mirror of https://github.com/triqs/dft_tools synced 2024-09-16 17:35:31 +02:00

Updated reference documentation for PLOVASP classes and functions.

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Hampel 2019-12-04 12:32:00 -05:00
parent 4d50e41135
commit e26444201a
9 changed files with 226 additions and 159 deletions

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@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ creates a h5 archive from the :ref:`PLOVASP<refPLOVASP>` output readable by
Here, we will present a guide how the interface `can` be used to create input for a DMFT calculation, using SrVO3 as an example. Full examples can be found in the :ref:`tutorial section of DFTTools<tutorials>`.
Limitations of the interface
@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ Limitations of the interface
(this implies no spin-orbit coupling) and spin-polarized projectors have not
been tested.
VASP: generating raw projectors
@ -118,7 +116,6 @@ At the same time, **LOCPROJ** contains the total number of projectors (as well
as the number of `k`-points, bands, and spin channels) in the first line, which
can be used to allocate the arrays before parsing.
Conversion for the DMFT self-consistency cycle
@ -165,7 +162,7 @@ for user convenience. Several parameters are required
The Option **TRANSFORM** is optional here, and it is specified to extract
only the three :math:`t_{2g}` orbitals out of the five `d` orbitals given by
:math:`l = 2`. A detailed explanation of all input parameters can be found
further below `PLOVASP guide`_.
further below `PLOVASP detailed guide`_.
Next, the converter is executed. This can be done by calling :program:`PLOVASP` directly in the command line with the input file as an argument, e.g.:
| `plovasp plo.cfg`
@ -198,7 +195,6 @@ in :class:`SumkDFT <dft.sumk_dft.SumkDFT>`, e.g.::
However, this should only be done after a careful study of the density matrix and the projected DOS in the localized basis. For the complete process for SrVO3 see the tutorial for the VASP interface `here <../tutorials/svo_vasp/svo_notebook.html>`_.
PLOVASP detailed guide

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@ -22,12 +22,42 @@ Wannier90 Converter
.. _refPLOVASP:
PLOVASP reference, the classes / functions are sorted the way the converter uses them.
.. automodule:: triqs_dft_tools.converters.plovasp.converter
:members: generate_and_output_as_text
.. automodule:: triqs_dft_tools.converters.plovasp.inpconf
:members: ConfigParameters
.. automodule:: triqs_dft_tools.converters.plovasp.vaspio
:members: VaspData, Plocar, Poscar, Kpoints, Eigenval, Doscar, read_symmcar
.. automodule:: triqs_dft_tools.converters.plovasp.elstruct
:members: ElectronicStructure
.. automodule:: triqs_dft_tools.converters.plovasp.plotools
.. automodule:: triqs_dft_tools.converters.plovasp.proj_shell
.. automodule:: triqs_dft_tools.converters.plovasp.proj_group
VASP Converter
.. _refVASPconverter:
.. autoclass:: triqs_dft_tools.converters.vasp_converter.VaspConverter
Converter Tools
.. autoclass:: triqs_dft_tools.converters.converter_tools.ConverterTools

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
@ -24,14 +24,16 @@
Main script of PLOVasp.
PLOVASP is a tool to transform raw, non-normalized
projectors generated by VASP into normalized projectors
corresponding to user-defined projected localized orbitals (PLO).
Runs routines in proper order to generate and store PLOs.
Usage: python main.py <conf-file> [<path-to-vasp-calcultaion>]
Usage: python converter.py <conf-file> [<path-to-vasp-calculation>]
import sys
import vaspio
@ -85,4 +87,3 @@ def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
Internal representation of VASP electronic structure data.
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class ElectronicStructure:
- *symmetry* (dict) : paramters of symmetry
When the object is created a simple consistency check
of the data coming from different VASP files is performed.
of the data coming from different VASP files is performed.
def __init__(self, vasp_data):
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class ElectronicStructure:
# Concatenate coordinates grouped by type into one array
self.structure['qcoords'] = np.vstack(vasp_data.poscar.q_types)
self.structure['type_of_ion'] = vasp_data.poscar.type_of_ion
a = []
for ia in range(3):
a.append( vasp_data.poscar.a_brav[:,ia])
@ -133,11 +133,11 @@ class ElectronicStructure:
b3 = 2.0*np.pi*np.cross(a[0],a[1])/vol
b = [b1,b2,b3]
self.kmesh['kpoints_cart'] = 0.0 * self.kmesh['kpoints']
for ik in range(self.nktot):
for ii in range(3):
self.kmesh['kpoints_cart'][ik] += self.kmesh['kpoints'][ik,ii]*b[ii]
# FIXME: This can be removed if ion coordinates are stored in a continuous array
## Construct a map to access coordinates by index
# self.structure['ion_index'] = []

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
Module for parsing and checking an input config-file.
@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ class ConfigParameters:
first_char = par_str[0].lower()
assert first_char in 'tf', "Logical parameters should be given by either 'True' or 'False'"
return first_char == 't'
# parse_string_int()
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ class ConfigParameters:
def parse_string_int(self, par_str):
int parameters
int parameters
return int(par_str)
@ -494,12 +494,11 @@ class ConfigParameters:
def groups_shells_consistency(self):
Ensures consistency between groups and shells.
In particular:
- if no groups are explicitly defined and only shell is defined create
a group automatically
- check the existance of all shells referenced in the groups
- check that all shells are referenced in the groups
Ensures consistency between groups and shells. In particular:
- if no groups are explicitly defined and only shell is defined create a group automatically
- check the existance of all shells referenced in the groups
- check that all shells are referenced in the groups
# Special case: no groups is defined
if self.ngroups == 0:
@ -660,4 +659,3 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
doscar = vaspio.Doscar()
# pars = parse_input(filename)

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
Set of routines for processing and outputting PLOs.
@ -33,6 +33,25 @@ r"""
the consistency of the input data, generation of projected localized
orbitals (PLOs) out of raw VASP projectors, and outputting data
required by DFTTools.
The first step of PLO processing is to select subsets of projectors
corresponding to PLO groups. Each group contains a set of shells. Each
projector shell is represented by an object 'ProjectorShell' that contains
an array of projectors and information on the shell itself (orbital number,
ions, etc.). 'ProjectorShell's are contained in both a list of shells
(according to the original list as read from config-file) and in a
'ProjectorGroup' object, the latter also providing information about the
energy window.
Order of operations:
- transform projectors (all bands) in each shell
- select transformed shell projectors for a given group within the window
- orthogonalize if necessary projectors within a group by performing
the following operations for each k-point:
* combine all projector shells into a single array
* orthogonalize the array
* distribute back the arrays assuming that the order is preserved
import itertools as it
import numpy as np
@ -82,7 +101,7 @@ def check_data_consistency(pars, el_struct):
errmsg = "Projector for isite = %s, l = %s does not match PROJCAR"%(ion + 1, lshell)
raise Exception(errmsg)
# generate_plo()
@ -124,7 +143,7 @@ def generate_plo(conf_pars, el_struct):
print " Ion sort : %r"%(pshell.ion_sort)
pgroups = []
for gr_par in conf_pars.groups:
pgroup = ProjectorGroup(gr_par, pshells, eigvals)
@ -209,6 +228,7 @@ def generate_plo(conf_pars, el_struct):
def output_as_text(pars, el_struct, pshells, pgroups):
Output all information necessary for the converter as text files.
ctrl_output(pars, el_struct, len(pgroups))
plo_output(pars, el_struct, pshells, pgroups)
@ -260,6 +280,27 @@ def kpoints_output(basename, el_struct):
def ctrl_output(conf_pars, el_struct, ng):
Outputs a ctrl-file.
Control file format
Filename '<namebase>.ctrl'. Contains the data shared between all shells.
The JSON-header consists of the following elements:
* *nk*: number of `k`-points
* *ns*: number of spin channels
* *nc_flag*: collinear/noncollinear case (False/True)
* *ng*: number of projector groups
* Symmetry information (list of symmetry operations)
* *efermi*: Fermi level (optional)
* Lattice information
ctrl_fname = conf_pars.general['basename'] + '.ctrl'
head_dict = {}
@ -311,31 +352,31 @@ def plo_output(conf_pars, el_struct, pshells, pgroups):
Each group is stored in a '<basename>.plog<Ng>' file. The format is the
# Energy window: emin, emax
ib_min, ib_max
# Eigenvalues
isp, ik1, kx, ky, kz, kweight
ib1, ib2
ik2, kx, ky, kz, kweight
| # Energy window: emin, emax
| ib_min, ib_max
| nelect
| # Eigenvalues
| isp, ik1, kx, ky, kz, kweight
| ib1, ib2
| eig1
| eig2
| ...
| eigN
| ik2, kx, ky, kz, kweight
| ...
# Projected shells
# Shells: <shell indices>
# Shell <1>
Shell 1
# complex arrays: plo(ns, nion, ndim, nb)
# Shells: <shell indices>
# Shell <2>
Shell 2
| # Projected shells
| Nshells
| # Shells: <shell indices>
| # Shell <1>
| Shell 1
| ndim
| # complex arrays: plo(ns, nion, ndim, nb)
| ...
| # Shells: <shell indices>
| # Shell <2>
| Shell 2
| ...
for ig, pgroup in enumerate(pgroups):
@ -343,9 +384,9 @@ def plo_output(conf_pars, el_struct, pshells, pgroups):
print " Storing PLO-group file '%s'..."%(plo_fname)
head_dict = {}
head_dict['nb_max'] = pgroup.nb_max
if 'bands' in conf_pars.groups[ig]:
head_dict['bandwindow'] = (pgroup.ib_min, pgroup.ib_max)
@ -381,13 +422,13 @@ def plo_output(conf_pars, el_struct, pshells, pgroups):
with open(plo_fname, 'wt') as f:
f.write(header + "\n")
f.write("#END OF HEADER\n")
# Eigenvalues within the window
if 'bands' in conf_pars.groups[ig]:
f.write("# Eigenvalues within the band window: %s, %s\n"%(pgroup.ib_min+1, pgroup.ib_max+1))
f.write("# Eigenvalues within the energy window: %s, %s\n"%(pgroup.emin, pgroup.emax))
nk, nband, ns_band = el_struct.eigvals.shape
for isp in xrange(ns_band):
f.write("# is = %i\n"%(isp + 1))
@ -441,17 +482,17 @@ def hk_output(conf_pars, el_struct, pgroups):
n_sh # number of total atomic shells
at sort l dim # atom, sort, l, dim
at sort l dim # atom, sort, l, dim
After these header lines, the file has to contain the Hamiltonian matrix
in orbital space. The standard convention is that you give for each k-point
first the matrix of the real part, then the matrix of the imaginary part,
and then move on to the next k-point.
for ig, pgroup in enumerate(pgroups):
hk_fname = conf_pars.general['basename'] + '.hk%i'%(ig + 1)
print " Storing HK-group file '%s'..."%(hk_fname)
@ -459,7 +500,7 @@ def hk_output(conf_pars, el_struct, pgroups):
for ish in pgroup.ishells:
shell = pgroup.shells[ish]
ion_output = [io + 1 for io in shell.ion_list]
for iion in ion_output:
@ -469,11 +510,11 @@ def hk_output(conf_pars, el_struct, pgroups):
sh_dict['ndim'] = shell.ndim
# Convert ion indices from the internal representation (starting from 0)
# to conventional VASP representation (starting from 1)
# Derive sorts from equivalence classes
sh_dict['ion_list'] = ion_output
sh_dict['ion_sort'] = shell.ion_sort

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
Storage and manipulation of projector groups.
@ -48,10 +48,9 @@ class ProjectorGroup:
the parameters from the config-file (passed in `pars`).
- gr_pars (dict) : group parameters from the config-file
- shells ([ProjectorShell]) : array of ProjectorShell objects
- eigvals (numpy.array) : array of KS eigenvalues
- gr_pars (dict) : group parameters from the config-file
- shells ([ProjectorShell]) : array of ProjectorShell objects
- eigvals (numpy.array) : array of KS eigenvalues
def __init__(self, gr_pars, shells, eigvals):
@ -74,16 +73,16 @@ class ProjectorGroup:
ib_win[:,:,1] = gr_pars['bands'][1]-1
ib_min = gr_pars['bands'][0] - 1
ib_max = gr_pars['bands'][1] - 1
ib_win, ib_min, ib_max = self.select_bands(eigvals)
self.ib_win = ib_win
self.ib_min = ib_min
self.ib_max = ib_max
self.nb_max = ib_max - ib_min + 1
if self.complement:
n_bands = self.ib_win[:,:,1] - self.ib_win[:,:,0]+1
n_orbs = sum([x.ndim for x in self.shells])
@ -92,14 +91,14 @@ class ProjectorGroup:
self.complement = False
print "\nWARNING: The total number of orbitals in this group is "
print "equal to the number of bands. Setting COMPLEMENT to FALSE!\n"
# Select projectors within the energy window
for ish in self.ishells:
shell = self.shells[ish]
shell.select_projectors(ib_win, ib_min, ib_max)
@ -177,8 +176,8 @@ class ProjectorGroup:
nlm = i2 - i1 + 1
shell = self.shells[ish]
shell.proj_win[ion, isp, ik, :nlm, :nb] = p_orth[i1:i2, :nb]
# calc_hk
@ -188,11 +187,11 @@ class ProjectorGroup:
Calculate H(k) for a group by applying the projectors P
to the eigenvalues eps.
H_ij(k) = sum_l P*_il eps_l P_lj
# here we abuse the get_block_matrix_map(), however, it only works
# if self.normion is false
temp = self.normion
@ -201,15 +200,15 @@ class ProjectorGroup:
self.normion = temp
_, ns, nk, _, _ = self.shells[0].proj_win.shape
self.hk = np.zeros((ns,nk,ndim,ndim), dtype=np.complex128)
# Note that 'ns' and 'nk' are the same for all shells
for isp in xrange(ns):
for ik in xrange(nk):
bmin = self.ib_win[ik, isp, 0]
bmax = self.ib_win[ik, isp, 1]+1
nb = bmax - bmin
nb = bmax - bmin
p_mat = np.zeros((ndim, nb), dtype=np.complex128)
# Combine all projectors of the group to one block projector
@ -221,7 +220,7 @@ class ProjectorGroup:
nlm = i2 - i1 + 1
shell = self.shells[ish]
p_mat[i1:i2, :nb] = shell.proj_win[ion, isp, ik, :nlm, :nb]
self.hk[isp,ik,:,:] = np.dot(p_mat*eigvals[ik,bmin:bmax,isp],
@ -234,36 +233,36 @@ class ProjectorGroup:
def calc_complement(self,eigvals):
Calculate the complement for a group of projectors.
This leads to quadtratic projectors P = <l|n> by using a Gram-Schmidt.
The projector on the orthogonal complement of the existing projectors
{|l>} is P^u = 1 - sum_l |l><l|
|l> is P^u = 1 - sum_l |l><l|
We get candidates for complement projectors by applying P^u to a Bloch
state |n>: |l*> = P^u |n>. For numerical stability we select that Bloch
state which leads to the |l*> with the largest norm (that corresponds to
that Bloch state with the smallest overlap with the space spanned by {|l>})
We normalize |l*> and add it to {|l>}. We do so untill we have as many
|l> states as we have {|n>} states.
that Bloch state with the smallest overlap with the space spanned by |l>)
We normalize |l*> and add it to |l>. We do so untill we have as many
|l> states as we have |n> states.
print '\nCalculating complement\n'
block_maps, ndim = self.get_block_matrix_map()
_, ns, nk, _, _ = self.shells[0].proj_win.shape
p_mat = np.zeros((ndim, self.nb_max), dtype=np.complex128)
p_full = np.zeros((1,ns,nk,self.nb_max, self.nb_max), dtype=np.complex128)
p_full = np.zeros((1,ns,nk,self.nb_max, self.nb_max), dtype=np.complex128)
# Note that 'ns' and 'nk' are the same for all shells
for isp in xrange(ns):
for ik in xrange(nk):
bmin = self.ib_win[ik, isp, 0]
bmax = self.ib_win[ik, isp, 1]+1
nb = bmax - bmin
nb = bmax - bmin
# Combine all projectors of the group to one block projector
for bl_map in block_maps:
p_mat[:, :] = 0.0j # !!! Clean-up from the last k-point and block!
@ -297,11 +296,11 @@ class ProjectorGroup:
sh_pars['ib_min'] = bmin
sh_pars['ib_max'] = bmax
sh_pars['ib_win'] = self.ib_win
# gen_block_matrix_map
@ -321,13 +320,13 @@ class ProjectorGroup:
of projectors to be orthogonalized. Each subset corresponds to a subset of sites
and spans all orbital indices. defined by 'bl_map' as
bl_map = [((i1_start, i1_end), (i1_shell, i1_ion)),
((i2_start, i2_end), (i2_shell, i2_ion)),
bl_map = [((i1_start, i1_end), (i1_shell, i1_ion)),
((i2_start, i2_end), (i2_shell, i2_ion)),
where `iX_start`, `iX_end` is the range of indices of the block matrix
(in Python convention `iX_end = iX_last + 1`, with `iX_last` being the last index
of the range),
of the range),
`iX_shell` and `iX_ion` the shell and site indices. The length of the range
should be consistent with 'nlm' dimensions of a corresponding shell, i.e.,
`iX_end - iX_start = nlm[iX_shell]`.
@ -336,7 +335,7 @@ class ProjectorGroup:
1. Orthogonality is ensured on each site (NORMION = True).
For each site 'ion' we have the following mapping:
block_maps = [bl_map[ion] for ion in xrange(shell.nion)
block_maps = [bl_map[ion] for ion in xrange(shell.nion)
for shell in shells]
bl_map = [((i1_start, i1_end), (i1_shell, ion)),
@ -438,14 +437,15 @@ class ProjectorGroup:
eigvals (numpy.array) : all eigenvalues
emin, emax (float) : energy window
ib_win, nb_min, nb_max :
ib_win, nb_min, nb_max : lowest and highest indices of the selected bands
# Sanity check
if self.emin > eigvals.max() or self.emax < eigvals.min():
@ -481,5 +481,3 @@ class ProjectorGroup:
ib_max = max(ib_max, ib2)
return ib_win, ib_min, ib_max

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
Storage and manipulation on projector shells.
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class ProjectorShell:
self.user_index = sh_pars['user_index']
self.corr = sh_pars['corr']
self.ion_sort = [sh_pars['ion_sort']]
self.nc_flag = nc_flag
self.nc_flag = nc_flag
# try:
# self.tmatrix = sh_pars['tmatrix']
# except KeyError:
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class ProjectorShell:
self.nion = self.ions['nion']
# Extract ion list and equivalence classes (ion sorts)
self.ion_list = sorted(it.chain(*self.ions['ion_list']))
if self.ion_sort[0] is None:
self.ion_sort = []
for ion in self.ion_list:
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ class ProjectorShell:
def extract_projectors(self, proj_raw, proj_params, kmesh, structure):
Extracts projectors for the given shell.
Projectors are selected from the raw-projector array 'proj_raw'
according to the shell parameters.
If necessary the projectors are transformed usin 'self.tmatrices'.
@ -476,8 +476,8 @@ class ComplementShell(ProjectorShell):
self.ions = sh_pars['ions']
self.user_index = sh_pars['user_index']
self.corr = sh_pars['corr']
self.nc_flag = nc_flag
self.nc_flag = nc_flag
self.ib_min = sh_pars['ib_min']
self.ib_max = sh_pars['ib_max']
self.ib_win = sh_pars['ib_win']
@ -498,16 +498,15 @@ class ComplementShell(ProjectorShell):
self.ndim = proj_compl.shape[3]
self.proj_win = proj_compl
def extract_tmatrices(self, sh_pars):
raise Exception('not implemented')
def local_hamiltonian(self, el_struct, site_diag=True, spin_diag=True):
raise Exception('not implemented')
def density_matrix(self, el_struct, site_diag=True, spin_diag=True):
raise Exception('not implemented')
#def density_of_states(self, el_struct, emesh):
# raise Exception('not implemented')

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
Input of required VASP data.
@ -107,16 +107,18 @@ class VaspData:
class Plocar:
Class containing raw PLO data from VASP.
- *plo* (numpy.array((nion, ns, nk, nb, nlmmax))) : raw projectors
- *params* (dict) : parameters read from PLOCAR
- *ferw* (array(nion, ns, nk, nb)) : Fermi weights from VASP
- *plo* (numpy.array((nion, ns, nk, nb, nlmmax))) : raw projectors
- *params* (dict) : parameters read from PLOCAR
- *ferw* (array(nion, ns, nk, nb)) : Fermi weights from VASP
def __init__(self):
self.plo = None
self.proj_params = None
def from_file(self, vasp_dir='./', plocar_filename='PLOCAR'):
@ -330,14 +332,12 @@ class Poscar:
Class containing POSCAR data from VASP.
nq (int) : total number of ions
ntypes ([int]) : number of ion types
nions (int) : a list of number of ions of each type
a_brav (numpy.array((3, 3), dtype=float)) : lattice vectors
q_types ([numpy.array((nions, 3), dtype=float)]) : a list of
- nq (int) : total number of ions
- ntypes ([int]) : number of ion types
- nions (int) : a list of number of ions of each type
- a_brav (numpy.array((3, 3), dtype=float)) : lattice vectors
- q_types ([numpy.array((nions, 3), dtype=float)]) : a list of
arrays each containing fractional coordinates of ions of a given type
def __init__(self):
@ -450,16 +450,18 @@ class Kpoints:
Class describing k-points and optionally tetrahedra.
- nktot (int) : total number of k-points in the IBZ
- kpts (numpy.array((nktot, 3), dtype=float)) : k-point vectors (fractional coordinates)
- ntet (int) : total number of k-point tetrahedra
- itet (numpy.array((ntet, 5), dtype=float) : array of tetrahedra
- volt (float) : volume of a tetrahedron (the k-grid is assumed to
be uniform)
- nktot (int) : total number of k-points in the IBZ
- kpts (numpy.array((nktot, 3), dtype=float)) : k-point vectors (fractional coordinates)
- ntet (int) : total number of k-point tetrahedra
- itet (numpy.array((ntet, 5), dtype=float) : array of tetrahedra
- volt (float) : volume of a tetrahedron (the k-grid is assumed to
be uniform)
def __init__(self):
self.kpts = None
self.nktot = None
self.kwghts = None
# Reads IBZKPT file
@ -503,7 +505,7 @@ class Kpoints:
self.kwghts[ik] = float(sline[3])
self.kwghts /= self.nktot
# Attempt to read tetrahedra
# Skip comment line ("Tetrahedra")
@ -604,7 +606,7 @@ class Eigenval:
assert len(tmp) == 2 * self.ispin + 1, "EIGENVAL file is incorrect (probably from old versions of VASP)"
self.eigs[ik, ib, :] = tmp[1:self.ispin+1]
self.ferw[ik, ib, :] = tmp[self.ispin+1:]
@ -617,6 +619,10 @@ class Doscar:
Class containing some data from DOSCAR
def __init__(self):
self.ncdij = None
self.efermi = None
def from_file(self, vasp_dir='./', dos_filename='DOSCAR'):
Reads only E_Fermi from DOSCAR.
@ -712,5 +718,3 @@ def read_symmcar(vasp_dir, symm_filename='SYMMCAR'):
data.update({ 'nrot': nrot, 'ntrans': ntrans,
'lmax': lmax, 'nion': nion,
'sym_rots': rot_mats, 'perm_map': rot_map })