(** Two electron integrals *) open Common open Linear_algebra open Gaussian open Operators open Constants let cutoff = integrals_cutoff module Bs = Basis module Cs = Contracted_shell module Csp = Contracted_shell_pair module Cspc = Contracted_shell_pair_couple module Fis = Four_idx_storage module type Two_ei_structure = sig val name : string val class_of_contracted_shell_pair_couple : ?operator:Operator.t -> Cspc.t -> float Zmap.t end module Make(T : Two_ei_structure) = struct include Four_idx_storage type t = Basis.t Four_idx_storage.t let class_of_contracted_shell_pair_couple = T.class_of_contracted_shell_pair_couple let store_class ?(cutoff=integrals_cutoff) data contracted_shell_pair_couple cls = let to_powers x = let open Zkey in match to_powers x with | Three x -> x | _ -> assert false in let shell_p = Cspc.shell_pair_p contracted_shell_pair_couple and shell_q = Cspc.shell_pair_q contracted_shell_pair_couple in let expand i_c powers_i shell = ( Cs.index shell + i_c + 1, to_powers powers_i) in let l1 = Array.mapi (fun i x -> expand i x (Csp.shell_a shell_p)) (Cs.zkey_array (Csp.shell_a shell_p)) in let l2 = Array.mapi (fun i x -> expand i x (Csp.shell_b shell_p)) (Cs.zkey_array (Csp.shell_b shell_p)) in let l3 = Array.mapi (fun i x -> expand i x (Csp.shell_a shell_q)) (Cs.zkey_array (Csp.shell_a shell_q)) in let l4 = Array.mapi (fun i x -> expand i x (Csp.shell_b shell_q)) (Cs.zkey_array (Csp.shell_b shell_q)) in Array.iter (fun (l_c,xl) -> Array.iter (fun (k_c,xk) -> Array.iter (fun (j_c,xj) -> Array.iter (fun (i_c,xi) -> let key = Zkey.of_powers_twelve xi xj xk xl in let value = Zmap.find cls key in if abs_float value > cutoff then set_chem data i_c j_c k_c l_c value ) l1 ) l2 ) l3 ) l4 let of_basis ?operator basis = let n = Bs.size basis and shell = Bs.contracted_shells basis in let eri_array = Fis.create ~size:n `Dense (* Fis.create ~size:n `Sparse *) in let t0 = Unix.gettimeofday () in let shell_pairs = Csp.of_contracted_shell_array shell |> Array.of_list in Printf.printf "%d significant shell pairs computed in %f seconds\n" (Array.length shell_pairs) (Unix.gettimeofday () -. t0); let t0 = Unix.gettimeofday () in let f shell_p = let sp = Csp.shell_pairs shell_p in try Array.iter (fun shell_q -> let () = if Cs.index (Csp.shell_a shell_q) > Cs.index (Csp.shell_a shell_p) then raise Exit in let sq = Csp.shell_pairs shell_q in let cspc = if Array.length sp < Array.length sq then Cspc.make ~cutoff shell_p shell_q else Cspc.make ~cutoff shell_q shell_p in match cspc with | Some cspc -> let cls = class_of_contracted_shell_pair_couple ?operator cspc in store_class ~cutoff eri_array cspc cls | None -> () ) shell_pairs; with Exit -> () in let pool = Domainslib.Task.setup_pool ~num_domains:Qcaml.num_domains () in let _ = Domainslib.Task.run pool (fun _ -> let n = Array.length shell_pairs in let i_prev = ref 0 in shell_pairs |> Array.map (fun sp -> Domainslib.Task.async pool (fun _ -> f sp) ) |> Array.iteri (fun i task -> let i = ((10 * i+1)/n) in if !i_prev <> i then ( i_prev := i; Printf.printf "%3d %%\n%!" (i*10) ); ignore (Domainslib.Task.await pool task)) ) in Domainslib.Task.teardown_pool pool; Printf.printf "Computed %s Integrals in %f seconds\n%!" T.name (Unix.gettimeofday () -. t0); eri_array end