mirror of https://gitlab.com/scemama/QCaml.git synced 2024-10-15 04:21:38 +02:00

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(** Classes of MOs : active, inactive, etc *)
type mo_class =
| Core of int (* Always doubly occupied *)
| Inactive of int (* With 0,1 or 2 holes *)
| Active of int (* With 0,1 or 2 holes or particles *)
| Virtual of int (* With 0,1 or 2 particles *)
| Deleted of int (* Always unoccupied *)
| Auxiliary of int (* Function of the auxiliary basis set *)
type t
(** Creation *)
val of_list : mo_class list -> t
val to_list : t -> mo_class list
val fci : frozen_core:bool -> Basis.t -> t
(** Creates the MO classes for FCI calculations : all [Active]. The
[n] lowest MOs are [Core] if [frozen_core = true].
val cas_sd: Basis.t -> frozen_core:bool -> int -> int -> t
(** [cas_sd mo_basis n m ] creates the MO classes for CAS(n,m) + SD
calculations. lowest MOs are [Core], then all the next MOs are [Inactive],
then [Active], then [Virtual].
val core_mos : t -> int list
(** Returns a list containing the indices of the core MOs. *)
val active_mos : t -> int list
(** Returns a list containing the indices of the active MOs. *)
val virtual_mos : t -> int list
(** Returns a list containing the indices of the virtual MOs. *)
val inactive_mos : t -> int list
(** Returns a list containing the indices of the inactive MOs. *)
val deleted_mos : t -> int list
(** Returns a list containing the indices of the deleted MOs. *)
val auxiliary_mos : t -> int list
(** Returns a list containing the indices of the auxiliary MOs. *)
val mo_class_array : t -> mo_class array
(** Returns an array [a] such that [a.(i)] returns the class of MO [i].
As the MO indices start from [1], the array has an extra zero entry
that should be ignored. *)
(** {2 Printers} *)
val pp_mo_class : Format.formatter -> mo_class -> unit
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit