(** Multipole atomic integrals: {% $$ \langle \chi_i | x | \chi_j \rangle $$ %} {% $$ \langle \chi_i | y | \chi_j \rangle $$ %} {% $$ \langle \chi_i | z | \chi_j \rangle $$ %} {% $$ \langle \chi_i | x^2 | \chi_j \rangle $$ %} {% $$ \langle \chi_i | y^2 | \chi_j \rangle $$ %} {% $$ \langle \chi_i | z^2 | \chi_j \rangle $$ %} *) open Linear_algebra open Gaussian type t = (Basis.t, Basis.t) Matrix.t array val matrix : t -> string -> (Basis.t, Basis.t) Matrix.t (** Returns the requested matrix. Choices: [x, y, z, x2, xy, yz, xz, y2, z2, z3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4] *) val of_basis : Basis.t -> t val to_file : filename:string -> (Basis.t, Basis.t) Matrix.t -> unit (** Write a matrix to a file *)