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The determinant space in which we solve the Schrodinger equation.
type t
type arbitrary_space =
det : int array array ;
det_alfa : Spindeterminant.t array ;
det_beta : Spindeterminant.t array ;
index_start : int array;
type determinant_storage =
| Arbitrary of arbitrary_space
| Spin of (Spindeterminant.t array * Spindeterminant.t array)
(** {1 Accessors} *)
val n_alfa : t -> int
(** Number of {% $\alpha$ %} electrons in the {% $\alpha$ %} MOs. *)
val n_beta : t -> int
(** Number of {% $\beta$ %} electrons in the {% $\beta$ %} MOs. *)
val mo_class : t -> MOClass.t
(** The MO classes used to generate the space. *)
val mo_basis : t -> MOBasis.t
(** The MO basis on which the determinants are expanded. *)
val determinants : t -> determinant_storage
(** All the determinants belonging to the space. *)
val determinants_array : t -> Determinant.t array
(** All the determinants belonging to the space. *)
val determinant_stream : t -> Determinant.t Stream.t
(** All the determinants belonging to the space, as a stream. *)
val size : t -> int
(** Size of the determinant space *)
val fock_diag : t -> Determinant.t -> float array * float array
(** Returns the diagonal of the {% $\alpha$ %} and {% $\beta$ %} Fock matrices.
The zero elements contain the energy of the determinant.
val fci_of_mo_basis : MOBasis.t -> frozen_core:bool -> t
(** Creates a space of all possible ways to put [n_alfa] electrons in the {% $\alpha$ %}
[Active] MOs and [n_beta] electrons in the {% $\beta$ %} [Active] MOs.
All other MOs are untouched.
val cas_of_mo_basis : MOBasis.t -> frozen_core:bool -> int -> int -> t
(** Creates a CAS(n,m) space of determinants. *)
val fci_f12_of_mo_basis : MOBasis.t -> frozen_core:bool -> int -> t
(** Creates the active space to perform a FCI-F12 with an
auxiliary basis set. *)
val cas_f12_of_mo_basis : MOBasis.t -> frozen_core:bool -> int -> int -> int -> t
(** [cas_of_mo_basis mo_basis m n mo_num] Creates a CAS(n,m) space
of determinants with an auxiliary basis set defined as the MOs from
[mo_num+1] to [MOBasis.size mo_basis].
(** {2 Printing} *)
val pp_det_space : Format.formatter -> t -> unit