open Util open Constants type t = { expo : float; (* alpha + beta *) expo_inv : float; (* 1/(alpha + beta) *) center : Coordinate.t; (* P = (alpha * A + beta B)/(alpha+beta) *) center_a : Coordinate.t; (* P - A *) center_ab: Coordinate.t; (* A - B *) norm_sq : float; (* |A-B|^2 *) norm_coef: float; (* norm_coef_a * norm_coef_b *) coef : float; (* norm_coef * coef_a * coef_b * g, with g = (pi/(alpha+beta))^(3/2) exp (-|A-B|^2 * alpha*beta/(alpha+beta)) *) norm_coef_scale : float array; (* norm_coef.(i) / norm_coef.(0) *) i : int; j : int; shell_a : Contracted_shell.t; shell_b : Contracted_shell.t; monocentric : bool } exception Null_contribution let create_array ?cutoff p_a p_b = let cutoff, log_cutoff = match cutoff with | None -> -1., max_float | Some cutoff -> cutoff, -. (log cutoff) in let center_ab = Coordinate.( p_a |- p_b ) in let norm_sq = center_ab center_ab in let norm_coef_scale_a = Contracted_shell.norm_coef_scale p_a and norm_coef_scale_b = Contracted_shell.norm_coef_scale p_b in let norm_coef_scale = (fun v1 -> (fun v2 -> v1 *. v2) norm_coef_scale_b ) norm_coef_scale_a |> Array.to_list |> Array.concat in Array.init (Contracted_shell.size p_a) (fun i -> let p_a_expo_center = Coordinate.( Contracted_shell.expo p_a i |. p_a ) in let norm_coef_a = Contracted_shell.norm_coef p_a i in Array.init (Contracted_shell.size p_b) (fun j -> try let norm_coef_b = Contracted_shell.norm_coef p_b j in let norm_coef = norm_coef_a *. norm_coef_b in if (norm_coef < cutoff) then raise Null_contribution; let p_b_expo_center = Coordinate.( Contracted_shell.expo p_b j |. p_b ) in let expo = Contracted_shell.(expo p_a i +. expo p_b j) in let expo_inv = 1. /. expo in let center = Coordinate.( expo_inv |. (p_a_expo_center |+ p_b_expo_center ) ) in let argexpo = Contracted_shell.(expo p_a i *. expo p_b j) *. norm_sq *. expo_inv in if (argexpo > log_cutoff) then raise Null_contribution; let g = (pi *. expo_inv)**(1.5) *. exp(-. argexpo) in let coef = norm_coef *. Contracted_shell.(coef p_a i *. coef p_b j) *. g in if (abs_float coef < cutoff) then raise Null_contribution; let center_a = Coordinate.(center |- p_a) in let monocentric = p_a = p_b in Some { i ; j ; shell_a=p_a ; shell_b=p_b ; norm_coef ; coef ; expo ; expo_inv ; center ; center_a ; center_ab ; norm_sq ; norm_coef_scale ; monocentric } with | Null_contribution -> None ) ) |> Array.to_list |> Array.concat |> Array.to_list |> List.filter (function Some _ -> true | None -> false) |> (function Some x -> x | None -> assert false) |> Array.of_list let hash a = Hashtbl.hash (a.expo, a.center_a, a.center_ab, a.coef) let cmp a b = hash a - hash b let shell_pairs basis = Array.mapi (fun i shell_a -> (fun shell_b -> create_array shell_a shell_b) (Array.sub basis 0 (i+1)) ) basis let unique_shell_pairs basis = let map = Hashtbl.create 129 in Array.iter (fun spa -> Array.iter (fun value -> let key = hash value in Hashtbl.add map key value) spa) basis; map