(* Single-integer implementation *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*Single-integer implementation][Single-integer implementation:1]] *) module One = struct let of_int x = assert (x > 0); x let numbits _ = 63 let zero = 0 let is_zero x = x = 0 let shift_left x i = x lsl i let shift_right x i = x lsr i let shift_left_one i = 1 lsl i let testbit x i = ( (x lsr i) land 1 ) = 1 let logor a b = a lor b let neg a = - a let logxor a b = a lxor b let logand a b = a land b let lognot a = lnot a let minus_one a = a - 1 let plus_one a = a + 1 let popcount = function | 0 -> 0 | r -> Util.popcnt (Int64.of_int r) let trailing_zeros r = Util.trailz (Int64.of_int r) let hamdist a b = a lxor b |> popcount let pp ppf s = Format.fprintf ppf "@[@[%a@]@]" (Util.pp_bitstring 64) (Z.of_int s) end (* Single-integer implementation:1 ends here *) (* Zarith implementation *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*Zarith implementation][Zarith implementation:1]] *) module Many = struct let of_z x = x let zero = Z.zero let is_zero x = x = Z.zero let shift_left = Z.shift_left let shift_right = Z.shift_right let shift_left_one i = Z.shift_left Z.one i let testbit = Z.testbit let logor = Z.logor let logxor = Z.logxor let logand = Z.logand let lognot = Z.lognot let neg = Z.neg let minus_one = Z.pred let plus_one = Z.succ let trailing_zeros = Z.trailing_zeros let hamdist = Z.hamdist let numbits i = max (Z.numbits i) 64 let popcount z = if z = Z.zero then 0 else Z.popcount z let pp ppf s = Format.fprintf ppf "@[@[%a@]@]" (Util.pp_bitstring (Z.numbits s)) s end (* Zarith implementation:1 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*Type][Type:2]] *) type t = | One of int | Many of Z.t (* Type:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~of_int~][~of_int~:2]] *) let of_int x = One (One.of_int x) (* ~of_int~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~of_z~][~of_z~:2]] *) let of_z x = if Z.numbits x < 64 then One (Z.to_int x) else Many (Many.of_z x) (* ~of_z~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~zero~][~zero~:2]] *) let zero = function | n when n < 64 -> One (One.zero) | _ -> Many (Many.zero) (* ~zero~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~numbits~][~numbits~:2]] *) let numbits = function | One x -> One.numbits x | Many x -> Many.numbits x (* ~numbits~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~is_zero~][~is_zero~:2]] *) let is_zero = function | One x -> One.is_zero x | Many x -> Many.is_zero x (* ~is_zero~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~neg~][~neg~:2]] *) let neg = function | One x -> One (One.neg x) | Many x -> Many (Many.neg x) (* ~neg~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~shift_left~][~shift_left~:2]] *) let shift_left x i = match x with | One x -> One (One.shift_left x i) | Many x -> Many (Many.shift_left x i) (* ~shift_left~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~shift_right~][~shift_right~:2]] *) let shift_right x i = match x with | One x -> One (One.shift_right x i) | Many x -> Many (Many.shift_right x i) (* ~shift_right~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~shift_left_one~][~shift_left_one~:2]] *) let shift_left_one = function | n when n < 64 -> fun i -> One (One.shift_left_one i) | _ -> fun i -> Many (Many.shift_left_one i) (* ~shift_left_one~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~testbit~][~testbit~:2]] *) let testbit = function | One x -> One.testbit x | Many x -> Many.testbit x (* ~testbit~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~logor~][~logor~:2]] *) let logor a b = match a,b with | One a, One b -> One (One.logor a b) | Many a, Many b -> Many (Many.logor a b) | _ -> invalid_arg "Bitstring.logor" (* ~logor~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~logxor~][~logxor~:2]] *) let logxor a b = match a,b with | One a, One b -> One (One.logxor a b) | Many a, Many b -> Many (Many.logxor a b) | _ -> invalid_arg "Bitstring.logxor" (* ~logxor~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~logand~][~logand~:2]] *) let logand a b = match a,b with | One a, One b -> One (One.logand a b) | Many a, Many b -> Many (Many.logand a b) | _ -> invalid_arg "Bitstring.logand" (* ~logand~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~lognot~][~lognot~:2]] *) let lognot = function | One x -> One (One.lognot x) | Many x -> Many (Many.lognot x) (* ~lognot~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~minus_one~][~minus_one~:2]] *) let minus_one = function | One x -> One (One.minus_one x) | Many x -> Many (Many.minus_one x) (* ~minus_one~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~plus_one~][~plus_one~:2]] *) let plus_one = function | One x -> One (One.plus_one x) | Many x -> Many (Many.plus_one x) (* ~plus_one~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~trailing_zeros~][~trailing_zeros~:2]] *) let trailing_zeros = function | One x -> One.trailing_zeros x | Many x -> Many.trailing_zeros x (* ~trailing_zeros~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~hamdist~][~hamdist~:2]] *) let hamdist a b = match a, b with | One a, One b -> One.hamdist a b | Many a, Many b -> Many.hamdist a b | _ -> invalid_arg "Bitstring.hamdist" (* ~hamdist~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~popcount~][~popcount~:2]] *) let popcount = function | One x -> One.popcount x | Many x -> Many.popcount x (* ~popcount~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~to_list~][~to_list~:2]] *) let rec to_list ?(accu=[]) = function | t when (is_zero t) -> List.rev accu | t -> let newlist = (trailing_zeros t + 1)::accu in logand t @@ minus_one t |> (to_list [@tailcall]) ~accu:newlist (* ~to_list~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~permutations~][~permutations~:2]] *) let permutations m n = let rec aux k u rest = if k=1 then List.rev (u :: rest) else let t = logor u @@ minus_one u in let t' = plus_one t in let not_t = lognot t in let neg_not_t = neg not_t in let t'' = shift_right (minus_one @@ logand not_t neg_not_t) (trailing_zeros u + 1) in (* let t'' = shift_right (minus_one (logand (lognot t) t')) (trailing_zeros u + 1) in *) (aux [@tailcall]) (k-1) (logor t' t'') (u :: rest) in aux (Util.binom n m) (minus_one (shift_left_one n m)) [] (* ~permutations~:2 ends here *) (* [[file:../bitstring.org::*Printers][Printers:2]] *) let pp ppf = function | One x -> One.pp ppf x | Many x -> Many.pp ppf x (* Printers:2 ends here *)