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synced 2024-12-25 22:03:43 +01:00
arrays: cleaning cuboid domain
- add one more constructor, clean constructor - simplify foreach (use simple overload).
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,27 +43,27 @@ namespace triqs { namespace arrays { namespace indexmaps { namespace cuboid {
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) { ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("dimensions",lengths_);}
public :
//static const unsigned int rank = Rank;
static constexpr unsigned int rank = Rank;
typedef n_uple index_value_type;
domain_t ():lengths_(){}
domain_t (n_uple const & lengths):lengths_(lengths) {}
domain_t (n_uple && lengths):lengths_(std::move(lengths)) {}
domain_t (mini_vector<int,Rank> const & lengths):lengths_(lengths) {}
domain_t (std::vector<std::size_t> const & l):lengths_() {
if (!(l.size()==rank)) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "cuboid domain_t construction : vector size incorrect : got "<<l.size() <<" while expected "<< rank;
lengths_ = n_uple(l);
domain_t () =default;
domain_t (const domain_t & C) = default;
domain_t (domain_t && C) { *this = std::move(C);}
friend void swap( domain_t & a, domain_t & b) { swap(a.lengths_,b.lengths_);}
domain_t & operator =( domain_t const &) = default;
domain_t & operator =( domain_t && x) { swap(*this,x); return *this;}
domain_t (n_uple lengths):lengths_(std::move(lengths)) {}
domain_t (mini_vector<int,Rank> const & lengths):lengths_(lengths) {}
domain_t (std::vector<std::size_t> const & l):lengths_() {
if (!(l.size()==rank)) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "cuboid domain_t construction : vector size incorrect : got "<<l.size() <<" while expected "<< rank;
lengths_ = n_uple(l);
template <typename ... T> domain_t(size_t i0, T... t): lengths_(i0, t...){}
size_t number_of_elements() const { return lengths_.product_of_elements();}
bool operator==(domain_t const & X) const { return this->lengths_ == X.lengths_;}
bool operator!=(domain_t const & X) const { return !(this->lengths_ == X.lengths_);}
bool operator!=(domain_t const & X) const { return !(*this==X);}
n_uple const & lengths() const { return lengths_;}
/** Generates the value of the indices of a cuboid_domain. */
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ namespace triqs { namespace arrays { namespace indexmaps { namespace cuboid {
bool operator==(const gal_generator & IT2) const { assert((IT2.dom == dom)); return ((IT2.atend==atend) );}
bool operator!=(const gal_generator & IT2) const { return (!operator==(IT2));}
indices_type const & operator *() const { return indices_tuple;}
operator bool () const { return !atend;}
explicit operator bool () const { return !atend;}
gal_generator & operator++(){ assert(!atend); atend = advance_impl(std::integral_constant<int,0>()); return *this;}
template<int r> bool advance_impl(std::integral_constant<int,r>) {
@ -120,32 +120,23 @@ namespace triqs { namespace arrays { namespace indexmaps { namespace cuboid {
template<typename FntType, int R, ull_t TraversalOrder> struct foreach_impl;
/// Call the function F for each element of the domain, traversed in the TraversalOrder
template<ull_t TraversalOrder, typename FntType, int Rank>
void foreach(domain_t<Rank> const & d, FntType F) { foreach_impl<FntType,Rank,TraversalOrder>::invoke (d,F); }
// ------------------------- implementation of foreach -----------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------- foreach -----------------------------------------------------
//typedef size_t foreach_int_type;
typedef std::ptrdiff_t foreach_int_type;
// better to be signed here : 1) on some machine/compiler, it is a lot faster !
// When used with clef auto assign, e.g. A(i_,j_) = i -2*j, one needs signed arithmetics
// The clef adapters would convert, but this requires a conversion at each call....
//typedef size_t foreach_int_type;
#define AUX0(z,P,NNN) constexpr int p##P = mem_layout::memory_rank_to_index(TraversalOrder,NNN-P);
#define AUX1(z,P,unused) for (t[p##P]=0; t[p##P]< l[p##P]; ++t[p##P])
//#define AUX1(z,P,unused) for (foreach_int_type x##P=0; x##P< dom.lengths()[p##P]; ++x##P)
#define AUX3(z,p,unused) BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(p) t[p]
#define IMPL(z, RR, unused) \
template<typename FntType, ull_t TraversalOrder> struct foreach_impl<FntType,RR,TraversalOrder> {\
static void invoke ( domain_t<RR> const & dom, FntType F) { \
template<ull_t TraversalOrder, typename FntType> void foreach(domain_t<RR> const & dom, FntType F) {\
mini_vector<foreach_int_type,RR> t;\
const mini_vector<foreach_int_type,RR> l(dom.lengths());\
} }};
#undef IMPL
#undef AUX0
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