#+begin_src elisp tangle: no :results none :exports none (setq pwd (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)) (setq name (file-name-nondirectory (substring buffer-file-name 0 -4))) (setq lib (concat pwd "lib/")) (setq testdir (concat pwd "test/")) (setq mli (concat lib name ".mli")) (setq ml (concat lib name ".ml")) (setq test-ml (concat testdir name ".ml")) (org-babel-tangle) #+end_src * Zkey :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :noweb yes :comments both :END: Encodes the powers of x, y, z in a compact form, suitable for being used as keys in a hash table. Internally, the ~Zkey.t~ is made of two integers, ~left~ and ~right~. The small integers x, y and z are stored compactly in this 126-bits space: #+begin_example Left Right 3 [--------------------------------------------------------------] [------------------|---------------|---------------|---------------] x y z 6 [--------------------------------------------------------------] [---|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|---------] x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 9 [---------------------------------|----------|----------|---------] [---|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|---------] x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x3 y3 z3 12 [---|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|---------] [---|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|---------] x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x3 y3 z3 x4 y4 z4 #+end_example The values of x,y,z should be positive and should not exceed 32767 for ~kind=3~. For all other kinds kinds the values should not exceed 1023. ** Types #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli) type t type kind = | Three of Powers.t | Four of (int * int * int * int) | Six of (Powers.t * Powers.t) | Nine of (Powers.t * Powers.t * Powers.t) | Twelve of (Powers.t * Powers.t * Powers.t * Powers.t) #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none type t = { mutable left : int; mutable right : int; kind : int ; } open Powers type kind = | Three of Powers.t | Four of (int * int * int * int) | Six of (Powers.t * Powers.t) | Nine of (Powers.t * Powers.t * Powers.t) | Twelve of (Powers.t * Powers.t * Powers.t * Powers.t) #+end_src ** Conversions #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli) val of_powers_three : Powers.t -> t val of_powers_six : Powers.t -> Powers.t -> t val of_powers_nine : Powers.t -> Powers.t -> Powers.t -> t val of_powers_twelve : Powers.t -> Powers.t -> Powers.t -> Powers.t -> t val of_powers : kind -> t val of_int_array : int array -> t val of_int_four : int -> int -> int -> int -> t val to_int_array : t -> int array val to_powers : t -> kind val to_string : t -> string #+end_src | ~of_powers_three | Create from a ~Powers.t~ | | ~of_powers_six | Create from two ~Powers.t~ | | ~of_powers_nine | Create from three ~Powers.t~ | | ~of_powers_twelve | Create from four ~Powers.t~ | | ~of_powers | Create using the ~kind~ type | | ~of_int_array | Convert from an ~int~ array | | ~of_int_four | Create from four ~ints~ | | ~to_int_array | Convert to an ~int~ array | | ~to_powers | Convert to an ~Powers.t~ array | | ~to_string | Pretty printing | #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none (** Creates a Zkey. *) let make ~kind right = { left = 0 ; right ; kind } (** Move [right] to [left] and set [right = x] *) let (<|) z x = z.left <- z.right; z.right <- x; z (** Shift left [right] by 10 bits, and add [x]. *) let (<<) z x = z.right <- (z.right lsl 10) lor x ; z (** Shift left [right] by 10 bits, and add [x]. *) let (<+) z x = z.right <- (z.right lsl 15) lor x ; z let of_powers_three { x=a ; y=b ; z=c ; _ } = assert ( let alpha = a lor b lor c in alpha >= 0 && alpha < (1 lsl 15) ); make ~kind:3 a <+ b <+ c let of_int_four i j k l = assert ( let alpha = i lor j lor k lor l in alpha >= 0 && alpha < (1 lsl 15) ); make ~kind:4 i <+ j <+ k <+ l let of_powers_six { x=a ; y=b ; z=c ; _ } { x=d ; y=e ; z=f ; _ } = assert ( let alpha = a lor b lor c lor d lor e lor f in alpha >= 0 && alpha < (1 lsl 10) ); make ~kind:6 a << b << c << d << e << f let of_powers_nine { x=a ; y=b ; z=c ; _ } { x=d ; y=e ; z=f ; _ } { x=g ; y=h ; z=i ; _ } = assert ( let alpha = a lor b lor c lor d lor e lor f lor g lor h lor i in alpha >= 0 && alpha < (1 lsl 10) ); make ~kind:9 a << b << c << d << e << f <| g << h << i let of_powers_twelve { x=a ; y=b ; z=c ; _ } { x=d ; y=e ; z=f ; _ } { x=g ; y=h ; z=i ; _ } { x=j ; y=k ; z=l ; _ } = assert ( let alpha = a lor b lor c lor d lor e lor f lor g lor h lor i lor j lor k lor l in alpha >= 0 && alpha < (1 lsl 10) ); make ~kind:12 a << b << c << d << e << f <| g << h << i << j << k << l let of_powers a = match a with | Three a -> of_powers_three a | Six (a,b) -> of_powers_six a b | Twelve (a,b,c,d) -> of_powers_twelve a b c d | Nine (a,b,c) -> of_powers_nine a b c | _ -> invalid_arg "of_powers" let mask10 = 0x3ff and mask15 = 0x7fff let of_int_array = function | [| a ; b ; c ; d |] -> of_int_four a b c d | _ -> invalid_arg "of_int_array" (** Transform the Zkey into an int array *) let to_int_array { left ; right ; kind } = match kind with | 3 -> [| mask15 land (right lsr 30) ; mask15 land (right lsr 15) ; mask15 land right |] | 4 -> [| mask15 land (right lsr 45) ; mask15 land (right lsr 30) ; mask15 land (right lsr 15) ; mask15 land right |] | 6 -> [| mask10 land (right lsr 50) ; mask10 land (right lsr 40) ; mask10 land (right lsr 30) ; mask10 land (right lsr 20) ; mask10 land (right lsr 10) ; mask10 land right |] | 12 -> [| mask10 land (left lsr 50) ; mask10 land (left lsr 40) ; mask10 land (left lsr 30) ; mask10 land (left lsr 20) ; mask10 land (left lsr 10) ; mask10 land left ; mask10 land (right lsr 50) ; mask10 land (right lsr 40) ; mask10 land (right lsr 30) ; mask10 land (right lsr 20) ; mask10 land (right lsr 10) ; mask10 land right |] | 9 -> [| mask10 land (left lsr 20) ; mask10 land (left lsr 10) ; mask10 land left ; mask10 land (right lsr 50) ; mask10 land (right lsr 40) ; mask10 land (right lsr 30) ; mask10 land (right lsr 20) ; mask10 land (right lsr 10) ; mask10 land right |] | _ -> invalid_arg (__FILE__^": to_int_array") (** Transform the Zkey into an int tuple *) let to_powers { left ; right ; kind } = match kind with | 3 -> Three (Powers.of_int_tuple ( mask15 land (right lsr 30) , mask15 land (right lsr 15) , mask15 land right )) | 6 -> Six (Powers.of_int_tuple ( mask10 land (right lsr 50) , mask10 land (right lsr 40) , mask10 land (right lsr 30)), Powers.of_int_tuple ( mask10 land (right lsr 20) , mask10 land (right lsr 10) , mask10 land right ) ) | 12 -> Twelve (Powers.of_int_tuple ( mask10 land (left lsr 50) , mask10 land (left lsr 40) , mask10 land (left lsr 30)), Powers.of_int_tuple ( mask10 land (left lsr 20) , mask10 land (left lsr 10) , mask10 land left ) , Powers.of_int_tuple ( mask10 land (right lsr 50) , mask10 land (right lsr 40) , mask10 land (right lsr 30)), Powers.of_int_tuple ( mask10 land (right lsr 20) , mask10 land (right lsr 10) , mask10 land right ) ) | 9 -> Nine (Powers.of_int_tuple ( mask10 land (left lsr 20) , mask10 land (left lsr 10) , mask10 land left ) , Powers.of_int_tuple ( mask10 land (right lsr 50) , mask10 land (right lsr 40) , mask10 land (right lsr 30)), Powers.of_int_tuple ( mask10 land (right lsr 20) , mask10 land (right lsr 10) , mask10 land right ) ) | _ -> invalid_arg (__FILE__^": to_powers") #+end_src ** Functions for hash tables #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli) val hash : t -> int val equal : t -> t -> bool val compare : t -> t -> int #+end_src | ~hash~ | Associates a nonnegative integer to any Zkey | | ~equal~ | The equal function. True if two Zkeys are equal | | ~compare~ | Comparison function, used for sorting | #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none let hash = Hashtbl.hash let equal { right = r1 ; left = l1 ; kind = k1 } { right = r2 ; left = l2 ; kind = k2 } = r1 = r2 && l1 = l2 && k1 = k2 let compare { right = r1 ; left = l1 ; kind = k1 } { right = r2 ; left = l2 ; kind = k2 } = if k1 <> k2 then invalid_arg (__FILE__^": cmp"); if r1 < r2 then -1 else if r1 > r2 then 1 else if l1 < l2 then -1 else if l1 > l2 then 1 else 0 let to_string { left ; right ; kind } = "< " ^ string_of_int left ^ string_of_int right ^ " | " ^ ( to_int_array { left ; right ; kind } |> Array.map string_of_int |> Array.to_list |> String.concat ", " ) ^ " >" #+end_src ** Printers #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli) val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none let pp ppf t = Format.fprintf ppf "@[%s@]" (to_string t) #+end_src