- a module can use the converters used by another
with the use_module('A') command.
In which case :
- the generate converter header for A will be included.
- the header, at the top, now contains a simple list of all
wrapped types, which is then included in the wrapped_types
of the module for proper code generation.
- simplify the code generation : just generate_code.
- all arguments are analyzed from sys.argv at the import of the
wrap_generator module. In any case, the xx_desc.py will be called from the corresponding
cmake command, hence with the right arguments.
- Added a dependencies in my_module_B of wrap_test to show how to make
the dependencies in the cmake file, if needed.
When constructing the last unit vector in 2D, the sanity check was wrong because of usage of abs instead of std::abs.
Added method energy_on_bz_path_2 that returns the energy *matrix* at each k point on a given path instead of the eigenvalues of this matrix. The name of the function should be changed (to energy_matrix_on_bz_path?)
Renaming energies_on_bz_path_2 to energy_matrix_on_bz_path