You can for instance change the following options:
*``CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX``: This is the directory :file:`path_to_TRIQS_install_directory` where you want to install TRIQS.
*``Build_CTHyb``: Build the continuous-time hybridization impurity solver.
*``Build_HubbardI``: Build a simple HubbardI solver.
*``Build_Wien2k``: Build the interface to **WIEN2K**.
*``Build_Documentation``: Get the documentation locally in :file:`path_to_TRIQS_install_directory/share/doc`.
You may change all other installation options (like locations of libraries, the choice of compilers, etc.) in the advanced mode, by typing 't' after having opened the *ccmake* interface.
After having corrected your options you may build, test and install TRIQS as described in :ref:`installation`.