(** Electron repulsion intergals. *) type t (* val filter_atomic_shell_pairs : ?cutoff:float -> AtomicShellPair.t list -> AtomicShellPair.t list (** Uses Schwartz screening on atomic shell pairs. *) *) val filter_contracted_shell_pairs : ?cutoff:float -> ContractedShellPair.t list -> ContractedShellPair.t list (** Uses Schwartz screening on contracted shell pairs. *) val class_of_contracted_shell_pair_couple : ContractedShellPairCouple.t -> float Zmap.t (** Computes all the ERI of the class built from a couple of contracted shell pairs. *) val get_chem : t -> int -> int -> int -> int -> float (** Get an integral using the Chemist's convention { \[ (ij|kl) \] }. *) val get_phys : t -> int -> int -> int -> int -> float (** Get an integral using the Physicist's convention { \[ \langle ij|kl \rangle \] }. *) val of_basis : Basis.t -> t (** Compute all ERI's for a given {!Basis.t}. *) val to_file : ?cutoff:float -> filename:string -> t -> unit (** Write the ERI's to a file, using the Physicist's convention. *)