2014-05-09 10:43:55 +02:00
from wrap_generator import *
module = module_ ( full_name = " pytriqs.gf.local.gf " , doc = " Local Green functions ... " )
module . add_include ( " <triqs/gfs.hpp> " )
module . add_include ( " <triqs/gfs/local/functions.hpp> " )
module . add_include ( " <triqs/gfs/local/pade.hpp> " )
module . add_using ( " namespace triqs::arrays " )
module . add_using ( " namespace triqs::gfs " )
module . add_using ( " namespace triqs::gfs::local " )
module . add_using ( " triqs::utility::mini_vector " )
## TailGf
t = class_ ( py_type = " TailGf " ,
c_type = " local::tail_view " ,
2014-05-20 17:45:16 +02:00
c_type_absolute = " triqs::gfs::local::tail_view " ,
2014-05-09 10:43:55 +02:00
serializable = " tuple " ,
is_printable = True ,
arithmetic = ( " algebra " , " double " )
t . add_constructor ( signature = " (int N1, int N2, int size=10, int order_min=-1) " ,
doc = " DOC of constructor " )
#t.add_constructor(doc = "DOC of constructor", signature = "(array_view<dcomplex,3> d, array_view<long,2> m, long i)", python_precall = "tail_aux.tail_construct")
t . add_property ( name = " data " ,
getter = cfunction ( c_name = " data " , signature = " array_view<dcomplex,3>() " ) ,
doc = " Access to the data array " )
##tail.add_property(name = "shape", getter = cfunction(c_name="shape", signature = "int()", doc = "Shape"))
t . add_property ( getter = cfunction ( c_name = " size " , signature = " int() " ) ,
doc = " size " )
t . add_property ( getter = cfunction ( c_name = " order_min " , signature = " int() " ) ,
doc = " Min order of the expansion " )
t . add_property ( getter = cfunction ( c_name = " order_max " , signature = " int() " ) ,
doc = " Max order of the expansion " )
t . add_property ( name = " mask " ,
getter = cfunction ( c_name = " mask_view " , signature = " array_view<long,2>() " ) ,
doc = " Access to the mask " )
t . add_method ( py_name = " has_coef " ,
calling_pattern = " bool result = (i >=self_c.order_min()) && (i<=self_c.order_max()) " ,
signature = " bool(int i) " ,
doc = " A method which did not exist in C++ " )
# strange, I should not quality : ADL ??
t . add_method ( py_name = " invert " ,
calling_pattern = " self_c = local::inverse(self_c) " ,
signature = " void() " ,
doc = " Invert " )
t . add_method ( py_name = " zero " ,
calling_pattern = " self_c = 0 " ,
signature = " void() " ,
doc = " Sets the expansion to 0 " )
t . add_method_copy ( )
t . add_method_copy_from ( )
t . add_call ( calling_pattern = " auto result = self_c.evaluate(u) " ,
signature = " dcomplex(dcomplex u) " ,
doc = " " )
t . number_protocol [ ' multiply ' ] . add_overload ( calling_pattern = " * " , signature = " tail(matrix<dcomplex> x,tail_view y) " ) #'x'), (self.c_type,'y')], rtype = self.c_type)
t . number_protocol [ ' multiply ' ] . add_overload ( calling_pattern = " * " , signature = " tail(tail_view x,matrix<dcomplex> y) " ) #'x'), (self.c_type,'y')], rtype = self.c_type)
t . add_getitem ( c_name = " operator() " ,
signature = " matrix_view<dcomplex>(int i) " ,
doc = " Returns the i-th coefficient of the expansion, or order Om^i " )
t . add_setitem ( calling_pattern = " self_c(i) = m " ,
signature = " void(int i, matrix<dcomplex> m) " , # I use matrix, not view. It makes a copy, but ensure I can pass double, int, and numpy will convert.
doc = " Sets the i-th coefficient of the expansion, or order Om^i " )
module . add_class ( t )
## enums
module . add_enum ( c_name = " statistic_enum " ,
2014-05-20 17:45:16 +02:00
c_name_absolute = " triqs::gfs::statistic_enum " ,
2014-05-09 10:43:55 +02:00
values = [ " Fermion " , " Boson " ] )
module . add_enum ( c_name = " mesh_kind " ,
2014-05-20 17:45:16 +02:00
c_name_absolute = " triqs::gfs::mesh_kind " ,
2014-05-09 10:43:55 +02:00
values = [ " half_bins " , " full_bins " , " without_last " ] )
## Mesh generic
def make_mesh ( py_type , c_tag , has_kind = True , is_im = False ) :
m = class_ ( py_type = py_type ,
c_type = " gf_mesh< %s > " % c_tag ,
2014-05-20 17:45:16 +02:00
c_type_absolute = " triqs::gfs::gf_mesh<triqs::gfs:: %s > " % c_tag ,
2014-05-09 10:43:55 +02:00
serializable = " tuple " ,
is_printable = True ,
if is_im :
m . add_property ( name = " beta " ,
getter = cfunction ( calling_pattern = " double result = self_c.domain().beta " ,
signature = " double() " ,
doc = " Inverse temperature " ) )
m . add_property ( name = " statistic " ,
getter = cfunction ( calling_pattern = " statistic_enum result = self_c.domain().statistic " , signature = " statistic_enum() " ) ,
doc = " Statistic " )
m . add_len ( calling_pattern = " int result = self_c.size() " , doc = " Size of the mesh " )
m . add_iterator ( c_cast_type = " dcomplex " )
if has_kind :
m . add_property ( name = " kind " ,
getter = cfunction ( calling_pattern = " mesh_kind result = self_c.kind() " , signature = " mesh_kind() " ) ,
doc = " " )
#def __richcmp__(MeshImFreq self, MeshImFreq other,int op) :
# if op ==2 : # ==
# return self._c == other._c
#def __reduce__(self):
# return self.__class__, (self.beta, self.statistic, len(self))
return m
## MeshImFreq
m = make_mesh ( py_type = " MeshImFreq " , c_tag = " imfreq " , has_kind = False , is_im = True )
m . add_constructor ( signature = " (double beta, statistic_enum S, int n_max=1025, bool positive_only=true) " )
module . add_class ( m )
## MeshImTime
m = make_mesh ( py_type = " MeshImTime " , c_tag = " imtime " , is_im = True )
m . add_constructor ( signature = " (double beta, statistic_enum S, int n_max, mesh_kind kind) " )
module . add_class ( m )
## MeshReFreq
m = make_mesh ( py_type = " MeshReFreq " , c_tag = " refreq " )
m . add_constructor ( signature = " (double omega_min, double omega_max, int n_max, mesh_kind kind) " )
m . add_property ( name = " omega_min " ,
getter = cfunction ( calling_pattern = " double result = self_c.x_min() " ,
signature = " double() " ,
doc = " Inverse temperature " ) )
m . add_property ( name = " omega_max " ,
getter = cfunction ( calling_pattern = " double result = self_c.x_max() " ,
signature = " double() " ,
doc = " Inverse temperature " ) )
module . add_class ( m )
## MeshReTime
m = make_mesh ( py_type = " MeshReTime " , c_tag = " retime " )
m . add_constructor ( signature = " (double t_min, double t_max, int n_max, mesh_kind kind) " )
m . add_property ( name = " t_min " ,
getter = cfunction ( calling_pattern = " double result = self_c.x_min() " ,
signature = " double() " ,
doc = " Inverse temperature " ) )
m . add_property ( name = " t_max " ,
getter = cfunction ( calling_pattern = " double result = self_c.x_max() " ,
signature = " double() " ,
doc = " Inverse temperature " ) )
module . add_class ( m )
## Gf Generic : common to all 5 one variable gf
def make_gf ( py_type , c_tag , is_complex_data = True , is_im = False ) :
data_type = " std::complex<double> " if is_complex_data else " double "
g = class_ (
py_type = py_type ,
c_type = " gf_view< %s > " % c_tag ,
2014-05-20 17:45:16 +02:00
c_type_absolute = " triqs::gfs::gf_view<triqs::gfs:: %s > " % c_tag ,
2014-05-09 10:43:55 +02:00
#serializable= "boost",
serializable = " tuple " ,
is_printable = True ,
hdf5 = True ,
arithmetic = ( " algebra " , data_type )
2014-05-11 21:54:46 +02:00
g . add_constructor ( signature = " (gf_mesh< %s > mesh, mini_vector<size_t,2> shape, std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> indices = std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> {} , std::string name = " " ) " % c_tag , python_precall = " pytriqs.gf.local._gf_ %s .init " % c_tag )
2014-05-09 10:43:55 +02:00
g . add_method_copy ( )
g . add_method_copy_from ( )
# properties
g . add_member ( c_name = " name " , c_type = " std::string " , doc = " Name of the Green function (used for plotting only) " )
if is_im :
g . add_property ( name = " beta " ,
getter = cfunction ( calling_pattern = " double result = self_c.domain().beta " , signature = " double() " ) ,
doc = " Inverse temperature " )
g . add_property ( name = " statistic " ,
getter = cfunction ( calling_pattern = " statistic_enum result = self_c.domain().statistic " , signature = " statistic_enum() " ) ,
doc = " Statistic " )
g . add_property ( name = " mesh " ,
getter = cfunction ( c_name = " mesh " , signature = " gf_mesh< %s >() " % c_tag ) ,
doc = " The mesh " )
g . add_property ( name = " data " ,
getter = cfunction ( calling_pattern = " auto result = self_c.data() " , signature = " array_view< %s ,3>() " % data_type ) ,
doc = " The data " )
g . add_property ( name = " target_shape " ,
getter = cfunction ( calling_pattern = " auto result = get_target_shape(self_c) " , signature = " shape_type() " ) ,
doc = " " )
g . add_property ( name = " tail " ,
getter = cfunction ( c_name = " singularity " , signature = " local::tail_view() " ) ,
doc = " The high frequency tail " )
g . add_property ( name = " indices " ,
getter = cfunction ( calling_pattern = " auto result = self_c.indices()[0] " , signature = " std::vector<std::string>() " ) ,
doc = " The indices(L) " )
# backward compatibility
g . add_property ( name = " N1 " ,
getter = cfunction ( calling_pattern = " int result = get_target_shape(self_c)[0] " , signature = " int() " ) ,
doc = " " )
g . add_property ( name = " N2 " ,
getter = cfunction ( calling_pattern = " int result = get_target_shape(self_c)[1] " , signature = " int() " ) ,
doc = " " )
# []
g . add_getitem ( signature = " gf_view< %s >(range r1, range r2) " % c_tag ,
calling_pattern = " auto result = slice_target(self_c,r1,r2) " ,
doc = " DOC to be written " )
g . add_getitem ( signature = " gf_view< %s >(std::string i1, std::string i2) " % c_tag ,
calling_pattern = " auto result = slice_target(self_c,self_c.indices().convert_index(i1,0),self_c.indices().convert_index(i2,1)) " ,
doc = " DOC to be written " )
g . add_setitem ( signature = " void(PyObject* r1, PyObject* r2, PyObject* val) " ,
calling_pattern =
pyref gs_py = PyObject_GetItem ( self , Py_BuildValue ( " (NN) " , r1 , r2 ) ) ; / / gs = self [ r1 , r2 ]
pyref res = PyNumber_InPlaceLshift ( gs_py , val ) ; / / gs << = val
""" ,
no_self_c = True , # avoid a warning
doc = " doc [] set " )
# Plot
g . add_property ( name = " real " ,
getter = " pytriqs.gf.local._gf_common._real_plot " ,
doc = " real option for plotting " )
g . add_property ( name = " imag " ,
getter = " pytriqs.gf.local._gf_common._imag_plot " ,
doc = " imag option for plotting " )
# Lazy system
g . add_pure_python_method ( " pytriqs.gf.local._gf_common.LazyCTX " , py_name = " __lazy_expr_eval_context__ " )
g . number_protocol [ ' add ' ] . python_precall = " pytriqs.gf.local._gf_common.add_precall "
g . number_protocol [ ' subtract ' ] . python_precall = " pytriqs.gf.local._gf_common.sub_precall "
g . number_protocol [ ' multiply ' ] . python_precall = " pytriqs.gf.local._gf_common.mul_precall "
g . number_protocol [ ' divide ' ] . python_precall = " pytriqs.gf.local._gf_common.div_precall "
g . number_protocol [ ' inplace_lshift ' ] = pyfunction ( py_name = " __inplace_lshift__ " , python_precall = " pytriqs.gf.local._gf_common._ilshift_ " , arity = 2 )
g . add_method ( py_name = " invert " , calling_pattern = " invert_in_place(self_c) " , signature = " void() " , doc = " Invert (in place) " )
if c_tag != " imtime " :
g . add_method ( py_name = " conjugate " , calling_pattern = " auto result = conj(self_c) " , signature = " gf< %s >() " % c_tag , doc = " Return a new function, conjugate of self. " )
g . number_protocol [ ' multiply ' ] . add_overload ( calling_pattern = " * " , signature = " gf< %s >(matrix< %s > x,gf< %s > y) " % ( c_tag , data_type , c_tag ) ) #'x'), (self.c_type,'y')], rtype = self.c_type)
g . number_protocol [ ' multiply ' ] . add_overload ( calling_pattern = " * " , signature = " gf< %s >(gf< %s > x,matrix< %s > y) " % ( c_tag , c_tag , data_type ) ) #'x'), (self.c_type,'y')], rtype = self.c_type)
g . add_method ( py_name = " from_L_G_R " ,
calling_pattern = " self_c = L_G_R(l,g,r) " ,
signature = " void(matrix< %s > l,gf< %s > g,matrix< %s > r) " % ( data_type , c_tag , data_type ) ,
doc = " self <<= l * g * r " )
g . add_method ( py_name = " zero " ,
calling_pattern = " self_c = 0 " ,
signature = " void() " ,
doc = " Put the Green function to 0 " )
2014-05-16 19:35:48 +02:00
# Pure python methods
2014-05-09 10:43:55 +02:00
g . add_pure_python_method ( " pytriqs.gf.local._gf_ %s .plot " % c_tag , py_name = " _plot_ " )
return g
## GfImFreq
g = make_gf ( py_type = " GfImFreq " , c_tag = " imfreq " , is_im = True )
#g.add_method(py_name = "set_from_fourier", c_name = "fourier", signature = "void()", doc = "Fills self with the Fourier transform of gt")
#g.add_method(py_name = "set_from_legendre", c_name = "fourier", signature = "void()", doc = "Fills self with the Legendre transform of gl")
g . add_method ( py_name = " density " ,
calling_pattern = " auto result = density(self_c) " ,
signature = " matrix_view<double>() " ,
doc = " Density, as a matrix, computed from a Matsubara sum " )
g . add_method ( py_name = " total_density " ,
calling_pattern = " auto result = trace(density(self_c)) " ,
signature = " double() " ,
doc = " Trace of density " )
g . add_method ( py_name = " set_from_fourier " ,
signature = " void(gf_view<imtime> gt) " ,
calling_pattern = " self_c = fourier(*gt) " ,
doc = """ Fills self with the Fourier transform of gt """ )
# Pure python methods
g . add_pure_python_method ( " pytriqs.gf.local._gf_imfreq.replace_by_tail " )
g . add_pure_python_method ( " pytriqs.gf.local._gf_imfreq.fit_tail " )
module . add_class ( g )
## GfImTime
g = make_gf ( py_type = " GfImTime " , c_tag = " imtime " , is_complex_data = False , is_im = True )
g . add_method ( py_name = " set_from_inverse_fourier " ,
signature = " void(gf_view<imfreq> gw) " ,
calling_pattern = " self_c = inverse_fourier(*gw) " ,
doc = """ Fills self with the Inverse Fourier transform of gw """ )
module . add_class ( g )
## GfReFreq
g = make_gf ( py_type = " GfReFreq " , c_tag = " refreq " )
g . add_method ( py_name = " set_from_fourier " ,
signature = " void(gf_view<retime> gt) " ,
calling_pattern = " self_c = fourier(*gt) " ,
doc = """ Fills self with the Fourier transform of gt """ )
g . add_method ( py_name = " set_from_pade " ,
signature = " void(gf_view<imfreq> gw, int n_points = 100, double freq_offset = 0.0) " ,
calling_pattern = " pade(self_c,*gw,n_points, freq_offset) " ,
doc = """ TO BE WRITTEN """ )
module . add_class ( g )
## GfReTime
g = make_gf ( py_type = " GfReTime " , c_tag = " retime " )
g . add_method ( py_name = " set_from_inverse_fourier " ,
signature = " void(gf_view<refreq> gw) " ,
calling_pattern = " self_c = inverse_fourier(*gw) " ,
doc = """ Fills self with the Inverse Fourier transform of gw """ )
module . add_class ( g )
# EXPERIMENTAL : global fourier functions....
module . add_function ( name = " make_gf_from_inverse_fourier " , signature = " gf_view<retime>(gf_view<refreq> gw) " , doc = " " )
## Code generation
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
module . generate_code ( mako_template = sys . argv [ 1 ] , wrap_file = sys . argv [ 2 ] )
2014-05-16 19:35:48 +02:00
module . generate_py_converter_header ( mako_template = sys . argv [ 3 ] , wrap_file = sys . argv [ 4 ] )