(* [[file:~/QCaml/gaussian/atomic_shell.org::*Type][Type:2]] *) open Common type t = { expo : float array array; coef : float array array; norm_coef : float array array; norm_coef_scale : float array; contr : Contracted_shell.t array; index : int; center : Coordinate.t; ang_mom : Angular_momentum.t; } module Am = Angular_momentum module Co = Coordinate module Cs = Contracted_shell (* Type:2 ends here *) (* | ~ang_mom~ | Total angular momentum : $l = n_x + n_y + n_z$. | * | ~center~ | Coordinate of the center $\mathbf{A} = (X_A,Y_A,Z_A)$. | * | ~coefficients~ | Array of contraction coefficients $d_{ij}$. The first index is the index of the contracted function, and the second index is the index of the primitive. | * | ~contracted_shells:~ | Array of contracted gaussians | * | ~exponents~ | Array of exponents $\alpha_{ij}$. The first index is the index of the contracted function, and the second index is the index of the primitive. | * | ~index~ | Index in the basis set, represented as an array of contracted shells. | * | ~normalizations~ | Normalization coefficients $\mathcal{N}_{ij}$. The first index is the index of the contracted function, and the second index is the index of the primitive. | * | ~norm_scales~ | Scaling factors $f(n_x,n_y,n_z)$, given in the same order as ~Angular_momentum.zkey_array ang_mom~. | * | ~size~ | Number of contracted functions, $n$ in the definition. | * | ~size_of_shell~ | Number of contracted functions in the shell: length of ~norm_coef_scale~. | * * #+begin_example * * #+end_example *) (* [[file:~/QCaml/gaussian/atomic_shell.org::*Access][Access:2]] *) let ang_mom t = t.ang_mom let center t = t.center let coefficients t = t.coef let contracted_shells t = t.contr let exponents t = t.expo let index t = t.index let normalizations t = t.norm_coef let norm_scales t = t.norm_coef_scale let size_of_shell t = Array.length t.norm_coef_scale let size t = Array.length t.contr (* Access:2 ends here *) (* | ~make~ | Creates a contracted shell from a list of coefficients and primitives. | * | ~with_index~ | Returns a copy of the contracted shell with a modified index. | *) (* [[file:~/QCaml/gaussian/atomic_shell.org::*Creation][Creation:2]] *) let make ?(index=0) contr = assert (Array.length contr > 0); let coef = Array.map Cs.coefficients contr and expo = Array.map Cs.exponents contr in let center = Cs.center contr.(0) in let rec unique_center = function | 0 -> true | i -> if Cs.center contr.(i) = center then (unique_center [@tailcall]) (i-1) else false in if not (unique_center (Array.length contr - 1)) then invalid_arg "ContractedAtomicShell.make Coordinate.t differ"; let ang_mom = Cs.ang_mom contr.(0) in let rec unique_angmom = function | 0 -> true | i -> if Cs.ang_mom contr.(i) = ang_mom then (unique_angmom [@tailcall]) (i-1) else false in if not (unique_angmom (Array.length contr - 1)) then invalid_arg "Contracted_shell.make: Angular_momentum.t differ"; let norm_coef = Array.map Cs.normalizations contr in let norm_coef_scale = Cs.norm_scales contr.(0) in { index ; expo ; coef ; center ; ang_mom ; norm_coef ; norm_coef_scale ; contr } let with_index a i = { a with index = i } (* Creation:2 ends here *) (* [[file:~/QCaml/gaussian/atomic_shell.org::*Printers][Printers:2]] *) let pp ppf s = let open Format in fprintf ppf "@[%3d-%-3d@]" (s.index+1) (s.index+ (size_of_shell s)*(size s)); fprintf ppf "@[%a@ %a@] @[" Am.pp_string s.ang_mom Co.pp s.center; Array.iter2 (fun e_arr c_arr -> fprintf ppf "@["; Array.iter2 (fun e c -> fprintf ppf "@[%16.8e %16.8e@]@;" e c) e_arr c_arr; fprintf ppf "@;@]") s.expo s.coef; fprintf ppf "@]" (* Printers:2 ends here *)