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open Lacaml.D
(** All utilities which should be included in all source files are defined here *)
(** {2 Functions from libm} *)
external erf_float : float -> float = "erf_float_bytecode" "erf_float"
[@@unboxed] [@@noalloc]
(** Error function [erf] from [libm] *)
external erfc_float : float -> float = "erfc_float_bytecode" "erfc_float"
[@@unboxed] [@@noalloc]
(** Complementary error function [erfc] from [libm] *)
external gamma_float : float -> float = "gamma_float_bytecode" "gamma_float"
[@@unboxed] [@@noalloc]
(** Gamma function [gamma] from [libm] *)
external vfork : unit -> int = "unix_vfork" "unix_vfork"
external popcnt : int64 -> int32 = "popcnt_bytecode" "popcnt"
[@@unboxed] [@@noalloc]
(** popcnt instruction *)
external trailz : int64 -> int32 = "trailz_bytecode" "trailz"
[@@unboxed] [@@noalloc]
(** ctz instruction *)
val popcnt : int64 -> int
(** popcnt instruction *)
val trailz : int64 -> int
(** ctz instruction *)
val leadz : int64 -> int
(** ctz instruction *)
(** {2 General functions} *)
val fact : int -> float
(** Factorial function.
@raise Invalid_argument for negative arguments or arguments >100.
val binom : int -> int -> int
(** Binomial coefficient. [binom n k] {% $= C_n^k$ %}. *)
val binom_float : int -> int -> float
(** Binomial coefficient. [binom n k] {% $= C_n^k$ %}. *)
val pow : float -> int -> float
(** Fast implementation of the power function for small integer powers *)
val chop : float -> (unit -> float) -> float
(** In [chop a f], evaluate [f] only if the absolute value of [a] is larger
than {!Constants.epsilon}, and return [a *. f ()].
val float_of_int_fast : int -> float
(* Faster implementation of float_of_int for small positive ints *)
val of_some : 'a option -> 'a
(** {2 Functions related to the Boys function} *)
val incomplete_gamma : alpha:float -> float -> float
(** {{:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incomplete_gamma_function}
Lower incomplete gamma function}
@raise Failure when the calculation doesn't converge.
val boys_function : maxm:int -> float -> float array
(** {{:https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10910-005-9023-3}
Generalized Boys function}.
@param maxm Maximum total angular momentum.
(** {2 Extension of the Array module} *)
val array_range : int -> int -> int array
(** [array_range first last] returns an array [| first; first+1 ; ... ; last-1 ; last |]. *)
val array_sum : float array -> float
(** Returns the sum of all the elements of the array *)
val array_product : float array -> float
(** Returns the product of all the elements of the array *)
(** {2 Extension of the List module} *)
val list_some : 'a option list -> 'a list
(** Filters out all [None] elements of the list, and returns the elements without
the [Some]. *)
val list_range : int -> int -> int list
(** [list_range first last] returns a list [first; first+1 ; ... ; last-1 ; last ]. *)
val list_pack : int -> 'a list -> 'a list list
(** Example:
list_pack 3 [ 1; 2; 3; ...; 18; 19; 20 ] =
[[1; 2; 3]; [4; 5; 6]; [7; 8; 9]; [10; 11; 12]; [13; 14; 15];
[16; 17; 18]; [19; 20]]
(** {2 Useful streams} *)
val stream_range : int -> int -> int Stream.t
(** [stream_range first last] returns a stream <first ; first+1 ; ... ; last-1 ; last>. *)
val stream_to_list : 'a Stream.t -> 'a list
(** Read a stream and put items in a list. *)
val stream_fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b Stream.t -> 'a
(** Apply a fold to the elements of the stream. *)
(** {2 Linear algebra } *)
val normalize : Vec.t -> Vec.t
(** Returns a the vector normalized *)
val normalize_mat : Mat.t -> Mat.t
(** Returns the matrix with all the column vectors normalized *)
val diagonalize_symm : Mat.t -> Mat.t * Vec.t
(** Diagonalize a symmetric matrix. Returns the eigenvectors and the eigenvalues. *)
val xt_o_x : o:Mat.t -> x:Mat.t -> Mat.t
(** Computes {% $\mathbf{X^\dag\, O\, X}$ %} *)
val x_o_xt : o:Mat.t -> x:Mat.t -> Mat.t
(** Computes {% $\mathbf{X\, O\, X^\dag}$ %} *)
val remove_epsilons : Mat.t -> Mat.t
(** Remove values below machine precision *)
val qr_ortho : Mat.t -> Mat.t
(** QR orthogonalization of the input matrix *)
val canonical_ortho: ?thresh:float -> overlap:Mat.t -> Mat.t -> Mat.t
(** Canonical orthogonalization. [overlap] is the overlap matrix {% $\mathbf{S}$ %},
and the last argument contains the vectors {% $\mathbf{C}$ %} to orthogonalize.
\mathbf{C_\bot} = \mathbf{C\, U\, D^{-1/2}}, \;
\mathbf{U\, D\, V^\dag} = \mathbf{S}
val debug_matrix: string -> Mat.t -> unit
(** Prints a matrix in stdout for debug *)
val matrix_of_file : string -> Mat.t
(** Reads a matrix from a file with format "%d %d %f" corresponding to
[i, j, A.{i,j}]. *)
val sym_matrix_of_file : string -> Mat.t
(** Reads a symmetric matrix from a file with format "%d %d %f" corresponding to
[i, j, A.{i,j}]. *)
(** {2 Printers} *)
val pp_float_array_size : Format.formatter -> float array -> unit
(** Example:
[ 6: 1.000000 1.732051 1.732051 1.000000 1.732051 1.000000
val pp_float_array : Format.formatter -> float array -> unit
(** Example:
[ 1.000000 1.732051 1.732051 1.000000 1.732051 1.000000
val pp_float_2darray_size : Format.formatter -> float array array -> unit
(** Example:
2:[ 6: 1.000000 1.732051 1.732051 1.000000 1.732051 1.000000 ]
[ 4: 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 4.000000 ] ]
val pp_float_2darray : Format.formatter -> float array array -> unit
(** Example:
[ [ 1.000000 1.732051 1.732051 1.000000 1.732051 1.000000 ]
[ 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 4.000000 ] ]
val pp_bitstring : int -> Format.formatter -> Z.t -> unit
(** Example: [ pp_bitstring 14 ppf z -> +++++------+-- ] *)
val pp_matrix : Format.formatter -> Mat.t -> unit
(** {1 Unit tests} *)
val test_case : unit -> (string * [> `Quick ] * (unit -> unit)) list