open Lacaml.D open Util module Ds = DeterminantSpace module Sd = Spindeterminant type t = { e_shift : float ; (* Diagonal energy shift for increasing numerical precision *) det_space : Ds.t ; m_H : Matrix.t lazy_t ; m_S2 : Matrix.t lazy_t ; eigensystem : (Mat.t * Vec.t) lazy_t; n_states : int; } let det_space t = t.det_space let n_states t = t.n_states let m_H t = Lazy.force t.m_H let m_S2 t = Lazy.force t.m_S2 let eigensystem t = Lazy.force t.eigensystem let mo_class t = DeterminantSpace.mo_class t.det_space let eigenvectors t = let (x,_) = eigensystem t in x let eigenvalues t = let (_,x) = eigensystem t in x let h_integrals mo_basis = let one_e_ints = MOBasis.one_e_ints mo_basis and two_e_ints = MOBasis.two_e_ints mo_basis in ( (fun i j _ -> one_e_ints.{i,j}), (fun i j k l s s' -> if s' = Spin.other s then ERI.get_phys two_e_ints i j k l else (ERI.get_phys two_e_ints i j k l) -. (ERI.get_phys two_e_ints i j l k) ) ) let h_ij mo_basis ki kj = let integrals = (fun f -> f mo_basis) [ h_integrals ] in CIMatrixElement.make integrals ki kj |> List.hd let create_matrix_arbitrary f det_space = lazy ( let ndet = Ds.size det_space in let data = match Ds.determinants det_space with | Ds.Arbitrary a -> a | _ -> assert false in let det_alfa = data.Ds.det_alfa and det_beta = data.Ds.det_beta and det = data.Ds.det and index_start = data.Ds.index_start in (** Array of (list of singles, list of doubles) in the beta spin *) let degree_bb = (fun det_i -> let deg = det_i in let doubles = Array.mapi (fun i det_j -> let d = deg det_j in if d < 3 then Some (i,d,det_j) else None ) det_beta |> Array.to_list |> Util.list_some in let singles = List.filter (fun (i,d,det_j) -> d < 2) doubles |> (fun (i,_,det_j) -> (i,det_j)) in let doubles = (fun (i,_,det_j) -> (i,det_j)) doubles in (singles, doubles) ) det_beta in let task (i,i_dets) = let shift = index_start.(i) in let result = Array.init (index_start.(i+1) - shift) (fun _ -> []) in (** Update function when ki and kj are connected *) let update i j ki kj = let x = f ki kj in if abs_float x > Constants.epsilon then result.(i - shift) <- (j, x) :: result.(i - shift) ; in let i_alfa = det_alfa.(i) in let deg_a = i_alfa in Array.iteri (fun j j_dets -> let j_alfa = det_alfa.(j) in let degree_a = deg_a j_alfa in begin match degree_a with | 2 -> Array.iteri (fun i' i_b -> try Array.iteri (fun j' j_b -> if j_b >= i_b then ( if j_b = i_b then ( let i_beta = det_beta.(i_b) in let ki = Determinant.of_spindeterminants i_alfa i_beta in let kj = Determinant.of_spindeterminants j_alfa i_beta in update (index_start.(i) + i') (index_start.(j) + j' + 1) ki kj); raise Exit) ) j_dets with Exit -> () ) i_dets | 1 -> Array.iteri (fun i' i_b -> let i_beta = det_beta.(i_b) in let ki = Determinant.of_spindeterminants i_alfa i_beta in let singles, _ = degree_bb.(i_b) in let rec aux singles j' = match singles with | [] -> () | (js, j_beta)::r_singles -> begin match compare js j_dets.(j') with | -1 -> aux r_singles j' | 0 -> let kj = Determinant.of_spindeterminants j_alfa j_beta in (update (index_start.(i) + i') (index_start.(j) + j' + 1) ki kj; aux r_singles (j'+1);) | 1 -> if (j' < Array.length j_dets) then aux singles (j'+1) | _ -> assert false end in aux singles 0 ) i_dets | 0 -> Array.iteri (fun i' i_b -> let i_beta = det_beta.(i_b) in let ki = Determinant.of_spindeterminants i_alfa i_beta in let _, doubles = degree_bb.(i_b) in let rec aux doubles j' = match doubles with | [] -> () | (js, j_beta)::r_doubles -> begin match compare js j_dets.(j') with | -1 -> aux r_doubles j' | 0 -> let kj = Determinant.of_spindeterminants j_alfa j_beta in (update (index_start.(i) + i') (index_start.(j) + j' + 1) ki kj; aux r_doubles (j'+1);) | 1 -> if (j' < Array.length j_dets) then aux doubles (j'+1) | _ -> assert false end in aux doubles 0 ) i_dets | _ -> (); end ) det; let r = (fun l -> List.rev l |> Vector.sparse_of_assoc_list ndet ) result in (i,r) in let result = if Parallel.master then Array.init ndet (fun _ -> Vector.sparse_of_assoc_list ndet []) else Array.init ndet (fun _ -> Vector.sparse_of_assoc_list ndet []) in let n_det_alfa = Array.length det_alfa in Array.mapi (fun i i_dets -> i, i_dets) det |> Array.to_list |> Stream.of_list |> ~ordered:false ~f:task |> Stream.iter (fun (k, r) -> let shift = index_start.(k) in let det_k = det.(k) in Array.iteri (fun j r_j -> result.(shift+det_k.(j)) <- r_j) r; Printf.eprintf "%8d / %8d\r%!" (k+1) n_det_alfa; ) ; Matrix.sparse_of_vector_array result ) (* Create a matrix using the fact that the determinant space is made of the outer product of spindeterminants. *) let create_matrix_spin f det_space = lazy ( let ndet = Ds.size det_space in let a, b = match Ds.determinants det_space with | Ds.Spin (a,b) -> (a,b) | _ -> assert false in let n_beta = Array.length b in (** Array of (list of singles, list of doubles) in the beta spin *) let degree_bb = (fun det_i -> let deg = det_i in let doubles = Array.mapi (fun i det_j -> let d = deg det_j in if d < 3 then Some (i,d,det_j) else None ) b |> Array.to_list |> Util.list_some in let singles = List.filter (fun (i,d,det_j) -> d < 2) doubles |> (fun (i,_,det_j) -> (i,det_j)) in let doubles = (fun (i,_,det_j) -> (i,det_j)) doubles in (singles, doubles) ) b in let a = Array.to_list a and b = Array.to_list b in let task (i,i_alfa) = let result = Array.init n_beta (fun _ -> []) in (** Update function when ki and kj are connected *) let update i j ki kj = let x = f ki kj in if abs_float x > Constants.epsilon then result.(i) <- (j, x) :: result.(i) ; in let j = ref 1 in let deg_a = i_alfa in List.iter (fun j_alfa -> let degree_a = deg_a j_alfa in begin match degree_a with | 2 -> let i' = ref 0 in List.iteri (fun ib i_beta -> let ki = Determinant.of_spindeterminants i_alfa i_beta in let kj = Determinant.of_spindeterminants j_alfa i_beta in update !i' (ib + !j) ki kj; incr i'; ) b; | 1 -> let i' = ref 0 in List.iteri (fun ib i_beta -> let ki = Determinant.of_spindeterminants i_alfa i_beta in let singles, _ = degree_bb.(ib) in List.iter (fun (j', j_beta) -> let kj = Determinant.of_spindeterminants j_alfa j_beta in update !i' (j' + !j) ki kj ) singles; incr i'; ) b; | 0 -> let i' = ref 0 in List.iteri (fun ib i_beta -> let ki = Determinant.of_spindeterminants i_alfa i_beta in let _singles, doubles = degree_bb.(ib) in List.iter (fun (j', j_beta) -> let kj = Determinant.of_spindeterminants j_alfa j_beta in update !i' (j' + !j) ki kj ) doubles; incr i'; ) b; | _ -> (); end; j := !j + n_beta ) a; let r = (fun l -> List.rev l |> Vector.sparse_of_assoc_list ndet ) result in (i,r) in let result = if Parallel.master then Array.init ndet (fun _ -> Vector.sparse_of_assoc_list ndet []) else Array.init ndet (fun _ -> Vector.sparse_of_assoc_list ndet []) in List.mapi (fun i i_alfa -> i*n_beta, i_alfa) a |> Stream.of_list |> ~ordered:false ~f:task |> Stream.iter (fun (k, r) -> Array.iteri (fun j r_j -> result.(k+j) <- r_j) r; Printf.eprintf "%8d / %8d\r%!" (k+1) ndet; ) ; Matrix.sparse_of_vector_array result ) let make ?(n_states=1) det_space = let mo_basis = Ds.mo_basis det_space in let e_shift = let d0 = Ds.determinant_stream det_space |> in h_ij mo_basis d0 d0 in let m_H = (* While in a sequential region, initiate the parallel 4-idx transformation to avoid nested parallel jobs *) ignore @@ MOBasis.two_e_ints mo_basis; let f = match Ds.determinants det_space with | Ds.Arbitrary _ -> create_matrix_arbitrary | Ds.Spin _ -> create_matrix_spin in f (fun ki kj -> if ki <> kj then h_ij mo_basis ki kj else h_ij mo_basis ki kj -. e_shift ) det_space in let m_S2 = let f = match Ds.determinants det_space with | Ds.Arbitrary _ -> create_matrix_arbitrary | Ds.Spin _ -> create_matrix_spin in f (fun ki kj -> CIMatrixElement.make_s2 ki kj) det_space in let eigensystem = lazy ( let m_H = Lazy.force m_H in let diagonal = Vec.init (Matrix.dim1 m_H) (fun i -> Matrix.get m_H i i) in let matrix_prod psi = ~transa:`T m_H psi in let eigenvectors, eigenvalues = Parallel.broadcast (lazy ( Davidson.make ~threshold:1.e-6 ~n_states diagonal matrix_prod )) in let eigenvalues = (fun x -> x +. e_shift) eigenvalues in eigenvectors, eigenvalues ) in { det_space ; e_shift ; m_H ; m_S2 ; eigensystem ; n_states } let second_order_sum { det_space ; m_H ; m_S2 ; eigensystem ; n_states } list_holes1 list_particles1 ?(unique=true) list_holes2 list_particles2 i_o1_alfa alfa_o2_i w_alfa psi0 = let list_holes1 = Array.of_list list_holes1 and list_holes2 = Array.of_list list_holes2 and list_particles2 = Array.of_list list_particles1 and list_particles1 = Array.of_list list_particles2 in let psi0 = let stream = Ds.determinant_stream det_space in Array.init (Ds.size det_space) (fun i -> ( stream), (Mat.copy_row psi0 (i+1)) ) in let is_internal = let m l = List.fold_left (fun accu i -> let j = i-1 in Z.(logor accu (shift_left one j)) ) l in let mo_class = DeterminantSpace.mo_class det_space in let active_mask = m (MOClass.active_mos mo_class) in let occ_mask = m (MOClass.core_mos mo_class) in let inactive_mask = m (MOClass.inactive_mos mo_class) in let occ_mask = Z.logor occ_mask inactive_mask in let neg_active_mask = Z.lognot active_mask in fun a -> let alfa = Determinant.alfa a |> Spindeterminant.bitstring in if Z.logand neg_active_mask alfa <> occ_mask then false else let beta = Determinant.beta a |> Spindeterminant.bitstring in Z.logand neg_active_mask beta = occ_mask in let symmetric = i_o1_alfa == alfa_o2_i in let det_contribution i = let already_generated = if unique then (fun alfa -> if is_internal alfa then true else let rec aux = function | -1 -> false | j -> (fst psi0.(j)) alfa <= 2 || aux (j-1) in aux (i-1) ) else is_internal in let psi_filtered_idx = let rec aux accu = function | j when j < i -> List.rev accu | j -> if (fst psi0.(i)) (fst psi0.(j)) < 4 then aux (j::accu) (j-1) else aux accu (j-1) in aux [] (Array.length psi0 - 1) in let psi_filtered = (fun i -> psi0.(i)) psi_filtered_idx in let psi_h_alfa alfa = List.fold_left (fun accu (det, coef) -> (* Single state here *) accu +. coef.{1} *. (i_o1_alfa det alfa)) 0. psi_filtered in let alfa_h_psi = if symmetric then psi_h_alfa else fun alfa -> List.fold_left (fun accu (det, coef) -> (* Single state here *) accu +. coef.{1} *. (alfa_o2_i alfa det)) 0. psi_filtered in let psi_h_alfa_alfa_h_psi alfa = if symmetric then let x = psi_h_alfa alfa in x *. x else (psi_h_alfa alfa) *. (alfa_h_psi alfa) in let det_i = fst psi0.(i) in let w_alfa = w_alfa det_i in let same_spin = List.fold_left (fun accu spin -> accu +. Array.fold_left (fun accu particle -> accu +. Array.fold_left (fun accu hole -> if hole = particle then accu else let alfa = Determinant.single_excitation spin hole particle det_i in if Determinant.is_none alfa then accu else let single = if already_generated alfa then 0. else w_alfa alfa *. psi_h_alfa_alfa_h_psi alfa in let double = Array.fold_left (fun accu particle' -> if particle' > particle || particle' = hole then accu else accu +. Array.fold_left (fun accu hole' -> if hole' = particle' || hole' = particle || hole' < hole then accu else let alfa = Determinant.double_excitation spin hole particle spin hole' particle' det_i in if Determinant.is_none alfa || already_generated alfa then accu else accu +. w_alfa alfa *. psi_h_alfa_alfa_h_psi alfa ) 0. list_holes1 ) 0. list_particles1 in accu +. single +. double ) 0. list_holes2 ) 0. list_particles2 ) 0. [ Spin.Alfa ; Spin.Beta ] in let opposite_spin = Array.fold_left (fun accu particle -> accu +. Array.fold_left (fun accu hole -> if hole = particle then accu else let alfa = Determinant.single_excitation Spin.Alfa hole particle det_i in if Determinant.is_none alfa then accu else let double = Array.fold_left (fun accu particle' -> accu +. Array.fold_left (fun accu hole' -> if hole' = particle' then accu else let alfa = Determinant.double_excitation Spin.Alfa hole particle Spin.Beta hole' particle' det_i in if Determinant.is_none alfa || already_generated alfa then accu else accu +. w_alfa alfa *. psi_h_alfa_alfa_h_psi alfa ) 0. list_holes1 ) 0. list_particles1 in accu +. double ) 0. list_holes2 ) 0. list_particles2 in same_spin +. opposite_spin in Util.stream_range 0 (Array.length psi0 - 1) |> ~ordered:true ~f:det_contribution |> Util.stream_to_list let pt2_en ci = let mo_basis = Ds.mo_basis ci.det_space in let psi0, e0 = Parallel.broadcast ci.eigensystem in let i_o1_alfa = h_ij mo_basis in let w_alfa det_i = let one_e, two_e = h_integrals mo_basis in let fock_diag_alfa, fock_diag_beta = Ds.fock_diag ci.det_space det_i in let h_aa alfa = match Excitation.of_det det_i alfa with | Excitation.Double (_, {hole = h ; particle = p ; spin = s }, {hole = h'; particle = p'; spin = s'}) -> let fock_diag1 = if s = Spin.Alfa then fock_diag_alfa else fock_diag_beta in let fock_diag2 = if s' = Spin.Alfa then fock_diag_alfa else fock_diag_beta in fock_diag1.(0) -. fock_diag1.(h) +. (fock_diag1.(p ) -. two_e h p h p s s) -. (fock_diag2.(h') -. two_e h h' h h' s s' +. two_e p h' p h' s s') +. (fock_diag2.(p') -. two_e h p' h p' s s' +. two_e p p' p p' s s' -. two_e h' p' h' p' s' s') | Excitation.Single (_, {hole = h ; particle = p ; spin = s }) -> let fock_diag = if s = Spin.Alfa then fock_diag_alfa else fock_diag_beta in fock_diag.(0) -. fock_diag.(h) +. (fock_diag.(p) -. two_e h p h p s s) |> ignore; h_ij mo_basis alfa alfa | _ -> assert false in let e0 = e0.{1} in fun alfa -> 1. /. (e0 -. h_aa alfa) in let mo_class = mo_class ci in let list_holes = List.concat [ MOClass.inactive_mos mo_class ; MOClass.active_mos mo_class ] and list_particles = List.concat [ MOClass.active_mos mo_class ; MOClass.virtual_mos mo_class ] in second_order_sum ci list_holes list_particles list_holes list_particles i_o1_alfa i_o1_alfa w_alfa psi0 |> List.fold_left (+.) 0. let pt2_mp ci = let mo_basis = Ds.mo_basis ci.det_space in let i_o1_alfa = h_ij mo_basis in let eps = MOBasis.mo_energies mo_basis in let w_alfa det_i alfa= match Excitation.of_det det_i alfa with | Excitation.Single (_, { hole ; particle ; spin })-> 1./.(eps.{hole} -. eps.{particle}) | Excitation.Double (_, { hole=h ; particle=p ; spin=s }, { hole=h'; particle=p'; spin=s'})-> 1./.(eps.{h} +. eps.{h'} -. eps.{p} -. eps.{p'}) | _ -> assert false in let mo_class = mo_class ci in let list_holes = List.concat [ MOClass.inactive_mos mo_class ; MOClass.active_mos mo_class ] and list_particles = List.concat [ MOClass.active_mos mo_class ; MOClass.virtual_mos mo_class ] in let psi0, _ = Parallel.broadcast ci.eigensystem in second_order_sum ci list_holes list_particles list_holes list_particles i_o1_alfa i_o1_alfa w_alfa psi0 |> List.fold_left (+.) 0. let variance ci = let mo_basis = Ds.mo_basis ci.det_space in let i_o1_alfa = h_ij mo_basis in let w_alfa _ _ = 1. in let mo_class = mo_class ci in let list_holes = List.concat [ MOClass.inactive_mos mo_class ; MOClass.active_mos mo_class ] and list_particles = List.concat [ MOClass.active_mos mo_class ; MOClass.virtual_mos mo_class ] in let psi0, _ = Parallel.broadcast ci.eigensystem in second_order_sum ci list_holes list_particles list_holes list_particles i_o1_alfa i_o1_alfa w_alfa psi0 |> List.fold_left (+.) 0.