(** Module for handling distributed parallelism *) val size : int (** Number of distributed processes. *) val rank : Mpi.rank (** Rank of the current distributed processe. *) val barrier : unit -> unit (** Wait for all processes to reach this point. *) (** {5 Vector operations} *) module Vec : sig type t = { global_first : int ; (* Lower index in the global array *) global_last : int ; (* Higher index in the global array *) local_first : int ; (* Lower index in the local array *) local_last : int ; (* Higher index in the local array *) data : Lacaml.D.vec ; (* Lacaml vector containing the data *) } val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit (** {6 Creation/conversion of vectors and dimension accessor} *) val create : int -> t (** [create n] @return a distributed vector with [n] rows (not initialized). *) val make : int -> float -> t (** [make n x] @return a distributed vector with [n] rows initialized with value [x]. *) val make0 : int -> t (** [make0 n x] @return a distributed vector with [n] rows initialized with the zero element. *) val init : int -> (int -> float) -> t (** [init n f] @return a distributed vector containing [n] elements, where each element at position [i] is initialized by the result of calling [f i]. *) val of_array : float array -> t (** [of_array ar] @return a distributed vector initialized from array [ar]. *) (* val to_array : t -> float array (** [to_array v] @return an array initialized from vector [v]. *) val of_vec : Lacaml.D.vec -> t (** [of_vec vec] @return a distributed vector initialized from Lacaml vector [vec]. *) val to_vec : t -> Lacaml.D.vec (** [to_vec v] @return a Lacaml vector initialized from vector [v]. *) *) end (* module Mat : sig type t = { global_first_row : int ; (* Lower row index in the global array *) global_last_row : int ; (* Higher row index in the global array *) global_first_col : int ; (* Lower column index in the global array *) global_last_col : int ; (* Higher column index in the global array *) local_first_row : int ; (* Lower row index in the local array *) local_last_row : int ; (* Higher row index in the local array *) local_first_col : int ; (* Lower column index in the local array *) local_last_col : int ; (* Higher column index in the local array *) data : Lacaml.D.mat ; (* Lacaml matrix containing the data *) } end val gemm : Mat.t -> Mat.t -> Mat.t (* Distributed matrix-matrix product. The result is a distributed matrix. *) val dot : Vec.t -> Vec.t-> float (* Dot product between distributed vectors. *) *)