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(** Data structure to represent the molecular orbitals.
The MO indices start from 1.
open Linear_algebra
open Common
type mo_type =
| RHF | ROHF | UHF | CASSCF | Projected
| Natural of string
| Localized of string
type t
type mo = Mo_dim.t
type ao = Ao.Ao_dim.t
(** {1 Accessors} *)
val simulation : t -> Simulation.t
(** Simulation which produced the MOs *)
val mo_type : t -> mo_type
(** Kind of MOs (RHF, CASSCF, Localized...) *)
val ao_basis : t -> Ao.Basis.t
(** Matrix of the MO coefficients in the AO basis *)
val mo_occupation : t -> mo Vector.t
(** Occupation numbers *)
val mo_coef : t -> (ao, mo) Matrix.t
(** Molecular orbitcal coefficients *)
val eN_ints : t -> (mo,mo) Matrix.t
(** Electron-nucleus potential integrals *)
val ee_ints : t -> mo Four_idx_storage.t
(** Electron-electron repulsion integrals *)
val kin_ints : t -> (mo,mo) Matrix.t
(** Kinetic energy integrals *)
val one_e_ints : t -> (mo,mo) Matrix.t
(** One-electron integrals {% $\hat{T} + V$ %} *)
val two_e_ints : t -> mo Four_idx_storage.t
(** Electron-electron repulsion integrals *)
val f12_ints : t -> F12.t
(** F12 integrals *)
val size : t -> int
(** Number of molecular orbitals in the basis *)
val mo_energies : t -> mo Vector.t
(** Fock MO energies *)
val values : t -> Coordinate.t -> mo Vector.t
(** Values of the MOs evaluated at a given coordinate. *)
(** {1 Creators} *)
val make : simulation:Simulation.t ->
mo_type:mo_type ->
mo_occupation:mo Vector.t ->
mo_coef:(ao,mo) Matrix.t ->
unit -> t
(** Function to build a data structure representing the molecular orbitals. *)
val of_hartree_fock : Hartree_fock.t -> t
(** Build MOs from a Restricted Hartree-Fock calculation. *)
val of_mo_basis : Simulation.t -> t -> t
(** Project the MOs of the other basis on the current one. *)
val mo_matrix_of_ao_matrix :
mo_coef:(ao,mo) Matrix.t ->
(ao,ao) Matrix.t -> (mo,mo) Matrix.t
(** Build a matrix in MO basis from a matrix in AO basis. *)
val ao_matrix_of_mo_matrix :
mo_coef:(ao,mo) Matrix.t -> ao_overlap:(ao,ao) Matrix.t ->
(mo,mo) Matrix.t -> (ao,ao) Matrix.t
(** Build a matrix in AO basis from a matrix in MO basis. *)
(** {1 Printers} *)
val pp : ?start:int -> ?finish:int -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit