(* Simulation * :PROPERTIES: * :header-args: :noweb yes :comments both * :END: * * Contains the state of the simulation. * * #+NAME: open *) (* [[file:../simulation.org::open][open]] *) open Common open Particles open Operators (* open ends here *) (* Type * * #+NAME: types *) (* [[file:../simulation.org::types][types]] *) type t (* types ends here *) (* Access *) (* [[file:../simulation.org::*Access][Access:1]] *) val nuclei : t -> Nuclei.t val charge : t -> Charge.t val electrons : t -> Electrons.t val ao_basis : t -> Ao.Basis.t val nuclear_repulsion : t -> float val operators : t -> Operator.t list (* Access:1 ends here *) (* Creation *) (* [[file:../simulation.org::*Creation][Creation:1]] *) val make : ?multiplicity:int -> ?charge:int -> ?operators:Operator.t list-> nuclei:Nuclei.t -> Ao.Basis.t -> t (* Creation:1 ends here *) (* Printers *) (* [[file:../simulation.org::*Printers][Printers:1]] *) val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit (* Printers:1 ends here *)