2018-08-07 11:35:29 +02:00
.. _convW90:
Wannier90 Converter
Using this converter it is possible to convert the output of
`wannier90 <http://wannier.org> `_
Maximally Localized Wannier Functions (MLWF) and create a HDF5 archive
suitable for one-shot DMFT calculations with the
:class: `SumkDFT <dft.sumk_dft.SumkDFT>` class.
The user must supply two files in order to run the Wannier90 Converter:
#. The file :file: `seedname_hr.dat` , which contains the DFT Hamiltonian
in the MLWF basis calculated through :program: `wannier90` with `` hr_plot = true ``
(please refer to the :program: `wannier90` documentation).
#. A file named :file: `seedname.inp` , which contains the required
information about the :math: `\mathbf{k}` -point mesh, the electron density,
the correlated shell structure, ... (see below).
Here and in the following, the keyword `` seedname `` should always be intended
as a placeholder for the actual prefix chosen by the user when creating the
input for :program: `wannier90` .
Once these two files are available, one can use the converter as follows::
from triqs_dft_tools.converters import Wannier90Converter
Converter = Wannier90Converter(seedname='seedname')
The converter input :file: `seedname.inp` is a simple text file with
the following format (do not use the text/comments in your input file):
.. literalinclude :: images_scripts/LaVO3_w90.inp
The example shows the input for the perovskite crystal of LaVO\ :sub: `3`
in the room-temperature `Pnma` symmetry. The unit cell contains four
symmetry-equivalent correlated sites (the V atoms) and the total number
of electrons per unit cell is 8 (see second line).
The first line specifies how to generate the :math: `\mathbf{k}` -point
mesh that will be used to obtain :math: `H(\mathbf{k})`
by Fourier transforming :math: `H(\mathbf{R})` .
Currently implemented options are:
* :math: `\Gamma` -centered uniform grid with dimensions
:math: `n_{k_x} \times n_{k_y} \times n_{k_z}` ;
specify `` 0 `` followed by the three grid dimensions,
like in the example above
* :math: `\Gamma` -centered uniform grid with dimensions
automatically determined by the converter (from the number of
:math: `\mathbf{R}` vectors found in :file: `seedname_hr.dat` );
just specify `` -1 ``
Inside :file: `seedname.inp` , it is crucial to correctly specify the
correlated shell structure, which depends on the contents of the
:program: `wannier90` output :file: `seedname_hr.dat` and on the order
of the MLWFs contained in it. In this example we have four lines for the
four V atoms. The MLWFs were constructed for the t\ :sub: `2g` subspace, and thus
we set `` l `` to 2 and `` dim `` to 3 for all V atoms. Further the spin-orbit coupling (`` SO `` )
is set to 0 and `` irep `` to 0.
As in this example all 4 V atoms are equivalent we set `` sort `` to 0. We note
that, e.g., for a magnetic DMFT calculation the correlated atoms can be made
inequivalent at this point by using different values for `` sort `` .
The number of MLWFs must be equal to, or greater than the total number
of correlated orbitals (i.e., the sum of all `` dim `` in :file: `seedname.inp` ).
If the converter finds fewer MLWFs inside :file: `seedname_hr.dat` , then it
stops with an error; if it finds more MLWFs, then it assumes that the
additional MLWFs correspond to uncorrelated orbitals (e.g., the O-\ `2p` shells).
When reading the hoppings :math: `\langle w_i | H(\mathbf{R}) | w_j \rangle`
(where :math: `w_i` is the :math: `i` -th MLWF), the converter also assumes that
the first indices correspond to the correlated shells (in our example,
the V-t\ :sub: `2g` shells). Therefore, the MLWFs corresponding to the
uncorrelated shells (if present) must be listed **after** those of the
correlated shells.
With the :program: `wannier90` code, this can be achieved by listing the
projections for the uncorrelated shells after those for the correlated shells.
In our `Pnma` -LaVO\ :sub: `3` example, for instance, we could use::
Begin Projections
End Projections
where the `` x=-1,1,0 `` option indicates that the V--O bonds in the octahedra are
rotated by (approximatively) 45 degrees with respect to the axes of the `Pbnm` cell.
2020-06-04 02:12:13 +02:00
The last line of :file: `seedname.inp` is the DFT Fermi energy (in eV), which is subtracted from the onsite terms in the :file: `seedname_hr.dat` file. This is recommended since some functions in DFTTools implicitly assume a Fermi energy of 0 eV.
2020-06-03 18:39:37 +02:00
2018-08-07 11:35:29 +02:00
The converter will analyse the matrix elements of the local Hamiltonian
to find the symmetry matrices `rot_mat` needed for the global-to-local
transformation of the basis set for correlated orbitals
(see section :ref: `hdfstructure` ).
The matrices are obtained by finding the unitary transformations that diagonalize
:math: `\langle w_i | H_I(\mathbf{R}=0,0,0) | w_j \rangle` , where :math: `I` runs
over the correlated shells and `i,j` belong to the same shell (more details elsewhere...).
If two correlated shells are defined as equivalent in :file: `seedname.inp` ,
then the corresponding eigenvalues have to match within a threshold of 10\ :sup: `-5` ,
otherwise the converter will produce an error/warning.
If this happens, please carefully check your data in :file: `seedname_hr.dat` .
This method might fail in non-trivial cases (i.e., more than one correlated
shell is present) when there are some degenerate eigenvalues:
so far tests have not shown any issue, but one must be careful in those cases
(the converter will print a warning message).
The current implementation of the Wannier90 Converter has some limitations:
* Since :program: `wannier90` does not make use of symmetries (symmetry-reduction
of the :math: `\mathbf{k}` -point grid is not possible), the converter always
sets `` symm_op=0 `` (see the :ref: `hdfstructure` section).
* No charge self-consistency possible at the moment.
* Calculations with spin-orbit (`` SO=1 `` ) are not supported.
* The spin-polarized case (`` SP=1 `` ) is not yet tested.
* The post-processing routines in the module
:class: `SumkDFTTools <dft.sumk_dft_tools.SumkDFTTools>`
were not tested with this converter.
* `` proj_mat_all `` are not used, so there are no projectors onto the
uncorrelated orbitals for now.