Michel Ferrero
Change link from github
modified: doc/install.rst
modified: doc/installation/osx_lion.rst
2013-09-09 15:53:26 +02:00
Michel Ferrero
Add necessary version of cmake
modified: doc/installation/requirements.rst
2013-09-09 14:48:49 +02:00
Olivier Parcollet
Work on doc
2013-09-02 21:25:43 +02:00
Olivier Parcollet
Work on doc
- remove empty parts, start to clean the tour.
- added export of _template and _static to reuse in appli doc.
- clean tutorial part. rm cookbook.
2013-08-31 15:22:36 +02:00
Olivier Parcollet
Work on doc
- added ERC logo
- worked on first page
- added : packaging/os_x : brew formula for boost, triqs, applications
2013-08-30 20:28:41 +02:00
Michel Ferrero
Work on documentation
modified: doc/applications.rst
modified: doc/index.rst
modified: doc/install.rst
modified: doc/installation/clang.rst
modified: doc/installation/install_options.rst
modified: doc/installation/requirements.rst
modified: doc/installation/ubuntu.rst
new file: doc/changelog.rst
new file: doc/versions.rst
2013-08-30 16:34:35 +02:00
Olivier Parcollet
Work on doc
2013-08-29 19:21:50 +02:00
Michel Ferrero
Work on documentation
The theme has been improved to be more flexible. Some work on the
installation steps to get rid of BOOST_SOURCE_DIR. Took out the
bundles. Changed the header items and added a link to documentation.
2013-08-29 17:23:40 +02:00
Michel Ferrero
Work on new documentation structure
It is just the structure for now. Some cleaning of useless files as well.
2013-08-22 16:20:41 +02:00
Olivier Parcollet
First commit : triqs libs version 1.0 alpha1
for earlier commits, see TRIQS0.x repository.
2013-07-17 19:24:07 +02:00