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open Common
open Linear_algebra
open Gaussian
module Am = Angular_momentum
module Bs = Basis
module Cs = Contracted_shell
module Ov = Overlap
type t = (Bs.t, Bs.t) Matrix.t
let make_canonical ~thresh ~basis ~cartesian ~overlap =
let overlap_matrix = overlap in
let make_canonical_spherical basis =
let ao_num = Bs.size basis in
let cart_sphe : (Bs.t, Bs.t) Matrix.t = Matrix.make ao_num ao_num 0.
and i = ref 0
and n = ref 0 in
Array.iter (fun shell ->
let submatrix =
Spherical_to_cartesian.matrix (Cs.ang_mom shell)
|> Matrix.relabel
Matrix.copy_inplace ~b:cart_sphe ~br:(!i+1) ~bc:(!n+1) submatrix;
i := !i + Matrix.dim1 submatrix;
n := !n + Matrix.dim2 submatrix;
) (Bs.contracted_shells basis);
let s = Matrix.gemm_tn ~m:!n cart_sphe overlap_matrix in
let overlap_matrix = Matrix.gemm_nn s ~n:!n cart_sphe in
let s = Orthonormalization.canonical_ortho ~thresh ~overlap:overlap_matrix (Matrix.identity !n) in
Matrix.gemm_nn cart_sphe ~k:!n s
if cartesian then
Orthonormalization.canonical_ortho ~thresh ~overlap:overlap_matrix (Matrix.identity @@ Matrix.dim1 overlap_matrix)
match basis with
| None -> invalid_arg
"Basis.t is required when cartesian=false in make_canonical"
| Some basis -> make_canonical_spherical basis
let make_lowdin ~thresh ~overlap =
let u_vec, u_val =
Matrix.diagonalize_symm overlap
Vector.iter (fun x -> if x < thresh then
invalid_arg (__FILE__^": make_lowdin") ) u_val;
let u_val = Vector.reci (Vector.sqrt u_val) in
let u_vec' =
Matrix.init_cols (Matrix.dim1 u_vec) (Matrix.dim2 u_vec)
(fun i j -> u_vec%:(i,j) *. (u_val%.(j)) )
Matrix.gemm_nt u_vec' u_vec
let make ?(thresh=1.e-12) ?basis ~cartesian overlap =
make_lowdin ~thresh ~overlap
make_canonical ~thresh ~basis ~cartesian ~overlap