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* TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
* Copyright (C) 2011 by O. Parcollet
* TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* TRIQS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "./array_proxy_impl.hpp"
namespace triqs { namespace arrays {
namespace h5 {
/// The array proxy
template<typename ValueType, int Rank, int Rank_f = Rank >
class array_proxy : TRIQS_MODEL_CONCEPT(ImmutableCuboidArray), // WRONG ! IT does not yet implement [ ]
public sliceable_object < ValueType,
array_proxy<ValueType,Rank, Rank_f> >
public :
typedef ValueType value_type;
typedef std::pair< boost::shared_ptr<H5::CommonFG> ,std::string> storage_type;
static const bool T_is_complex = boost::is_complex<ValueType>::value;
typedef index_system< Rank, Rank_f> indexmap_type;
static const unsigned int rank = Rank;
/// Opens a proxy on an existing array. The dataset must exists
template< class FileGroupType >
array_proxy ( FileGroupType file_group, std::string const & name) :
indexmap_ ( indexmap_type(file_group.openDataSet( name.c_str() ).getSpace(),T_is_complex) ) {
if (!h5::exists(file_group, name)) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<< " h5 : no dataset"<< name << " in file ";
storage_ = std::make_pair( boost::make_shared<FileGroupType>(file_group),name);
DataSet dataset = file_group.openDataSet( name.c_str() );
try { if (T_is_complex) write_string_attribute(&dataset,"__complex__","1"); }
catch (...) {} // catch if the attribute already exists...
/// Constructs a proxy on a new data set of the dimension of the domain D. The data must not exist.
template< class FileGroupType, class LengthType >
array_proxy ( FileGroupType file_group, std::string const & name_, LengthType L, bool overwrite = false) :
indexmap_ ( indexmap_type (L) )
if (h5::exists(file_group, name_)) {
if (overwrite) file_group.unlink(name_.c_str());
else TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<< " h5 : dataset"<< name_ << " already exists in the file ";
storage_ = std::make_pair( boost::make_shared<FileGroupType>(file_group),name_);
DataSpace ds = indexmap_.template dataspace<T_is_complex>(); //(indexmap_type::rank_full, &indexmap_.lengths()[0], &indexmap_.strides()[0] );
DataSet dataset = file_group.createDataSet( name_.c_str(), data_type_file(ValueType()), ds);
if (T_is_complex) write_string_attribute(&dataset,"__complex__","1");
/// Shallow copy
array_proxy(const array_proxy & X):indexmap_(X.indexmap()),storage_(X.storage_){}
/// for slice construction
array_proxy (const indexmap_type & IM, const storage_type & ST): indexmap_(IM),storage_(ST){ }
indexmap_type const & indexmap() const {return indexmap_;}
storage_type const & storage() const {return storage_;}
storage_type & storage() {return storage_;}
const H5::CommonFG * file_group() const { return storage_.first.get();}
std::string const & name() const { return storage_.second;}
typedef typename indexmap_type::domain_type domain_type;
domain_type const & domain() const { return indexmap_.domain();}
typedef typename domain_type::index_value_type shape_type;
shape_type const & shape() const { return domain().lengths();}
size_t num_elements() const { return domain().number_of_elements();}
bool is_empty() const { return this->num_elements()==0;}
template< typename ISP>// put in the file...
void operator=(ISP const & X) {
try {
BOOST_AUTO(C, make_const_cache(X, Option::C()));
//typename result_of::cache<false,Tag::C, ISP >::type C(X);
DataSet dataset = file_group()->openDataSet( name().c_str() );
dataset.write( h5::data(C.view()), h5::data_type_mem(C.view()),h5::data_space(C.view()),indexmap().template dataspace<T_is_complex>());
template<typename LHS> // from the file to the array or the array_view...
friend void triqs_arrays_assign_delegation (LHS & lhs, array_proxy const & rhs) {
static_assert((is_amv_value_or_view_class<LHS>::value), "LHS is not a value or a view class ");
h5::resize_or_check(lhs, rhs.indexmap().domain().lengths());
try {
DataSet dataset = rhs.file_group()->openDataSet( rhs.name().c_str() );
BOOST_AUTO(C, make_cache(lhs, Option::C() ));
//typename result_of::cache<true,Tag::C, LHS >::type C(lhs);
dataset.read( h5::data(C.view()), h5::data_type_mem(C.view()), h5::data_space(C.view()),
rhs.indexmap().template dataspace<T_is_complex>() );
indexmap_type indexmap_;
storage_type storage_;
}// namesapce h5
template < class V, int R, int Rf >
struct ViewFactory< V, R, h5::array_proxy_option<Rf>, Tag::h5_array_proxy > { typedef h5::array_proxy <V,R,Rf> type; };