mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 05:06:44 +01:00
fix: velocities from WannierBerri now correctly implemented
fix: transport function not implemented if using symmetries feat: computing OC in Wannier or Hamiltonian basis feat: computing intra- and interband contributions separately in OC
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
import sys
import sys
import numpy
import numpy
from warnings import warn
from triqs.gf import *
from triqs.gf import *
import triqs.utility.mpi as mpi
import triqs.utility.mpi as mpi
from .symmetry import *
from .symmetry import *
@ -175,7 +176,7 @@ def fermi_dis(w, beta, der=0):
raise('higher order of derivative than 1 not implemented')
raise('higher order of derivative than 1 not implemented')
def recompute_w90_input_on_different_mesh(sum_k, seedname, nk_optics, pathname='./', calc_velocity=False, calc_inverse_mass=False):
def recompute_w90_input_on_different_mesh(sum_k, seedname, nk_optics, pathname='./', calc_velocity=False, calc_inverse_mass=False, oc_select='both', oc_basis='h'):
Recomputes dft_input objects on a finer mesh using WannierBerri and Wannier90 input.
Recomputes dft_input objects on a finer mesh using WannierBerri and Wannier90 input.
@ -196,6 +197,10 @@ def recompute_w90_input_on_different_mesh(sum_k, seedname, nk_optics, pathname='
whether the velocity (first derivative of H(k)) is computed
whether the velocity (first derivative of H(k)) is computed
calc_inverse_mass : boolean, optional, default=False
calc_inverse_mass : boolean, optional, default=False
whether the inverse effective mass (second derivative of H(k)) is computed
whether the inverse effective mass (second derivative of H(k)) is computed
oc_select : string, optional, default='both'
select contributions for optical conductivity from ['intra', 'inter', 'both']
oc_basis : string, optional, default='h'
gauge choice options 'h' for Hamiltonian/band and 'w' for Wannier basis
@ -205,6 +210,8 @@ def recompute_w90_input_on_different_mesh(sum_k, seedname, nk_optics, pathname='
dictionary of datasets to be temporarily overwritten
dictionary of datasets to be temporarily overwritten
mpi.report('Starting Wannier interpolation...')
BOHRTOANG = cst.physical_constants['Bohr radius'][0]/cst.angstrom
BOHRTOANG = cst.physical_constants['Bohr radius'][0]/cst.angstrom
HARTREETOEV = cst.physical_constants['Hartree energy'][0]/cst.eV
HARTREETOEV = cst.physical_constants['Hartree energy'][0]/cst.eV
n_inequiv_spin_blocks = sum_k.SP + 1 - sum_k.SO
n_inequiv_spin_blocks = sum_k.SP + 1 - sum_k.SO
@ -259,19 +266,68 @@ def recompute_w90_input_on_different_mesh(sum_k, seedname, nk_optics, pathname='
dataK = wb.data_K.Data_K(wberri, dK=shift_gamma, grid=grid, fftlib='numpy')
dataK = wb.data_K.Data_K(wberri, dK=shift_gamma, grid=grid, fftlib='numpy')
# read in hoppings and proj_mat
# read in hoppings and proj_mat
if oc_basis == 'h':
hopping[:,0,range(hopping.shape[2]),range(hopping.shape[3])] = dataK.E_K
hopping[:,0,range(hopping.shape[2]),range(hopping.shape[3])] = dataK.E_K
elif oc_basis == 'w':
hopping[:,0,:,:] = dataK.HH_K
fake_proj_mat = numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(dataK.UU_K), dtype=complex)
fake_proj_mat[:,range(numpy.shape(fake_proj_mat)[1]),range(numpy.shape(fake_proj_mat)[2])] = 1. + 1j*0.0
for isp in range(n_inequiv_spin_blocks):
for isp in range(n_inequiv_spin_blocks):
iorb = 0
iorb = 0
for icrsh in range(sum_k.n_corr_shells):
for icrsh in range(sum_k.n_corr_shells):
dim = sum_k.corr_shells[icrsh]['dim']
dim = sum_k.corr_shells[icrsh]['dim']
if oc_basis == 'h':
proj_mat[:,isp,icrsh,0:dim,:] = dataK.UU_K[:,iorb:iorb+dim,:]
proj_mat[:,isp,icrsh,0:dim,:] = dataK.UU_K[:,iorb:iorb+dim,:]
elif oc_basis == 'w':
proj_mat[:,isp,icrsh,0:dim,:] = fake_proj_mat[:,iorb:iorb+dim,:]
iorb += dim
iorb += dim
if calc_velocity:
if calc_velocity:
# construct velocities from dataK
# velocity: [k x n_orb x n_orb x R]
V_H_diag = numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(dataK.Xbar('Ham', 1)), dtype=complex)
def _commutator(A, B):
V_H_diag[:, range(V_H_diag.shape[1]), range(V_H_diag.shape[1]), :] = numpy.einsum('knna -> kna', dataK.Xbar('Ham', 1))
term1 = numpy.einsum('kmo, kona -> kmna', A, B)
velocities_k = ( V_H_diag - dataK.Xbar('AA') * 1j*( dataK.E_K[:,None,:,None] - dataK.E_K[:,:,None,None] ) ) / HARTREETOEV / BOHRTOANG
term2 = numpy.einsum('kmoa, kon -> kmna', B, A)
return term1 - term2
# in the band basis
# vh_alpha = Hhbar_alpha + i [Hh, Ahbar_alpha]
if oc_basis == 'h':
# first term
Hhbar_alpha = dataK.Xbar('Ham', 1)
# second term
c_Hh_Ahbar_alpha = _commutator(hopping[:,0,:,:], dataK.Xbar('AA'))
velocities_k = (Hhbar_alpha + 1j * c_Hh_Ahbar_alpha) / HARTREETOEV / BOHRTOANG
# split into diag and offdiag elements, corresponding to intra- and interband contributions
v_diag = numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(velocities_k), dtype=complex)
range(numpy.shape(velocities_k)[2]),:] = velocities_k[:,range(numpy.shape(velocities_k)[1]),
v_offdiag = velocities_k.copy()
v_offdiag[:,range(numpy.shape(velocities_k)[1]),range(numpy.shape(velocities_k)[2]),:] = 0. + 1j*0.0
if oc_select == 'intra':
velocities_k = v_diag
elif oc_select == 'inter':
velocities_k = v_offdiag
elif oc_select == 'both':
velocities_k = v_diag + v_offdiag
# in the orbital basis
# vw_alpha = Hw_alpha + i [Hw, Aw_alpha]
elif oc_basis == 'w':
# first term
Hw_alpha_R = dataK.Ham_R.copy()
for i in range(1):
shape_cR = numpy.shape(dataK.cRvec_wcc)
Hw_alpha_R = 1j * Hw_alpha_R.reshape((Hw_alpha_R.shape) + (1, )) * dataK.cRvec_wcc.reshape(
(shape_cR[0], shape_cR[1], dataK.system.nRvec) + (1, ) * len(Hw_alpha_R.shape[3:]) + (3, ))
Hw_alpha = dataK.fft_R_to_k(Hw_alpha_R, hermitean=False)[dataK.select_K]
# second term
Aw_alpha = dataK.fft_R_to_k(dataK.AA_R, hermitean=True)
c_Hw_Aw_alpha = _commutator(hopping[:,0,:,:], Aw_alpha)
velocities_k = (Hw_alpha + 1j * c_Hw_Aw_alpha) / HARTREETOEV / BOHRTOANG
if calc_inverse_mass:
if calc_inverse_mass:
V_dot_D = numpy.einsum('kmnab, knoab -> kmoab', dataK.Xbar('Ham', 1)[:,:,:,:,None], dataK.D_H[:,:,:,None,:])
V_dot_D = numpy.einsum('kmnab, knoab -> kmoab', dataK.Xbar('Ham', 1)[:,:,:,:,None], dataK.D_H[:,:,:,None,:])
@ -350,8 +406,9 @@ def init_spectroscopy(sum_k, code='wien2k', w90_params={}):
triqs SumkDFT object, interpolated
triqs SumkDFT object, interpolated
n_inequiv_spin_blocks = sum_k.SP + 1 - sum_k.SO
mpi.report('Initializing optical conductivity...')
# up and down are equivalent if SP = 0
# up and down are equivalent if SP = 0
n_inequiv_spin_blocks = sum_k.SP + 1 - sum_k.SO
# ----------------- set-up input from DFT -----------------------
# ----------------- set-up input from DFT -----------------------
if code in ('wien2k', 'elk'):
if code in ('wien2k', 'elk'):
@ -383,9 +440,27 @@ def init_spectroscopy(sum_k, code='wien2k', w90_params={}):
calc_inverse_mass = w90_params['calc_inverse_mass'] if 'calc_inverse_mass' in w90_params else False
calc_inverse_mass = w90_params['calc_inverse_mass'] if 'calc_inverse_mass' in w90_params else False
assert all(isinstance(name, bool) for name in [calc_velocity, calc_inverse_mass]), f'Parameter {calc_velocity} or {calc_inverse_mass} not bool!'
assert all(isinstance(name, bool) for name in [calc_velocity, calc_inverse_mass]), f'Parameter {calc_velocity} or {calc_inverse_mass} not bool!'
# select contributions to be used
oc_select = w90_params['oc_select'] if 'oc_select' in w90_params else 'both'
assert oc_select in ['intra', 'inter', 'both'], '"oc_select" needs to be either ["intra", "inter", "both"]'
# gauge choice options 'h' for Hamiltonian and 'w' for Wannier
oc_basis = w90_params['oc_basis'] if 'oc_basis' in w90_params else 'h'
assert oc_basis in ['h', 'w'], '"oc_basis" needs to be either ["h", "w"]'
# finally, make sure oc_select is 'both' for oc_basis = 'w'
if oc_basis == 'w' and oc_select != 'both':
warn(f'"oc_select" must be "both" for "oc_basis" = "w"!')
oc_select = 'both'
# further checks for calc_inverse_mass
if calc_inverse_mass:
assert oc_basis == 'h', '"calc_inverse_mass" only implemented for "oc_basis" == "h"'
assert oc_select == 'both', '"oc_select" not implemented for "calc_inverse_mass"'
# print some information
mpi.report(f'{"Basis choice [h (Hamiltonian), w (Wannier)]:":<60s} {oc_basis}')
mpi.report(f'{"Contributions from [intra(-band), inter(-band), both]:":<60s} {oc_select}')
# recompute sum_k instances on denser grid
# recompute sum_k instances on denser grid
sum_k, _ = recompute_w90_input_on_different_mesh(sum_k, w90_params['seedname'], nk_optics=w90_params['nk_optics'], pathname=pathname,
sum_k, _ = recompute_w90_input_on_different_mesh(sum_k, w90_params['seedname'], nk_optics=w90_params['nk_optics'], pathname=pathname,
calc_velocity=calc_velocity, calc_inverse_mass=calc_inverse_mass)
calc_velocity=calc_velocity, calc_inverse_mass=calc_inverse_mass, oc_select=oc_select, oc_basis=oc_basis)
# k-dependent-projections.
# k-dependent-projections.
# to be checked. But this should be obsolete atm, works for both cases
# to be checked. But this should be obsolete atm, works for both cases
@ -439,6 +514,8 @@ def transport_distribution(sum_k, beta, directions=['xx'], energy_window=None, O
frequency mesh of the optical conductivity recomputed on the mesh provided by the self energy
frequency mesh of the optical conductivity recomputed on the mesh provided by the self energy
mpi.report('Computing transport distribution...')
n_inequiv_spin_blocks = sum_k.SP + 1 - sum_k.SO
n_inequiv_spin_blocks = sum_k.SP + 1 - sum_k.SO
# up and down are equivalent if SP = 0
# up and down are equivalent if SP = 0
@ -569,13 +646,12 @@ def transport_distribution(sum_k, beta, directions=['xx'], energy_window=None, O
Gamma_w[direction][iq, iw] += (numpy.dot(numpy.dot(numpy.dot(vel_R[v_i, v_i, dir_to_int[direction[0]]], A_kw[isp][A_i, A_i, int(iw + iOm_mesh[iq])]),
Gamma_w[direction][iq, iw] += (numpy.dot(numpy.dot(numpy.dot(vel_R[v_i, v_i, dir_to_int[direction[0]]], A_kw[isp][A_i, A_i, int(iw + iOm_mesh[iq])]),
vel_R[v_i, v_i, dir_to_int[direction[1]]]), A_kw[isp][A_i, A_i, iw]).trace().real * sum_k.bz_weights[ik])
vel_R[v_i, v_i, dir_to_int[direction[1]]]), A_kw[isp][A_i, A_i, iw]).trace().real * sum_k.bz_weights[ik])
for direction in directions:
for direction in directions:
Gamma_w[direction] = (mpi.all_reduce(mpi.world, Gamma_w[direction], lambda x, y: x + y) / sum_k.cell_vol / sum_k.n_symmetries)
Gamma_w[direction] = (mpi.all_reduce(mpi.world, Gamma_w[direction], lambda x, y: x + y) / sum_k.cell_vol / sum_k.n_symmetries)
return Gamma_w, omega, temp_Om_mesh
return Gamma_w, omega, temp_Om_mesh
def transport_function(beta, directions, hopping, velocities, energy_window, n_om):
def transport_function(beta, directions, hopping, velocities, energy_window, n_om, rot_symmetries):
Calculates the transport function
Calculates the transport function
@ -600,6 +676,8 @@ def transport_function(beta, directions, hopping, velocities, energy_window, n_o
n_om : integer
n_om : integer
Number of equidistant frequency points in the interval [energy_window[0]-max(Om_mesh), energy_window[1]+max(Om_mesh)]. This parameters is only used if
Number of equidistant frequency points in the interval [energy_window[0]-max(Om_mesh), energy_window[1]+max(Om_mesh)]. This parameters is only used if
with_Sigma = False.
with_Sigma = False.
rot_symmetries : list of 3 x 3 matrices
rotational symmetries to restore the full FBZ
@ -607,6 +685,11 @@ def transport_function(beta, directions, hopping, velocities, energy_window, n_o
transport function in each direction, frequencies given by energy_window
transport function in each direction, frequencies given by energy_window
mpi.report('Computing transport function...')
# check that velocities are computed on the FBZ
assert numpy.shape(rot_symmetries)[0] == 1, 'Using symmetries currently not implemented for transport function.'
dir_to_int = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2}
dir_to_int = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2}
tol = 1/beta
tol = 1/beta
@ -619,7 +702,8 @@ def transport_function(beta, directions, hopping, velocities, energy_window, n_o
fermi_wg = fermi_dis(hopping[:,0,range(orb_1),range(orb_2)][idx].real - w, beta, 1)/fermi_dis(0., beta, 1)
fermi_wg = fermi_dis(hopping[:,0,range(orb_1),range(orb_2)][idx].real - w, beta, 1)/fermi_dis(0., beta, 1)
for direction in directions:
for direction in directions:
dir_a, dir_b = [dir_to_int[x] for x in direction]
dir_a, dir_b = [dir_to_int[x] for x in direction]
transp_func[direction][ct] = numpy.sum(fermi_wg * velocities[:,range(orb_1),range(orb_2),dir_a][idx] * velocities[:,range(orb_1),range(orb_2),dir_b][idx], axis=0).real
matrix_product = numpy.einsum('kmn, kno -> kmo' , velocities[:,:,:,dir_a], velocities[:,:,:,dir_b])
transp_func[direction][ct] = numpy.sum(fermi_wg * matrix_product[:,range(orb_1),range(orb_2)][idx]).real
return transp_func
return transp_func
@ -727,6 +811,8 @@ def conductivity_and_seebeck(Gamma_w, omega, Om_mesh, SP, directions, beta, meth
thermal conductivity in each direction. If zero is not present in Om_mesh the thermal conductivity is set to NaN
thermal conductivity in each direction. If zero is not present in Om_mesh the thermal conductivity is set to NaN
mpi.report('Computing optical conductivity and kinetic coefficients...')
if not (mpi.is_master_node()):
if not (mpi.is_master_node()):
Reference in New Issue
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