the gf.
- allows a more general specialization, then a correct for blocks
- NOT FINISHED : need to save the block indice for python.
How to reread ?
Currently it read the blocks names and reconstitute the mesh from it.
Is it sufficient ?
- clean block constructors
- block constructors simplest possible : an int for the number of blocks
- rest in free factories.
- fixed the generic constructor from GfType for the regular type :
only enable iif GfType is ImmutableGreenFunction
- multivar. fix linear index in C, and h5 format
- linear index now correctly flatten in C mode
(was in fortran mode), using a simple reverse of the tuple in the folding.
- fix the h5 read write of the multivar fonctions
in order to write an array on dimension # variables + dim_target
i.e. without flattening the indices of the meshes.
Easier for later data analysis, e.g. in Python.
- merge matrix/tensor_valued. improve factories
- matrix_valued now = tensor_valued<2>
(simplifies generic code for h5).
- factories_one_var -> factories : this is the generic case ...
only a few specialization, code is simpler.
- clef expression call with rvalue for *this
- generalize matrix_proxy to tensor and clean
- clean exception catch in tests
- exception catching catch in need in test
because the silly OS X does not print anything, just "exception occurred".
Very convenient for the developer...
- BUT, one MUST add return 1, or the make test will *pass* !!
- --> systematically replace the catch by a macro TRIQS_CATCH_AND_ABORT
which return a non zero error code.
- exception : curry_and_fourier which does not work at this stage
(mesh incompatible).
- gf: clean draft of gf 2 times
- comment the python interface for the moment.
- rm useless tests