let out_file : string option ref = ref None let basis_file : string option ref = ref None let nuclei_file : string option ref = ref None let charge : int ref = ref 0 let multiplicity: int ref = ref 1 let speclist = [ ( "-b" , Arg.String (fun x -> basis_file := Some x), "File containing the atomic basis set") ; ( "-c" , Arg.String (fun x -> nuclei_file := Some x), "File containing the nuclear coordinates") ; ( "-o" , Arg.String (fun x -> out_file := Some x) , "Output file") ; ( "-charge" , Arg.Int (fun x -> charge := x), "Charge of the system") ; ( "-mult" , Arg.Int (fun x -> multiplicity := x), "Spin multiplicity of the system") ; ] let run ~out = (* let gc = Gc.get () in Gc.set { gc with minor_heap_size=(262144 / 16) }; *) let basis_file = match !basis_file with | None -> raise (Invalid_argument "Basis set file should be specified with -b") | Some x -> x and nuclei_file = match !nuclei_file with | None -> raise (Invalid_argument "Basis set file should be specified with -c") | Some x -> x and charge = !charge and multiplicity = !multiplicity in let s = Simulation.of_filenames ~charge ~multiplicity ~nuclei:nuclei_file basis_file in let _ = HartreeFock.make s in Printf.printf "Done.\n%!"; () let () = let usage_msg = "Available options:" in Arg.parse speclist (fun _ -> ()) usage_msg; run ~out:!out_file