mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 06:14:14 +01:00
clef. Clean evaluator when producing temporaries...
- When evaluation produces temporaries in intermediate steps, they were capture by ref, not properly forwarded. This results in bugs in more complex cases, like evaluation of objects returning new arrays expression template. (preparation for next commit).
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,21 +46,23 @@ namespace triqs { namespace clef {
template<typename T> struct force_copy_in_expr<T const> : force_copy_in_expr<T>{};
template< class T > struct expr_storage_t {typedef T type;};
template< class T > struct expr_storage_t<T&> : std::conditional<force_copy_in_expr<T>::value, T ,std::reference_wrapper<T>>{};
template< class T > struct expr_storage_t<T&> : std::conditional<force_copy_in_expr<T>::value, typename std::remove_const<T>::type ,std::reference_wrapper<T>>{};
template< class T > struct expr_storage_t<T&&> {typedef T type;};
template< class T > struct expr_storage_t<const T&&> {typedef T type;};
template< class T > struct expr_storage_t<const T> {typedef T type;};
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Placeholder and corresponding traits
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<int i, typename T> class pair; // forward
// a placeholder is an empty struct, labelled by an int.
// a placeholder is an empty struct, labelled by an int.
template<int N> struct placeholder {
static_assert( (N>=0) && (N<64) , "Placeholder number limited to [0,63]");
static constexpr int index = N;
template <typename RHS> pair<N,RHS> operator = (RHS && rhs) { return {std::forward<RHS>(rhs)};}
// placeholder will always be copied (they are empty anyway).
template< int N > struct force_copy_in_expr<placeholder<N>> : std::true_type{};
@ -90,11 +92,11 @@ namespace triqs { namespace clef {
std::integral_constant<bool, is_any_lazy<T>::value || is_any_lazy<Args...>::value> {};
template<typename T>
constexpr bool ClefExpression() { return is_any_lazy<T>::value;}
constexpr bool ClefExpression() { return is_any_lazy<T>::value;}
template<typename T> struct is_clef_expression : is_any_lazy<T>{};
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Node of the expression tree
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<typename Tag, typename... T> struct expr {
@ -136,7 +138,7 @@ namespace triqs { namespace clef {
template<typename Tag> struct operation;
// a little function to clean the reference_wrapper
template<typename U> U & _cl(U & x) { return x;}
template<typename U> U _cl(U && x) { return std::forward<U>(x);}
template<typename U> U & _cl(std::reference_wrapper<U> x) { return x.get();}
/// Terminal
@ -156,7 +158,7 @@ namespace triqs { namespace clef {
namespace tags { struct TAG : binary_op { static const char * name() { return BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(OP);} };}\
template<> struct operation<tags::TAG> {\
template<typename L, typename R> auto operator()(L const & l, R const & r) const DECL_AND_RETURN ( _cl(l) OP _cl(r));\
template<typename L, typename R> auto operator()(L && l, R && r) const DECL_AND_RETURN ( _cl(std::forward<L>(l)) OP _cl(std::forward<R>(r)));\
template<typename L, typename R>\
typename std::enable_if<is_any_lazy<L,R>::value, expr<tags::TAG,typename expr_storage_t<L>::type,typename expr_storage_t<R>::type> >::type \
@ -189,7 +191,9 @@ namespace triqs { namespace clef {
/// the only ternary node : expression if
template<> struct operation<tags::if_else> {
template<typename C, typename A, typename B> auto operator()(C const & c, A const & a, B const & b) const DECL_AND_RETURN (_cl(c) ? _cl(a): _cl(b));
// A and B MUST be the same
template<typename C, typename A, typename B> A operator()(C const & c, A const & a, B const & b) const {return _cl(c) ? _cl(a): _cl(b);}
//template<typename C, typename A, typename B> auto operator()(C const & c, A const & a, B const & b) const DECL_AND_RETURN (_cl(c) ? _cl(a): _cl(b));
// operator is : if_else( Condition, A, B)
template<typename C, typename A, typename B>
@ -199,79 +203,76 @@ namespace triqs { namespace clef {
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Evaluation of the expression tree.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<typename ... T> struct _or;
template<typename T0, typename ... T> struct _or<T0,T...> : std::integral_constant<bool,T0::value || _or<T...>::value>{};
template<> struct _or<> : std::false_type{};
template<typename Tag, bool IsLazy, typename... Args> struct operation2;
template<typename Tag, typename... Args> struct operation2<Tag, true, Args...> {
typedef expr<Tag,typename remove_cv_ref<Args>::type ...> rtype;
rtype operator()(Args const & ... args) const {return rtype {Tag(), args...};}
template<typename Tag, typename... Args> struct operation2<Tag, false, Args...> {
typedef typename std::remove_reference<typename std::result_of<operation<Tag>(Args...)>::type>::type rtype;
// remove the reference because of ternary if_else in which decltype returns a ref...
rtype operator()(Args const & ... args) const {return operation<Tag>()(args...); }
// Generic case : do nothing (for the leaf of the tree except placeholder)
// Generic case : do nothing (for the leaf of the tree including placeholder)
template<typename T, typename ... Pairs> struct evaluator{
typedef T rtype;
rtype operator()(T const & k, Pairs const &... pairs) {return k;}
typedef is_any_lazy<T> is_lazy;
T operator()(T const & k, Pairs const &... pairs) { return k;}
// placeholder
template<int N, int i, typename T, typename... Pairs> struct evaluator< placeholder<N>, pair<i,T>, Pairs... > {
typedef evaluator< placeholder<N>, Pairs...> eval_t;
typedef typename eval_t::rtype rtype;
rtype operator()(placeholder<N>, pair<i,T> const &, Pairs const& ... pairs) { return eval_t()(placeholder<N>(), pairs...);}
typedef typename eval_t::is_lazy is_lazy;
auto operator()(placeholder<N>, pair<i,T> const &, Pairs const& ... pairs) DECL_AND_RETURN( eval_t()(placeholder<N>(), pairs...));
template<int N, typename T, typename... Pairs> struct evaluator< placeholder<N>, pair<N,T>, Pairs... > {
typedef T const & rtype;
//typedef typename pair<N,T>::value_type const & rtype;
rtype operator()(placeholder<N>, pair<N,T> const & p, Pairs const& ...) { return p.rhs;}
typedef std::false_type is_lazy;
T operator()(placeholder<N>, pair<N,T> const & p, Pairs const& ...) { return p.rhs;}
template<typename Tag, bool IsLazy> struct operation2;
template<typename Tag> struct operation2<Tag, true> {
template<typename... Args>
expr<Tag,typename remove_cv_ref<Args>::type ...> operator()(Args && ... args) const {
return {Tag(), std::forward<Args>(args)...};
template<typename Tag> struct operation2<Tag, false> {
template<typename... Args>
auto operator()(Args && ... args) const DECL_AND_RETURN( operation<Tag>()(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
void operator() (...) const {}
// general expr node
template<typename Tag, typename... Childs, typename... Pairs> struct evaluator<expr<Tag, Childs...>, Pairs...> {
typedef operation2<Tag, is_any_lazy<typename evaluator<Childs, Pairs...>::rtype... >::value, typename evaluator<Childs, Pairs...>::rtype... > OPTYPE;
typedef typename OPTYPE::rtype rtype;
template<int arity, typename Expr, typename... Pairs> struct evaluator_node_gal;
template<typename Tag, typename... Childs, typename... Pairs> struct evaluator_node_gal<1, expr<Tag, Childs...>, Pairs...> {
typedef _or<typename evaluator<Childs, Pairs...>::is_lazy... > is_lazy;
typedef operation2<Tag, is_lazy::value > OPTYPE;
auto operator()(expr<Tag, Childs...> const & ex, Pairs const & ... pairs) const
DECL_AND_RETURN (OPTYPE()(eval(std::get<0>(ex.childs),pairs...)));
template<typename Tag, typename... Childs, typename... Pairs> struct evaluator_node_gal<2, expr<Tag, Childs...>, Pairs...> {
typedef _or<typename evaluator<Childs, Pairs...>::is_lazy... > is_lazy;
typedef operation2<Tag, is_lazy::value > OPTYPE;
auto operator()(expr<Tag, Childs...> const & ex, Pairs const & ... pairs) const
DECL_AND_RETURN (OPTYPE()(eval(std::get<0>(ex.childs),pairs...),eval(std::get<1>(ex.childs),pairs...)));
// first done manually for clearer error messages ...
template< int arity = sizeof...(Childs)>
typename std::enable_if< arity==1, rtype>::type
operator()(expr<Tag, Childs...> const & ex, Pairs const & ... pairs) const
{ return OPTYPE()(eval(std::get<0>(ex.childs),pairs...) );}
template< int arity = sizeof...(Childs)>
typename std::enable_if< arity==2, rtype>::type
operator()(expr<Tag, Childs...> const & ex, Pairs const & ... pairs) const
{ return OPTYPE()(eval(std::get<0>(ex.childs),pairs...),eval(std::get<1>(ex.childs),pairs...) );}
#define AUX(z,p,unused) eval(std::get<p>(ex.childs),pairs...)
#define IMPL(z, NN, unused) \
template< int arity = sizeof...(Childs)>\
typename std::enable_if< arity==NN, rtype>::type\
operator()(expr<Tag, Childs...> const & ex, Pairs const & ... pairs) const\
{ return OPTYPE()(BOOST_PP_ENUM(NN,AUX,nil));}
template<typename Tag, typename... Childs, typename... Pairs> struct evaluator_node_gal<NN, expr<Tag, Childs...>, Pairs...> {\
typedef _or<typename evaluator<Childs, Pairs...>::is_lazy... > is_lazy;\
typedef operation2<Tag, is_lazy::value > OPTYPE;\
auto operator()(expr<Tag, Childs...> const & ex, Pairs const & ... pairs) const\
#undef AUX
#undef IMPL
// A short circuit if intersection of ph and is 0, no need to evaluate the whole tree......
// Seems useless, && the second eval is not correct if hte expression is a terminal.
template<typename T, typename... Pairs>
typename std::enable_if< (ph_set<T>::value & ph_set<Pairs...>::value) !=0, typename evaluator<T,Pairs...>::rtype > ::type
eval (T const & ex, Pairs const &... pairs) { return evaluator<T, Pairs...>()(ex, pairs...); }
template<typename Tag, typename... Childs, typename... Pairs>
struct evaluator<expr<Tag, Childs...>, Pairs...> : evaluator_node_gal<sizeof...(Childs), expr<Tag, Childs...>, Pairs...>{};
template<typename T, typename... Pairs>
typename std::enable_if< (ph_set<T>::value & ph_set<Pairs...>::value) ==0, T const &> ::type
eval (T const & ex, Pairs const &... pairs) { return ex;}
// The general eval function for expressions
template<typename T, typename... Pairs>
typename evaluator<T,Pairs...>::rtype
eval (T const & ex, Pairs const &... pairs) { return evaluator<T, Pairs...>()(ex, pairs...); }
auto eval (T const & ex, Pairs const &... pairs) DECL_AND_RETURN( evaluator<T, Pairs...>()(ex, pairs...));
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* make_function : transform an expression to a function
@ -284,17 +285,15 @@ namespace triqs { namespace clef {
// gcc 4.6 crashes (!!!) on the first variant
template<typename... Args>
typename evaluator<Expr,pair<Is,Args>...>::rtype
operator()(Args &&... args) const
{ return evaluator<Expr,pair<Is,Args>...>() ( ex, pair<Is,Args>{std::forward<Args>(args)}...); }
auto operator()(Args &&... args) const
DECL_AND_RETURN( evaluator<Expr,pair<Is,Args>...>() ( ex, pair<Is,Args>{std::forward<Args>(args)}...));
template<typename... Args> struct __eval {
typedef evaluator<Expr,pair<Is,Args>...> eval_t;
typedef typename eval_t::rtype rtype;
rtype operator()(Expr const &ex , Args &&... args) const { return eval_t() ( ex, pair<Is,Args>{std::forward<Args>(args)}...); }
auto operator()(Expr const &ex , Args &&... args) const DECL_AND_RETURN( return eval_t() ( ex, pair<Is,Args>{std::forward<Args>(args)}...));
template<typename... Args>
typename __eval<Args...>::rtype operator()(Args &&... args) const { return __eval<Args...>() ( ex, std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
auto operator()(Args &&... args) const DECL_AND_RETURN(return __eval<Args...>() ( ex, std::forward<Args>(args)...));
@ -307,12 +306,6 @@ namespace triqs { namespace clef {
template< typename Expr, int... Is> struct is_any_lazy<make_fun_impl<Expr,Is...> > : std::integral_constant<bool,ph_set<make_fun_impl<Expr,Is...>>::value !=0>{};
template< typename Expr, int... Is> struct force_copy_in_expr<make_fun_impl<Expr,Is...> > : std::true_type{};
template< typename Expr, int... Is,typename... Pairs> struct evaluator<make_fun_impl<Expr,Is...>, Pairs...> {
typedef evaluator<Expr,Pairs...> e_t;
typedef make_fun_impl<typename e_t::rtype, Is...> rtype;
rtype operator()(make_fun_impl<Expr,Is...> const & f, Pairs const & ... pairs) const { return rtype( e_t()(f.ex, pairs...));}
template< typename Expr, typename ... Phs>
make_fun_impl<typename remove_cv_ref <Expr>::type,Phs::index...>
make_function(Expr && ex, Phs...) { return {ex}; }
@ -323,11 +316,17 @@ namespace triqs { namespace clef {
template< typename Expr, int... Is,typename... Pairs> struct evaluator<make_fun_impl<Expr,Is...>, Pairs...> {
typedef evaluator<Expr,Pairs...> e_t;
typedef std::integral_constant<bool, ph_set< make_fun_impl<Expr,Is...> >::value != ph_set<Pairs...>::value> is_lazy;
auto operator()(make_fun_impl<Expr,Is...> const & f, Pairs const & ... pairs) const DECL_AND_RETURN( make_function( e_t()(f.ex, pairs...),placeholder<Is>()...));
template<int ... N> struct ph_list {};
template<int ... N> ph_list<N...> var( placeholder<N> ...) { return {};}
template<typename Expr, int ... N>
auto operator >> (ph_list<N...>, Expr const & ex) DECL_AND_RETURN( make_function(ex, placeholder<N>()...));
auto operator >> (ph_list<N...>, Expr const & ex) DECL_AND_RETURN( make_function(ex, placeholder<N>()...));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* make_function
@ -400,15 +399,15 @@ namespace triqs { namespace clef {
void operator<<(expr<tags::subscript, F, placeholder<Is>...> const & ex, RHS && rhs) {
triqs_clef_auto_assign_subscript(std::get<0>(ex.childs), make_function(std::forward<RHS>(rhs), placeholder<Is>()...));
template<typename F, typename RHS, int... Is>
template<typename F, typename RHS, int... Is>
void operator<<(expr<tags::subscript, F, placeholder<Is>...> && ex, RHS && rhs) {
triqs_clef_auto_assign_subscript(std::get<0>(ex.childs), make_function(std::forward<RHS>(rhs), placeholder<Is>()...));
template<typename F, typename RHS, typename... T>
template<typename F, typename RHS, typename... T>
void operator<<(expr<tags::subscript, F, T...> && ex, RHS && rhs) = delete;
template<typename F, typename RHS, typename... T>
template<typename F, typename RHS, typename... T>
void operator<<(expr<tags::subscript, F, T...> const & ex, RHS && rhs) = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -433,7 +432,7 @@ namespace triqs { namespace clef {
namespace _result_of {
template< typename Obj, typename... Args > struct make_expr_call :
std::enable_if< is_any_lazy<Args...>::value, expr<tags::function,typename expr_storage_t<Obj>::type, typename expr_storage_t<Args>::type ...> > {
static_assert (((arity<Obj>::value==-1) || (arity<Obj>::value == sizeof...(Args))), "Object called with a wrong number of arguments");
static_assert (((arity<Obj>::value==-1) || (arity<Obj>::value == sizeof...(Args))), "Object called with a wrong number of arguments");
template< typename Obj, typename... Args >
@ -477,7 +476,7 @@ namespace triqs { namespace clef {
auto operator()( Args&&... args ) const DECL_AND_RETURN(make_expr_call (*this,std::forward<Args>(args)...));
template< typename... Args>
typename _result_of::make_expr_call<function const & ,Args...>::type
typename _result_of::make_expr_call<function const & ,Args...>::type
operator()( Args&&... args ) const { return make_expr_call (*this,args...);}
@ -488,7 +487,7 @@ namespace triqs { namespace clef {
template<typename F> struct force_copy_in_expr <function<F>> : std::true_type{};
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The macro to make any function lazy
* TRIQS_CLEF_MAKE_FNT_LAZY (Arity,FunctionName ) : creates a new function in the triqs::lazy namespace
@ -504,7 +503,7 @@ namespace triqs { namespace clef {
struct __clef_lazy_method_impl_##name { \
TY * _x;\
template<typename... A> auto operator()(A&&... a) const DECL_AND_RETURN (_x->name(std::forward<A>(a)...));\
Reference in New Issue
Block a user