With this modification it should now be possible to compile
an application even if:
1) It has already been installed
2) One does not have write permissions on the installed dir
modified: cmake/TRIQSConfig.cmake.in
I added a version.hpp and updated the version.py so that
one can find the version of the library either from the
c++ or the python (if there is python support).
modified: CMakeLists.txt
modified: cmake/TRIQSConfig.cmake.in
modified: pytriqs/version.py.in
modified: triqs/CMakeLists.txt
new file: triqs/version.hpp.in
new policy : for non standard conforming compilers,
we can skip the tests using new features using recent c++ features.
I.e. compilers below gcc 4.8.1, clang 3.3.