open Linear_algebra open Common type ao = Ao.Ao_dim.t type t = { fock : (ao,ao) Matrix.t ; core : (ao,ao) Matrix.t ; coulomb : (ao,ao) Matrix.t ; exchange : (ao,ao) Matrix.t ; } let fock t = t.fock let core t = t.core let coulomb t = t.coulomb let exchange t = let make_rhf ~density ?(threshold=Constants.epsilon) ao_basis = let m_P = density and m_T = Ao.Basis.kin_ints ao_basis and m_V = Ao.Basis.eN_ints ao_basis and m_G = Ao.Basis.ee_ints ao_basis in let nBas = Matrix.dim1 m_T in let m_Hc = Matrix.add m_T m_V and m_J = Array.make_matrix nBas nBas 0. and m_K = Array.make_matrix nBas nBas 0. in for sigma = 1 to nBas do let m_Ksigma = m_K.(sigma-1) in for nu = 1 to nBas do let m_Jnu = m_J.(nu-1) in for lambda = 1 to nBas do let pJ = m_P%:(lambda,sigma) and pK = 0.5 *. (m_P%:(lambda,nu)) in match (abs_float pJ > threshold , abs_float pK > threshold, nu < sigma) with | (false, false, _) -> () | (true , true , true) -> begin for mu = 1 to nu do let integral = Four_idx_storage.get_phys m_G mu lambda nu sigma in if (integral <> 0.) then begin m_Jnu.(mu-1) <- m_Jnu.(mu-1) +. pJ *. integral; m_Ksigma.(mu-1) <- m_Ksigma.(mu-1) +. pK *. integral end done; for mu = nu+1 to sigma do m_Ksigma.(mu-1) <- m_Ksigma.(mu-1) +. pK *. Four_idx_storage.get_phys m_G mu lambda nu sigma done end | (true , true , false) -> begin for mu = 1 to sigma do let integral = Four_idx_storage.get_phys m_G mu lambda nu sigma in if (integral <> 0.) then begin m_Jnu.(mu-1) <- m_Jnu.(mu-1) +. pJ *. integral; m_Ksigma.(mu-1) <- m_Ksigma.(mu-1) +. pK *. integral end done; for mu = sigma+1 to nu do m_Jnu.(mu-1) <- m_Jnu.(mu-1) +. pJ *. Four_idx_storage.get_phys m_G mu lambda nu sigma done end | (false, true , _) -> for mu = 1 to sigma do m_Ksigma.(mu-1) <- m_Ksigma.(mu-1) +. pK *. Four_idx_storage.get_phys m_G mu lambda nu sigma done | (true , false, _) -> for mu = 1 to nu do m_Jnu.(mu-1) <- m_Jnu.(mu-1) +. pJ *. Four_idx_storage.get_phys m_G mu lambda nu sigma done done done; for mu = 1 to sigma-1 do m_K.(mu-1).(sigma-1) <- m_Ksigma.(mu-1); done done; for nu = 1 to nBas do let m_Jnu = m_J.(nu-1) in for mu = 1 to nu-1 do m_J.(mu-1).(nu-1) <- m_Jnu.(mu-1) done done; let m_J = Matrix.of_array m_J and m_K = Matrix.of_array m_K in { fock = Matrix.add m_Hc (Matrix.sub m_J m_K) ; core = m_Hc ; coulomb = m_J ; exchange = m_K } let make_uhf ~density_same ~density_other ?(threshold=Constants.epsilon) ao_basis = let m_P_a = density_same and m_P_b = density_other and m_T = Ao.Basis.kin_ints ao_basis and m_V = Ao.Basis.eN_ints ao_basis and m_G = Ao.Basis.ee_ints ao_basis in let nBas = Matrix.dim1 m_T in let m_Hc = Matrix.add m_T m_V and m_J = Array.make_matrix nBas nBas 0. and m_K = Array.make_matrix nBas nBas 0. in for sigma = 1 to nBas do let m_Ksigma = m_K.(sigma-1) in for nu = 1 to nBas do let m_Jnu = m_J.(nu-1) in for lambda = 1 to nBas do let pJ = m_P_a%:(lambda,sigma) +. m_P_b%:(lambda,sigma) and pK = m_P_a%:(lambda,nu) in match (abs_float pJ > threshold , abs_float pK > threshold, nu < sigma) with | (false, false, _) -> () | (true , true , true) -> begin for mu = 1 to nu do let integral = Four_idx_storage.get_phys m_G mu lambda nu sigma in if (integral <> 0.) then begin m_Jnu.(mu-1) <- m_Jnu.(mu-1) +. pJ *. integral; m_Ksigma.(mu-1) <- m_Ksigma.(mu-1) +. pK *. integral end done; for mu = nu+1 to sigma do m_Ksigma.(mu-1) <- m_Ksigma.(mu-1) +. pK *.Four_idx_storage.get_phys m_G mu lambda nu sigma done end | (true , true , false) -> begin for mu = 1 to sigma do let integral = Four_idx_storage.get_phys m_G mu lambda nu sigma in if (integral <> 0.) then begin m_Jnu.(mu-1) <- m_Jnu.(mu-1) +. pJ *. integral; m_Ksigma.(mu-1) <- m_Ksigma.(mu-1) +. pK *. integral end done; for mu = sigma+1 to nu do m_Jnu.(mu-1) <- m_Jnu.(mu-1) +. pJ *. Four_idx_storage.get_phys m_G mu lambda nu sigma done end | (false, true , _) -> for mu = 1 to sigma do m_Ksigma.(mu-1) <- m_Ksigma.(mu-1) +. pK *. Four_idx_storage.get_phys m_G mu lambda nu sigma done | (true , false, _) -> for mu = 1 to nu do m_Jnu.(mu-1) <- m_Jnu.(mu-1) +. pJ *. Four_idx_storage.get_phys m_G mu lambda nu sigma done done done; for mu = 1 to sigma-1 do m_K.(mu-1).(sigma-1) <- m_Ksigma.(mu-1); done done; for nu = 1 to nBas do let m_Jnu = m_J.(nu-1) in for mu = 1 to nu-1 do m_J.(mu-1).(nu-1) <- m_Jnu.(mu-1) done done; let m_J = Matrix.of_array m_J and m_K = Matrix.of_array m_K in { fock = Matrix.add m_Hc (Matrix.sub m_J m_K) ; core = m_Hc ; coulomb = m_J ; exchange = m_K } let op ~f f1 f2 = assert (f1.core = f2.core); let m_Hc = f1.core and m_J = f f1.coulomb f2.coulomb and m_K = f in { fock = Matrix.add m_Hc (Matrix.sub m_J m_K); core = m_Hc; coulomb = m_J; exchange = m_K; } let add = op ~f:(fun a b -> Matrix.add a b) let sub = op ~f:(fun a b -> Matrix.sub a b) let scale alpha f1 = let m_Hc = f1.core and m_J = Matrix.copy f1.coulomb and m_K = Matrix.copy in Matrix.scale_inplace alpha m_J; Matrix.scale_inplace alpha m_K; { fock = Matrix.add m_Hc (Matrix.sub m_J m_K); core = m_Hc; coulomb = m_J; exchange = m_K; } let pp ppf a = Format.fprintf ppf "@[<2>"; Format.fprintf ppf "@[ Fock matrix:@[<2>@[%a@]@.]@]" Matrix.pp a.fock; Format.fprintf ppf "@[ Core Hamiltonian:@[<2>@[%a@]@.]@]" Matrix.pp a.core; Format.fprintf ppf "@[ Coulomb matrix:@[<2>@[%a@]@.]@]" Matrix.pp a.coulomb; Format.fprintf ppf "@[ Exchange matrix:@[<2>@[%a@]@.]@]" Matrix.pp; Format.fprintf ppf "@]"