(** Data structure for the molecular geometry, represented as an array of tuples ({!Element.t}, {!Coordinate.t}). *) type t = (Element.t * Bohr.t) array val of_xyz_file : string -> t (** Create from a file, in [xyz] format. *) val of_zmt_string : string -> t (** Create from a string, in z-matrix format. *) val of_zmt_file : string -> t (** Create from a file, in z-matrix format. *) val to_string : t -> string (** Transform to a string, for printing. *) val of_filename : string -> t (** Detects the type of file ([xyz], z-matrix) and reads the file. *) val repulsion : t -> float (** Nuclear repulsion energy, in atomic units. *) val charge : t -> Charge.t (** Sum of the charges of the nuclei. *) val to_xyz_string : t -> string val to_t2_string : t -> string