open Lacaml.D (** Data structure representing the output of a Hartree-Fock caculation *) type hartree_fock_data type hartree_fock_kind = | RHF (** Restricted Hartree-Fock *) | ROHF (** Restricted Open-shell Hartree-Fock *) | UHF (** Unrestricted Hartree-Fock *) type t val kind : t -> hartree_fock_kind (** Kind of simulation : RHF, ROHF or UHF. *) val simulation : t -> Simulation.t (** Simulation which was used for HF calculation *) val guess : t -> Guess.t (** Initial guess *) val eigenvectors : t -> Mat.t (** Final eigenvectors *) val eigenvalues : t -> Vec.t (** Final eigenvalues *) val occupation : t -> Vec.t (** Diagonal of the density matrix *) val energy : t -> float (** Final energy *) val nuclear_repulsion : t -> float (** Nucleus-Nucleus potential energy *) val kin_energy : t -> float (** Kinetic energy *) val eN_energy : t -> float (** Electron-nucleus potential energy *) val coulomb_energy : t -> float (** Electron-Electron potential energy *) val exchange_energy : t -> float (** Exchange energy *) val nocc : t -> int (** Number of occupied MOs *) val empty: hartree_fock_data (** Empty data *) val make : ?kind:hartree_fock_kind -> ?guess:[ `Hcore | `Huckel | `Matrix of Mat.t ] -> ?max_scf:int -> ?level_shift:float -> ?threshold_SCF:float -> Simulation.t -> t (** {1 Printers} *) val pp_hf : Format.formatter -> t -> unit val pp_iterations : Format.formatter -> t -> unit val pp_summary : Format.formatter -> t -> unit (* val pp_mos : Format.formatter -> t -> unit #*)