mirror of https://github.com/triqs/dft_tools synced 2024-10-04 23:36:05 +02:00

updating doc

This commit is contained in:
Olivier Parcollet 2013-09-01 17:56:17 +02:00
parent 640941c326
commit de15cf5267
9 changed files with 185 additions and 256 deletions

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${TRIQS_PATH}/share/triqs/cmake)
# start configuration # start configuration
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(ctseg CXX Fortran) project(dft_tools CXX Fortran)
enable_testing() enable_testing()

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ file(GLOB_RECURSE doc_sources *.rst)
# create documentation target # create documentation target
set(sphinx_top ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/html/index.html) set(sphinx_top ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/html/index.html)
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${sphinx_top} DEPENDS ${doc_sources} py_copy add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${sphinx_top} DEPENDS ${doc_sources} py_copy triqs_DFT
add_custom_target(doc_sphinx ALL DEPENDS ${sphinx_top}) add_custom_target(doc_sphinx ALL DEPENDS ${sphinx_top})
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ install(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/html/ COMPONENT documentation DEST
PATTERN "*.png" PATTERN "*.png"
PATTERN "*.js" PATTERN "*.js"
PATTERN "*.png" PATTERN "*.jpg"
PATTERN "*.gif" PATTERN "*.gif"
PATTERN "*.xsl" PATTERN "*.xsl"
PATTERN "*.css" PATTERN "*.css"

doc/about.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Wien2TRIQS is published under the `GNU General Public License, version 3
Authors & Quotation
The developement of an interface between the Wien2k electronic structure
package and TRIQS has been motivated by a scientific collaboration between the
research groups of Antoine Georges, Silke Biermann (Ecole Polytechnique),
Olivier Parcollet (CEA Saclay). A first step has been the definition of the
framework and the construction of the projective Wannier functions as input for
the DMFT calculations [#wien2k1]_. This has been followed by the introduction
of full charge self-consistency [#wien2k2]_, necessary for total energy
**Developers**: M. Aichhorn, L. Pourovskii, V. Vildosola, C. Martins
**Related papers**:
.. [#wien2k1] `M. Aichhorn, L. Pourovskii, V. Vildosola, M. Ferrero, O. Parcollet, T. Miyake, A. Georges, and S. Biermann, Phys. Rev. B 80, 085101 (2009) <http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.80.085101>`_ (:download:`bibtex file <wien2k1.bib>`)
.. [#wien2k2] `M. Aichhorn, L. Pourovskii, and A. Georges, Phys. Rev. B 84, 054529 (2011) <http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.84.054529>`_ (:download:`bibtex file <wien2k2.bib>`)
This application is a part of our scientific work and we would appreciate if
projects using it will include a citation to the following relevant papers. In
order to help you, we provide a BibTeX entry for each paper.
If you find the application useful, giving proper reference and citation is
indeed a simple way to help convincing funding sources that such projects are
useful for our community and should be supported.
The program is provided as is, i.e. WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind, as
stated in the license. In particular, its authors and contributors will take
no responsability for any possible bugs or any improper use of these programs,
including those resulting in incorrect scientific publications.

View File

@ -1,242 +1,37 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# TRIQS documentation build configuration file, created by # TRIQS documentation build configuration file
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copyright = u'2013, M. Aichhorn, L. Pourovskii, V. Vildosola, C. Martins' copyright = u'2011-2013, M. Aichhorn, L. Pourovskii, V. Vildosola, C. Martins'
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'header_links': [['Install', 'install'],
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# dir menu entry, description, category)
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doc/contents.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Table of contents
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2

doc/documentation.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
.. module:: pytriqs.applications.dft_tools
.. _documentation:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
In addition to the python-related modules, TRIQS also
provides the Wien2k add-on :program:`dmftproj`. It takes the
information about the wave functions calculated by the `Wien2k package
<http://www.wien2k.at>`_, and constructs projected Wannier functions
that are used as localised orbitals for the DMFT calculation.
The program :program:`dmftproj` is written in the flavor of the
`Wien2k package <http://www.wien2k.at>`_ without python
support. A detailed description of the usage and options of
can be found in :download:`this extensive tutorial <TutorialDmftproj.pdf>`. In
addition, it contains also a description of the Wien2k scripts that
are necessary to do the full charge self-consistent calculations.

View File

@ -7,35 +7,10 @@
======================================================== ========================================================
`Connecting TRIQS to the Wien2k package` This application is aimed at DMFT calculations with
In this section we will learn how we can connect our DMFT calculations with
realistic band structure calculations. realistic band structure calculations.
A priori TRIQS can be connected to various realistic band structure codes. A priori TRIQS can be connected to various realistic band structure codes.
In this release, we provide the Wien2TRIQS extension module which contains an In this release, we provide the Wien2TRIQS extension module which contains an
interface to the `Wien2k package <http://www.wien2k.at>`_. interface to the `Wien2k package <http://www.wien2k.at>`_.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
In addition to the python-related modules, TRIQS also
provides the Wien2k add-on :program:`dmftproj`. It takes the
information about the wave functions calculated by the `Wien2k package
<http://www.wien2k.at>`_, and constructs projected Wannier functions
that are used as localised orbitals for the DMFT calculation.
The program :program:`dmftproj` is written in the flavor of the
`Wien2k package <http://www.wien2k.at>`_ without python
support. A detailed description of the usage and options of
can be found in :download:`this extensive tutorial <TutorialDmftproj.pdf>`. In
addition, it contains also a description of the Wien2k scripts that
are necessary to do the full charge self-consistent calculations.

doc/install.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
.. highlight:: bash
#. The :ref:`TRIQS <triqslibs:welcome>` toolkit (see :ref:`TRIQS installation instruction <triqslibs:installation>`).
In the following, we will suppose that it is installed in the ``path_to_triqs`` directory.
#. Likely, you will also need at least one impurity solver, e.g. the The :ref:`CTHYB_matrix solver <triqscthybmatrix:welcome>`.
Installation steps
#. Download the sources of the solver from github::
$ git clone git@github.com:TRIQS/dft_tools.git src
#. Create an empty build directory where you will compile the code::
$ mkdir build && cd build
#. In the build directory call cmake specifying where the TRIQS library is installed::
$ cmake -DTRIQS_PATH=path_to_triqs ../src
#. Compile the code, run the tests and install the application::
$ make
$ make test
$ make install
Version compatibility
Be careful that the version of the TRIQS library and of the solver must be
compatible (more information on the `TRIQS website
<http://ipht.cea.fr/triqs/versions.html>`_). If you want to use a version of
the solver that is not the latest one, go into the directory with the sources
and look at all available versions::
$ cd src && git tag
Checkout the version of the code that you want::
$ git co 1.0.0
Then follow the steps 2 to 4 described above to compile the code.

doc/issues.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Reporting issues
Please report all problems and bugs directly at the github issue page
`<https://github.com/TRIQS/dft_tools/issues>`_. In order to make it easier
for us to solve the issue please follow these guidelines:
#. In all cases specify which version of the application you are using. You can
find the version number in the file :file:`README.txt` at the root of the
application sources.
#. If you have a problem during the installation, give us information about
your operating system and the compiler you are using. Include the outputs of
the ``cmake`` and ``make`` commands as well as the ``CMakeCache.txt`` file
which is in the build directory. Please include these outputs in a
`gist <http://gist.github.com/>`_ file referenced in the issue.
#. If you are experiencing a problem during the execution of the application, provide
a script which allows to quickly reproduce the problem.