(** Long-range electron-electron repulsion integrals. See Eq(52) in 10.1039/b605188j *) open Qcaml_common open Qcaml_gaussian_basis open Qcaml_operators module Csp = Contracted_shell_pair module Cspc = Contracted_shell_pair_couple module T = struct let name = "Long-range electron repulsion integrals" open Zero_m_parameters let zero_m z = let mu_erf = match z.operator with | Some (Operator.Range_sep mu) -> mu | _ -> assert false in let m = mu_erf *. mu_erf in let expo_pq_inv = z.expo_p_inv +. z.expo_q_inv in let fG_inv = expo_pq_inv +. 1. /. m in let fG = 1. /. fG_inv in assert (expo_pq_inv <> 0.); let t = if z.norm_pq_sq > Constants.integrals_cutoff then z.norm_pq_sq *. fG else 0. in let maxm = z.maxm in let result = Util.boys_function ~maxm t in let rec aux accu k = function | 0 -> result.(k) <- result.(k) *. accu | l -> begin result.(k) <- result.(k) *. accu; let new_accu = -. accu *. fG in (aux [@tailcall]) new_accu (k+1) (l-1) end in let f = Constants.two_over_sq_pi *. (sqrt fG) in aux f 0 maxm; result let class_of_contracted_shell_pair_couple ?operator shell_pair_couple = let shell_p = Cspc.shell_pair_p shell_pair_couple and shell_q = Cspc.shell_pair_q shell_pair_couple in if Array.length (Csp.shell_pairs shell_p) + (Array.length (Csp.shell_pairs shell_q)) < 4 then Two_electron_rr.contracted_class_shell_pair_couple ?operator ~zero_m shell_pair_couple else Two_electron_rr_vectorized.contracted_class_shell_pairs ?operator ~zero_m shell_p shell_q end module M = Two_electron_integrals.Make(T) include M