open Lacaml.D type t = { mo_basis : MOBasis.t ; aux_basis : MOBasis.t ; det_space : DeterminantSpace.t ; ci : CI.t ; eigensystem : (Mat.t * Vec.t) lazy_t; } let ci t = let mo_basis t = t.mo_basis let det_space t = t.det_space let mo_class t = DeterminantSpace.mo_class @@ det_space t let eigensystem t = Lazy.force t.eigensystem let f12_integrals mo_basis = let two_e_ints = MOBasis.f12_ints mo_basis in ( (fun _ _ _ -> 0.), (fun i j k l s s' -> if (i=k && j<>l) || (j=l && i<>k) then 0. else begin let ijkl = F12.get_phys two_e_ints i j k l in let ijlk = F12.get_phys two_e_ints i j l k in if s' = Spin.other s then (* Minus sign because we swap spin variables instead of orbital variables *) 0.5 *. ijkl else 0.25 *. (ijkl -. ijlk) end ) ) let h_ij mo_basis ki kj = let integrals = (fun f -> f mo_basis) [ CI.h_integrals ] in CIMatrixElement.make integrals ki kj |> List.hd let f_ij mo_basis ki kj = let integrals = (fun f -> f mo_basis) [ f12_integrals ] in CIMatrixElementF12.make integrals ki kj |> List.hd let hf_ij mo_basis ki kj = [ h_ij mo_basis ki kj ; f_ij mo_basis ki kj ] let is_internal det_space = let mo_class = DeterminantSpace.mo_class det_space in let mo_num = Array.length @@ MOClass.mo_class_array mo_class in let m l = List.fold_left (fun accu i -> let j = i-1 in Bitstring.logor accu (Bitstring.shift_left_one mo_num j) ) ( mo_num) l in let aux_mask = m (MOClass.auxiliary_mos mo_class) in fun a -> let alfa = Determinant.alfa a |> Spindeterminant.bitstring in let beta = Determinant.beta a |> Spindeterminant.bitstring in let a = Bitstring.logand aux_mask alfa and b = Bitstring.logand aux_mask beta in match Bitstring.popcount a + Bitstring.popcount b with | 1 | 2 -> false | _ -> true let dressing_vector ~frozen_core aux_basis f12_amplitudes ci = if Parallel.master then Printf.printf "Building matrix\n%!"; (* Determinants of the FCI space as a list *) let in_dets = DeterminantSpace.determinant_stream ci.CI.det_space |> Util.stream_to_list in (* Stream that generates only singly and doubly excited determinants wrt FCI space *) let out_dets_stream = (* Stream that generates all determinants of FCI space *) let s = DeterminantSpace.fci_of_mo_basis ~frozen_core aux_basis |> DeterminantSpace.determinant_stream in (* Select only singly and doubly excited determinants wrt FCI space *) Stream.from (fun _ -> try let rec result () = let ki = s in if is_internal ci.CI.det_space ki then result () else Some ki in result () with Stream.Failure -> None ) in let make_h_and_f alpha_list = let rec col_vecs_list accu_H accu_F = function | [] -> List.rev accu_H, List.rev accu_F | ki :: rest -> let h, f = (fun kj -> match hf_ij aux_basis ki kj with | [ a ; b ] -> a, b | _ -> assert false ) in_dets |> List.split in let h = Vec.of_list h and f = Vec.of_list f in col_vecs_list (h::accu_H) (f::accu_F) rest in let h, f = col_vecs_list [] [] alpha_list in Mat.of_col_vecs_list h, Mat.of_col_vecs_list f in let m_HF = let batch_size = 1 + 1_000_000 / (Mat.dim1 f12_amplitudes) in let input_stream = Stream.from (fun i -> let rec make_batch accu = function | 0 -> accu | n -> try let alpha = out_dets_stream in let accu = alpha :: accu in make_batch accu (n-1) with Stream.Failure -> accu in let result = make_batch [] batch_size in if result = [] then None else Some result ) in let iteration input = Printf.printf ".%!"; let m_H_aux, m_F_aux = make_h_and_f input in let m_HF = gemm m_H_aux m_F_aux ~transb:`T in gemm m_HF f12_amplitudes in let result = let x = try [ out_dets_stream ] with Stream.Failure -> failwith "Auxiliary basis set does not produce any excited determinant" in iteration x in input_stream |> ~ordered:false ~f:iteration |> Stream.iter (fun hf -> ignore @@ Mat.add result hf ~c:result ); Printf.printf "\n"; Parallel.broadcast (lazy result) in if Parallel.master then Printf.printf "Done\n%!"; Matrix.dense_of_mat m_HF let make ~simulation ?(threshold=1.e-12) ~frozen_core ~mo_basis ~aux_basis_filename ?(state=1) () = let f12 = Util.of_some @@ Simulation.f12 simulation in let mo_num = MOBasis.size mo_basis in Printf.printf "Add aux basis\n%!"; (* Add auxiliary basis set *) let s = let charge = Charge.to_int @@ Simulation.charge simulation and multiplicity = Electrons.multiplicity @@ Simulation.electrons simulation and nuclei = Simulation.nuclei simulation in let general_basis = Basis.general_basis @@ Simulation.basis simulation in GeneralBasis.combine [ general_basis ; aux_basis_filename ] |> Basis.of_nuclei_and_general_basis nuclei |> Simulation.make ~f12 ~charge ~multiplicity ~nuclei in let aux_basis = MOBasis.of_mo_basis s mo_basis in let () = Printf.printf "F12 ints\n%!"; ignore @@ MOBasis.f12_ints aux_basis in let () = Printf.printf "2e ints\n%!"; ignore @@ MOBasis.two_e_ints aux_basis in Printf.printf "det space\n%!"; let det_space = DeterminantSpace.fci_f12_of_mo_basis aux_basis ~frozen_core mo_num in let ci = CI.make ~n_states:state det_space in let ci_coef, ci_energy = let x = Lazy.force ci.eigensystem in Parallel.broadcast (lazy x) in let e_shift = let det = DeterminantSpace.determinant_stream det_space |> in h_ij aux_basis det det in let eigensystem = lazy ( let m_H = Lazy.force ci.CI.m_H in let rec iteration ~state psi = let column_idx = iamax (Mat.to_col_vecs psi).(state-1) in let delta = (* delta_i = {% $\sum_j c_j H_{ij}$ %} *) dressing_vector ~frozen_core aux_basis psi ci |> Matrix.to_mat in let f = 1.0 /. psi.{column_idx,state} in let delta_00 = (* Delta_00 = {% $\sum_{j \ne x} delta_j c_j / c_x$ %} *) f *. ( (gemm ~transa:`T delta psi).{state,state} -. delta.{column_idx,state} *. psi.{column_idx,state} ) in delta.{column_idx,state} <- delta.{column_idx,state} -. delta_00; let diagonal = Vec.init (Matrix.dim1 m_H) (fun i -> if i = column_idx then Matrix.get m_H i i +. delta.{column_idx,state} *. f else Matrix.get m_H i i ) in let matrix_prod c = let w = ~transa:`T m_H c |> Matrix.to_mat in let c11 = Matrix.get c column_idx state in Util.list_range 1 (Mat.dim1 w) |> List.iter (fun i -> let dci = delta.{i,state} *. f ; in w.{i,state} <- w.{i,state} +. dci *. c11; if (i <> column_idx) then w.{column_idx,state} <- w.{column_idx,state} +. dci *. (Matrix.get c i state); ); Matrix.dense_of_mat w in let eigenvectors, eigenvalues = Parallel.broadcast (lazy ( Davidson.make ~threshold:1.e-6 ~guess:psi ~n_states:state diagonal matrix_prod )) in Vec.iter (fun energy -> Printf.printf "%g\t" energy) eigenvalues; print_newline (); let conv = 1.0 -. abs_float ( dot (Mat.to_col_vecs psi).(0) (Mat.to_col_vecs eigenvectors).(0) ) in if Parallel.master then Printf.printf "F12 Convergence : %e %f\n" conv (eigenvalues.{state} +. e_shift +. Simulation.nuclear_repulsion simulation); if conv > threshold then iteration ~state eigenvectors else let eigenvalues = (fun x -> x +. e_shift) eigenvalues in eigenvectors, eigenvalues in iteration ~state ci_coef ) in { mo_basis ; aux_basis ; det_space ; ci ; eigensystem }