mirror of https://github.com/triqs/dft_tools synced 2024-06-29 08:24:54 +02:00

Changes to old interface files to comply with new gf_struct

Minor tidy-up too.
This commit is contained in:
Priyanka Seth 2014-09-22 19:24:33 +02:00
parent f803c13285
commit 906398894a
6 changed files with 405 additions and 503 deletions

View File

@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ import string
from math import sqrt
def Read_Fortran_File (filename):
def read_fortran_file (filename):
""" Returns a generator that yields all numbers in the Fortran file as float, one by one"""
import os.path
if not(os.path.exists(filename)) : raise IOError, "File %s does not exists"%filename
if not(os.path.exists(filename)) : raise IOError, "File %s does not exist."%filename
for line in open(filename,'r') :
for x in line.replace('D','E').replace('(',' ').replace(')',' ').replace(',',' ').split() :
yield string.atof(x)
@ -40,22 +40,18 @@ def Read_Fortran_File (filename):
class HkConverter:
Conversion from general H(k) file to an hdf5 file, that can be used as input for the SumK_LDA class.
Conversion from general H(k) file to an hdf5 file that can be used as input for the SumK_LDA class.
def __init__(self, hk_file, hdf_file, lda_subgrp = 'SumK_LDA', symm_subgrp = 'SymmCorr', repacking = False):
Init of the class. Variable Filename gives the root of all filenames, e.g. case.ctqmcout, case.h5, and so
Init of the class.
assert type(hk_file)==StringType,"hk_file must be a filename"
self.hdf_file = hdf_file
self.lda_file = hk_file
#self.Symm_file = Filename+'.symqmc'
#self.Parproj_file = Filename+'.parproj'
#self.Symmpar_file = Filename+'.sympar'
#self.Band_file = Filename+'.outband'
self.lda_subgrp = lda_subgrp
self.symm_subgrp = symm_subgrp
@ -72,12 +68,12 @@ class HkConverter:
if not (mpi.is_master_node()): return # do it only on master:
# Read and write only on the master node
if not (mpi.is_master_node()): return
mpi.report("Reading input from %s..."%self.lda_file)
# Read and write only on Master!!!
# R is a generator : each R.Next() will return the next number in the file
R = Read_Fortran_File(self.lda_file)
R = read_fortran_file(self.lda_file)
energy_unit = 1.0 # the energy conversion factor is 1.0, we assume eV in files
n_k = int(R.next()) # read the number of k points
@ -101,7 +97,6 @@ class HkConverter:
self.inequiv_shells(corr_shells) # determine the number of inequivalent correlated shells, has to be known for further reading...
use_rotations = 0
rot_mat = [numpy.identity(corr_shells[icrsh][3],numpy.complex_) for icrsh in xrange(n_corr_shells)]
rot_mat_time_inv = [0 for i in range(n_corr_shells)]
@ -109,16 +104,13 @@ class HkConverter:
# Representative representations are read from file
n_reps = [1 for i in range(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells)]
dim_reps = [0 for i in range(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells)]
T = []
for icrsh in range(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells):
n_reps[icrsh] = int(R.next()) # number of representatives ("subsets"), e.g. t2g and eg
dim_reps[icrsh] = [int(R.next()) for i in range(n_reps[icrsh])] # dimensions of the subsets
# The transformation matrix:
# it is of dimension 2l+1, it is taken to be standard d (as in Wien2k)
T = []
for icrsh in range(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells):
#for ish in xrange(self.N_inequiv_corr_shells):
# The transformation matrix:
# is of dimension 2l+1, it is taken to be standard d (as in Wien2k)
ll = 2*corr_shells[self.invshellmap[icrsh]][2]+1
lmax = ll * (corr_shells[self.invshellmap[icrsh]][4] + 1)
@ -131,27 +123,21 @@ class HkConverter:
# Spin blocks to be read:
n_spin_blocks = SP + 1 - SO # number of spins to read for Norbs and Ham, NOT Projectors
n_spin_blocs = SP + 1 - SO # number of spins to read for Norbs and Ham, NOT Projectors
# define the number of N_Orbitals for all k points: it is the number of total bands and independent of k!
n_orb = sum([ shells[ish][3] for ish in range(n_shells)])
#n_orbitals = [ [n_orb for isp in range(n_spin_blocks)] for ik in xrange(n_k)]
n_orbitals = numpy.ones([n_k,n_spin_blocks],numpy.int) * n_orb
#print N_Orbitals
# define the number of n_orbitals for all k points: it is the number of total bands and independent of k!
n_orb = sum([ shells[ish][3] for ish in range(n_shells) ])
n_orbitals = numpy.ones([n_k,n_spin_blocs],numpy.int) * n_orb
# Initialise the projectors:
#proj_mat = [ [ [numpy.zeros([corr_shells[icrsh][3], n_orbitals[ik][isp]], numpy.complex_)
# for icrsh in range (n_corr_shells)]
# for isp in range(n_spin_blocks)]
# for ik in range(n_k) ]
proj_mat = numpy.zeros([n_k,n_spin_blocks,n_corr_shells,max(numpy.array(corr_shells)[:,3]),max(n_orbitals)],numpy.complex_)
proj_mat = numpy.zeros([n_k,n_spin_blocs,n_corr_shells,max(numpy.array(corr_shells)[:,3]),max(n_orbitals)],numpy.complex_)
# Read the projectors from the file:
for ik in xrange(n_k):
for icrsh in range(n_corr_shells):
for isp in range(n_spin_blocks):
for isp in range(n_spin_blocs):
# calculate the offset:
offset = 0
@ -169,9 +155,7 @@ class HkConverter:
# now define the arrays for weights and hopping ...
bz_weights = numpy.ones([n_k],numpy.float_)/ float(n_k) # w(k_index), default normalisation
#hopping = [ [numpy.zeros([n_orbitals[ik][isp],n_orbitals[ik][isp]],numpy.complex_)
# for isp in range(n_spin_blocks)] for ik in xrange(n_k) ]
hopping = numpy.zeros([n_k,n_spin_blocks,max(n_orbitals),max(n_orbitals)],numpy.complex_)
hopping = numpy.zeros([n_k,n_spin_blocs,max(n_orbitals),max(n_orbitals)],numpy.complex_)
if (weights_in_file):
# weights in the file
@ -181,11 +165,9 @@ class HkConverter:
sm = sum(bz_weights)
bz_weights[:] /= sm
# Grab the H
for ik in xrange(n_k) :
for isp in range(n_spin_blocks):
for isp in range(n_spin_blocs):
for ik in xrange(n_k) :
no = n_orbitals[ik,isp]
if (first_real_part_matrix):
@ -220,24 +202,22 @@ class HkConverter:
if ((only_upper_triangle)and(i!=j)): hopping[ik,isp,j,i] = hopping[ik,isp,i,j].conjugate()
#keep some things that we need for reading parproj:
# keep some things that we need for reading parproj:
self.n_shells = n_shells
self.shells = shells
self.n_corr_shells = n_corr_shells
self.corr_shells = corr_shells
self.n_spin_blocks = n_spin_blocks
self.n_spin_blocs = n_spin_blocs
self.n_orbitals = n_orbitals
self.n_k = n_k
self.SO = SO
self.SP = SP
self.energy_unit = energy_unit
except StopIteration : # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted.
raise "SumK_LDA : reading file HMLT_file failed!"
raise "HK Converter : reading file lda_file failed!"
#print Proj_Mat[0]
# Store the input into HDF5:
ar = HDFArchive(self.hdf_file,'a')
@ -276,7 +256,7 @@ class HkConverter:
def __repack(self):
"""Calls the h5repack routine, in order to reduce the file size of the hdf5 archive.
Should only be used BEFORE the first invokation of HDF_Archive in the program, otherwise
Should only be used BEFORE the first invokation of HDFArchive in the program, otherwise
the hdf5 linking is broken!!!"""
import subprocess

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import string
def read_fortran_file (filename):
""" Returns a generator that yields all numbers in the Fortran file as float, one by one"""
import os.path
if not(os.path.exists(filename)) : raise IOError, "File %s does not exists"%filename
if not(os.path.exists(filename)) : raise IOError, "File %s does not exist."%filename
for line in open(filename,'r') :
for x in line.replace('D','E').split() :
yield string.atof(x)
@ -39,13 +39,12 @@ def read_fortran_file (filename):
class Wien2kConverter:
Conversion from Wien2k output to an hdf5 file, that can be used as input for the SumkLDA class.
Conversion from Wien2k output to an hdf5 file that can be used as input for the SumkLDA class.
def __init__(self, filename, lda_subgrp = 'SumK_LDA', symm_subgrp = 'SymmCorr', repacking = False):
Init of the class. Variable filename gives the root of all filenames, e.g. case.ctqmcout, case.h5, and so
Init of the class. Variable filename gives the root of all filenames, e.g. case.ctqmcout, case.h5, and so on.
assert type(filename)==StringType,"LDA_file must be a filename"
@ -71,10 +70,10 @@ class Wien2kConverter:
if not (mpi.is_master_node()): return # do it only on master:
# Read and write only on the master node
if not (mpi.is_master_node()): return
mpi.report("Reading input from %s..."%self.lda_file)
# Read and write only on Master!!!
# R is a generator : each R.Next() will return the next number in the file
R = read_fortran_file(self.lda_file)
@ -91,7 +90,6 @@ class Wien2kConverter:
n_shells = int(R.next()) # number of shells (e.g. Fe d, As p, O p) in the unit cell,
# corresponds to index R in formulas
shells = [ [ int(R.next()) for i in range(4) ] for icrsh in range(n_shells) ] # reads iatom, sort, l, dim
#shells = numpy.array(shells)
n_corr_shells = int(R.next()) # number of corr. shells (e.g. Fe d, Ce f) in the unit cell,
# corresponds to index R in formulas
@ -99,7 +97,6 @@ class Wien2kConverter:
corr_shells = [ [ int(R.next()) for i in range(6) ] for icrsh in range(n_corr_shells) ] # reads iatom, sort, l, dim, SO flag, irep
self.inequiv_shells(corr_shells) # determine the number of inequivalent correlated shells, has to be known for further reading...
#corr_shells = numpy.array(corr_shells)
use_rotations = 1
rot_mat = [numpy.identity(corr_shells[icrsh][3],numpy.complex_) for icrsh in xrange(n_corr_shells)]
@ -120,7 +117,7 @@ class Wien2kConverter:
# Read here the infos for the transformation of the basis:
# Read here the info for the transformation of the basis:
n_reps = [1 for i in range(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells)]
dim_reps = [0 for i in range(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells)]
T = []
@ -128,10 +125,8 @@ class Wien2kConverter:
n_reps[icrsh] = int(R.next()) # number of representatives ("subsets"), e.g. t2g and eg
dim_reps[icrsh] = [int(R.next()) for i in range(n_reps[icrsh])] # dimensions of the subsets
# The transformation matrix:
# it is of dimension 2l+1, if no SO, and 2*(2l+1) with SO!!
#T = []
#for ish in xrange(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells):
# The transformation matrix:
# is of dimension 2l+1 without SO, and 2*(2l+1) with SO!
ll = 2*corr_shells[self.invshellmap[icrsh]][2]+1
lmax = ll * (corr_shells[self.invshellmap[icrsh]][4] + 1)
@ -151,19 +146,12 @@ class Wien2kConverter:
# read the list of n_orbitals for all k points
n_orbitals = numpy.zeros([n_k,n_spin_blocs],numpy.int)
#n_orbitals = [ [0 for isp in range(n_spin_blocs)] for ik in xrange(n_k)]
for isp in range(n_spin_blocs):
for ik in xrange(n_k):
#n_orbitals[ik][isp] = int(R.next())
n_orbitals[ik,isp] = int(R.next())
#print n_orbitals
# Initialise the projectors:
#proj_mat = [ [ [numpy.zeros([corr_shells[icrsh][3], n_orbitals[ik][isp]], numpy.complex_)
# for icrsh in range (n_corr_shells)]
# for isp in range(n_spin_blocs)]
# for ik in range(n_k) ]
proj_mat = numpy.zeros([n_k,n_spin_blocs,n_corr_shells,max(numpy.array(corr_shells)[:,3]),max(n_orbitals)],numpy.complex_)
@ -175,20 +163,16 @@ class Wien2kConverter:
for isp in range(n_spin_blocs):
for i in xrange(no):
for j in xrange(n_orbitals[ik][isp]):
#proj_mat[ik][isp][icrsh][i,j] = R.next()
proj_mat[ik,isp,icrsh,i,j] = R.next()
# now Imag part:
for isp in range(n_spin_blocs):
for i in xrange(no):
for j in xrange(n_orbitals[ik][isp]):
#proj_mat[ik][isp][icrsh][i,j] += 1j * R.next()
proj_mat[ik,isp,icrsh,i,j] += 1j * R.next()
# now define the arrays for weights and hopping ...
bz_weights = numpy.ones([n_k],numpy.float_)/ float(n_k) # w(k_index), default normalisation
#hopping = [ [numpy.zeros([n_orbitals[ik][isp],n_orbitals[ik][isp]],numpy.complex_)
# for isp in range(n_spin_blocs)] for ik in xrange(n_k) ]
hopping = numpy.zeros([n_k,n_spin_blocs,max(n_orbitals),max(n_orbitals)],numpy.complex_)
# weights in the file
@ -202,12 +186,11 @@ class Wien2kConverter:
# we use now the convention of a DIAGONAL Hamiltonian!!!!
for isp in range(n_spin_blocs):
for ik in xrange(n_k) :
no = n_orbitals[ik][isp]
no = n_orbitals[ik,isp]
for i in xrange(no):
#hopping[ik][isp][i,i] = R.next() * energy_unit
hopping[ik,isp,i,i] = R.next() * energy_unit
#keep some things that we need for reading parproj:
# keep some things that we need for reading parproj:
self.n_shells = n_shells
self.shells = shells
self.n_corr_shells = n_corr_shells
@ -219,12 +202,10 @@ class Wien2kConverter:
self.SP = SP
self.energy_unit = energy_unit
except StopIteration : # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted.
raise "SumkLDA : reading file HMLT_file failed!"
raise "Wien2k_converter : reading file lda_file failed!"
#print proj_mat[0]
# Store the input into HDF5:
ar = HDFArchive(self.hdf_file,'a')
@ -279,25 +260,17 @@ class Wien2kConverter:
for isp in range(self.n_spin_blocs) ]
R = read_fortran_file(self.parproj_file)
n_parproj = [int(R.next()) for i in range(self.n_shells)]
n_parproj = numpy.array(n_parproj)
# Initialise P, here a double list of matrices:
#proj_mat_pc = [ [ [ [numpy.zeros([self.shells[ish][3], self.n_orbitals[ik][isp]], numpy.complex_)
# for ir in range(n_parproj[ish])]
# for ish in range (self.n_shells) ]
# for isp in range(self.n_spin_blocs) ]
# for ik in range(self.n_k) ]
proj_mat_pc = numpy.zeros([self.n_k,self.n_spin_blocs,self.n_shells,max(n_parproj),max(numpy.array(self.shells)[:,3]),max(self.n_orbitals)],numpy.complex_)
rot_mat_all = [numpy.identity(self.shells[ish][3],numpy.complex_) for ish in xrange(self.n_shells)]
rot_mat_all_time_inv = [0 for i in range(self.n_shells)]
for ish in range(self.n_shells):
#print ish
# read first the projectors for this orbital:
for ik in xrange(self.n_k):
for ir in range(n_parproj[ish]):
@ -337,8 +310,6 @@ class Wien2kConverter:
if (self.SP):
rot_mat_all_time_inv[ish] = int(R.next())
#except StopIteration : # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted.
# raise "Wien2kConverter: reading file for Projectors failed!"
@ -378,10 +349,6 @@ class Wien2kConverter:
n_orbitals[ik,isp] = int(R.next())
# Initialise the projectors:
#proj_mat = [ [ [numpy.zeros([self.corr_shells[icrsh][3], n_orbitals[ik][isp]], numpy.complex_)
# for icrsh in range (self.n_corr_shells)]
# for isp in range(self.n_spin_blocs)]
# for ik in range(n_k) ]
proj_mat = numpy.zeros([n_k,self.n_spin_blocs,self.n_corr_shells,max(numpy.array(self.corr_shells)[:,3]),max(n_orbitals)],numpy.complex_)
# Read the projectors from the file:
@ -399,8 +366,6 @@ class Wien2kConverter:
for j in xrange(n_orbitals[ik,isp]):
proj_mat[ik,isp,icrsh,i,j] += 1j * R.next()
#hopping = [ [numpy.zeros([n_orbitals[ik][isp],n_orbitals[ik][isp]],numpy.complex_)
# for isp in range(self.n_spin_blocs)] for ik in xrange(n_k) ]
hopping = numpy.zeros([n_k,self.n_spin_blocs,max(n_orbitals),max(n_orbitals)],numpy.complex_)
# Grab the H
@ -416,11 +381,6 @@ class Wien2kConverter:
n_parproj = numpy.array(n_parproj)
# Initialise P, here a double list of matrices:
#proj_mat_pc = [ [ [ [numpy.zeros([self.shells[ish][3], n_orbitals[ik][isp]], numpy.complex_)
# for ir in range(n_parproj[ish])]
# for ish in range (self.n_shells) ]
# for isp in range(self.n_spin_blocs) ]
# for ik in range(n_k) ]
proj_mat_pc = numpy.zeros([n_k,self.n_spin_blocs,self.n_shells,max(n_parproj),max(numpy.array(self.shells)[:,3]),max(n_orbitals)],numpy.complex_)
@ -439,7 +399,7 @@ class Wien2kConverter:
proj_mat_pc[ik,isp,ish,ir,i,j] += 1j * R.next()
except StopIteration : # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted.
raise "SumkLDA : reading file HMLT_file failed!"
raise "Wien2k_converter : reading file band_file failed!"
# reading done!
@ -448,18 +408,11 @@ class Wien2kConverter:
# Store the input into HDF5:
ar = HDFArchive(self.hdf_file,'a')
if not (self.bands_subgrp in ar): ar.create_group(self.bands_subgrp)
# The subgroup containing the data. If it does not exist, it is created.
# If it exists, the data is overwritten!!!
thingstowrite = ['n_k','n_orbitals','proj_mat','hopping','n_parproj','proj_mat_pc']
for it in thingstowrite: exec "ar['%s']['%s'] = %s"%(self.bands_subgrp,it,it)
#ar[self.bands_subgrp]['n_k'] = n_k
#ar[self.bands_subgrp]['n_orbitals'] = n_orbitals
#ar[self.bands_subgrp]['proj_mat'] = proj_mat
#self.proj_mat = proj_mat
#self.n_orbitals = n_orbitals
#self.n_k = n_k
#self.hopping = hopping
del ar
@ -501,7 +454,7 @@ class Wien2kConverter:
mat[in_s][orb][i,j] += 1j * R.next() # imaginary part
# determine the inequivalent shells:
mat_tinv = [numpy.identity(orbits[orb][3],numpy.complex_)
for orb in range(n_orbits)]
@ -519,7 +472,7 @@ class Wien2kConverter:
except StopIteration : # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted.
raise "Symmetry : reading file failed!"
raise "Wien2k_converter : reading file symm_file failed!"

View File

@ -21,18 +21,16 @@
from types import *
#from pytriqs.applications.dft.symmetry import *
from symmetry import *
import numpy
import pytriqs.utility.dichotomy as dichotomy
from pytriqs.gf.local import *
#from pytriqs.applications.impurity_solvers.operators import *
from pytriqs.operators import *
from pytriqs.archive import *
import pytriqs.utility.mpi as mpi
from math import cos,sin
# FIXME PS: These two aren't used it seems
from pytriqs.operators.operators2 import *
import string, pickle
class SumkLDA:
@ -65,20 +63,16 @@ class SumkLDA:
optional_things = ['gf_struct_solver','map_inv','map','chemical_potential','dc_imp','dc_energ','deg_shells']
#del ar
self.retval = self.read_input_from_hdf(subgrp=self.lda_data,things_to_read=things_to_read,optional_things=optional_things)
#del ar
if (self.SO) and (abs(self.h_field)>0.000001):
mpi.report("For SO, the external magnetic field is not implemented, setting it to 0!!")
self.inequiv_shells(self.corr_shells) # determine the number of inequivalent correlated shells
# determine the number of inequivalent correlated shells (self.n_inequiv_corr_shells)
# and related maps (self.shellmap, self.invshellmap)
# field to convert block_names to indices
self.names_to_ind = [{}, {}]
@ -92,9 +86,10 @@ class SumkLDA:
if not (self.retval['gf_struct_solver']):
# No gf_struct was stored in HDF, so first set a standard one:
self.gf_struct_solver = [ [ (al, range( self.corr_shells[self.invshellmap[i]][3]) )
for al in self.block_names[self.corr_shells[self.invshellmap[i]][4]] ]
for i in xrange(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells) ]
self.gf_struct_solver = [ dict([ (al, range(self.corr_shells[self.invshellmap[i]][3]) )
for al in self.block_names[self.corr_shells[self.invshellmap[i]][4]] ])
for i in range(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells)
self.map = [ {} for i in xrange(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells) ]
self.map_inv = [ {} for i in xrange(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells) ]
for i in xrange(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells):
@ -116,7 +111,7 @@ class SumkLDA:
#mpi.report("Do the init for symm:")
self.Symm_corr = Symmetry(hdf_file,subgroup=self.symm_corr_data)
# determine the smallest blocs, if wanted:
# Analyse the block structure and determine the smallest blocs, if desired
if (use_lda_blocks): dm=self.analyse_BS()
@ -235,8 +230,7 @@ class SumkLDA:
gf_rotated = gf_to_rotate.copy()
if (direction=='toGlobal'):
#if (self.rot_mat_time_inv[icrsh]==1): gf_rotated <<= gf_rotated.transpose()
if ((self.rot_mat_time_inv[icrsh]==1) and (self.SO)):
gf_rotated <<= gf_rotated.transpose()
@ -244,6 +238,7 @@ class SumkLDA:
elif (direction=='toLocal'):
if ((self.rot_mat_time_inv[icrsh]==1)and(self.SO)):
gf_rotated <<= gf_rotated.transpose()
@ -266,25 +261,52 @@ class SumkLDA:
stmp = self.add_dc()
beta = self.Sigma_imp[0].mesh.beta #override beta if Sigma is present
if (self.Gupf is None):
# first setting up of Gupf
BS = [ range(self.n_orbitals[ik,ntoi[ib]]) for ib in bln ]
gf_struct = [ (bln[ib], BS[ib]) for ib in range(self.n_spin_blocks_gf[self.SO]) ]
a_list = [a for a,al in gf_struct]
if (with_Sigma): #take the mesh from Sigma if necessary
glist = lambda : [ GfImFreq(indices = al, mesh = self.Sigma_imp[0].mesh) for a,al in gf_struct]
glist = lambda : [ GfImFreq(indices = al, beta = beta) for a,al in gf_struct]
self.Gupf = BlockGf(name_list = a_list, block_list = glist(),make_copies=False)
self.Gupf_id = self.Gupf.copy()
self.Gupf_id <<= iOmega_n
# if (self.Gupf is None):
# # first setting up of Gupf
# BS = [ range(self.n_orbitals[ik,ntoi[ib]]) for ib in bln ]
# gf_struct = [ (bln[ib], BS[ib]) for ib in range(self.n_spin_blocks_gf[self.SO]) ]
# a_list = [a for a,al in gf_struct]
# if (with_Sigma): #take the mesh from Sigma if necessary
# glist = lambda : [ GfImFreq(indices = al, mesh = self.Sigma_imp[0].mesh) for a,al in gf_struct]
# else:
# glist = lambda : [ GfImFreq(indices = al, beta = beta) for a,al in gf_struct]
# self.Gupf = BlockGf(name_list = a_list, block_list = glist(),make_copies=False)
# self.Gupf.zero()
# self.Gupf_id = self.Gupf.copy()
# self.Gupf_id <<= iOmega_n
# GFsize = [ gf.N1 for sig,gf in self.Gupf]
# unchangedsize = all( [ self.n_orbitals[ik,ntoi[bln[ib]]]==GFsize[ib]
# for ib in range(self.n_spin_blocks_gf[self.SO]) ] )
# if ((not unchangedsize)or(self.Gupf.mesh.beta!=beta)):
# BS = [ range(self.n_orbitals[ik,ntoi[ib]]) for ib in bln ]
# gf_struct = [ (bln[ib], BS[ib]) for ib in range(self.n_spin_blocks_gf[self.SO]) ]
# a_list = [a for a,al in gf_struct]
# if (with_Sigma):
# glist = lambda : [ GfImFreq(indices = al, mesh = self.Sigma_imp[0].mesh) for a,al in gf_struct]
# else:
# glist = lambda : [ GfImFreq(indices = al, beta = beta) for a,al in gf_struct]
# self.Gupf = BlockGf(name_list = a_list, block_list = glist(),make_copies=False)
# self.Gupf.zero()
# self.Gupf_id = self.Gupf.copy()
# self.Gupf_id <<= iOmega_n
# FIXME PS Remove commented out code above if this works
# Do we need to set up Gupf?
set_up_Gupf = False
if self.Gupf == None:
set_up_Gupf = True
GFsize = [ gf.N1 for sig,gf in self.Gupf]
unchangedsize = all( [ self.n_orbitals[ik,ntoi[bln[ib]]]==GFsize[ib]
for ib in range(self.n_spin_blocks_gf[self.SO]) ] )
if ((not unchangedsize)or(self.Gupf.mesh.beta!=beta)): set_up_Gupf = True
GFsize = [ gf.N1 for sig,gf in self.Gupf]
unchangedsize = all( [ self.n_orbitals[ik,ntoi[bln[ib]]]==GFsize[ib]
for ib in range(self.n_spin_blocks_gf[self.SO]) ] )
if ((not unchangedsize)or(self.Gupf.mesh.beta!=beta)):
# Set up Gupf
if set_up_Gupf:
BS = [ range(self.n_orbitals[ik,ntoi[ib]]) for ib in bln ]
gf_struct = [ (bln[ib], BS[ib]) for ib in range(self.n_spin_blocks_gf[self.SO]) ]
a_list = [a for a,al in gf_struct]
@ -296,10 +318,9 @@ class SumkLDA:
self.Gupf_id = self.Gupf.copy()
self.Gupf_id <<= iOmega_n
idmat = [numpy.identity(self.n_orbitals[ik,ntoi[bl]],numpy.complex_) for bl in bln]
#for ibl in range(self.n_spin_blocks_gf[self.SO]): mupat[ibl] *= mu
self.Gupf <<= self.Gupf_id
M = copy.deepcopy(idmat)
@ -455,7 +476,7 @@ class SumkLDA:
def analyse_BS(self, threshold = 0.00001, include_shells = None, dm = None):
""" Determines the Greens function block structure from the simple point integration"""
""" Determines the Green function block structure from simple point integration."""
if (dm==None): dm = self.simple_point_dens_mat()
@ -464,8 +485,7 @@ class SumkLDA:
if include_shells is None: include_shells=range(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells)
for ish in include_shells:
self.gf_struct_solver[ish] = []
self.gf_struct_solver[ish] = {}
gf_struct_temp = []
a_list = [a for a,al in self.gf_struct_corr[self.invshellmap[ish]] ]
@ -496,16 +516,16 @@ class SumkLDA:
for i in range(NBlocs):
self.gf_struct_solver[ish].append( ('%s%s'%(a,i),range(len(blocs[i]))) )
gf_struct_temp.append( ('%s%s'%(a,i),blocs[i]) )
self.gf_struct_solver[ish].update( [('%s_%s'%(a,i),range(len(blocs[i])))] )
gf_struct_temp.append( ('%s_%s'%(a,i),blocs[i]) )
# map is the mapping of the blocs from the SK blocs to the CTQMC blocs:
self.map[ish][a] = range(len(dmbool))
for ibl in range(NBlocs):
for j in range(len(blocs[ibl])):
self.map[ish][a][blocs[ibl][j]] = '%s%s'%(a,ibl)
self.map_inv[ish]['%s%s'%(a,ibl)] = a
self.map[ish][a][blocs[ibl][j]] = '%s_%s'%(a,ibl)
self.map_inv[ish]['%s_%s'%(a,ibl)] = a
# now calculate degeneracies of orbitals:
@ -638,29 +658,12 @@ class SumkLDA:
def set_lichtenstein_dc(self,Sigma_imp):
"""Sets a double counting term according to Lichtenstein et al. PRL2001"""
assert 0,"Lichtenstein DC not supported any more!"
def set_dc(self,dens_mat,U_interact,J_hund,orb=0,use_dc_formula=0,use_val=None):
"""Sets the double counting term for inequiv orbital orb
use_dc_formula=0: LDA+U FLL double counting, use_dc_formula=1: Held's formula.
use_dc_formula=2: AMF
Be sure that you use the correct interaction Hamiltonian!"""
#if (not hasattr(self,"dc_imp")): self.__init_dc()
#dm = [ {} for i in xrange(self.n_corr_shells)]
#for i in xrange(self.n_corr_shells):
# l = self.corr_shells[i][3] #*(1+self.corr_shells[i][4])
# for j in xrange(len(self.gf_struct_corr[i])):
# dm[i]['%s'%self.gf_struct_corr[i][j][0]] = numpy.zeros([l,l],numpy.float_)
"""Sets the double counting term for inequiv orbital orb:
use_dc_formula=0: LDA+U FLL double counting,
use_dc_formula=1: Held's formula,
use_dc_formula=2: AMF.
Be sure that you are using the correct interaction Hamiltonian!"""
for icrsh in xrange(self.n_corr_shells):
@ -677,13 +680,10 @@ class SumkLDA:
blname = self.gf_struct_corr[icrsh][j][0]
Ncr[blname] = 0.0
for a,al in self.gf_struct_solver[iorb]:
#for bl in self.map[iorb][blname]:
for a,al in self.gf_struct_solver[iorb].iteritems():
bl = self.map_inv[iorb][a]
#print 'bl, valiue = ',bl,dens_mat[a].real.trace()
Ncr[bl] += dens_mat[a].real.trace()
#print 'Ncr=',Ncr
M = self.corr_shells[icrsh][3]
Ncrtot = 0.0
@ -702,26 +702,22 @@ class SumkLDA:
if (use_val is None):
if (use_dc_formula==0):
if (use_dc_formula==0): # FLL
self.dc_energ[icrsh] = U_interact / 2.0 * Ncrtot * (Ncrtot-1.0)
for bl in a_list:
Uav = U_interact*(Ncrtot-0.5) - J_hund*(Ncr[bl] - 0.5)
self.dc_imp[icrsh][bl] *= Uav
self.dc_energ[icrsh] -= J_hund / 2.0 * (Ncr[bl]) * (Ncr[bl]-1.0)
mpi.report("DC for shell %(icrsh)i and block %(bl)s = %(Uav)f"%locals())
elif (use_dc_formula==1):
elif (use_dc_formula==1): # Held's formula, with U_interact the interorbital onsite interaction
self.dc_energ[icrsh] = (U_interact + (M-1)*(U_interact-2.0*J_hund) + (M-1)*(U_interact-3.0*J_hund))/(2*M-1) / 2.0 * Ncrtot * (Ncrtot-1.0)
#self.dc_energ[icrsh] = (U_interact + J_hund * (2.0-(M-1)) / (2*M-1) ) / 2.0 * Ncrtot * (Ncrtot-1.0)
for bl in a_list:
# Held's formula, with U_interact the interorbital onsite interaction
Uav =(U_interact + (M-1)*(U_interact-2.0*J_hund) + (M-1)*(U_interact-3.0*J_hund))/(2*M-1) * (Ncrtot-0.5)
#Uav = (U_interact + J_hund * (2.0-(M-1)) / (2*M-1) ) * (Ncrtot-0.5)
self.dc_imp[icrsh][bl] *= Uav
mpi.report("DC for shell %(icrsh)i and block %(bl)s = %(Uav)f"%locals())
elif (use_dc_formula==2):
elif (use_dc_formula==2): # AMF
self.dc_energ[icrsh] = 0.5 * U_interact * Ncrtot * Ncrtot
for bl in a_list:
Uav = U_interact*(Ncrtot - Ncr[bl]/M) - J_hund * (Ncr[bl] - Ncr[bl]/M)
self.dc_imp[icrsh][bl] *= Uav
self.dc_energ[icrsh] -= (U_interact + (M-1)*J_hund)/M * 0.5 * Ncr[bl] * Ncr[bl]
@ -747,7 +743,7 @@ class SumkLDA:
def find_dc(self,orb,guess,dens_mat,dens_req=None,precision=0.01):
"""searches for DC in order to fulfill charge neutrality.
"""Searches for DC in order to fulfill charge neutrality.
If dens_req is given, then DC is set such that the LOCAL charge of orbital
orb coincides with dens_req."""
@ -806,20 +802,18 @@ class SumkLDA:
for blname in self.map[s]:
cnt[blname] = 0
for a,al in self.gf_struct_solver[s]:
for a,al in self.gf_struct_solver[s].iteritems():
blname = self.map_inv[s][a]
map_ind[a] = range(len(al))
for i in al:
map_ind[a][i] = cnt[blname]
for ibl in range(len(self.gf_struct_solver[s])):
for i in range(len(self.gf_struct_solver[s][ibl][1])):
for j in range(len(self.gf_struct_solver[s][ibl][1])):
bl = self.gf_struct_solver[s][ibl][0]
ind1 = self.gf_struct_solver[s][ibl][1][i]
ind2 = self.gf_struct_solver[s][ibl][1][j]
for bl, orblist in self.gf_struct_solver[s].iteritems():
for i in range(len(orblist)):
for j in range(len(orblist)):
ind1 = orblist[i]
ind2 = orblist[j]
ind1_imp = map_ind[bl][ind1]
ind2_imp = map_ind[bl][ind2]
self.Sigma_imp[icrsh][self.map_inv[s][bl]][ind1_imp,ind2_imp] <<= Sigma_imp[s][bl][ind1,ind2]
@ -984,7 +978,7 @@ class SumkLDA:
def extract_G_loc(self, mu=None, with_Sigma = True):
extracts the local downfolded Green function at the chemical potential of the class.
At the end, the local G is rotated from the gloabl coordinate system to the local system.
At the end, the local G is rotated from the global coordinate system to the local system.
if with_Sigma = False: Sigma is not included => non-interacting local GF
@ -1023,7 +1017,7 @@ class SumkLDA:
for sig,gf in Gloc[icrsh]: Gloc[icrsh][sig] <<= self.rotloc(icrsh,gf,direction='toLocal')
# transform to CTQMC blocks:
Glocret = [ BlockGf( name_block_generator = [ (a,GfImFreq(indices = al, mesh = Gloc[0].mesh)) for a,al in self.gf_struct_solver[i] ],
Glocret = [ BlockGf( name_block_generator = [ (a,GfImFreq(indices = al, mesh = Gloc[0].mesh)) for a,al in self.gf_struct_solver[i].iteritems() ],
make_copies = False) for i in xrange(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells) ]
for ish in xrange(self.n_inequiv_corr_shells):
@ -1033,20 +1027,18 @@ class SumkLDA:
for blname in self.map[ish]:
cnt[blname] = 0
for a,al in self.gf_struct_solver[ish]:
for a,al in self.gf_struct_solver[ish].iteritems():
blname = self.map_inv[ish][a]
map_ind[a] = range(len(al))
for i in al:
map_ind[a][i] = cnt[blname]
for ibl in range(len(self.gf_struct_solver[ish])):
for i in range(len(self.gf_struct_solver[ish][ibl][1])):
for j in range(len(self.gf_struct_solver[ish][ibl][1])):
bl = self.gf_struct_solver[ish][ibl][0]
ind1 = self.gf_struct_solver[ish][ibl][1][i]
ind2 = self.gf_struct_solver[ish][ibl][1][j]
for bl, orblist in self.gf_struct_solver[ish].iteritems():
for i in range(len(orblist)):
for j in range(len(orblist)):
ind1 = orblist[i]
ind2 = orblist[j]
ind1_imp = map_ind[bl][ind1]
ind2_imp = map_ind[bl][ind2]
Glocret[ish][bl][ind1,ind2] <<= Gloc[self.invshellmap[ish]][self.map_inv[ish][bl]][ind1_imp,ind2_imp]

View File

@ -24,23 +24,17 @@ from types import *
import numpy
import pytriqs.utility.dichotomy as dichotomy
from pytriqs.gf.local import *
#from pytriqs.applications.impurity_solvers.operators import *
from pytriqs.operators import *
import pytriqs.utility.mpi as mpi
from datetime import datetime
#from pytriqs.applications.dft.symmetry import *
#from pytriqs.applications.dft.sumk_lda import SumkLDA
from symmetry import *
from sumk_lda import SumkLDA
import string
def read_fortran_file (filename):
""" Returns a generator that yields all numbers in the Fortran file as float, one by one"""
import os.path
if not(os.path.exists(filename)) : raise IOError, "File %s does not exists"%filename
if not(os.path.exists(filename)) : raise IOError, "File %s does not exist."%filename
for line in open(filename,'r') :
for x in line.replace('D','E').split() :
yield string.atof(x)
@ -516,13 +510,15 @@ class SumkLDATools(SumkLDA):
def constr_Sigma_real_axis(self, filename, hdf=True, hdf_dataset='SigmaReFreq',n_om=0,orb=0, tol_mesh=1e-6):
"""Uses Data from files to construct Sigma (or GF) on the real axis."""
if not hdf:
# read sigma from text files
#first get the mesh out of one of the files:
if (len(self.gf_struct_solver[orb][0][1])==1):
Fname = filename+'_'+self.gf_struct_solver[orb][0][0]+'.dat'
if not hdf: # then read sigma from text files
# first get the mesh out of any one of the files:
bl = self.gf_struct_solver[orb].items()[0][0] # block name
ol = self.gf_struct_solver[orb].items()[0][1] # list of orbital indices
if (len(ol)==1): # if blocks are of size one
Fname = filename+'_'+bl+'.dat'
Fname = filename+'_'+self.gf_struct_solver[orb][0][0]+'/'+str(self.gf_struct_solver[orb][0][1][0])+'_'+str(self.gf_struct_solver[orb][0][1][0])+'.dat'
Fname = filename+'_'+bl+'/'+str(ol[0])+'_'+str(ol[0])+'.dat'
R = read_fortran_file(Fname)
mesh = numpy.zeros([n_om],numpy.float_)
@ -542,12 +538,11 @@ class SumkLDATools(SumkLDA):
assert abs(i*bin+mesh[0]-mesh[i]) < tol_mesh, 'constr_Sigma_ME: real-axis mesh is non-uniform!'
# construct Sigma
a_list = [a for a,al in self.gf_struct_solver[orb]]
glist = lambda : [ GfReFreq(indices = al, window=(mesh[0],mesh[n_om-1]),n_points=n_om) for a,al in self.gf_struct_solver[orb]]
a_list = [a for a,al in self.gf_struct_solver[orb].iteritems()]
glist = lambda : [ GfReFreq(indices = al, window=(mesh[0],mesh[n_om-1]),n_points=n_om) for a,al in self.gf_struct_solver[orb].iteritems()]
SigmaME = BlockGf(name_list = a_list, block_list = glist(),make_copies=False)
#read Sigma
for i,g in SigmaME:
mesh=[w for w in g.mesh]
for iL in g.indices:
@ -568,9 +563,8 @@ class SumkLDATools(SumkLDA):
else: # read sigma from hdf
# read sigma from hdf
@ -588,8 +582,8 @@ class SumkLDATools(SumkLDA):
# construct Sigma on other nodes
if (not mpi.is_master_node()):
a_list = [a for a,al in self.gf_struct_solver[orb]]
glist = lambda : [ GfReFreq(indices = al, window=(omega_min,omega_max),n_points=n_om) for a,al in self.gf_struct_solver[orb]]
a_list = [a for a,al in self.gf_struct_solver[orb].iteritems()]
glist = lambda : [ GfReFreq(indices = al, window=(omega_min,omega_max),n_points=n_om) for a,al in self.gf_struct_solver[orb].iteritems()]
SigmaME = BlockGf(name_list = a_list, block_list = glist(),make_copies=False)
# pass SigmaME to other nodes
SigmaME = mpi.bcast(SigmaME)
@ -673,5 +667,3 @@ class SumkLDATools(SumkLDA):
for isp in range(len(bln)) ]
return dens_mat

View File

@ -107,10 +107,6 @@ class Symmetry:
if (isinstance(obj[0],BlockGf)):
#if l==0:
# symm_obj[jorb] += obj[iorb]
tmp = obj[iorb].copy()
if (self.time_inv[in_s]): tmp <<= tmp.transpose()
for sig,gf in tmp: tmp[sig].from_L_G_R(self.mat[in_s][iorb],tmp[sig],self.mat[in_s][iorb].conjugate().transpose())
@ -122,9 +118,6 @@ class Symmetry:
if (type(obj[iorb])==DictType):
for ii in obj[iorb]:
#if (l==0):
# symm_obj[jorb][ii] += obj[iorb][ii]/self.n_s
if (self.time_inv[in_s]==0):
symm_obj[jorb][ii] += numpy.dot(numpy.dot(self.mat[in_s][iorb],obj[iorb][ii]),
self.mat[in_s][iorb].conjugate().transpose()) / self.n_s
@ -135,9 +128,6 @@ class Symmetry:
#if (l==0):
# symm_obj[jorb] += obj[iorb]/self.n_s
if (self.time_inv[in_s]==0):
symm_obj[jorb] += numpy.dot(numpy.dot(self.mat[in_s][iorb],obj[iorb]),self.mat[in_s][iorb].conjugate().transpose()) / self.n_s

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import copy
import pytriqs.utility.mpi as mpi
class TransBasis:
'''Computates rotations into a new basis, in order to make certain quantities diagonal.'''
'''Computates rotations into a new basis in order to make certain quantities diagonal.'''
def __init__(self, SK=None, hdf_datafile=None):
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class TransBasis:
def rotate_gf(self,gf_to_rot):
'''rotates a given GF into the new basis'''
'''Rotates a given GF into the new basis.'''
# build a full GF
gfrotated = BlockGf( name_block_generator = [ (a,GfImFreq(indices = al, mesh = gf_to_rot.mesh)) for a,al in self.SK.gf_struct_corr[0] ], make_copies = False)
@ -78,12 +78,11 @@ class TransBasis:
# transform the CTQMC blocks to the full matrix:
s = self.SK.shellmap[0] # s is the index of the inequivalent shell corresponding to icrsh
for ibl in range(len(self.SK.gf_struct_solver[s])):
for i in range(len(self.SK.gf_struct_solver[s][ibl][1])):
for j in range(len(self.SK.gf_struct_solver[s][ibl][1])):
bl = self.SK.gf_struct_solver[s][ibl][0]
ind1 = self.SK.gf_struct_solver[s][ibl][1][i]
ind2 = self.SK.gf_struct_solver[s][ibl][1][j]
for bl, orblist in self.gf_struct_solver[s].iteritems():
for i in range(len(orblist)):
for j in range(len(orblist)):
ind1 = orblist[i]
ind2 = orblist[j]
gfrotated[self.SK.map_inv[s][bl]][ind1,ind2] <<= gf_to_rot[bl][ind1,ind2]
# Rotate using the matrix w
@ -92,19 +91,18 @@ class TransBasis:
gfreturn = gf_to_rot.copy()
# Put back into CTQMC basis:
for ibl in range(len(self.SK.gf_struct_solver[0])):
for i in range(len(self.SK.gf_struct_solver[0][ibl][1])):
for j in range(len(self.SK.gf_struct_solver[0][ibl][1])):
bl = self.SK.gf_struct_solver[0][ibl][0]
ind1 = self.SK.gf_struct_solver[0][ibl][1][i]
ind2 = self.SK.gf_struct_solver[0][ibl][1][j]
for bl, orblist in self.gf_struct_solver[s].iteritems():
for i in range(len(orblist)):
for j in range(len(orblist)):
ind1 = orblist[i]
ind2 = orblist[j]
gfreturn[bl][ind1,ind2] <<= gfrotated[self.SK.map_inv[0][bl]][ind1,ind2]
return gfreturn
def write_trans_file(self, filename):
'''writes the new transformation into a file, readable for dmftproj.'''
'''Writes the new transformation into a file readable by dmftproj.'''
@ -158,6 +156,3 @@ class TransBasis:
#MPI.report("SO not implemented!")