2014-10-28 16:19:28 +01:00
* realfreq --> w?
* matsubara --> iw?
2014-10-31 18:52:32 +01:00
Changed the following:
* <<= --> <<
* retval -> read_value
* Gupf -> G_upfold
* read_symmetry_input -> convert_symmetry_input
2014-11-03 14:47:55 +01:00
* changed default h5 subgroup names
SumK_LDA -> dft_input
SymmCorr -> dft_symmcorr_input
SumK_LDA_ParProj -> dft_parproj_input
SymmPar -> dft_symmpar_input
def __init__(self, filename, lda_subgrp = 'SumK_LDA', symm_subgrp = 'SymmCorr', repacking = False):
def __init__(self, filename, lda_subgrp = 'dft_input', symm_subgrp = 'dft_symm_input', repacking = False):
declare all groupnames in init
symm_subgrp -> symmcorr_subgrp
symm_par_subgrp -> symmpar_subgrp
par_proj_subgrp -> parproj_subgrp
symm_data -> symmcorr_data
par_proj_data -> parproj_data
symm_par_data -> symmpar_data
2014-10-31 18:52:32 +01:00
* moved find_dc, find_mu_nonint, check_projectors, sorts_of_atoms,
number_of_atoms to end, not to be documented.
* replaced all instances of
exec "self.%s = mpi.bcast(self.%s)"%(it,it)
* replaced long archive saves in converters by setattr construction
* removed G_upfolded_id -- looked redundant