% Documentation % ------------- % % \up : up electron (black) % \upr : up electron (red) % \dn : down electron (black) % \dnr : down electron (red) % \updn : up electron (black), down electron (black) % \updnrr : up electron (red ), down electron (red ) % \updnrb : up electron (red ), down electron (black) % \updnbr : up electron (black), down electron (red ) % \emp : empty orbital % \cabs{ } : CABS space inside % % Example % ------- % % \input{Electrons.tikz} % % \cabs{ % \emp{0.}{2.0} % \emp{0.}{1.5} % } % \emp{0.}{1.0} % \updnrb{0.}{0.5} % \updn{0.}{0.} % % Electron symbol \newcommand{\upel}{$\uparrow$} \newcommand{\dnel}{$\downarrow$} % Colors \newcommand{\cabs}[1]{ { \color{lightgray}{#1} } } \newcommand{\obs}[1]{ { \color{black}{#1} } } \newcommand{\exca}[1]{ { \color{red}{#1} } } \newcommand{\excb}[1]{ { \color{Cyan}{#1} } } \newcommand{\excc}[1]{ { \color{Green}{#1} } } \newcommand{\noexc}[1]{{ \color{black}{#1} } } % Spacing between the 3 diagrams \newcommand{\XI}{-1.} \newcommand{\XA}{0.} \newcommand{\XJ}{1.} % Up electron \newcommand{\up}[2]{ \draw [-,thick] (-0.2+#1,#2) -- (0.2+#1,#2); \node at (#1-0.1,#2) {\noexc{\upel}}; } \newcommand{\upa}[2]{ \draw [-,thick] (-0.2+#1,#2) -- (0.2+#1,#2); \node at (#1-0.1,#2) {\exca{\upel}}; } \newcommand{\upb}[2]{ \draw [-,thick] (-0.2+#1,#2) -- (0.2+#1,#2); \node at (#1-0.1,#2) {\excb{\upel}}; } \newcommand{\upc}[2]{ \draw [-,thick] (-0.2+#1,#2) -- (0.2+#1,#2); \node at (#1-0.1,#2) {\excc{\upel}}; } % Down electron \newcommand{\dn}[2]{ \draw [-,thick] (-0.2+#1,#2) -- (0.2+#1,#2); \node at (#1+0.1,#2) {\noexc{\dnel}}; } \newcommand{\dna}[2]{ \draw [-,thick] (-0.2+#1,#2) -- (0.2+#1,#2); \node at (#1+0.1,#2) {\exca{\dnel}}; } \newcommand{\dnb}[2]{ \draw [-,thick] (-0.2+#1,#2) -- (0.2+#1,#2); \node at (#1+0.1,#2) {\excb{\dnel}}; } \newcommand{\dnc}[2]{ \draw [-,thick] (-0.2+#1,#2) -- (0.2+#1,#2); \node at (#1+0.1,#2) {\excc{\dnel}}; } % Up and Down electrons \newcommand{\updn}[2]{ \draw [-,thick] (-0.2+#1,#2) -- (0.2+#1,#2); \node at (#1+0.1,#2) {\noexc{\dnel}}; \node at (#1-0.1,#2) {\noexc{\upel}}; } \newcommand{\updnab}[2]{ \draw [-,thick] (-0.2+#1,#2) -- (0.2+#1,#2); \node at (#1+0.1,#2) {\excb{\dnel}}; \node at (#1-0.1,#2) {\exca{\upel}}; } \newcommand{\updncb}[2]{ \draw [-,thick] (-0.2+#1,#2) -- (0.2+#1,#2); \node at (#1+0.1,#2) {\excb{\dnel}}; \node at (#1-0.1,#2) {\excc{\upel}}; } \newcommand{\updna}[2]{ \draw [-,thick] (-0.2+#1,#2) -- (0.2+#1,#2); \node at (#1+0.1,#2) {\noexc{\dnel}}; \node at (#1-0.1,#2) {\exca{\upel}}; } \newcommand{\updnb}[2]{ \draw [-,thick] (-0.2+#1,#2) -- (0.2+#1,#2); \node at (#1-0.1,#2) {\noexc{\upel}}; \node at (#1+0.1,#2) {\excb{\dnel}}; } \newcommand{\updnc}[2]{ \draw [-,thick] (-0.2+#1,#2) -- (0.2+#1,#2); \node at (#1+0.1,#2) {\noexc{\dnel}}; \node at (#1-0.1,#2) {\excc{\upel}}; } % Empty orbital \newcommand{\emp}[2]{ \draw [-,thick] (-0.2+#1,#2) -- (0.2+#1,#2); } % Determinant label \node at (\XI,-0.7) {$\ket{I}$}; \node at (\XA,-0.7) {$\ket{\alpha}$}; \node at (\XJ,-0.7) {$\ket{J}$}; \newcommand{\XX}{0.}