open Common type t = { coefs_and_shell_pair_couples : (float * Primitive_shell_pair_couple.t) list ; shell_pair_p: Contracted_shell_pair.t ; shell_pair_q: Contracted_shell_pair.t ; shell_a : Contracted_shell.t ; shell_b : Contracted_shell.t ; shell_c : Contracted_shell.t ; shell_d : Contracted_shell.t ; ang_mom : Angular_momentum.t ; } module Am = Angular_momentum module Co = Coordinate module Cs = Contracted_shell module Csp = Contracted_shell_pair module Pspc = Primitive_shell_pair_couple let make ?(cutoff=Constants.epsilon) shell_pair_p shell_pair_q = let ang_mom = Am.(Csp.ang_mom shell_pair_p + Csp.ang_mom shell_pair_q) in let shell_a = Csp.shell_a shell_pair_p and shell_b = Csp.shell_b shell_pair_p and shell_c = Csp.shell_a shell_pair_q and shell_d = Csp.shell_b shell_pair_q in let cutoff = 1.e-3 *. cutoff in let coefs_and_shell_pair_couples = List.concat_map (fun (c_ab, sp_ab) -> (fun (c_cd, sp_cd) -> let coef_prod = c_ab *. c_cd in if abs_float coef_prod < cutoff then None else Some (coef_prod, Pspc.make sp_ab sp_cd) ) (Csp.coefs_and_shell_pairs shell_pair_q) ) (Csp.coefs_and_shell_pairs shell_pair_p) |> Util.list_some in match coefs_and_shell_pair_couples with | [] -> None | _ -> Some { shell_pair_p ; shell_pair_q ; ang_mom ; shell_a ; shell_b ; shell_c ; shell_d ; coefs_and_shell_pair_couples ; } let coefs_and_shell_pair_couples t = t.coefs_and_shell_pair_couples let monocentric t = Csp.monocentric t.shell_pair_p && Csp.monocentric t.shell_pair_q && (Csp.shell_a t.shell_pair_p) = (Csp.shell_a t.shell_pair_q) let ang_mom t = t.ang_mom let shell_pair_p t = t.shell_pair_p let shell_pair_q t = t.shell_pair_q let shell_a t = t.shell_a let shell_b t = t.shell_b let shell_c t = t.shell_c let shell_d t = t.shell_d let zkey_array t = match t.coefs_and_shell_pair_couples with | (_,f)::_ -> Pspc.zkey_array f | _ -> invalid_arg "ContractedShellPairCouple.zkey_array" let norm_scales t = match t.coefs_and_shell_pair_couples with | (_,f)::_ -> Pspc.norm_scales f | _ -> invalid_arg "ContractedShellPairCouple.norm_scales"