mirror of https://gitlab.com/scemama/QCaml.git synced 2024-07-25 20:27:28 +02:00
2018-10-21 23:52:41 +02:00

32 lines
963 B

let pouet () =
Printf.printf "Hello from rank %d of %d.\n" Parallel.rank Parallel.size;
let () = Parallel.barrier () in
let v = Parallel.Vec.init 47 (fun i -> float_of_int i) in
let a = Array.init 41 (fun i -> float_of_int (i+1)) |> Lacaml.D.Vec.of_array in
let b = Array.init 41 (fun i -> float_of_int (3*i+1)) |> Lacaml.D.Vec.of_array in
let v1 = Parallel.Vec.of_vec a in
let v2 = Parallel.Vec.of_vec b in
let d1 = Parallel.dot v1 v2 |> Parallel.broadcast_float in
let d2 = Lacaml.D.dot a b in
let w = Parallel.Vec.to_vec v in
Format.printf "%a" Parallel.Vec.pp v;
if Parallel.master then
Format.printf "@[%a@]@;" (Lacaml.Io.pp_lfvec ()) w;
Printf.printf "%f %f\n" d1 d2;
print_newline ()
let () =
let f (a,b) = (Parallel.rank, a+b) in
let input = Stream.of_list
[ (1,2) ; (3,4) ; (5,6) ; (7,8) ; (9,10) ]
Farm.run_parallel f input
|> Stream.iter (fun (x,y) -> Printf.printf "%d %d\n" x y)